View Full Version : The "Burn the Sorcerer's" thread
06-25-2010, 12:50 PM
Let's have an ole' fashioned witch hunt.
Suspects: Afkfapfapfap, Oblivion
Afkfapfapfap: none, really, rumor.
1) A spy (dun dun dun!) was watching the Locksmith and noticed a lot of boxes being placed. Spy immediately ran to General Store.
2) Acting fishy (402, searching) in the General Store on 6/25/2010.
3) Refused to reveal profile to prove he wasn't a sorc. Was fairly obvious he was after casting 402 + 102 in the General Store.
4) Has been known to hang around Mordie & crew.
5) After this morning's ruckus I decided to check my logs for when I was cursed:
The walls of this small room are lined with small, gold-framed cases holding some of Blackfinger's finer wares. Ranging from diamond-encrusted lockpicks to the simplest pick, the cases glow in the warm candlelight. A low oak workstand lines one wall of the room, on which Blackfinger cheerfully works his talents. You also see a scarred and scratched oak barrel, a sturdy steel door, the merchant Blackfinger, a polished wooden counter with a brass bell on it and a small sign.
Obvious exits: none
[go2: travel time: 0:00:00]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[townsmith]>look on #-7439
The hair on the back of your neck tingles. You look behind you but see nothing, and a ghost of a smile plays across Blackfinger's face.
[townsmith: Checking for a disk]
On the wooden counter:
other (1): brass bell.
[b]Oblivion just came through a sturdy steel door.
Oblivion just went through a sturdy steel door.
The very next hunt...
You reach for a violet spinel.
As you come in contact with the violet spinel, a thread of brackish blue magic issues forth from it and coils around your body. It whirls malevolently around you for a moment and then disappears within you.
You shake slightly and feel much less protected!
You pick up a violet spinel.
6) I could not find a violet spinel in my logs on the hunt prior to me getting cursed. The cursed spinel was dropped in my downtime ~10 mins.
7) I could not find Oblivion in my logs prior to the time I saw him in the Locksmith. My scripts frequently run through TSC and all shops (was gaining Citizenship). He was either not there, I somehow never saw him, or he was at a table the entire time.
06-25-2010, 01:07 PM
Oblivion needs to go on trial! BURN!!!!!
06-25-2010, 01:08 PM
Does he weigh more than a duck?!
06-25-2010, 01:13 PM
Throw him in a pond. If he sinks, he's innocent.
06-25-2010, 01:15 PM
Throw him in a pond. If he sinks, he's innocent.
Notuh... Innocent's nowhere near Landing.
06-25-2010, 01:16 PM
I'll prove his innocence! Tie iron weights to him!
06-25-2010, 01:18 PM
06-25-2010, 01:26 PM
Eh, kind of flimsy evidence. Where are the logs of him cursing or dropping stuff?
I just located him at Someone's table with Mordechai, which just means they're using Someone's buff/heal bot which works by paying 50k a day. Not sure that constitutes him as part of the Marlu gang. A lot of people use it.
On the other hand.. KILL HIM!
06-25-2010, 01:30 PM
I've asked him 50 times if he's a Sorcerer. Why hide something if there's nothing to hide? BURRRRRN!
06-25-2010, 01:34 PM
I'm not disagreeing, although I hide my profile and fame too. Doesn't make him guilty just yet. Seems a little early to start KOSing.
06-25-2010, 01:53 PM
Definitely not Afkfap. The bastard get me plenty, and got my little wizard, both hands, twice now. People need to stop dropping the cursed gems in TSC, whenever I start my script, I pick them up there. Afkfap carries pure potions now because of whoever it is also.
However, I was messing around a bit yesterday and did itchy curse someone, however I have their stuff, have contacted them to return it, and actually feel pretty bad.
Keep looking,
06-25-2010, 03:10 PM
Eh, kind of flimsy evidence. Where are the logs of him cursing or dropping stuff?
