View Full Version : If I did it...
06-10-2010, 08:46 AM
Run-down of how Morningwood got to 25 first.
Short answer for those that don't enjoy my ramblings: ADGuild.
Now Morningwood isn't my character. I was supposed to level him to ~10-14 then turn him over. Then we kept learning he was #1 so we decided I would keep doing what I was doing til we got the sword. Regardless of the Announcment, Deepthroat was never in the lead. They must have seen that DT was closest to 21 or something without checking that MW was already 21.
1) Made a Starting in Vaalor script that does messages and water until 5. (it's pretty cool, I'll probably post it on the repo today)
2) Hunted from 5 to 10 in thyrils and leapers, because, seriously, why the hell not. No deaths' sting.
3) Fletched from 10 to 14 until that xp started drying up.
4) While fletching, I did get an RPA from an Alter session (my only one - averaging 2k/hr that's 21,000 xp, the next highest -Bud- also got an RPA)
5) Hunting script from 14 to 25 in various places around Vaalor.
- Script that gets Adventurer Guild tasks and completes them in any hunting area that character can kill stuff in. Loot Heirloom, Cull, Dangerous, and Child
- Between 21 and 24 had Gem tasks working (not well), until a crash wiped my jars out ><.
- Cooperative spell script. MW had 101, 103, 107, 202, 204, 401, 406, 414, 503, 509, 601, 606, 613, 617, 618, and 911 on 24/7. (this brought my stress level from a 10 to a 3 by the way)
- Empath who unfortunately got stuck at 16 as a sacrifice to get 25 first. Ended up being more of a target for mass spells than a healer since my guys didn't really seem to get hit after the Cooperative spell script. Have two other friends that did get hit occasionally.
6) During the whole process I was extremely attentive. I had 1 all-nighter, and several times of waiting up way passed bedtime for an outage to be resolved. There were times in the beginning that I couldn't sleep - I was getting griefed so much by GMs and invsions and whatnot that just made me wake up every 2 hours to check on my guys. I RDPed into my home computer from work during breaks & lunches and made little adjustments here and there to my script or getting somebody unstuck or what have you.
Bottom line. I worked my fucking ass off. I've done nothing but this game, and I almost feel about scripting the way Brewster felt about his Millions (and Brewster's uncle felt about Cigars). I ghetto-rigged this mass of scripts to work, just to get a few more xp/hr. My life was xp/hr for 2 weeks. And it was fun, but it was a lot of work.
Now... what the fuck happened yesterday. First, I was at work when it happened. But the sword was gone, so I figured I wouldn't get it anyway. I reached 25 at about 2:30 PM CDT 6/10/2010. My friends and I were advocating for the Swords return for a few hours, informing the GMs of when we would expect to hit 25. Bud decided to put out a hit on Morningwood, so I figured instead of coming a way with SEVERAL areas of vulnerability (the path from TV to Landing), I'd use the vast fortune I had amassed (this game's Silver is going to be fucking WORTHLESS btw) to use the chronomages for the first time.
Chronomage left at 3:30 PM CDT with the proper owner of DT on that character, and me on the rest. We snuck in, and I hit my macro: \xget claid from stone\rregister my claid\rincant 608\r (registration was just so it wouldn't be sucked into a void, not any other reason)
You may ask why not stow it? Well... I wanted to play with it to be honest. I knew there was a chance it would be taken, but really... what's the worst that could happen? Somebody disarm me and not be able to pick it up? LOL. Now, A spirit could pick it up, ya... but I was so spelled, I found that pretty unlikely.
J>Morningwood comes out of hiding.
Morningwood removes a massive golvern claidhmore adorned with glittering crit weighting from in the Stone.
J>Morningwood makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Morningwood gestures.
J>[Roll result: 190 (open d100: 69)]
Merchant swings his copper gear at Morningwood's golvern claidhmore and connects!
Morningwood's golvern claidhmore is knocked to the ground!
J>Merchant picks up a massive golvern claidhmore adorned with glittering crit weighting.
J>Merchant exclaims, "Yoink!"
J>Tool gestures at Morningwood.
Tool looks less calm and refreshed than a moment ago.
A scintillating, blue-white aura encompasses Morningwood.
CS: +108 - TD: +149 + CvA: +5 + d100: +12 == -24
Warded off!
J>Afkfapfapfap traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Afkfapfapfap gestures at Morningwood.
CS: +129 - TD: +134 + CvA: +5 + d100: +19 - +20 == -1
Warded off!
J>Deepthroat swings a naginata at Tool!
AS: +228 vs DS: +69 with AvD: +47 + d100 roll: +97 = +303
... and hits for 106 points of damage!
Damaging strike to chest, several ribs shattered!
He is stunned!
J>Locksmith leaps from hiding to attack!
Locksmith swings a vultite double-bit axe at Tool!
AS: +226 vs DS: +6 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +70 = +319
... and hits for 126 points of damage!
Blow cracks a rib and punctures a lung.
Breathing becomes a challenge.
* Tool drops dead at your feet!
The deep blue glow leaves Tool.
The light blue glow leaves Tool.
A nearby goodwife screams, "Murder!"
J> * Tool just bit the dust!
J>Deepthroat deeply asks, "Next?"
J>Bud gestures at Morningwood.
Bud hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Morningwood!
AS: +222 vs DS: +244 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +97 = +120
... and hits for 14 points of damage!
