View Full Version : new paladin

06-12-2010, 09:52 AM
I just started a paladin in shattered, and I am a bit cunfused on what skills to take. I cant give my stats right now as I am at work but I am looking to try using a mix of ohe with shield and magic. so far I have been maxing out edged 1.5x armor and cman 1x muti opponent with 2 ranks in paladin spells and 1 in spiritual spells. I am only 4th level so still have time but Iwas hoping for some advise on where to go.

Thanks in advance

06-12-2010, 11:31 AM
Considering paladins can 3x armor, that's one of your big strengths. I'd bump up the armor training to get into plate as soon as possible, but that's just me. Once you get into plate, life gets particularly easy. It's worth a few early-on sacrifices. I did fine without any minor spirit spells.

That was my experience, anyway, and I didn't even use a shield. I used polearms, and I don't think there was a time I was ever worried about suffering any big hits. I only got to level 35ish, but I was uphunting like mad and enjoyed actually participating in invasions for once. I attribute most of that to sporting a set of plate armor and watching attacks and spells alike glance off. Symbol of Restoration kept my health up in the case of the invasions. You'll have the added benefit of the shield blocking a fair amount of incoming attacks, particularly with the paladin spell that increases shield block percentage.

06-12-2010, 11:37 AM
Ahh with what you said about invasions at early trains it reminded me of rolling a giantman sorc when I knew totally nothing about GS and got to level 15 when my first invasion happened to Landing. I was so immersed and scared, the people who were in charge threw me into some full plate with some friends and pushed us out of the gate with steel swords..
That was awesome.

Sorry, carry on.

Some Rogue
06-12-2010, 12:02 PM
If you're within your first 30 days, fuck all that shit. Just 2x thw, 1x armor, 2x PT, 1-2x CM and spend the rest on spells and go to town.

06-12-2010, 01:45 PM
thanks for the help going to try that 3x armor

06-13-2010, 10:25 AM
dont paladins get bless weapon? I am not seeing it in the spell lists

06-13-2010, 10:47 AM
Listen to SomeRogue. I wouldnt 3x armor. I've got a level 50ish paladin in prime that I dont think I'll get above MPB simply because I dislike hinderance so much. Unless I start having warding issues, which I have not had thus far.

A lot of paladins will suggest 2x in CM, I dont agree. Sure, a high AS is nice, but dont forget about 1611. You'll be waisting the bonus if you 2x, and personally I would throw those TPs into physical training, since they are the most important for avoiding critter mans. Just do the math and put just enough TPs into CM to be at 2x with the bonus.

Your question on paladin blessing, you just need a sancted weapon. They also have the ability to sanct a weapon later on with the paladin bonding spell.

Oh, I forgot to add, I tried THW for a while. Was nice, but towershield/morningstar/divineshield owns it. Hell, its less tps, way more DS, blocked the shit out of stuff and I mooshed things in one hit just like with my maul.

Spell 1611 - Patron's Blessing (PATBLESS)
Circle: Cleric

Duration: Duration: +600 seconds, +30 per rank (Stackable)

+10 Cman, +0.75 per rank after 11
+0 Cman, using Spiritual Lore - Religion seed 3

This spell may not be cast on others.

The Paladin's patron Arkati bestows a refined combat knowledge upon him, allowing him to better attack with and defend against CML maneuvers. Patron's Blessing increases the caster's effective Combat Maneuvers ranks for purposes of the Combat Maneuver List (CML) and Attack Strength (AS). The base is 10 Combat Maneuver ranks +0.75 for every Paladin spell rank beyond 11. This spell is self-cast only.

With the increase in effective Combat Maneuver ranks, there is also an increase in Mana Point (MP) cost. The base MP cost is 11, +1 for every 3 Combat Maneuver ranks above the initial 10.

Training Spiritual Lore, Blessings provides an additional bonus of +1 Combat Maneuver rank at 3 Blessings Lore ranks, to a maximum of +17 Combat Maneuver ranks at 187 Blessings Lore ranks.

The total Combat Maneuver bonus received between Patron's Blessing and the Paladin's training can not surpass what the Paladin would receive were he fully trained in Combat Maneuvers. The AS bonus, however, is uncapped.
Spiritual Lore, Blessings bonus thresholds: 3, 7, 12, 18, 25
33, 42, 52, 63, 75, 88, 102, 117, 133, 150, 168, and 187 ranks

06-15-2010, 03:00 PM
I believe the 1611 bonus cap only applies to effective CML attack/defence, and the melee AS bonus is uncapped. What I would really like to know is whether the phantom CM ranks provided by 1611 aid in open aiming. Does anyone know? If not I may do a bit of testing over the next couple weeks.

06-15-2010, 03:57 PM
Listen to SomeRogue. I wouldnt 3x armor. I've got a level 50ish paladin in prime that I dont think I'll get above MPB simply because I dislike hinderance so much. Unless I start having warding issues, which I have not had thus far.

You will have warding issues fairly soon. You'll also have minimal hindrance with FP, and even less with Fluidity.

A lot of paladins will suggest 2x in CM, I dont agree. Sure, a high AS is nice, but dont forget about 1611. You'll be waisting the bonus if you 2x, and personally I would throw those TPs into physical training, since they are the most important for avoiding critter mans.

I wouldn't consider 2x CM wasted, considering the AS bonus is uncapped. Plus you get more Cman points earlier. Don't forget that PT is used for redux too, which we can get.

Oh, I forgot to add, I tried THW for a while. Was nice, but towershield/morningstar/divineshield owns it. Hell, its less tps, way more DS, blocked the shit out of stuff and I mooshed things in one hit just like with my maul.

Unless you have a much higher AS compared to the DS of what you're hunting ( or using an expensive/weighted OHB), there's really no comparing a maul (or any other large twohander/pole) to a morningstar. DS-wise, I'll agree with you that a tower+divine shield is pretty powerful.

Gladrelton Enetho
06-27-2010, 11:30 PM
Hm, whenever I have enough to buy me a third character, I might get me a paladin. I love how they train for heavier armor and still use spells.I'll probably 3.5x my armor and 2x my weapon skill, 2x my cman, 2x my TP and 1x my spells or 2x if I have enough. and my general skills I'll train them 1x. Shield use? Hmm, probably 1.5x

07-14-2010, 04:37 PM
is the CM weapon specialization worth the points? I am 24 with 28 CM ranks I have feint lvl 3 and cmovement lvl 3 right now, cant hit crap with the feint yet altho it is getting better with 1611. but other than shield charge not sure what else to spend the points on. any help would be appreciated.