I just located him at Someone's table with Mordechai, which just means they're using Someone's buff/heal bot which works by paying 50k a day. Not sure that constitutes him as part of the Marlu gang. A lot of people use it.
On the other hand.. KILL HIM!
The person who put the chests on the locksmith's counter was invisible.
06-25-2010, 05:38 PM
>l on countLord Josef just came through a dimly-lit doorway.
>On the wax-stained counter:
other (2): brass bell, small wooden sign.
Lord Josef just went through a dimly-lit doorway.
>'damnYou say, "Damn."
>l[Locksmith, Backroom]
The backroom of the locksmith's shop is stark, and lit by a single tallow candle. A blob of wax secures the candle atop a locked case that provides the only seating in the uncomfortable room. A tall cabinet secured with a sturdy padlock occupies the far wall. You also see a wax-stained counter with some stuff on it, a dimly-lit doorway, Larton and a battered casket.
Also here: Wiggles, Send
Obvious exits: none
>put amu on countYou put a ruby amulet on a wax-stained counter.
Wiggles says, "Is it you."
>Wiggles just dragged a ruby amulet with him as he went through a dimly-lit doorway.
>'noYou say, "No."
>Wiggles just came through a dimly-lit doorway.
>'wtfWiggles says, "Bad."
>You say, "Wtf."
>put amu on countYou put a ruby amulet on a wax-stained counter.
>'its not curseYou say, "Its not curse."
>'cursedYou say, "Cursed."
>'im trying to test somethingYou say, "Im trying to test something."
Wiggles says, "Oh, sorry."
>Oblivion just came through a dimly-lit doorway.
>Breslin just came through a dimly-lit doorway.
>Send removes a badly damaged tanik trunk from in his wool longcoat.
>Send put a badly damaged tanik trunk on a wax-stained counter.
>Send rings the bell, and asks Larton if he can open the tanik trunk on his counter. He looks over the tanik trunk, frowns, and tells Send, "Havin' some trouble, eh? Of course I could open this, but it'll cost ya. Gimme 1785 silvers, and I'll have it open before you know it."
>Turning his attention to the tanik trunk, Larton picks the lock with ease. "There you go," he says matter-of-factly.
>Send removes a badly damaged tanik trunk from on a wax-stained counter.
Send just opened a badly damaged tanik trunk.
>Send gathers the remaining coins from inside his tanik trunk.
>Oblivion removes a ruby amulet from on a wax-stained counter.
>Send removes a faenor troll-claw from in his tanik trunk.
Send put a faenor troll-claw in his wool longcoat.
>Send removes a violet spinel from in his tanik trunk.
Send put a violet spinel in his black leather pouch.
>Send removes a rose-marrow potion from in his tanik trunk.
Send put a rose-marrow potion in his wool longcoat.
Oblivion put a ruby amulet in his cloak.
Wiggles says, "He take."
>Wiggles points at Oblivion.
>Oblivion raspily asks, "Huh?"
>Send just went through a dimly-lit doorway.
>Wiggles says, "Is the amulet cursed Oblivion."
>l on count>On the wax-stained counter:
box (10): small chest (10).
other (3): some tree bark, brass bell, small wooden sign.
>Oblivion just went through a dimly-lit doorway.
>Oblivion just came through a dimly-lit doorway.
>l on count>On the wax-stained counter:
other (2): brass bell, small wooden sign.
Wiggles just went through a dimly-lit doorway.
>peer doorYou peer through a dimly-lit doorway and see...
[Locksmith, Salesroom]
The walls of this shop are covered with keys and locks of all colors, shapes, and sizes, from large iron padlocks to bone-white skeleton keys. A white-hot coal fire burns steadily under a pot of molten metal over which stoops the locksmith's apprentice. Forms for keys and lock parts sit wedged in sand on a wood work table nearby. To the north, a dimly lit doorway recedes into the shadows. You also see a small chest, a small chest, a small chest, a small chest, a small chest, a small chest, a small chest, a small chest, a small chest, a small chest, a dented copper cup, a dented copper cup, a dented copper cup, a dented copper cup, a dented copper cup, a dented copper cup, a dented copper cup, a dented copper cup, a dented copper cup, a dented copper cup, a dented copper cup, a dented copper cup, a small chest, a small chest, a small chest, a small chest, a small chest, a dingy stairway and a low metal counter with a curious sign on it.
