View Full Version : Dating Advice (Help!)
04-02-2004, 03:36 PM
Hi, I'm brand new here, and fairly new to GS4, okay 3 weeks is pretty damn new. Anyway, I want my character to meet someone and fall in love, etc. It would be an interesting aspect for him. Anyway, he has a date... TONIGHT!
He's in Ta'Vaalor. I have no idea where to take a date. He's going to buy a fancy shirt (already has a rather fancy kilt) but where is a nice romantic/fun place for a couple to go around Ta'Vaalor? What about other places in Elanthia? Just curious about your experiences, and maybe this can help some people out.
04-02-2004, 03:37 PM
1. Ta'Vaalor sucks.
2. Bob Junior Alert.
The catacombs rock I hear. Well, that is the only place my baby bard is familiar with anyway.
04-02-2004, 03:42 PM
Try the bog, nothing like a spiritual uniting of you and your dates souls.
Take her to the Inn. You know the rest.
04-02-2004, 03:47 PM
Thanks for the quick replies, but I am looking for good advice. The Bog is rather out of the question, I don't want to take her to the Inn and I don't get the Bob Jr. reference. Any real help out there?
04-02-2004, 03:48 PM
You don't play Harlock do you?
04-02-2004, 03:48 PM
Real advice?
cman learn headbutt
cman headbutt date
I find headbutt is pretty much a solution to everything in game.
04-02-2004, 03:49 PM
Maybe take her to Ta'Illistim..., and just tour around, stop at a few shops, and maybe get her some candies and flowers or something...? Not to mention, there is probably more to do in Ta'Illistim.
04-02-2004, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein
Real advice?
cman learn headbutt
cman headbutt date
I find headbutt is pretty much a solution to everything in game.
Okay, this is going to be cheesy, but I cant resist: Way to use your head Hulkein.
I mean its a date, its not too many places you can go. I honestly dont know much about Tavaalor. Id say, dress nice, get some wine, roses, a nice lobster if you can find one. Sit down to a dinner at the inn, simulate some candles or something. Perhaps a picnic. Woo her the entire night, whisper sweet nothings in her ear constantly. Tell her she's beautiful.
The Landing has some nice romantic spots. Like the Beach area, the Glade, maybe a quiet path. Hell, I dunno.
04-02-2004, 03:55 PM
Now we're getting somewhere. No I don't play Harlock. Is there a Harlock in the game? Anyway, This is sounding better. Thanks, Any more ideas, please keep them coming.
Find a pretty area and take her for a picnic. Whirlin and Michiko used to do that all the time. The shore of dreams area by the Landing is particularly nice. Unfortunately, I don't know Ta'Vaalor very well, so I can't give you any advice on spots there.
The main key is to compliment her often, flatter her as much as possible. be confident, and agressive if you feel the vibe that she's liking you. Like Michiko said, the Landing has some pretty good spots for lots of romantic action.
Originally posted by Harlock
Thanks for the quick replies, but I am looking for good advice. The Bog is rather out of the question, I don't want to take her to the Inn and I don't get the Bob Jr. reference. Any real help out there?
Ohhhh, you were looking for mushy, romantic stuff. Well, I guess rodents are out then. And I did not get the Bob Jr. reference either. Sometimes his humor is too subtle for me :D
04-02-2004, 04:10 PM
kill her and eat her flesh.
04-02-2004, 04:12 PM
Hmmmm, the Marble Springs neighborhood is nice.
The Legendary Rest is pretty nice as well.
Yander's Farm, near the well. You might run into a rolton or gak or two, but hopefully you can handle that.
If you can make the trip, I'd suggest the promontory on the path from Ta'I to the Landing. It's before the climbing required part, so you could go there.
Sylvarrend is pretty cozy.
Back in Ta'Vaalor, there's this place in the apple orchard, walled off, which is pretty nice. Lemme find Tsoran's map with the place.
See those shaded areas at the bottom? Those are safe places, a nice little village, near a vineyard, where you can have a picnic, etc, etc. Accessible through fire ants.
If your a wizard, bring them to icemule and sneak them into the wizard guild, climb the tower and tell her you want to show her the telescope.
