View Full Version : OMG: Missing Claidhmore
06-09-2010, 12:41 AM
The voice of Auchand says, "Hai you guis."
The voice of Auchand says, "So, watching Glee so I can't stay long..."
The voice of Auchand asks, "...but anyone know what happened to the claidhmore!?"
The voice of Auchand says, "No one pulled it yet that I know of."
The voice of Auchand says, "It's jut not there."
The voice of Auchand exclaims, "Stay focused with me here!"
The voice of Auchand asks, "Claidhmore. What. Am. Happen!?"
You ask, "Auchand, what is the claidhmore?"
The voice of Auchand says, "It's 10x and crit weighted."
OMFG: Find the missing claidhmore!
06-09-2010, 12:42 AM
Probably got removed with the game going down earlier.
06-09-2010, 12:43 AM
06-09-2010, 12:44 AM
06-09-2010, 12:45 AM
It's in TSC, sancted.
06-09-2010, 12:51 AM
It's in TSC, sancted.
It's gone.
06-09-2010, 01:05 AM
The voice of Auchand says, "It's 10x and crit weighted."
There's gotta be some other "feature" of that item that he's not mentioning, like the first time you swing it it turns into a cobra and bites you in the dick and then slithers off.
Not that I'd care if they really gave someone a real 10x claid, but I think it's bait for some sort of GM torture.
06-09-2010, 01:05 AM
l in stone
There is nothing in there.
06-09-2010, 01:08 AM
There's gotta be some other "feature" of that item that he's not mentioning, like the first time you swing it it turns into a cobra and bites you in the dick and then slithers off.
Not that I'd care if they really gave someone a real 10x claid, but I think it's bait for some sort of GM torture.
get claid
As you pick up the claid, you begin to bejamin button... you begin to get younger and younger... within moments you are an infant.
level 0
I can see it now.
06-09-2010, 01:12 AM
Cursed, perhaps?
It'd be hard to use when hunting, as everyone and their brother would be trying to disarm you.
06-09-2010, 01:13 AM
Someone probably had their familiar grab it or something
06-09-2010, 01:17 AM
Yah, there's no way that weapon would stay in anyone's hands. Curse + Disarm + a boat load of people wanting your weapon.
06-09-2010, 01:17 AM
Going to be the Elder wand of Shattered.
06-09-2010, 01:18 AM
Yah, there's no way that weapon would stay in anyone's hands. Curse + Disarm + a boat load of people wanting your weapon.
I doubt it will ever see the light of day.
06-09-2010, 01:27 AM
Yah, there's no way that weapon would stay in anyone's hands. Curse + Disarm + a boat load of people wanting your weapon.
Maybe it'll be a returner.
I think it'll probably go something like this:
>get claid
You remove the claidhmore from the stone. You feel its power flowing through your veins, and then you realize we were kidding and now you feel like a jackass.
06-09-2010, 02:17 AM
I heard that the claidh shuts down shattered
06-09-2010, 02:51 AM
I'd rather have a -100x claid instead of watching Glee. I have no clue why people like that show.
06-09-2010, 07:46 AM
I'd rather have a -100x claid instead of watching Glee. I have no clue why people like that show.
Dur. Cheerleaders. Put it on mute.
06-09-2010, 08:03 AM
Dur. Cheerleaders. Put it on mute.
Even better, SLUTTY cheerleaders!
06-09-2010, 08:20 AM
Even better, SLUTTY cheerleaders!
Thats like saying hot fire...
06-09-2010, 09:26 AM
I'd rather have a -100x claid instead of watching Glee. I have no clue why people like that show.
Says the guy who watches baseball. Ugh, watch real sports, like futbol!
06-09-2010, 10:56 AM
Claid back yet?
06-09-2010, 11:31 AM
I thought someone posted something about pulling it?
06-09-2010, 11:39 AM
Someone did and then the GM said "Yoink" and when the person looked inside their inventory the item was gone.
