View Full Version : 30 Day - Reallocation and Training
06-28-2010, 10:31 AM
Coming up on the end of my 30 day period in Shattered. I'm a dwarf and I'll be between 29-32 by the time I need to reallocate. Any suggestions on stat allocation and training path? I'm currently using two handers and think I'm going to stick with that. But, I've considered polearms as well (lance). Since I'm a dwarf, the RT may not be doable (especially after I reallocate and my AGI/DEX isn't loaded).
06-28-2010, 10:40 AM
Coming up on the end of my 30 day period in Shattered. I'm a dwarf and I'll be between 29-32 by the time I need to reallocate. Any suggestions on stat allocation and training path? I'm currently using two handers and think I'm going to stick with that. But, I've considered polearms as well (lance). Since I'm a dwarf, the RT may not be doable (especially after I reallocate and my AGI/DEX isn't loaded).
Post up those stats and skills and let's get to work on this shit.
06-28-2010, 11:52 AM
I'll post the stats/skills I have now when I get home, but I'm not sure they matter - I'm going to reallocate all stats and may fully retrain the character before my 30 day free migration is up. Was looking for some suggestions on where the place stats for a ~30th level dwarf paladin.
As an FYI, Fun/Power now and in the near future is top priority. Maxing stats at cap does matter, but I'm not willing to hamstring my character to do this. My bounty script is getting good, so I should have enough pts to get a potion to fixstat if needed.
06-28-2010, 06:36 PM
Looking for opinions on stat placement and the training path outlined below (copy and paste from another post). Two handed user looking to get into plate quickly (won't go 3x though unless I have spare TPs - unlikely):
You're going to find out that if you want to meet the important thresholds earlier (like pre-70) you are going to have to sacrifice some of the fluffy stuff in order to do it. Paladins are extremely tight on points early on.
I would suggest 0 MIU/AS unless you plan on hunting in spellburst areas or need haste imbeds. Spend the points on things that matter more like armor use, cm, 1600s,etc.
The most important thresholds to hit in my opinion (outside of the obvious training requirements like 2x weapon, 1x+ cm, etc) first are:
1625 for sanctify
150 armor for FP
1635 for beseech
25 religion lore
120 for lesser shroud
Everything else is really secondary/rp/preference. I had full plate, 1635, 120, over 1x cm, 2x pt, 2x thw, enough climb/swim/percep/25religion/11summoning/1xhp/etc at 57 because I didn't spend points on things that weren't critical to my paladin. If you want to take it slow and train all the ancillary skills you can, just realize it will push out things like FP.
The things I consider vital to a paladin, in order of importance.
1635 (at level 35)
150 armor ranks (2x until, or 3x if you have a really nice set of FP waiting)
1x+ CM
1x+ PF
25 Religion lore
120 by level 60 (which is only useful self-cast)
06-28-2010, 08:27 PM
Do you have access to outside spells on a regular basis?
06-28-2010, 09:13 PM
Don't want to depend on outside spells if I can help it.
06-28-2010, 09:27 PM
Here's what I've come up with so far for stats and training. Trying to .5x dodging - is it worth it? Kept INT on the high side to help with dodge/evade - is it worth it? How about the low AUR stat? I'll have a few spare points for sprinkling in things like climbing, swimming, perception, etc.
CON 70
STR 91
DEX 82
AGL 90
DIS 51
AUR 21
LOG 70
INT 69
WIS 95
INF 21
Armor 2x
Dodge .5x
CM 1x
Two Handers 2x
MoC 0x
Physical Training 2x
Spells 1x
Harness Power 1x
Spiritual Lore .5x
06-28-2010, 09:34 PM
Don't want to depend on outside spells if I can help it.
Not so much now, but later on it will become increasingly a pain in the ass to do that if you're only 1x in Dodge without 1) nice armor and/or 2) outside spells. If you roll into Nelemar self-spelled and 1x Dodge as a THW user, they will be able to hit you square in the dick in full defensive.
You core is still going to be...
2x THW
2x Armor
1x+ CMAN
1x+ PF
1x+ Dodge
1x HP
25 Religion
1635 @ Level 35
120 somewhere around 75
Any spare points I would put into Dodge first, then PF, and finally CMAN.
Here's what I've come up with so far for stats and training. Trying to .5x dodging - is it worth it?
At .5x Dodge, you're just asking to die. Horribly. Not only will you lack raw DS, but as you climb through the AsGs you will effectively eliminate your ability to dodge as well.
06-28-2010, 10:24 PM
How's this look:
Armor 2x
Dodge 1.5x
CM 1+ (probably an extra rank every 4-5 levels)
Two Handers 2x
Physical Training 1x
Spells 1x
Harness Power 1x
Spiritual Lore .5x
Extra TPs will be put towards dodge/CM with spare being put into MoC, climb, etc. I do like the idea of more CM so I can get more CMAN pts, but understand that if I don't have dodge I'm going to be in trouble.
This plan puts me in MBP by 40. At that point I could think about doing more with armor to get into plate quicker.
What'd you think of the stat placement?