04-02-2004, 04:33 PM
Illistim's a lot better than Vaalor. You got the chocolate shop, you got the tea shop.
In Vaalor, what I'd do is get a picnic basket and have a picnic in the Garden of Ancients. Vaalor ain't a real romantic city I'm afraid.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-02-2004, 04:46 PM
You came to the PC for dating advice?
04-02-2004, 04:54 PM
Why not? Not all of us are knobs who'll laugh at the guy for asking a straight question.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-02-2004, 04:56 PM
<--- Knob then. Its a text game, sorry.
And some of us can actually offer some good advice when we put our minds to it.
04-02-2004, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Its a text game, sorry. What's yer point? They call that roleplaying in these parts, dude.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-02-2004, 05:33 PM
Yeah, I guess I'm just a shitty roleplayer because I don't come to the pc asking for dating advice.
04-02-2004, 05:36 PM
GUYZ CAN U T34CH M3 2 CYB3R>>?@!
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-02-2004, 05:44 PM
Only if you first buy chocolate and take her to an inn and walk her through a park Bob. Then, you too, can be a RP wize and cyber proper like.
Why does every thread have to become a place to flame or make fun of someone?
Anyway... one of my nicest memories when I first started GS was someone taking my character to the area outside of Black Swan Castle and surprising her with a picnic. Nothing sexual (for those that would jump on that). I just remember thinking... what a nice break from all the hack and slash.
We all have our own agendas for what we expect from the game. I know I'm guilty sometimes for being quick to judge also. I need to work on that.
Originally posted by Vesi
Why does every thread have to become a place to flame or make fun of someone?
Vesi Its cause people are assholes.
Good luck on your date dude.
04-02-2004, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Vesi
Why does every thread have to become a place to flame or make fun of someone?
Not every thread, just the stupid ones.
04-02-2004, 06:32 PM
[Seethe Naedal, Hot Springs]
Sunlight streams through the branches of the pine trees that surround the springs while short bushes fight for what sun they can gain in the shadow of the pines. Lush grass creates a ring of green carpet around the pool. A hollow log rests near a circle of flat stones that surround the hot springs. You also see some stone steps descending into the water and a well-worn trail.
Obvious paths: none
go step
[Seethe Naedal, Hot Springs]
Wisps of steam rise off the pool as the hot water comes in contact with the cool mountain air. Centered in the pool is a flat rock, barely protruding above the surface. The rock has become home to several dragonflies. Shadows from the tree branches above dance across the water. You also see some stone steps leading out of the water.
Obvious paths: none
Weedmage Princess
04-03-2004, 06:33 AM
Christ people back off. The guy asked a simple question. If he wants to roleplay out taking someone on a date, then good for him. It doesn't mean he's looking to get some cyber poon either. Maybe he's someone who's just sick of the spell up, fry, go to a table unfry, repeat garbage that seems to run rampant. He's trying to do something different. He must be a loser. :rolleyes: Lighten up.
Oh the Bob Jr. reference is because Bob was trying to pick up some chick on PsiNet (the OOC channel I think) and uh..things didn't turn out quite as he had expected...I guess. ::stare::
Anyway..unfortunately I don't know any really nice spots in the Elven Nations period as...I hate hate place. I'm surprised no one's mentioned Solhaven. They have that restaurant there with the booths that you can sit down at and see dolphins (if I remember correctly) and stuff. Then you can rent a boat and row out on Solhaven Bay. You go far north enough and there's a waterfall out there...Cascade of Tears--very nice. Good luck on your date (you've probably had it hope it went well!)
04-03-2004, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Yeah, I guess I'm just a shitty roleplayer because I don't come to the pc asking for dating advice.
Not at all.
It does however mean that in this instance you are acting all superior and mocking someone for no apparent reason.
Not a real kodak moment.
04-03-2004, 09:15 AM
I had a really nice rp'd picnic as well by the way. The person took me to an area i had not been to before with lovely descriptions and showed me around taking time to point all of the little things we tend to gloss over in our script travelling selves and had the whole picnic basket thing and it was alot of fun and shocking cybering followed. The guy was actually one of the best roleplayers I had the pleasure to interact with who later became a GM.
Don't be so darned cynical all the time.
