View Full Version : Hyper-sinsitive anti-poachers?

07-27-2003, 10:23 PM
Check this out..this is an undocterd log.

[Icemule Trace, Forest]
The trail becomes narrower with branches jutting into it from all sides. It takes some skill to balance your steps without losing an eye to the sharp twigs that always seem to be in the wrong place. An icy path heads north into the woods and is clear of the treacherous branches.
Obvious paths: east, west
>[Icemule Trace, Forest]
A dark green holly tree spreads its boughs low and wide, nearly hiding the path. Wary of the sharp points of its thick leaves, you carefully skirt around it. Someone less agile than you has left shreds of some sort of clothing in its branches. You also see a kobold, some light leather, a reinforced shield and a short sword.
Obvious paths: east, west
>stance o
You are now in an offensive stance.
Garfalk just arrived.
>att kob
You swing a longsword at a kobold!
AS: +73 vs DS: +30 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +81 = +166
... and hit for 38 points of damage!
Upward slash gouges the kobold's cheek!
Right eye lost!
The kobold crumples to a heap on the ground and dies.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Garfalk says, "good lord"
>A kobold is already dead.
>raise eye gar
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
>stance d
You are now in a defensive stance.
[Icemule Trace, Forest]
A dark green holly tree spreads its boughs low and wide, nearly hiding the path. Wary of the sharp points of its thick leaves, you carefully skirt around it. Someone less agile than you has left shreds of some sort of clothing in its branches. You also see a kobold that appears dead, some light leather, a reinforced shield and a short sword.
Also here: Garfalk
Obvious paths: east, west
>'is there something wrong?
You ask, "is there something wrong?"
Garfalk asks, "you kill everything that comes near?"
A kobold decays into a foul smelling compost.
>'thats normally what you do to kobolds, yes
You say, "thats normally what you do to kobolds, yes"
[Icemule Trace, Forest]
A dark green holly tree spreads its boughs low and wide, nearly hiding the path. Wary of the sharp points of its thick leaves, you carefully skirt around it. Someone less agile than you has left shreds of some sort of clothing in its branches. You also see some light leather, a reinforced shield, a short sword, some light leather, a reinforced shield and a short sword.
Also here: Garfalk
Obvious paths: east, west
Garfalk grumbles.
Garfalk just went west.

Only thing I can think of is he was already killing it, it moved, and I came in before he got there. Hrm


07-27-2003, 10:35 PM
I think we should save the kobolds. I say we make every friday a save the kobolds day. yup no killing kobolds on friday pass the word!

07-27-2003, 10:41 PM
That and when some rogue is hiding and you walk in and kill something, then they bitch. I use to do this in Roa'ters a lot. Sorry, I'm not waiting 2 seconds to listen to you whistle or something cause in that time, I'm going to get burrowed on. There's tons of critters out there, one poach is not then end of the world.....

07-27-2003, 10:47 PM
Yea thats the end all be all BS. some rogue cant remember there name kept yelling at me cause i would come in and kill there zombie with 1 cast and not think about it. they caught me at a node and said "can you please search the room to see if im hiding?" i laughed on the spot. Told him if he expected me to do that he might as well expected me to leave the hunting area cause he was there. sorry i cast it dies. deal. if your gonna ambush attack have a disk, say something as soon as i walk in the room, or expect me to kill it search it and be on my way.

07-27-2003, 11:03 PM
If there's one thing I hate, it's rogues who take forever to ambush, and then when you kill it in one cast, they bitch like there's no tomorrow. I mean fine, if the critter is stunned or legged, it's pretty obvious that someone is ambushing, and it's reasonable to wait and make sure. But if a critter is healthy, then I don't think a rogue has too much room to complain.

Crazed Sylvan
07-27-2003, 11:04 PM
Oh no! You didn't give enough time to check and see if the kobold looked like a halfling or not!

07-27-2003, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Crazed Sylvan
Oh no! You didn't give enough time to check and see if the kobold looked like a halfling or not!

bwahaaha oh yeah better be sure.

07-28-2003, 02:36 AM
Its annoying to be sure, from both sides of the coin. I hate it when some cleric pops in and lays waste to the Zombie I have specially prepared for some dark elven death. I try to get a disk from a wizard sometimes, others I just battle from the open. I tend to only hide/ambush in the harder areas of Pinefar.

07-28-2003, 11:56 AM
i usually don't care if someone accidently kills my critter if I'm hiding to ambush...how else would they know unless I have a disk...? And then, I've been known to not see disks in a room and I have the damn word highlighted. I give people the benefit of the doubt. Besides if I've wacked it a few times, I especially don't care because I still learn when it's searched. And my bank account already tells you I don't really care that much about riches ;)

Although, I think it would be neat-o of the GMs to code something like the Killgroup where you can add folks to a list of people who are allowed to kill/search/skin the animals you hunt so that if someone came along and you were hiding in the shadows going in for your second wack, they would get a message like:

"As you start to swing, you realize that the -insert critter here- is already being hunted by another adventurer.

But if you go hunting with a group, you can add the group members names to your list and everyone would be able to hunt together.

And to save from having someone go through and whack like 30 different critters then go back and kill them all...the effects of a swing would last something like 45 seconds. So if you hit a critter once and you don't hit it again for such and such amount of time and someone comes in and swings at it, they wont receive the message and will be free to kill it themselves.

I dunno, sound too hokey?

[Edited on 7-28-2003 by Chyrain]

07-29-2003, 01:06 AM
Heh long time ago when I used to hunt sheru I'd run around legging them on my way out of the hunting ground. Safely back in the MC I'd stay fried for sometimes 30 min while the sheru were finished off. They've since changed it to where you have to be in the hunting area to get exp for it. I wonder why LOL

07-29-2003, 02:36 AM
<< I wonder why LOL >>

Heh, this was back when Banthis was the big GM on the block. His reason for the change is similar to yours, but involved sorcerers who would cast blood burst once at 30-40 different critters from a variety of hunting areas, and then rest.

Since blood burst takes a long time to kill, you can just go into rest mode over night. Of course it's against policy, but no GM can really tell.

07-29-2003, 03:33 AM
Remember when level 8 was the big level for sorcerors? 702 with no prep time, go whack a few mants and thraks with it, rest at the Mine node right there (or the circle of stones) while the other people killed and killed. Healers and clerics there too, and there was always at least a few people in that area.

07-29-2003, 05:50 AM
Yeah they changed it so you can't Torment a critter then run to the next noded room and get into Stance offensive to get an easy kill anymore either. God bless the GM's adoration for Sorcery.

07-29-2003, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Yeah they changed it so you can't Torment a critter then run to the next noded room and get into Stance offensive to get an easy kill anymore either. God bless the GM's adoration for Sorcery.

It's mechanics abuse. It should have been changed and was.