View Full Version : Windows 7 and Psinet.

Liberi Fatali
06-02-2010, 12:43 AM
I'm trying to play Shattered, but I just installed Windows 7. I tried doing some searching on here to resolve this, but what I found isn't working.

So I downloaded the Wizard FE and the game launcher, and then I downloaded the AUTOSGE and PSINET itself. I read that I had to do the "troubleshoot compatibility" option on the actual "Psinet2" file, and I did this, then I clicked on "run as administrator", and nothing loads up.

Then I read I have to do the same thing to the installation file itself, and I did that, then I did it to the "Psinet2" file again, ran as administrator, and nothing loads up.

I changed the location of the installation to my desktop as well, still nothing.

Any ideas? What the eff am I doing wrong?

06-02-2010, 01:03 AM
Try turning the user account control off; reboot; load psinet.

Remember to turn it back on again.

Liberi Fatali
06-02-2010, 01:09 AM
Try turning the user account control off; reboot; load psinet.

Remember to turn it back on again.

Sorry, I'm still new to Windows 7 -- can you explain how I do that?

Also, would I have to do that each and every time I wanted to play GS?

06-02-2010, 01:16 AM
make sure when you did run as administrator in troubleshoot compatibility you told it to remember the settings or whatever.

anyways, nothing is supposed to come up if you just run psinet2.exe. it should start when you launch the game

you don't need to turn UAC off

Liberi Fatali
06-02-2010, 01:17 AM
make sure when you did run as administrator in troubleshoot compatibility you told it to remember the settings or whatever.

anyways, nothing is supposed to come up if you just run psinet2.exe. it should start when you launch the game

you don't need to turn UAC off

Well, I clicked log on via the AUTOSGE, and nothing would load up.

I went through the GS4 website and clicked log on through that route, and then the PSINET alert would pop up saying, "Do you want this program to run?" and I clicked yes, and then nothing would happen.

06-02-2010, 10:04 AM
yeah, i had this happen last night, and jamus helped me out.

you need to uninstall psinet. then make sure you can log into the game without psinet installed. once that is all good, you need to install the beta of psinet

if i can find the link i'll post it. it worked right away for me

Liberi Fatali
06-02-2010, 06:59 PM
yeah, i had this happen last night, and jamus helped me out.

you need to uninstall psinet. then make sure you can log into the game without psinet installed. once that is all good, you need to install the beta of psinet

if i can find the link i'll post it. it worked right away for me

I could log in just fine without Psinet via the website -- yes, please post the link for me!!

06-02-2010, 10:06 PM

sorry it took so long, was waiting for jamus to IM it to me again