04-03-2004, 10:24 AM
I cannot help at all in TaVaalor. It did not exist when last I played. However, in and about the Landing there are many great places to picnic. Ronan's shrine is one, and Charl's shrine is another (if you have enough swimming ability to get in).
My first in-game picnic was at Ronan's shrine. Picnic basket, champagne, and a dashing young rogue to share it all with. That was many years ago, and I still remember how romantic it all seemed to my character. :)
Have a good time, hon. Make it memorable. It does not take cyber-sex to do that, believe me. Many have managed to find the magic of Elanthia without ever having indulged.
04-03-2004, 10:44 AM
If I find you picnicing in Charl's shrine, I might have to throw a lightning bolt through you.
And it's not that great a place anyways, since when you're in the shrine, you're floating in the water, and your actions are kind of limited.
04-03-2004, 10:48 AM
The best way to get a date:
Quote ID# 221:
Bobmuhthol [subdued]: "Wanna come to my room Adredrin?"
04-03-2004, 11:15 AM
Thankfully, I no longer play, TheE. I, therefore, do not have to deal with those who find such joy in casting lightning bolts at those who are merely enjoying an afternoon of leisure.
The picnic I speak of was held outside the entrance to Charl's shrine, then we swam through to play with the dolphins, paying homage to Charl, and to his lovely wife.
Personally, I found Charl's shrine to be one of the more beautiful ones in the game. So, what to one is "not that great a place", to another can be enchanting. Sometimes, it is about floating quietly and taking things in rather than acting directly upon one's environment. :)
HarmNone enjoyed the shrine, and returned often
Haha, someone brought Michi to Charl's shrine too. It's really nice- she had never been there before and didn't even know it existed. There was definitely potential between Michi and the guy, but then his girlfriend OOG decided that she didn't want him dating any of my characters... :rolleyes:
Anyway... Harlock... come back and tell us how it went, and where you went! I want details! :smilegrin:
04-03-2004, 11:23 AM
Charl doesn't HAVE a wife, HN.
04-03-2004, 11:25 AM
Read the histories, TheE! :)
*Edited to say that "histories" should read "legends".*
As related by Lady Laranna long ago:
"An', if ye look verra' closely while at Charl's shrine.. ye can see a hint o' th' warmth an' love o' th' god tha' used to be. Fer one o' th' dolphins is said t'be Charl's wife.. th' mother o' Niima. Reborn an' reshaped..t'watch o'er th' sad family."
[Edited on 4-3-2004 by HarmNone]
04-03-2004, 11:40 AM
Considering the dolphin is Niima's symbol, I always felt it indicated the presence of his daughter.
And legend is legend. I could say Ronan liked to cavort with dancing ponies at night, and steal people's dreams, doesn't make it true.
04-03-2004, 11:48 AM
Fine, TheE. Whether or not to give credence to the many wonderful legends and tales that have given Elanthia its flavor over the years is, most assuredly, up to you. I always chose to seek them out. You may choose to ignore them. It makes no difference to me what you do, to be sure.
04-03-2004, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
Considering the dolphin is Niima's symbol, I always felt it indicated the presence of his daughter.-TheE-
And, of course, what YOU always felt is the be-all, end-all of knowledge, is it not? :rolleyes:
04-03-2004, 11:54 AM
No - but mine seems to be based on logic, unlike Laranna's tale. There's no indication that Charl ever had a wife, and that Niima was borne more of an "Athena-springing-from-the-head-of-Zeus" type thing.
Of course, we won't know til the Arkati histories are finished. Let's just say, I've been waiting for Charl's history for quite awhile.
04-03-2004, 11:59 AM
Excuse me? It is more logical that Niima "was borne (sic) more of an 'Athena-springing-from-the-head-of-Zeus' type thing" than that she was born as a result of conjugal union of god and mortal? Yes, of course. How could I be sooo illogical?:oops:
HarmNone, illogical in the extreme
04-03-2004, 12:02 PM
If you subscribe to the theory that the Gemstone gods follow a Greek god pattern, it is logical. And I think the Greek Gods are very much the basis of the Gemstone Gods, except Poseidon didn't have a daughter, and Zeus (Koar) had one spring from his head.