That's some fucked up bullshit.
06-09-2010, 01:52 PM
The claid's back
06-09-2010, 02:42 PM
A sword in a stone? Has anyone rolled up a character and named it "Arthur" to try it yet?
06-09-2010, 02:57 PM
An agitated forest spirit snatches up a glittering golden claidhmore with a ton of critical weighting.
Claid gone again.
06-09-2010, 03:04 PM
yea, someone snatched that shit around 1:40 PM CDT. Funny as shit considering Morningwood posted he was going to hit 25 around 2 PM CDT
06-09-2010, 03:05 PM
And it's back.
06-09-2010, 03:05 PM
And... it's back as of now.
Some Rogue
06-09-2010, 03:06 PM
Gonna laugh my ass off when it shatters on the first swing.
GS4 Bard
06-09-2010, 03:56 PM
All you would have to do is pull it out of the stone, and then keep it in your container until you can kiss up to a GM and get an alter without people around to see the change...
06-09-2010, 04:07 PM
All you would have to do is pull it out of the stone, and then keep it in your container until you can kiss up to a GM and get an alter without people around to see the change...
Please. Like that would work. The PC is a tight-ass community and everyone is in each other's business. Someone would find it.
06-09-2010, 04:09 PM
Gonna laugh my ass off when it shatters on the first swing.
Especially if it comes with a message that says "Welcome to SHATTERED!!!!11"
06-09-2010, 04:10 PM
Especially if it comes with a message that says "Welcome to SHATTERED!!!!11"
06-09-2010, 04:18 PM
I was reading through spell descriptions when I realized that 218 spirits could pick up weapons.
I went TSC to see if it would really work.
And it did.
[Town Square Central]
You notice a vengeful glacier spirit (flying), the Bonquisha disk, a dwarven recruiter, a badly damaged fel strongbox, an acid-pitted mithril box, a weathered monir coffer, an old soot black bonnet, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, some wolifrew lichen, an herbal remedy donation bin, some stone benches with some stuff on it, a blood-stained steel mirror, the Stone with some stuff on it, a white marble frame surrounding a pale glowing blue portal and a flashing neon sign.
Also here: Bonquisha, Jeesus, Facebook, Iom, Cthulu, Lucky (sitting), Toyalara (kneeling), Matt, Sweet Sihaya (sitting), Avril, Ron, Rada (sitting)
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest
You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Spirit Servant spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A bright pulse of soft energy moves away from your hands and beckons a spirit to your aid...
A vengeful glacier spirit begins to take corporeal form before your eyes.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A vengeful glacier spirit snatches up a massively crit-weighted claidhmore wrought from pure golvern.
>l spirit
The glacier spirit is a flurry of bright white snowflakes that swirl around a shimmering, light blue core of jagged ice. Ethereal azure eyes are centered in what looks like the spirit's head. The body of the glacier spirit appears substantial, yet it gives hint of its delicate nature as a few snowflakes escape the snowstorm of its form and disappear in the air.
The spirit is holding a massively crit-weighted claidhmore wrought from pure golvern.
A vengeful glacier spirit gives a massively crit-weighted claidhmore wrought from pure golvern to you.
You open the locker.
Your locker is currently holding 3 items out of a maximum of 50.
You are holding a massively crit-weighted claidhmore wrought from pure golvern in your right hand.
You are wearing a backpack, a cloak, a leather catsuit, a whip hanger, a cat-o-nine tails hanger, some spike heeled black boots, and a scratched imflass aegis.
Click INVENTORY HELP for more options.
You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph.
You place the crit-weighted claidhmore in the locker, and it quickly disappears.
You close the locker.
06-09-2010, 04:19 PM
Madam traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Madam gestures.
A bright pulse of soft energy moves away from Madam's hands.
A vengeful glacier spirit begins to take corporeal form before your eyes.
Jeesus gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Jeesus gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Jeesus.