Light shock to chest. That stings!
J>Bud gestures at Morningwood.
Bud hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Morningwood!
AS: +222 vs DS: +244 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +18 = +41
A clean miss.
J>Bud gestures at Morningwood.
Bud hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Morningwood!
AS: +222 vs DS: +244 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +20 = +43
A clean miss.
J>Bud gestures at Morningwood.
Bud hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Morningwood!
AS: +222 vs DS: +244 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +98 = +121
... and hits for 14 points of damage!
Light shock to chest. That stings!
J>Bud gestures at Morningwood.
Bud hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Morningwood!
AS: +222 vs DS: +244 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +11 = +34
A clean miss.
J>Bud gestures at Morningwood.
Bud hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Morningwood!
AS: +222 vs DS: +244 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +92 = +115
... and hits for 6 points of damage!
Tiny sparks around chest. Almost tickles.
J>Bud gestures at Morningwood.
Bud hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Morningwood!
AS: +222 vs DS: +238 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +2 = +31
A clean miss.
J>Bud gestures at Morningwood.
Bud hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Morningwood!
AS: +222 vs DS: +238 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +40 = +69
A clean miss.
J>Bud gestures at Morningwood.
Bud hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Morningwood!
AS: +222 vs DS: +238 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +75 = +104
... and hits for 2 points of damage!
Static discharge to right arm. Almost tickles.
J>Deepthroat swings a naginata at Bud!
AS: +228 vs DS: +78 with AvD: +49 + d100 roll: +29 = +228
... and hits for 66 points of damage!
Neck skewered, sliding past the throat and spine! That looks painful.
He is stunned!
The scintillating blue light surrounding the naginata fades some.
J>Deepthroat swings a naginata at Bud!
AS: +228 vs DS: +57 with AvD: +49 + d100 roll: +5 = +225
... and hits for 85 points of damage!
Awesome shot shatters ribs and punctures lung!
* Bud drops dead at your feet!
The bright luminescence fades from around Bud.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Bud suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Bud.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Bud.
The light blue glow leaves Bud.
The deep blue glow leaves Bud.
A small human child cries out, "Murder!". His mother then sends him off for the town constable.
J>Merchant says, "Oh damn, it's a bloodbath."
J>Merchant says, "Wait, why is this not a sanctuary."
J>Rambo swings a broken helicopter blade at Cervina!
AS: +170 vs DS: +102 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +58 = +158
... and hits for 43 points of damage!
Shield arm mangled horribly.
She is stunned!
J>Deepthroat sings a melody, directing the sound of her voice at Rambo.
Rambo falls to the ground in a deep slumber.
J>Rambo shakes off the effects of the lullabye.
J>Rambo swings a broken helicopter blade at Cervina!
AS: +120 vs DS: +80 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +79 = +151
... and hits for 54 points of damage!
Right hand severed at the wrist!
J>Deepthroat swings a naginata at Rambo!
AS: +228 vs DS: +27 with AvD: +47 + d100 roll: +85 = +333
... and hits for 133 points of damage!
Awesome slash severs Rambo's left arm!
A jagged stump is all that remains!
He is stunned!
** As Deepthroat's naginata lands home, it flares with a burst of frost! **
... 15 points of damage!
Rambo's right arm trembles with the cold.
J>Deepthroat swings a naginata at Rambo!
AS: +228 vs DS: +13 with AvD: +47 + d100 roll: +30 = +292
... and hits for 97 points of damage!
Beautiful shot pierces skull! Amazing Rambo wasn't killed outright!
* Rambo drops dead at your feet!
Rambo seems a bit less imposing.
Rambo appears less confident and fearless.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Rambo begins to falter, then completely fades away.
Rambo seems to lose some focus as his eyes narrow and shift momentarily to one side.
A small human child cries out, "Murder!". His mother then sends him off for the town constable.
The scintillating blue light surrounding the naginata fades away.
Okay, two things now that I'm reading the logs that you need to know.
1) Me and DT were RDPed into our home computers from work. It was very slow, hard to understand what was going on. And I, frankly, was stunned that I was disarmed that fast - I didn't know WHERE the thing went, I didn't know WHO disarmed me, and I just knew I was trying to figure out wtf happened and people were attacking me.
2) It was our first time in TSC in Shattered. We had heard all these terrible things, and we didn't know what to expect. The Rambo thing was messed up >< now that I read back on it. It was scrolling by very very fast. AIM me and I'll reimburse you for your trouble.
So I run to east tower to collect my thoughts and get some real work done since I've been screwing with this game for an hour and a half while at work >< - they don't mind too much, but there certainly is a personal limit, and I had crossed it a long time ago.
After that, I'm not going to post exactly what happened except to say I was happy with the result (at the end of the day this IS still Shattered). I've been playing this game for 14 years and I've never had anything 'good'. In Plat, I got some alters and got some nifty things, but never any hand-crafted GM godliness.
I'm happy with my win of the race to 25, it sort of proves my own script writing ability to myself (and my ability to concentrate on a task when I want to). And I'm happy that I got a special prize for my hard work, regardless of what it was.
Here's a snippit if you want to check the replacement claid's weightedness. This is the only time I've seen it in action.
<source> throws a golvern claidhmore at <target>!
AS: +000 vs DS: +000 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +00 = +313
... and hits for 174 points of damage!