04-03-2004, 12:07 PM
The fact that there are exceptions gives credence to either theory, does it not, TheE? Yours is not the only theory that has merit. If you wish to close your mind to all outside the smallness of your vision, so be it.
There is a great deal of legend coloring the history of Elanthia. For those who are interested, some of the older bards have made it a point to know the tales. There are some fascinating stories for those who would take the time to seek them out. Some are heroic, others poignant. All bring life to the Lands.
HarmNone, on the value of tales of eld
04-03-2004, 12:10 PM
But there is nothing to lend credence to the mere idea that the dolphin is Charl's wife, whereas the dolphin BEING Niima's symbol lends itself to the idea that the dolphin is supposed to be Niima.
I'm not closed off to any ideas of the gods. I've always played Charl as a dark God with my cleric, against current norms. But the evidence is not there, at all, to provide worship to a wife who a bard made up a story about.
P.S. the fact that the dolphin is playful, and constantly splashing around, also lends itself to the idea that it is indeed a representation of Niima, not some forgotten wife.
04-03-2004, 12:22 PM
I shall bow out of this one, having remembered a recent statement of yours on these boards that went something like this: "Ahh. I knew we could find an argument here somewhere."
For those of you who might be interested, the link to Charl's Story, as told by Laranna, is here:
HarmNone, who finds no joy in arguing for the sake of arguing
04-03-2004, 12:25 PM
My first character Myssa was kidnapped by Lord Michelan and taken to the shrine, with a cleric and was wed. The marriage was doomed of course, but at that time (95 or 96, I'm not the best with dates) the legend was there was indeed a dolphin who was Charl's wife, incarnated.
[Edited on 4-3-2004 by Myshel]
04-03-2004, 12:39 PM
The key phrase in that story:
"Such is th' tale as I know it," Laranna concludes with a melancholy smile, the same smile echoed on Mapper's face as well.
Like I said, a storyteller making things up doesn't make it anywhere near true. Maybe you paid homage to a dolphin thinking it was Charl's wife, and that's all well and good. That doesn't make it so.
And my comment about finding an argument was A) facetious, and B) something I was not involved in. We all agreed we disliked Jesse Jackson, yet Edine and Ravenstorm took it to an argument level of "how much do you hate him?" thing, which I sardonically replied to, to illustrate that even when we agree, we disagree as well.
04-03-2004, 12:59 PM
Yes, Myshel! The full story is related in the link I posted. It is a beautiful story, and a wonderful, heart-warming legend. Having just heard the tale, it was very fresh in my mind when I swam through the opening into the beauty that is Charl's shrine. I can say, without shame, that tears came to my (the player's) eyes when the dolphin appeared. Of course, my character immediately burst into tears, as well.
All in all, it is one of my most treasured memories of Elanthia. :)
04-03-2004, 07:40 PM
Any word on how the date went yet? Where'd you take her? Need more details!
Harmnone-That was a beautiful story. I wish I had heard more tales like that when I was playing gemstone. For some reason I only ran into people like Bob. Nuff said. And TheE, casting lightning at people picnicing just the hey of it.
Where are all the good ones?
04-03-2004, 07:44 PM
There are still those around who remember the old tales. I am sure people like Soulpie, Bevan, Ylena, Lissa...any number of others...would love to recall some of them for you. It might even make a good project for the Mentor Bards to get their teeth into. :)
HarmNone knows there are many legends to be told
04-03-2004, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
I'm surprised no one's mentioned Solhaven.
The bath house... :whistle:
Anyway, so how'd the date go, Harlock?
Weedmage Princess
04-03-2004, 08:18 PM
ROFL Jonty. Don't make them start up with that again!
04-03-2004, 08:40 PM
We went to the Wildflower Field near the Vineyard, as someone suggested. It was very nice. We had a nice time. I had gone to Illistim prior and gotten nice clothes and chocolates as well as a bouquet of roses. It was some great roleplay and no, I'm not into cyber so get your flifthy little minds out of the gutter... you know who you are. Thanks for all those who took my posts at face value and offered helpful advice.
Oh, Our characters have a second date set up too.