A vengeful glacier spirit snatches up a massively crit-weighted claidhmore wrought from pure golvern.
Facebook says, "Did the spirit just take the claid from the stone."
GS4 Bard
06-09-2010, 04:21 PM
# of claid's that Inspire took that will be taken back: 1
# of people that call Inspire their friend: 0
I forget, what train do you have to be to handle 10x?
06-09-2010, 04:22 PM
06-09-2010, 04:22 PM
+50 bonus /2 = 25 trains
06-09-2010, 04:23 PM
# of claid's that Inspire took that will be taken back: 1
# of people that call Inspire their friend: 0
I'm not giving that shit back until there's a REWARD!!!111!!
06-09-2010, 04:23 PM
I forget, what train do you have to be to handle 10x?
10x = 50 bonus / 2 which is 25 trains.
06-09-2010, 04:29 PM
I'm not giving that shit back until there's a REWARD!!!111!!
Sure because they'll just ask you and walk away nicely if you say no.
06-09-2010, 04:31 PM
Sure because they'll just ask you and walk away nicely if you say no.
Honestly, I'm looking forward to how everything plays out.
I want to know what they had planned for it all along. Will a player never really have it?
06-09-2010, 04:31 PM
he is lvl 25? thats whats shocking to me.
removed the lol
06-09-2010, 04:35 PM
he is lvl 25? thats whats shocking to me lol
Maybe if you spent less time posting about how you killed a kobold, you'd be that level by now.
GS4 Bard
06-09-2010, 04:36 PM
he is lvl 25? thats whats shocking to me.
removed the lol
If he was 25 then he would have pulled it out and not had his sprite do it.
but he can hold it momentarily when his sprite passed it to him? That's why I asked about lvl.
GS4 Bard
06-09-2010, 04:39 PM
Inside of your town locker you can hold items that are above your level.
06-09-2010, 04:42 PM
You can hold stuff while in your locker, but since it was handed it him prior because you can't have a spirit in your locker, it's not likely.
06-09-2010, 04:55 PM
The glacier spirit is a flurry of bright white snowflakes that swirl around a shimmering, light blue core of jagged ice. Ethereal azure eyes are centered in what looks like the spirit's head. The body of the glacier spirit appears substantial, yet it gives hint of its delicate nature as a few snowflakes escape the snowstorm of its form and disappear in the air.
The spirit is holding a massively crit-weighted claidhmore wrought from pure golvern.
A vengeful glacier spirit gives a massively crit-weighted claidhmore wrought from pure golvern to you.
You open the locker.
Your locker is currently holding 3 items out of a maximum of 50.
Odd, my spirit won't follow my empath into her locker in Prime. How did you get yours to go in there?
>go curt
You step through the curtained opening.
[Silvergate, Member's Lockers]
Rows of lockers line the shelves along the walls of this compact space. An old sturdy table is centered between two sets of shelves, and appears to be capable of holding the contents of any of the lockers you can see. Your locker has been removed from its assigned niche and sits ready for you on an old sturdy counter. You also see a tanned leather curtain.
Obvious exits: none
>tell spirit to give torban to alivia
But your badland spirit isn't in the same room as you!
>tell spirit to come here
Usage: tell servant to . . .
GET {item}
DROP {item}
GIVE {item} {player}
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
>peer curtain
You peer through a tanned leather curtain and see...
[Silvergate, Hallway]
Muffled footsteps and voices from the floor above filter through an air grille high on the end wall and echo in this wide hallway. It is sparsely furnished, boasting only a wooden bench set opposite a tanned leather curtain which rustles in a draft. A sturdy iron-reinforced door bars your way to the north. You also see a desolate badland spirit that is flying around and a narrow staircase.
Obvious exits: south, northwest
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
>peer curtain
You peer through a tanned leather curtain and see...