Slash to <target>'s ribs opens a sucking chest wound!
As Madam has pointed out, this is not the original sword in the stone.
I went and joined societies with my guys and am rank 2! WOW! I finally get the PLAY the fucking game now instead of just grind the shit out of it.
Have fun now! Shattered rules!
06-10-2010, 08:53 AM
aint no big deal, i've stayed out of trouble, haven't killed but one goober and haven't been murdered, til yesterday. cervina had attacked me (but wasn't he i guess?) so i was defending myself, hey, i'm rambo! was all fun, hope you get the sword.
06-10-2010, 08:54 AM
good job man you rock.
06-10-2010, 09:18 AM
You currently have 20297 unspent bounty points.
You have accumulated a total of 20297 lifetime bounty points.
You have succeeded at the Kill Creatures task 17 times.
You have succeeded at the Retrieve Heirloom task 13 times.
You have succeeded at the Procure Gems task 12 times.
You have succeeded at the Kill Dangerous Creature task 18 times.
You have succeeded at the Rescue Child task 23 times.
You currently have 20908 unspent bounty points.
You have accumulated a total of 20908 lifetime bounty points.
You have succeeded at the Kill Creatures task 13 times.
You have succeeded at the Retrieve Heirloom task 14 times.
You have succeeded at the Procure Gems task 15 times.
You have succeeded at the Kill Dangerous Creature task 13 times.
You have succeeded at the Rescue Child task 13 times and failed 1 time.
You currently have 21289 unspent bounty points.
You have accumulated a total of 21289 lifetime bounty points.
You have succeeded at the Kill Creatures task 17 times.
You have succeeded at the Retrieve Heirloom task 23 times.
You have succeeded at the Procure Gems task 11 times.
You have succeeded at the Kill Dangerous Creature task 18 times.
You have succeeded at the Rescue Child task 20 times.
You currently have 17577 unspent bounty points.
You have accumulated a total of 17577 lifetime bounty points.
You have succeeded at the Kill Creatures task 8 times.
You have succeeded at the Retrieve Heirloom task 14 times.
You have succeeded at the Procure Gems task 13 times.
You have succeeded at the Kill Dangerous Creature task 10 times.
You have succeeded at the Rescue Child task 17 times.
Thought I'd post that...
First time I saw my script escorting a child back to town by itself I thought I was going to cry LOL.
06-10-2010, 09:19 AM
Thought I'd post that...
You forgot to post the bounty script. ;)
Thanks for the post man, I'm glad you detailed it all out.
06-10-2010, 09:20 AM
You forgot to post the bounty script. ;)
No I didn't.
But to be honest, ask my friends, it's not exactly user friendly! It is quick, dirty, long, slapped together. Now I MIGHT post it one day. Depends on how long I keep my lvl 25 reward ROFL.
06-10-2010, 09:40 AM
I thought I might like to mention. Thanks to Faloon and Knack for putting up with me. There was one night in particular, I think I was about to crack (They all died or something), and it was the night after my all-nighter and I was frazzled to say the least. They talked me down LOL.
Thanks for Knack for having a clear enough brain to make me that collaborative spellup script I was having so much trouble with that made this effort 100x easier (and thanks for Tillmen for saying it was OK - I'm working on a better way, so you won't have to put up with it much longer).
Thanks for Faloon for sacrificing his xp/hr to keep my guys spelled up.
Heck, I don't know. I don't know. I just want to thank God and my team-mates for the win today. I mean, Jonathan Moxon's only one man... I'm just one man.
"Gee" ? "Heck" ? You even thanked God. You're a scary superstar.
06-10-2010, 09:56 AM
So the end all is that you have in your possession the super claid?
Drunken Durfin
06-10-2010, 10:06 AM
06-10-2010, 10:07 AM
Congrats on winning the race and the claid!
I want to know about the claid. How much worse is it than the one you had yoinked (completely would have pissed me off but hey)
06-10-2010, 11:07 AM
Congrats on getting to 25 first, you certainly earned it. That said, begging the GMs to restore the sword so that you could have it (and thus taking it away from the people who took it first) was a pretty bitch move considering this is shattered where the GMs aren't supposed to interfere with such matters. I'd be pretty pissed if I was one of those players.
Anyways that is more of a GM complaint. Can't blame you for asking. Congrats again.
06-10-2010, 11:18 AM
A gm- Merchant- is the one who disarmed it.
06-10-2010, 11:21 AM
Congrats on getting to 25 first, you certainly earned it. That said, begging the GMs to restore the sword so that you could have it (and thus taking it away from the people who took it first) was a pretty bitch move considering this is shattered where the GMs aren't supposed to interfere with such matters. I'd be pretty pissed if I was one of those players.
Anyways that is more of a GM complaint. Can't blame you for asking. Congrats again.
It wasn't taken away from who took it first. Madam still has it in her locker.
At the time, I didn't know somebody had taken it, I just knew that it was gone following a game crash (the same crash that took all my gem jars), and that I was about to be level 25.
Even now that I know it was taken via Spirit Servant... To be honest, I'm not mad at Madam any more that I'm mad for Blood and them for abusing mechanics for zero risk experience, or that I'm mad for a Dog being able to lick themselves. They did what they were allowed to do. It's the designer that didn't take every scenario into account that I'm upset with. And even then only slightly.