Obvious exits: out
>Wiggles just came through a dimly-lit doorway.
>You hear someone stomping around upstairs, followed by annoying giggling. Larton grimaces and grumbles something about ex-wives.
>Oblivion just went through a dimly-lit doorway.
>Wiggles removes a plain thanot box from in his dark green backpack.
>Wiggles put a plain thanot box on a wax-stained counter.
>Wiggles rings the bell, and asks Larton if he can open the thanot box on his counter. He looks over the thanot box, frowns, and tells Wiggles, "Havin' some trouble, eh? Of course I could open this, but it'll cost ya. Gimme 1188 silvers, and I'll have it open before you know it."
>l on countTurning his attention to the thanot box, Larton picks the lock with ease. "There you go," he says matter-of-factly.
>On the wax-stained counter:
box (1): plain thanot box.
other (2): brass bell, small wooden sign.
Wiggles removes a plain thanot box from on a wax-stained counter.
>Wiggles just opened a plain thanot box.
>Wiggles gathers the remaining coins from inside his thanot box.
>Breslin just came through a dimly-lit doorway.
Wiggles removes a simple wooden chest from in his dark green backpack.
>Breslin just went through a dimly-lit doorway.
>Wiggles put a simple wooden chest on a wax-stained counter.
>Dart just came through a dimly-lit doorway.
>Wiggles rings the bell, and asks Larton if he can open the wooden chest on his counter. He looks over the wooden chest, frowns, and tells Wiggles, "Havin' some trouble, eh? Of course I could open this, but it'll cost ya. Gimme 1005 silvers, and I'll have it open before you know it."
>Turning his attention to the wooden chest, Larton picks the lock with ease. "There you go," he says matter-of-factly.
>Wiggles removes a simple wooden chest from on a wax-stained counter.
>Wiggles just opened a simple wooden chest.
>lWiggles gathers the remaining coins from inside his wooden chest.
>[Locksmith, Backroom]
The backroom of the locksmith's shop is stark, and lit by a single tallow candle. A blob of wax secures the candle atop a locked case that provides the only seating in the uncomfortable room. A tall cabinet secured with a sturdy padlock occupies the far wall. You also see a wax-stained counter with some stuff on it, a dimly-lit doorway, Larton and a battered casket.
Also here: Dart, Wiggles
Obvious exits: none
>Wiggles removes some acantha leaf from in his wooden chest.
Wiggles put some acantha leaf in his lemon yellow greatcloak.
>Wiggles removes a scratched silver coffer from in his dark green backpack.
>Wiggles put a scratched silver coffer on a wax-stained counter.
>Wiggles rings the bell, and asks Larton if he can open the silver coffer on his counter. He looks over the silver coffer, frowns, and tells Wiggles, "Havin' some trouble, eh? Of course I could open this, but it'll cost ya. Gimme 1109 silvers, and I'll have it open before you know it."
>Turning his attention to the silver coffer, Larton deftly disarms a small trap, and then picks the lock with ease. "There you go," he says matter-of-factly.
>Wiggles removes a scratched silver coffer from on a wax-stained counter.
>'bizarreYou say, "Bizarre."
>Wiggles just opened a scratched silver coffer.
>Wiggles gathers the remaining coins from inside his silver coffer.
>Wiggles removes a rose pink grosgrain ribbon from in his silver coffer.
Wiggles put a rose pink grosgrain ribbon in his dark green backpack.
>Wiggles removes a scratched monir strongbox from in his dark green backpack.
>Wiggles put a scratched monir strongbox on a wax-stained counter.
