View Full Version : CHE Engraver Update

04-01-2004, 06:20 PM
March of Rhymes: CHE Engraver Update · on 3/30/2004 11:14:45 PM 578

IOI: 5

Have a shield that's just too plain?
Need something to make it less of the same?

You want it engraved, but you ask and listen
Will it work with my favorite system?

Well, watch out for the steel shavings
Here's an upgrade to CHE engravings


The CHE engraver has been updated to allow it to interact with almost all other systems. Engraved items may now be scripted, polished, and have show descriptions in addition to the engraving. They may also be shown to other people.

In addition, the engraver now supports both the previous ASCII art descriptions and new text descriptions of the CHE coats of arms. You may go to the Engraver's in Wehnimer's Landing and ENGRAVE {shield} ASCII to engrave it in ASCII art format, or ENGRAVE {shield} TEXT to engrave it in text format. If you have a previously engraved shield, the Engraver will change the type of engraving (through the same commands) at no charge.

Currently engraved shields will be converted to the new engraving system the first time they are LOOKed at or TAKEn.

- Ildran

This message was originally posted in GemStone Promotions, March of Rhymes. To discuss the above follow the link below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=33&topic=6&message =136

04-01-2004, 06:23 PM
ENGRAVE {shield} ASCII - Add your House's coat of arms to {shield} in ASCII art form
ENGRAVE {shield} TEXT - Add your House's coat of arms to {shield} in text form

>engrave shield text
(Your engraving format has been changed to a text description.)
>l shi
The shield has been engraved with the image of a mighty lion rearing back on its hind legs, its tail trailing after it. Behind stands the crenellated tower of the Silvergate Inn with its banner fluttering overhead.

Picture = Still better.