I'm just happy I was first. And, again, it's not 'zero GM involvement'. It's not like a player made this thing and put it in the stone. It was put in the stone BY a GM FOR the person who got to 25 first. Hence the 'whosoever pulls this sword' bit. I guess Madam's spirit is now King of Shattered ><. Actually kinda funny.
Oh, you meant who disarmed and took it... Ya, Merchant grabbed it I guess to make sure nobody else got it. And it wasn't my characters screaming 'Boooo' by the way. I shrugged and laughed it off and went back to work.
06-10-2010, 11:39 AM
It wasn't taken away from who took it first. Madam still has it in her locker.
Pretty sure everyone else who took it lost it though. Madam wasn't the only one
At the time, I didn't know somebody had taken it, I just knew that it was gone following a game crash (the same crash that took all my gem jars), and that I was about to be level 25.
Like I said, I don't really blame you for asking
And, again, it's not 'zero GM involvement'. It's not like a player made this thing and put it in the stone. It was put in the stone BY a GM FOR the person who got to 25 first.
Personally, I see a difference between 'GM involvement' and 'GM intervention'. I feel the theft of the weapon via Servant or whatever means was legitimate and for the GMs to intervene and restore the weapon to its 'proper' owner goes against the principles of Shattered. I don't see how its any different than restoring a disarmed weapon. The GM might have left it there for the first person to reach 25 but the sign didn't say anything of the sort. Just that the first person to remove the sword would be the king of shattered, heh. Of course they intended the first person to reach 25 to get it, but doing things the unintended way is part of Shattered.
Oh, you meant who disarmed and took it... Ya, Merchant grabbed it I guess to make sure nobody else got it. And it wasn't my characters screaming 'Boooo' by the way. I shrugged and laughed it off and went back to work.
Nah, I meant the spirit servant thing. I mean its a minor quibble since obviously you reached 25 first and the intent was you get the sword but maybe next time they shouldn't leave shit on the ground if thats what they want.
06-10-2010, 11:41 AM
It wasn't taken away from who took it first. Madam still has it in her locker.I'm like 98.222% sure that Madam doesn't have that sword in their locker. The jury is still out that Inspire full of doodoo.
06-10-2010, 12:02 PM
I'm like 98.222% sure that Madam doesn't have that sword in their locker. The jury is still out that Inspire full of doodoo.
Haha, probably... Auchand posted on the forums to say:
We hunted down the swords in question.
And since these are the Shattered forums, I am obligated to say "QQ moar."
06-10-2010, 12:05 PM
Okay... I was significantly ahead of you and Bud in experience with a better leveling strategy, but a GM fucked with me a hell of a lot more than they fucked with you apparently.
And you guys got RPA awards? Seriously? Major bullshit.. All I got was multiple characters transported to EN and 20+ deaths from GM "interaction" with forced decays and large XP penalties attached, plus another 20 or 30 deaths with some kind of resurrection but interrupted scripts. I was under the false impression everyone else was getting roughly the same treatment.
I was practically at my computer 24/7 with almost no down time. Literally the only thing that stopped me from getting 25 before you was the GMs, so you should be thanking them.
06-10-2010, 12:12 PM
Okay... I was significantly ahead of you and Bud in experience with a better leveling strategy, but a GM fucked with me a hell of a lot more than they fucked with you apparently.
And you guys got RPA awards? Seriously? Major bullshit.. All I got was multiple characters transported to EN and 20+ deaths from GM "interaction" with forced decays and large XP penalties attached, plus another 20 or 30 deaths with some kind of resurrection but interrupted scripts. I was under the false impression everyone else was getting roughly the same treatment.
I was practically at my computer 24/7 with almost no down time. Literally the only thing that stopped me from getting 25 before you was the GMs, so you should be thanking them.
Ya, the GMs seemed to really not like the empath mechanics abuse thing. Personally, I think if they didn't want people abusing that mechanic, they should have fixed the mechanic, not punished people for exploiting it. I was getting about 2150 xp/hr on average (never below 1900 and rarely above 2300), not counting game downtime and not counting the RPA and three weekly xp gifts. Seems high to me, obviously was high enough.
You're probably right that you would have beat me. But don't kid yourself. The GMs did their fair share of fucking with me. I don't recall any Announcements telling people where YOU were and to kill YOU.
06-10-2010, 12:16 PM
To chime in MW got mutilated over and over again for the first week. His death count is up in the high 30s i do believe. Also how would you know you were ahead of him and Bud? Sounds like an assumption to me.
Also have you heard of visiting the priestess to fix your decay issue? No xp penalty when visiting the priestess lol
What is a better leveling strategy then hunting and doing adventure guild while being fully spelled up?
I sure am glad that the race is over.. Deathravin was losing his mind haha.
I'm like 98.222% sure that Madam doesn't have that sword in their locker. The jury is still out that Inspire full of doodoo.
06-10-2010, 12:36 PM
Also how would you know you were ahead of him and Bud? Sounds like an assumption to me.
Also have you heard of visiting the priestess to fix your decay issue? No xp penalty when visiting the priestess lol
What is a better leveling strategy then hunting and doing adventure guild while being fully spelled up?
Because I know what their leveling strategies were and I know mine produces more xp/hr guaranteed, assuming I'm left alone. It's pretty basic math. Even with all of that I was still right behind them on hitting 25.
I actually didn't know about the priestess until at least a day and a half was wasted working off Death's Sting. I've never been in a situation in Prime where I needed to learn about it.