>Wiggles rings the bell, and asks Larton if he can open the monir strongbox on his counter. He looks over the monir strongbox, frowns, and tells Wiggles, "Havin' some trouble, eh? Of course I could open this, but it'll cost ya. Gimme 1250 silvers, and I'll have it open before you know it."
>Turning his attention to the monir strongbox, Larton picks the lock with ease. "There you go," he says matter-of-factly.
>Wiggles removes a scratched monir strongbox from on a wax-stained counter.
>Wiggles just opened a scratched monir strongbox.
>Wiggles gathers the remaining coins from inside his monir strongbox.
>Seran's group just came through a dimly-lit doorway.
>Wiggles removes a battered brass box from in his dark green backpack.
>Wiggles put a battered brass box on a wax-stained counter.
>Wiggles rings the bell, and asks Larton if he can open the brass box on his counter. He looks over the brass box, frowns, and tells Wiggles, "Havin' some trouble, eh? Of course I could open this, but it'll cost ya. Gimme 515 silvers, and I'll have it open before you know it."
>Turning his attention to the brass box, Larton deftly disarms a small trap, and then picks the lock with ease. "There you go," he says matter-of-factly.
>Wiggles removes a battered brass box from on a wax-stained counter.
>Wiggles just opened a battered brass box.
>Wiggles gathers the remaining coins from inside his brass box.
Wiggles says, "Careful."
>Dart removes an enruned brass strongbox from in her boarhide pack.
>l on count>On the wax-stained counter:
box (15): small chest (15).
other (2): brass bell, small wooden sign.
Wiggles says, "Cursed chests."
Just saying
06-25-2010, 05:41 PM
Can you give us the highlights Fenrus? Cause...Its hard to read and I dont wanna take the time...
Cliff notes version!
06-25-2010, 05:43 PM
>Oblivion just came out of an opening.
[Smokey Cave, Cavern]
There is a strong odor in the air, as if someone had recently built a camp fire in this cave. The floor, walls and ceiling of this cavern are covered in the same black grit as the outer cavern.
Obvious exits: east
>Oblivion just arrived.
Oblivion hisses at you.
>Oblivion just went east.
>[Smokey Cave, Cavern]
This small cave is dimly lit by the light shining in from the opening at the east end. There is a gritty layer of some strange black dirt underfoot that leaves black smudges on anything it touches. The walls and ceiling of the cave are also covered in the same black grit.
Also here: Oblivion
Obvious exits: southwest, west, northwest
>Oblivion hisses at you.
Oblivion just went southwest.
>[Smokey Cave, Tunnel]
You are in a wide straight tunnel that stretches from the southeast to the northwest. The tunnel branches in two directions at the northwest end. Everything here continues to be covered in the same black gritty substance.
Obvious exits: north, southeast, west
[Smokey Cave, Cavern]
You find yourself in a small dead-end cavern. The ceiling here is very low. Again, all surfaces are covered with a fine black grit.
Obvious exits: south
[Smokey Cave, Tunnel]
You are in a wide straight tunnel that stretches from the southeast to the northwest. The tunnel branches in two directions at the northwest end. Everything here continues to be covered in the same black gritty substance.
Obvious exits: north, southeast, west
[Smokey Cave, Cavern]
This small cave is dimly lit by the light shining in from the opening at the east end. There is a gritty layer of some strange black dirt underfoot that leaves black smudges on anything it touches. The walls and ceiling of the cave are also covered in the same black grit.
Obvious exits: southwest, west, northwest
[Smokey Cave, Cavern]
There is a strong odor in the air, as if someone had recently built a camp fire in this cave. The floor, walls and ceiling of this cavern are covered in the same black grit as the outer cavern.
Obvious exits: east
You feel at full magical power again.
>[Smokey Cave, Cavern]
This small cave is dimly lit by the light shining in from the opening at the east end. There is a gritty layer of some strange black dirt underfoot that leaves black smudges on anything it touches. The walls and ceiling of the cave are also covered in the same black grit.