06-28-2010, 10:46 PM
I don't have a spreadsheet, but that looks like more than you'll be able to pull off. Just remember to get the core skills, and try to beef up your DS through Dodge and PT as much as possible. Having lots of CMAN and spells is pimp, but in terms of survivability, you can get by with less of those. Especially with the advent of CDef and our spells being weighted.
I'm not a big stat cruncher, so if you're happy with them keep them. If not, like you said, just use a fixstat later on.
06-28-2010, 11:16 PM
Assuming I can get a fixstat later on (near cap), is there any harm in dumping 20s into INF and AUR now? Other than TPs, does it have a major effect on skills - looked on krakiipedia and looks like it shouldn't impact a paladin all that much.
Gladrelton Enetho
06-28-2010, 11:19 PM
INF and AURA yeah, ya can tank them, aura? not too much, somewhere around 30-40. INF? yeah tank it to 20, it's not really useful.
not much effect
06-28-2010, 11:22 PM
How's this look:
Armor 2x
Dodge 1.5x
CM 1+ (probably an extra rank every 4-5 levels)
Two Handers 2x
Physical Training 1x
Spells 1x
Harness Power 1x
Spiritual Lore .5x
I personally would drop dodge down to 1x and go for 1.5x+ PT, granted I generally hunt expecting to get hurt. I'd rather boost my redux (and get it sooner) and maneuver defending. Over 1x in dodge is something I would save till I'm done with my extra skills (climb/swim/lores) or after capping.
06-28-2010, 11:23 PM
Thanks - what'd you think of the stat placement? Any concerns?
06-28-2010, 11:57 PM
IMO, keeping your Dodge at 1x is a serious mistake given the situation.
Given the nature of Shattered, I think it's fair to say you will see places like Nelemar sooner rather than later; might as well train for it. And like I said earlier, if you roll around Nelemar self-spelled with 1x Dodge, they are going to rape you on a regular basis.
You won't achieve 2x, but IMO all your extra points need to be dumped into Dodge first, then PF. Everything after that is luxury, not necessity.
06-29-2010, 12:06 AM
CON 70
STR 91
DEX 82
AGL 90
DIS 51
AUR 21
LOG 70
INT 69
WIS 95
INF 21
Starting Health: 16
Starting Mana: 11
Starting Stamina: 43
Starting Spirit: 2
PTP: 48
MTP: 44
Training advice that's already been given is good.
However, I wanted to highlight the fact that you do NOT need your strength so freaking high from the beginning. As one of the main stats for a paladin, it's going to grow like a mofo... according to Tsoran's spreadsheet, it's going to go up every other level, which means if you stick a 70 in there (for a bonus of 20), it'll reach 100 at 60. Dropping STR down to 70 gives you 21 points to put into AUR, which I'd highly suggest. Also, that one extra point in INF doesn't make damn of a difference, might as well put it into AUR too. You could also drop WIS down a bit, as it's the other main stat for paladins... however, it doesn't grow quite as fast as STR does, every third level, which means if you put it down to 88, it'd get to 100 at level 36.
What I'm looking at on Tsoran's spreadsheet is:
Level 0
STR - 70 (100 @ level 60)
CON - 70 (100 @ level 69)
DEX - 82 (100 @ level 85)
AGL - 90 (100 @ level 60)
DIS - 51
AUR - 50
LOG - 70
INT - 69
WIS - 88 (100 @ level 36)
INF - 20
Starting Health: 14
Starting Mana: 9
Starting Stamina: 40
Starting Spirit: 5
PTP: 46
MTP: 44
06-29-2010, 12:17 AM
A good bounty script? Sounds interesting...
06-29-2010, 06:23 AM
Thanks for the feedback. What's the significance of AUR for a paladin? If I start with close to the stats I mentioned I end up with 48/44 ptp/mtp. Does AUR impact skills and abilities for a paladin? Having the STR/WIS so high from the beginning ends up producing more TPs overall (due to the 2x main stat in the TP formula). Tried dropping WIS/STR down and each time it produces less overall TPs.
Gladrelton Enetho
06-29-2010, 09:24 AM
nah, paladins are more spiritual
06-29-2010, 10:20 AM
Yes, dropping your main stat(s) down a bit affects your TP's a tad (as I mentioned in my post, 2 PTP's less)...
What's the significance of AUR for a paladin?
However, having such a low AUR stat just isn't worth it. Not only does the AUR stat affect how many spirit points you have (I really hope you're not planning on doing COL, hunting spirit-draining creatures, hunting the Rift, raising people, using 208, etc. etc. until you get that fixstat potion), it also affects your Elemental TD:
Target Defense (TD)
Target Defense is a reflection of a character's ability to resist or mitigate the damage of a warding spell. A character earns 3 points of TD per level, and the appropriate stat bonus is added depending on the nature of the spell (the aura bonus is counted for elemental spells, while the wisdom bonus is counted for spiritual spells). TD is also increased by certain spells being active, as well as other factors.
(And damnit, Krakiipedia isn't working. *shakes fist*)
07-08-2010, 04:23 PM
How important is MoC to a paladin swinging a two hander?
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