06-10-2010, 02:15 PM
Let me get this straight. You got to keep the weapon, right? When Merchant had disarmed you of it, I was thinking that he was going to just take it away and that would be that. I know this is Shattered, but I think that would be a really low thing to do and I hoped that you (well, not you specifically, but someone, anyone) would end up with the damn thing. Of course, there was so much chaos in the room at the time, between the killing and Bud/Tool's outburst that it was hard to process it all and I just left.
So, you do have something to show for your trouble, right?
06-10-2010, 02:23 PM
So, you do have something to show for your trouble, right?
I am happy with my prize, yes.
06-10-2010, 02:42 PM
Because I know what their leveling strategies were and I know mine produces more xp/hr guaranteed, assuming I'm left alone. It's pretty basic math. Even with all of that I was still right behind them on hitting 25.
I actually didn't know about the priestess until at least a day and a half was wasted working off Death's Sting. I've never been in a situation in Prime where I needed to learn about it.
xp/hr on paper is a lot different than true xp/hr. I'm assuming you had a healbot/bleeder script. I have a picker, and I didn't care about xp as much as just getting my fucking MOUNTAIN of boxes picked ASAP. SO I grabbed a decent pick and got him working.
He picked every box, it took maybe an hour to do a whole room, and he was fried the entire time. Now every time he did this, I would reset his xp/hr and he would get a consistent 1900 xp/hr for the entire hour getting 38-39 xp/pulse. Now if you do the math, an average of 1min per pulse, you'd be getting 2280 xp/hr. But that's just not the case.
During this time, he would always begin to drift behind another character who was constantly on his tail. Because with the AD script, the other character would be getting a consistent 2100-2200 xp/hr.
So being fried 100% of the time on a node != best xp/hr.
06-10-2010, 02:51 PM
The guild is the real difference maker. Not easy to script completely and can provide for some pretty intense bonuses. Also you know there's some halfway decent ones out there that won't see the light of day.
Monotonous--post yours up and I'll believe you got robbed by those bad GMs.
06-10-2010, 02:59 PM
The guild is the real difference maker. Not easy to script completely and can provide for some pretty intense bonuses. Also you know there's some halfway decent ones out there that won't see the light of day.
Monotonous--post yours up and I'll believe you got robbed by those bad GMs.
The GMs really were griefing the healer groups pretty heavily. I will 100% admit that. Absolutely.
06-10-2010, 03:04 PM
How sad is it when being fried on a node 100% of the time isn't up to snuff?
I am happy with my prize, yes.
Stop being coy and tell us what you got.
06-10-2010, 03:17 PM
Stop being coy and tell us what you got.
I wouldn't either. But I'm a bitch that way.
06-10-2010, 03:18 PM
Stop being coy and tell us what you got.
As they said in the hood, if you flaunt it, you don't want it.
06-10-2010, 03:23 PM
Stop being coy and tell us what you got.
Dude. It's still Shattered. I dunno, it could end up being all kittens and puppies, but I doubt it.
06-10-2010, 03:46 PM
So is that claid really 10x or what's the deal?
06-10-2010, 03:56 PM
I'm using an empath, but I was doing more than the standard healbot/bleeder trying to race to 25.
I was on a supernode 99% of the time, grouped, saturated a fair amount of that time off adventure guilds that my MAs harvested for me, otherwise always 100% "must rest" when not saturated (with 100 log/100 dis). That is what I was doing from the start. I developed an external app and scripts to run it all and track timing. Without a doubt it was the GMs and Death's Sting that screwed me hitting 25 first.
I partly blame my own ignorance in not knowing about the priestess to remove death's sting. I'd of been good had I cleared it with potions instead of wasting tons of pulse time.
06-10-2010, 04:02 PM
I'm using an empath, but I was doing more than the standard healbot/bleeder trying to race to 25.
I was on a supernode 99% of the time, grouped, saturated a fair amount of that time off adventure guilds that my MAs harvested for me, otherwise *always* 100% "must rest" when not saturated (with 100 log/100 dis). This isn't on paper.. That is what I was doing from the start. I developed an external app and scripts to run it all and track timing. Without a doubt it was the GMs and Death's Sting that screwed me hitting 25 first.
What was your average xp/hr (sans the sting)? Don't think I'm trying to say it wasn't the GMs, because I 100% agree it was. I'm genuinely curious.
06-10-2010, 04:09 PM
What was your average xp/hr (sans the sting)? Don't think I'm trying to say it wasn't the GMs, because I 100% agree it was.
I wasn't tracking xp/hr (not using uberbar or anything). Just kept a rolling xp/pulse average for prediction. 40 when guild turned in, 38-39 otherwise while the MAs harvested.
06-10-2010, 04:30 PM
Congrats to you Deathravin!
Lord Orbstar
06-10-2010, 04:34 PM
Yes, Congratulations to Deathravin. No qualifiers, no QQ, no excuses, no et tu Brute. Just a congratulations.
06-10-2010, 04:42 PM
As the account owner of MW, but definitely nowhere near the one responsible for getting him to 25, I have to chime in and say thanks so much to Deathravin. Slaved over this system to get it working and now we got 4 level 25's, not too shabby.