Obvious exits: southwest, west, northwest
[Smokey Cave, Tunnel]
This broad tunnel branches off in three directions, each branch being straight and smooth. A fine black grit covers the floor, walls and ceiling of the tunnel. You also see a light pink morganite stone.
And... a few hunts later...
>[sloot]>get #11249547
You reach for a light pink morganite stone.
As you come in contact with the morganite stone, a thread of brackish blue magic issues forth from it and coils around your body. It whirls malevolently around you for a moment and then disappears within you.
You shake slightly and feel much less protected!
You pick up a light pink morganite stone.
>[sloot]>put #11249547 in #11209992
For some reason, you are unable to do that.
06-25-2010, 05:47 PM
Can you give us the highlights Fenrus? Cause...Its hard to read and I dont wanna take the time...
Cliff notes version!
My cliffs:
Oblivion hits up the locksmith, doesn't do any locksmithing. Cursed boxes show up.
Rinse and repeat a few minutes later.
Pretty much the same deal with all the logs in this thread I guess
edit: what would be the point of showing up visible though just to drop the boxes invisible? clearly whoever dropped them was invis
So Oblivion is KOS, if he has curse, it means he is decent high level. Does this also mean he can be griefed into re-rolling?
06-25-2010, 07:28 PM
Oblivion = Someone
His spell up script does not work on me. If he was not Oblivion he would have no reason to not like me considering I don't even know who he is.
06-25-2010, 07:31 PM
You are a retard.
06-25-2010, 09:57 PM
Wait.. I'm all about killing people, but this thread is a big wtf?
All I'm seeing is that some guy happens to be running around the landing while there are cursed boxes on the counter. That also makes about 100 other people potentially guilty.
Log of Tits or GTFO.
06-25-2010, 09:59 PM
He was also found in areas where he is not actively hunting in them. Banjo saw him and not too long after he picks up a cursed gem.
It's him.
06-25-2010, 11:03 PM
Dunno if anyone else caught it, but Someone (the character) mistyped the other day. Seems he meant to chat on the lnet channel 'Marlu'. So it seems that he's in with that griefing crowd.
06-25-2010, 11:14 PM
Figures since they all go to that table. Oblivion totally = Flamer!
06-26-2010, 12:05 AM
What's oblivions PC name?
06-26-2010, 12:15 AM
Well, I don't have proof or anything but I took my new rogue to hunt nymphs yesterday and she was the only pc there (did a couple circuits looking for a spawn and didn't see anyone or robes laying around which would indicate someone recently hunted there). Then I passed Someone and a couple rooms over there is a ayanad crystal laying on the ground. No robes or anything else. I knew it was cursed before I even picked it up but I did it anyway and sure enough. I own a cleric though so it wasn't a big deal. Just thought I'd mention it here.
I wish I was good at script writing, I'd make one where my cleric would auto uncurse anyone from my friends list who whispers for one. I wonder, is that kind of script even possible?
06-26-2010, 12:16 AM
Dunno if anyone else caught it, but Someone (the character) mistyped the other day. Seems he meant to chat on the lnet channel 'Marlu'. So it seems that he's in with that griefing crowd.
I'm on the Marlu channel too, with like 55 other people! Sweet! Does that mean I can be a griefer?!? It isn't exactly exclusive...
This is how I imagine detective work would proceed were it conducted by the mentally handicapped.
Show me a real log with a real name of the dbag cursing shit, and I'll show you a log of me killing them 50 times. Anything else is speculative stupidity.
06-26-2010, 12:18 AM
I'm on the Marlu channel too, with like 55 other people! Sweet! Does that mean I can be a griefer?!? It isn't exactly exclusive...
This is how I imagine detective work would proceed were it conducted by the mentally handicapped.
Show me a real log with a real name of the dbag cursing shit, and I'll show you a log of me killing them 50 times. Anything else is speculative stupidity.