04-03-2004, 08:43 PM
Wonderful, Harlock! Thanks for coming back and sharing your successful outing with us! Ahhh, the memories.... :D
HarmNone is glad things went well for you and the lucky lady
04-03-2004, 10:56 PM
Heh, that was my suggestion, I used to go there pretty often, my ranger doesn't like town much, and he'd spend most of his down time there. Glad you liked it.
And TheE, casting lightning at people picnicing just the hey of it.
Casting lightning at people picnicing at a shrine, which my character considers holy ground? Yeah, I'd do it in an instant (or rather, my character would), but that's because he's a bit of a zealot.
04-04-2004, 10:19 AM
04-04-2004, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Christ people back off. The guy asked a simple question. If he wants to roleplay out taking someone on a date, then good for him. It doesn't mean he's looking to get some cyber poon either. Maybe he's someone who's just sick of the spell up, fry, go to a table unfry, repeat garbage that seems to run rampant. He's trying to do something different. He must be a loser. :rolleyes: Lighten up.
Oh the Bob Jr. reference is because Bob was trying to pick up some chick on PsiNet (the OOC channel I think) and uh..things didn't turn out quite as he had expected...I guess. ::stare::
Anyway..unfortunately I don't know any really nice spots in the Elven Nations period as...I hate hate place. I'm surprised no one's mentioned Solhaven. They have that restaurant there with the booths that you can sit down at and see dolphins (if I remember correctly) and stuff. Then you can rent a boat and row out on Solhaven Bay. You go far north enough and there's a waterfall out there...Cascade of Tears--very nice. Good luck on your date (you've probably had it hope it went well!)
Weedie wins. Jeez you'd think the guy was asking for cyber tips publically or messed up and posted one of his scenes or something.
Solhaven also has the bathhouse. That place is awesome, but the wooing should probably come first... yes... ::Grins mischievously::
Originally posted by Harlock
We went to the Wildflower Field near the Vineyard, as someone suggested. It was very nice. We had a nice time. I had gone to Illistim prior and gotten nice clothes and chocolates as well as a bouquet of roses. It was some great roleplay and no, I'm not into cyber so get your flifthy little minds out of the gutter... you know who you are. Thanks for all those who took my posts at face value and offered helpful advice.
Oh, Our characters have a second date set up too.
Go you :) Congradulations. Hope it lasts longer than most GS romances and goes happily ever after.
ahhhhhh something to refresh my fading sense of idealism.
04-05-2004, 03:58 PM
Aww, I just read this post other wise I could have helped a little more. But I'm glad you got everything taken care of and good luck on your next date!
From the god documents on the official site:
Niima is the mistress of the water and the patroness of sailors. Daughter of Charl and one of the Arkati lost in the Ur-Daemon War, she acts as her father's conscience and moderates his temper.
So, even though it doesn't say Charl was married, Niima had a mother. Her mother was one of the lost Arkati. No Athena-like birth here. We just don't know the name of Niima's mother.
P. S. Glad you had a nice date!
Edited to add the P. S.
[Edited on 4-5-2004 by Vesi]
Killer Kitten
04-05-2004, 08:18 PM
If you ever wander down to the Landing, climbing the Reach is good for a long evening. There are no critters, but there is a puzzle to solve, a watercab ride with spectacular views and a challenging waterslide ride to get out. If she's a majik user take along a bagful of wands and charge them for her in the beam.
Imeara's Shrine (I know I fractured that spelling!) is lovely, as is Ronan's Shrine. Charl's Shrine (as previously mentioned) is beautiful. I also always liked the Misty Chamber, the one in the Gnome Caves, not the one by hooded figures. (One of my characters was married there, in fact.) The secret room in the catacombs is worth a look and the upstairs of the Abandoned Inn is now safe to explore and even has a gift shop.
The Sandcastle on the Kappa beach is worth a look. The neighborhood just outside North Gate has a real working swimming hole with a swinging vine. If you can get a member to take you on a tour, a lot of the Houses are also great to check out.
04-06-2004, 01:41 AM
Heh, who gives a flying fuck whether he was going for cyber or not? What, are you all uptight virgins out there?
Good to hear you had a good time, man. Hope the next date goes okay!
10-10-2004, 04:54 AM
Thats impressive, never got that second date, though i could be lieing. Anyways. It apparently means that she must enjoy your company, but fear not, for i am told this is a good thing.
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