As for you Monotonous, this is literally the first time I've once in my life posted to tell someone to shut up and quit your bitching. You lost. The reason you lost may be because of GM intervention. But the cause of the GM intervention was due to your systematic abuse of simulated blood loss through the skill manager. Besides, no one wanted a lame ass healbot to get the claidhmore. It should go to a hunting profession...who actually killed shit to get there....which it did.
Also, if you're such a math-wiz, how come we beat the scheduled leveling chart for theoretical fastest possible time to level XXX.
You sir, really grind my gears.
End of Story.
PS. I have to give a shout of to Bud / Tool who mad a valiant attempt to smoosh Morningwood and I'll echo the apology to Rambo. In the scroll I thought you were going after MW so I smooshed you.
I wasn't tracking xp/hr (not using uberbar or anything). Just kept a rolling xp/pulse average for prediction. 40 when guild turned in, 38-39 otherwise while the MAs harvested.
06-10-2010, 04:47 PM
Hey grats to DR for killing himself to pull it off, and to Knack for owning the first 25 character.
I thought about joining the rat race for about .5 minutes then decided I didn't want to MA in shatterd.
One headache at a time is enough for me.
06-10-2010, 05:05 PM
As for you Monotonous, this is literally the first time I've once in my life posted to tell someone to shut up and quit your bitching. You lost.
Wait, didn't I see you bitching and moaning to the babysitter because you didn't get the sword, too?
Why yes, yes I did:
I wanted to take a few minutes and express my disappointment with the sword in the stone vanishing. It is clear to me that the sword disappeared in one of our system resets. As I will show later, and follow with posts throughout the day, a friend and I have, without a doubt, the highest level characters, at least 1-4, in the game and are on pace to hit 25 in a couple hours. No disrespect to you Bud, but you are well behind us in terms of experience, but well ahead in terms of fame. As the oldest characters, no one could have picked up the sword before us. Therefore, the only remaining options I could possible consider is either a familiar or a demon grabbed it. The weight of the claidhmore for a familiar to grab it would be under 1-2lbs, which seems unlikely and to summon a demon, one would need to be at least level 25, which as I discussed previously, is impossible. Therefore, either the GMs pulled the item or it disappeared. Could you please return my sword to the stone so that I may be the king of Shattered? Or is this just another example of a glitch or bug or a failed promise with a shrug of the shoulders oh well.
Thanks for your time.
QQ. You seem to talk a lot of shit for someone that didn't actually do the work to get to level 25.
06-10-2010, 05:05 PM
As for you Monotonous, this is literally the first time I've once in my life posted to tell someone to shut up and quit your bitching. You lost. The reason you lost may be because of GM intervention. But the cause of the GM intervention was due to your systematic abuse of simulated blood loss through the skill manager. Besides, no one wanted a lame ass healbot to get the claidhmore. It should go to a hunting profession...who actually killed shit to get there....which it did.
Also, if you're such a math-wiz, how come we beat the scheduled leveling chart for theoretical fastest possible time to level XXX.
You sir, really grind my gears.
Wow.. Retard-rage based on wild assumptions much? There's an awesome saying about proving something by opening your mouth...
I'm not angry or bitching at all about not getting to 25 first -- I'd of sold the claid immediately to a swinger. I was having a conversation with someone (other than you) about the power-leveling race and what went right/wrong... My only complaint was about the GMs screwing with me, and that wasn't directed at anyone, nor was it some kind of whiny "it should have been mine" excuse. It was just a complaint that they should have left us alone to race it out without interference.
Also, get your facts straight -- the GMs were not stopping us for character manager manipulation, dipshit. Tiqal was fucking with all empaths who weren't hunting because he thinks healing is a mechanics abuse.
Lvl 19: 6/3/2010 6:26:57 PM
Lvl 28: 6/11/2010 11:56:57 PM
Lvl 37: 6/22/2010 11:11:57 AM
Lvl 46: 7/4/2010 8:41:57 PM
Lvl 55: 7/18/2010 1:26:57 PM
Lvl 64: 8/2/2010 12:19:27 AM
Lvl 73: 8/17/2010 4:04:27 AM
Lvl 82: 9/2/2010 12:41:57 AM
Lvl 91: 9/18/2010 2:11:57 PM
Lvl 100: 10/5/2010 8:34:27 PM
This was my chart for someone maintaining saturation from the start (which didn't take Gift of Lumis into account, as stated in the post) . Your characters are going to be level 28 tomorrow from being 25 yesterday afternoon? Or were you just trying to make yourself sound even more like a dick?
In summation: You said you like to keep quiet, so let me suggest you continue to shut the fuck up.
06-10-2010, 05:17 PM
To be fair, he (Tiqal) thinks script-healing somebody who is script-hurting themselves (or automatically add/remove PF ranks) is mechanics abuse. I'd tend to agree with that. But I have been some form of system administrator for over a decade and am a firm believer that if you don't want somebody to do something - don't give them the option.
Mechanics abuse is almost always the fault of the Designers, not the abusers.
06-10-2010, 05:20 PM
Since I'm beaten 100x on Congratulating you on being first to 25, can I be the first to give you props for the thread title?
06-10-2010, 05:23 PM
To be fair, he thinks script-healing somebody who is script-hurting themselves (or automatically add/remove PF ranks) is mechanics abuse. I'd tend to agree with that. But I have been some form of system administrator for over a decade and am a firm believer that if you don't want somebody to do something - don't give them the option.