The fact that you'd take a log of someone cursing shit shows you don't really care about real detective work. It's a text-based game. Anyone that's been around long enough could create a fake log like that.
06-26-2010, 12:41 AM
The fact that you'd take a log of someone cursing shit shows you don't really care about real detective work. It's a text-based game. Anyone that's been around long enough could create a fake log like that.
I'd base it on their reputation. If you personally posted a log of Oblivion casting curse on boxes or dropping an item somewhere, I'd believe it. I'm not going to go corpse camp some guy based on what's been said in this thread so far because you guys are obviously pulling it out of your asses. I'm not saying it isn't him (because I have no clue who it is), but it hasn't been proven. Not even remotely.
If Oblivion wasn't the person doing it we'd be griefing him badly ourselves and awarding another victory to the actual perpetrator.
06-26-2010, 07:22 AM
I'd base it on their reputation. If you personally posted a log of Oblivion casting curse on boxes or dropping an item somewhere, I'd believe it. I'm not going to go corpse camp some guy based on what's been said in this thread so far because you guys are obviously pulling it out of your asses. I'm not saying it isn't him (because I have no clue who it is), but it hasn't been proven. Not even remotely.
If Oblivion wasn't the person doing it we'd be griefing him badly ourselves and awarding another victory to the actual perpetrator.
Point made.
06-26-2010, 11:01 AM
[Smuggling Tunnels, Passage]
The maze created by the tunnels would be the envy of any minotaur. Branches wind off to nearly all compass directions, spinning through the dirt like the work of a drunken roa'ter. A single lantern dangles from the wooden planks above, shedding a sickly light over the area. You also see a morning star, some double leather, a dark orc, a dark orc, a scimitar, a morning star, some double leather and some double chain.
Also here: Oblivion
Obvious exits: north, northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest
Oblivion traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
06-26-2010, 10:48 PM
just the name screams sorcerer to me :P
06-27-2010, 07:16 AM
I dunno if this exonerates him or further incriminates, but I was selling gems this morning and saw Oblivion trying to script sell a cursed gem:
Oblivion asks the dealer if he would like to buy a black tourmaline.
When he tries to hand it over for the gem dealer's appraisal though, it seems glued to his hand somehow. The gem dealer gives Oblivion a puzzled look and says, "Sorry Oblivion, if you can figure out a way to remove the curse, let me know."
Oblivion asks the dealer if he would like to buy a black tourmaline.
When he tries to hand it over for the gem dealer's appraisal though, it seems glued to his hand somehow. The gem dealer gives Oblivion a puzzled look and says, "Sorry Oblivion, if you can figure out a way to remove the curse, let me know."
Oblivion asks the dealer if he would like to buy a black tourmaline.
When he tries to hand it over for the gem dealer's appraisal though, it seems glued to his hand somehow. The gem dealer gives Oblivion a puzzled look and says, "Sorry Oblivion, if you can figure out a way to remove the curse, let me know."
06-27-2010, 10:38 AM
I dunno if this exonerates him or further incriminates, but I was selling gems this morning and saw Oblivion trying to script sell a cursed gem:
Oblivion asks the dealer if he would like to buy a black tourmaline.
When he tries to hand it over for the gem dealer's appraisal though, it seems glued to his hand somehow. The gem dealer gives Oblivion a puzzled look and says, "Sorry Oblivion, if you can figure out a way to remove the curse, let me know."
Oblivion asks the dealer if he would like to buy a black tourmaline.
When he tries to hand it over for the gem dealer's appraisal though, it seems glued to his hand somehow. The gem dealer gives Oblivion a puzzled look and says, "Sorry Oblivion, if you can figure out a way to remove the curse, let me know."
Oblivion asks the dealer if he would like to buy a black tourmaline.
When he tries to hand it over for the gem dealer's appraisal though, it seems glued to his hand somehow. The gem dealer gives Oblivion a puzzled look and says, "Sorry Oblivion, if you can figure out a way to remove the curse, let me know."