[Silvergate, Hallway]
Muffled footsteps and voices from the floor above filter through an air grille high on the end wall and echo in this wide hallway. It is sparsely furnished, boasting only a wooden bench set opposite a tanned leather curtain which rustles in a draft. A sturdy iron-reinforced door bars your way to the north. You also see a desolate badland spirit that is flying around and a narrow staircase.
Obvious exits: south, northwest
>tell spirit to give torban to alivia
But your badland spirit isn't in the same room as you!
06-09-2010, 05:03 PM
Maybe if you spent less time posting about how you killed a kobold, you'd be that level by now.
So Drayal asks about level and gets an answer, I ask and I get bullshit?
06-09-2010, 05:05 PM
So Drayal asks about level and gets an answer, I ask and I get bullshit?
Drayal isn't retarded anymore.
06-09-2010, 05:06 PM
Based on what you posted in the Israel thread I'd say you're pretty retarded there buddy.
06-09-2010, 05:07 PM
That means a lot to me coming from you.
Drayal isn't retarded anymore.
I prefer not as retarded anymore ;)
06-09-2010, 05:09 PM
06-09-2010, 05:10 PM
I prefer not as retarded anymore ;)
Odd, my spirit won't follow my empath into her locker in Prime. How did you get yours to go in there?
It might work the same way as disks. According to a Simu response about that issue some time back they are not supposed to follow into the locker booth but there are booths throughout the game where it will go in anyway.
So I was wondering... exactly what "level" do you have to be to hold +50?
06-09-2010, 07:57 PM
So I was wondering... exactly what "level" do you have to be to hold +50?
As was mentioned, 25.
06-09-2010, 08:15 PM
How can anyone who's played GS for more than a month not know the bonus/2 = level requirement?
How can anyone who's played GS for more than a month not know the bonus/2 = level requirement?
Eye, for one, was joking.
06-09-2010, 08:36 PM
Eye, for one, was joking.
FMITA (eff me in the a) CAUGHT
Surprise Inspire was full of shit.
06-10-2010, 10:14 AM
The voice of Auchand says, "Hai you guis."
The voice of Auchand says, "So, watching Glee so I can't stay long..."
The voice of Auchand asks, "...but anyone know what happened to the claidhmore!?"
The voice of Auchand says, "No one pulled it yet that I know of."
The voice of Auchand says, "It's jut not there."
The voice of Auchand exclaims, "Stay focused with me here!"
The voice of Auchand asks, "Claidhmore. What. Am. Happen!?"
You ask, "Auchand, what is the claidhmore?"
The voice of Auchand says, "It's 10x and crit weighted."
OMFG: Find the missing claidhmore!
I have reason to believe that the character who currently plays Auchand is the same player that used to play Anticor. I hope this information helps.
06-10-2010, 11:46 AM
I will kick you in your wrinkled dust spitting dick old man.
06-10-2010, 05:03 PM
Why aren't you two in shattered causing havoc?
06-10-2010, 05:05 PM
1) I don't play GS anymore.
2) See one.
You know what it's tempting after seeing some names in particular saying they fucking love that shit.
06-10-2010, 05:11 PM
Try it for a month, you can always cancel.
Cancel. It wasn't for me.
Thanks though.
06-10-2010, 07:28 PM
Cancel. It wasn't for me.
Thanks though.
As much as Shattered pwns, I'm not sure if I can handle another ridiculously long grind to cap.
Or maybe I just need to spend a few hours learning how Bigshot works. Is there a crash course guide posted anywhere around here?
06-10-2010, 07:29 PM
I've had better luck with Starscream than Bigshot but I'm retarded.
I couldn't be bothered with getting to cap again as soon as I hat to hunt rats.
I signed out
06-10-2010, 07:32 PM
You don't hat to hunt rats. Hunt something else. Or you could a script.
It was supposed to point out that I'm not doing all that shit again.
I see a climb of 4 years and can't get over it.
Some Rogue
06-10-2010, 08:34 PM
If it takes you 4 years to script level to cap, you're doing it wrong.
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