Mechanics abuse is almost always the fault of the Designers, not the abusers.
The "no XP without risk" is a carebear carry-over from Prime policy that should have been left there, and thankfully was by the other more level-headed GMs. The argument is a bad one in Shattered, and if Tiqal actually believed it he would have been screwing with everyone AFK fletching too.
It is too subjective to judge a scripted character's actions when it comes to empath healing. If someone runs out to rats, gets hit, then runs to an empath, is it just good script hunting, or an abuse?
I honestly feel he was manipulating things because of a personal bias, but that is wild speculation and based on no fact. Just my abject bitterness.
06-10-2010, 06:40 PM
It's not as much "no XP without risk" as it is abusing game mechanics.
If someone runs out to rats, gets hit, then runs to an empath, is it just good script hunting, or an abuse?
It takes a fair amount of mental gymnastics to make yourself think that healing a BBer or healing somebody who was adjusting their PF constantly isn't mechanics abuse.
I honestly feel he was manipulating things because of a personal bias, but that is wild speculation and based on no fact. Just my abject bitterness.
Without knowing any more about it than what you were doing and what he did, I'd probably agree. I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing in a similar situation. It's frustrating to see and not do anything about.
06-10-2010, 06:48 PM
I think they should just put a cooldown on healing the same location on the same character for xp. They should do it on Prime/Plat/Shattered
06-10-2010, 06:48 PM
I thought that in Shattered, healing a character you intentionally wound doesn't fit the "mechanics abuse" definition because its allowed.
Empaths as a profession learn from transferring injuries to themselves. Its a method of gaining experience just like killing and searching a creature. In Prime, this method is defined as "mechanics abuse" and is not allowed, but in Shattered, its perfectly fine.
06-10-2010, 06:56 PM
I thought that in Shattered, healing a character you intentionally wound doesn't fit the "mechanics abuse" definition because its allowed.
Empaths as a profession learn from transferring injuries to themselves. Its a method of gaining experience just like killing and searching a creature. In Prime, this method is defined as "mechanics abuse" and is not allowed, but in Shattered, its perfectly fine.
It is fine now, but previously the GMs disagreed on whether it was allowed with Tiqal leading the charge against it
06-10-2010, 07:39 PM
I thought that in Shattered, healing a character you intentionally wound doesn't fit the "mechanics abuse" definition because its allowed.
Empaths as a profession learn from transferring injuries to themselves. Its a method of gaining experience just like killing and searching a creature. In Prime, this method is defined as "mechanics abuse" and is not allowed, but in Shattered, its perfectly fine.
I was going to qoute DR but this one fits the bill better.
As stated on the officials (yes I know half of you refuse to look at them) Mechanics abuse is allowed, even incurriged if you can find a nice one and will be given props for doing so. So climbing something in game and getting hurt, running around with no armor in a hunting area, smacking someone then having an Empath heal them is all allowed.
A System Bug that you abuse is not allowed, i.e. running into the Inn to redo PF so an Empath can heal you over and over again. M saw that on the officals and responded in kind to wichever GM made the comment.
He's not bitching that what he did was considered wrong even in Shattered. Even though with a no rules policy I kind of find it BS and think they should have clarified just on what No Rules actually ment before hand.
They did have plenty of time to come up with the limited set of rules they are now enforcing before Shattered was released and could have let us all in on it instead of fucking with people. Wich is what I think M's main point is if not worded so well.
06-10-2010, 07:50 PM
It takes a fair amount of mental gymnastics to make yourself think that healing a BBer or healing somebody who was adjusting their PF constantly isn't mechanics abuse.
There is a huge difference between mechanics abuse and exploiting. Tiqal was trying to make the argument that we were exploiting. Empaths healing someone over and over is abusive, but not exploitative. I would say 80% of what people are doing in Shattered is "going against the spirit of the game" as it was originally designed for Prime -- including things like AFK scripting the adventures guild and such.
The point of PF adjustment is to lower someone's hitpoints. There are a million ways to do it. PF adjustments just happens to be one, and is "quite" at that. I really don't get why there is so much concern with it.
My empath heals a level 1 who runs to rats in stance offense wearing heavy chest/neck/head protection, then runs back after getting bit. The outcome is completely identical to PF adjustment or self-bloodburst. Level 1 has never been killed and my empath stays fried. It's even better than bloodburst because people screw with them a lot by buffing/thumping and such, but my dude just looks like some chump rat hunter.
I would call my method no less abusive or exploitative than PF adjustment. The only difference is what an observer (GM) sees. That's a stupid way to define exploits.
The whole thing is a waste of their time. Policing it has no positive or negative effect on the game -- it was just one way out of a million to drop hitpoints. The risk is zero no matter what.
Liberi Fatali
06-10-2010, 08:02 PM
Firstly, let me just start by saying I have nothing against anyone in this thread.
With that stated, I often do not understand these forums. Here we have, for instance, a person literally posting that s/he played Gemstone for 24 hours a day for an extended period of time, and people are congratulating them.
Had, say, IW posted this -- or Warclaid, or someone else that is equally despised, what would be different? There would be comments of, "Way to waste your life, you worthless fuck", etc.
Also, I do not understand why anyone would admit to receiving such a great weapon. My character is a Sorcerer. I have the spell Curse. What's stopping me (not that I would, I don't want a claid) from cursing you and stealing it? What's stopping a warrior from disarming you? Or anyone with cman disarm, that is.