Or he picked up a cursed gem like everyone else. Doh!
06-27-2010, 10:54 AM
Sorcerers can pick up their own cursed items. Just FYI
olditems = []
GameObj.loot.each { |looz| olditems.push }
fput "loot"
newitems = []
GameObj.loot.each { |looz| newitems.push }
pickup = newitems - olditems
Start_Script "Pickupscript", [pickup]
wait_while { running?("Pickupscript") }
so ya... you get the idea.
Add in black ora while you're at it. Took me 5-6 times picking up black ora weapons before I realized I was doing somthing wrong ><.
(Thank you first 30 days, and Cman Disarm)
Although I did wake up one morning to my rogue swinging a black ora falchion and doing a fantastic job at still killing mobs.
The SpellWeaver
07-22-2010, 07:53 AM
>Oblivion just came out of an opening.
[Smokey Cave, Cavern]
There is a strong odor in the air, as if someone had recently built a camp fire in this cave. The floor, walls and ceiling of this cavern are covered in the same black grit as the outer cavern.
Obvious exits: east
>Oblivion just arrived.
Oblivion hisses at you.
>Oblivion just went east.
>[Smokey Cave, Cavern]
This small cave is dimly lit by the light shining in from the opening at the east end. There is a gritty layer of some strange black dirt underfoot that leaves black smudges on anything it touches. The walls and ceiling of the cave are also covered in the same black grit.
Also here: Oblivion
Obvious exits: southwest, west, northwest
>Oblivion hisses at you.
Oblivion just went southwest.
>[Smokey Cave, Tunnel]
You are in a wide straight tunnel that stretches from the southeast to the northwest. The tunnel branches in two directions at the northwest end. Everything here continues to be covered in the same black gritty substance.
Obvious exits: north, southeast, west
[Smokey Cave, Cavern]
You find yourself in a small dead-end cavern. The ceiling here is very low. Again, all surfaces are covered with a fine black grit.
Obvious exits: south
[Smokey Cave, Tunnel]
You are in a wide straight tunnel that stretches from the southeast to the northwest. The tunnel branches in two directions at the northwest end. Everything here continues to be covered in the same black gritty substance.
Obvious exits: north, southeast, west
[Smokey Cave, Cavern]
This small cave is dimly lit by the light shining in from the opening at the east end. There is a gritty layer of some strange black dirt underfoot that leaves black smudges on anything it touches. The walls and ceiling of the cave are also covered in the same black grit.
Obvious exits: southwest, west, northwest
[Smokey Cave, Cavern]
There is a strong odor in the air, as if someone had recently built a camp fire in this cave. The floor, walls and ceiling of this cavern are covered in the same black grit as the outer cavern.
Obvious exits: east
You feel at full magical power again.
>[Smokey Cave, Cavern]
This small cave is dimly lit by the light shining in from the opening at the east end. There is a gritty layer of some strange black dirt underfoot that leaves black smudges on anything it touches. The walls and ceiling of the cave are also covered in the same black grit.
Obvious exits: southwest, west, northwest
[Smokey Cave, Tunnel]
This broad tunnel branches off in three directions, each branch being straight and smooth. A fine black grit covers the floor, walls and ceiling of the tunnel. You also see a light pink morganite stone.
And... a few hunts later...
>[sloot]>get #11249547
You reach for a light pink morganite stone.
As you come in contact with the morganite stone, a thread of brackish blue magic issues forth from it and coils around your body. It whirls malevolently around you for a moment and then disappears within you.
You shake slightly and feel much less protected!
You pick up a light pink morganite stone.
>[sloot]>put #11249547 in #11209992
For some reason, you are unable to do that.
Lmao, he kept hissing at you
07-22-2010, 08:59 AM
Oblivion appears to be focusing her thoughts while chanting softly...
Oblivion gestures at XXX
As an intense look of concentration crosses Oblivion face, a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward XXX
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