It will be literally impossible to utilize a brilliant weapon such as this unless you are discrete or alter it to one no one can recognize. Just a headsup. I know I would sure as hell be utterly pissed if someone disarmed me out of the blue (which will happen, I assure you).
06-10-2010, 08:06 PM
With that stated, I often do not understand these forums. Here we have, for instance, a person literally posting that s/he played Gemstone for 24 hours a day for an extended period of time, and people are congratulating them..
Because he did it from his place of work, which is totally a badass "fuck the man" thing to do. If he was an 18 year old doing it from his parents basement, we'd call him a bitch.
06-10-2010, 08:15 PM
Plus he's never posted pictures of his scrawny ass looking like a douchebag in boxing gloves and headgear.
Liberi Fatali
06-10-2010, 08:20 PM
Plus he's never posted pictures of his scrawny ass looking like a douchebag in boxing gloves and headgear.
The fact that you attempted to make fun of a physically healthy person is thoroughly charming.
Yes, let's walk up to someone who has tone and definition to his muscles, obviously is not overweight, and attempt to throw an insult.
I don't see a picture of you on here. What does that tell us about how lovely you must look in real life?
06-10-2010, 08:33 PM
My pictures are all over the PC. Let me save you the trouble, I'm hideous.
06-10-2010, 08:34 PM
My pictures are all over the PC. Let me save you the trouble, I'm hideous.
I beg to differ.
Edit: Where are pictures of your face?
Liberi Fatali
06-10-2010, 08:35 PM
My pictures are all over the PC. Let me save you the trouble, I'm hideous.
Well then, I will not attempt to ridicule you the you have attempted me.
06-10-2010, 08:56 PM
Well then, I will not attempt to ridicule you the you have attempted me.
Here's a few:
06-10-2010, 09:13 PM
I still beg to differ. You are nowhere near hideous. I like you best in the third one, but your girls are way too cute in the first two.
06-10-2010, 09:36 PM
I'd bang his wife. Just sayin.
06-10-2010, 09:36 PM
I beg to differ.
Edit: Where are pictures of your face?
The best photos of him don't include his face nor have they been publicly posted.
06-10-2010, 09:42 PM
The best photos of him don't include his face nor have they been publicly posted.
Lol, yeah that's my good side.
06-10-2010, 09:43 PM
No wonder your wife looks so happy.
06-10-2010, 09:59 PM
Hey for the Dumbass who said this isn't DR (DragonRealms) and neg rep'd me.
I was talking about DeathRaven or however they spell it you stupid shit. Get peoples initials right dumbass.
Yes I'm lazy and don't give a flying fuck how people spell there their little avatar names on here and find it easier to be lazy with initials.
Oh by the way learn to read I said qoute as in someone said something, not as in qouting a game. Not to mention I put Initials for everyone else, or did that confuse the fuck out of you on trying to think up other games?
06-10-2010, 11:14 PM
[QUOTE=RichardCranium;1117387]Here's a few:
Thats cool. Didn't think there would be another PCer this close to home!
06-11-2010, 08:11 AM
Ugly ass shirts. Burn them.
06-11-2010, 08:12 AM
Well then, I will not attempt to ridicule you the you have attempted me. I think you're attempting this thread.
06-11-2010, 10:31 AM
Ugly ass shirts. Burn them.
I "lost" all my Notre Dame shirts.
06-11-2010, 11:44 AM
That's it, burning your house down. Give me your mailing address so I can FedEx you some fire.
06-11-2010, 11:46 AM
06-11-2010, 12:05 PM
More like:
And then he would just rub it around on his house for me.
06-11-2010, 12:09 PM
For you, I'll rub it around.
Hey for the Dumbass who said this isn't DR (DragonRealms) and neg rep'd me.
I was talking about DeathRaven or however they spell it you stupid shit. Get peoples initials right dumbass.
Yes I'm lazy and don't give a flying fuck how people spell there their little avatar names on here and find it easier to be lazy with initials.
Oh by the way learn to read I said qoute as in someone said something, not as in qouting a game. Not to mention I put Initials for everyone else, or did that confuse the fuck out of you on trying to think up other games?
I'm pretty sure you don't get to call someone a "stupid shit","dumbass", or tell them to "learn to read" and then proceed to write this post. Unless you neg-repped yourself. Then it all makes sense.
Just sayin'.
06-11-2010, 05:28 PM
I'm pretty sure you don't get to call someone a "stupid shit","dumbass", or tell them to "learn to read" and then proceed to write this post. Unless you neg-repped yourself. Then it all makes sense.
Just sayin'.
Pretty sure I said i was drinking (check the edit message, cause it was worse at first). Least I can still understand what people are talking about even when half lit.
Just sayin'.
06-11-2010, 05:33 PM
Pretty sure I said i was drinking (check the edit message, cause it was worse at first). Least I can still understand what people are talking about even when half lit.
Just sayin'.
So your drunk self takes neg rep way too seriously? Are you planning on drinking tonight?
06-11-2010, 06:04 PM
No a buddy came in town, and I was probably pretty drunk. Why it bugged me at the time I can't say.
I could care less today. Ohh nooooeees someone from the internet who has no idea of the conversation got confused and neg repp'd me!1!
Ehh whatever. Probably shows why I shouldn't play GS/read the boards when drunk more then anything.
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