View Full Version : Why you quit Shattered.
05-31-2010, 06:11 AM
I have a feeling I'm not the first, or the last. Vent here!
05-31-2010, 06:18 AM
When the GMs altered my hunting area, it was the straw that broke the back. Its one thing when you straight up kill my chars, but another when the staff that run the game are modifying an instance of their game that defies how they advertised it. I wanted to script in shattered, not have the GMs stop me from scripting.
05-31-2010, 06:38 AM
QQ bitch
05-31-2010, 06:57 AM
heh same reason i stopped. all the alterations and etc are pretty cool but shattered was billed as gm free. with the amount of time they waste in shattered they could, oh i don't know, release monks?
which area did they alter rogane?
05-31-2010, 07:16 AM
Nowhere did they explicitly state it would be GM free. They said GM's were not required to spend time there, but they could if they wanted to. Reading comprehension FTW.
They just merely stated that GM's would not intervene insofar as WARN, ASSIST, and REPORT when dealing with other players and them harassing you.
05-31-2010, 07:33 AM
Nowhere did they explicitly state it would be GM free. They said GM's were not required to spend time there, but they could if they wanted to. Reading comprehension FTW.
They just merely stated that GM's would not intervene insofar as WARN, ASSIST, and REPORT when dealing with other players and them harassing you.
I knew there would be GM interaction. They also advertised that you could script all you wanted. When they started changing the areas I was hunting in so that I could no longer script there, they changed their end of the bargain.
05-31-2010, 09:32 AM
I knew there would be GM interaction. They also advertised that you could script all you wanted. When they started changing the areas I was hunting in so that I could no longer script there, they changed their end of the bargain.
Just because you expect a labour-free journey to cap, does not mean they changed the rules of engagement.
You can still just have to modify the scripts to meet the challenges the environment throws your way. " old scripts for a different game wont work here..."
Of course, you could always just cry about it a load and quit like a little pansy, oh wait...
05-31-2010, 09:38 AM
There was a conversation between a GM and another player in which the GM stated that I was purposefully being slowed down. That to mean sounds like the staff preventing me from scripting. Not what they advertised.
Also, you can't modify your script to deal with your characters being transported into an area which you have to climb out of and can't possibly have enough climbing ranks to survive.
Of course, you could always go back to being a cunt because your life sucks so bad that that is the only way you could fine joy in life is to try and bring others down to the level of misery you likely inflicted upon yourself through poor life choices, or, oh wait....
05-31-2010, 09:43 AM
< I wanted to script in shattered, not have the GMs stop me from scripting. >
What is to stop you from modifying your script?
05-31-2010, 09:44 AM
< I wanted to script in shattered, not have the GMs stop me from scripting. >
What is to stop you from modifying your script?
Also, you can't modify your script to deal with your characters being transported into an area which you have to climb out of and can't possibly have enough climbing ranks to survive.
05-31-2010, 09:56 AM
I knew there would be GM interaction. They also advertised that you could script all you wanted. When they started changing the areas I was hunting in so that I could no longer script there, they changed their end of the bargain.
What did they change?
05-31-2010, 09:57 AM
There was a conversation between a GM and another player in which the GM stated that I was purposefully being slowed down. That to mean sounds like the staff preventing me from scripting. Not what they advertised.
Also, you can't modify your script to deal with your characters being transported into an area which you have to climb out of and can't possibly have enough climbing ranks to survive.
Of course, you could always go back to being a cunt because your life sucks so bad that that is the only way you could fine joy in life is to try and bring others down to the level of misery you likely inflicted upon yourself through poor life choices, or, oh wait....
My life choices have been pretty good, to be honest. I'm not the one crying over a video game.
05-31-2010, 11:04 AM
What did they change?
They changed the destinations of rooms that took me to random places around RR. Most of the time it was the citadel That was adaptable, don't get me wrong, but very annoying.
05-31-2010, 11:28 AM
It's a feature, not a bug.
QQ bitch
This pretty much sums it right up. You're pretty fucked if you're butthurt and quitting Shattered.
05-31-2010, 12:18 PM
It's a feature, not a bug.
05-31-2010, 12:26 PM
They changed the destinations of rooms that took me to random places around RR. Most of the time it was the citadel That was adaptable, don't get me wrong, but very annoying.
the citadel only takes climbing ranks to get into, not out of. There's 3 different doors that let out out by just going through I believe. just delete the climb exit from go2 and problem solved!
As far as the log goes, I told you that they said they were "leveling the playing field" not specifically slowing you down. Auchland said there was no group effort against you personally, just that Tiqal is more of an asshole than him:-p
Did you ever consider the fact that you over-reacting is pretty hilarious? not only to GMs but most of the playerbase. Sometimes you've gotta just take things in stride, crack a joke or two and move on.
05-31-2010, 12:26 PM
This pretty much sums it right up. You're pretty fucked if you're butthurt and quitting Shattered.
Eventually they'll just apply all the Prime rules through strongarming and it'll be a more expensive, slightly less tedious GS.
Just start a chatroom instead.
Contradict yourself much? Don't disagree in one thread and agree in the other.
05-31-2010, 12:29 PM
I don't know.. I'd be irritated if they started switching around rooms that you spent months to build scripts around for the sole reason of leveling up in Shattered. Maybe not enough to quit over, but it would be irritating.
Of course, being top dog garners it's own special brand of attention. If you don't want to be targeted by the GMs, it's probably better to run with the rest of the pack instead of being the lead.
05-31-2010, 12:29 PM
Totally taken out of context and they refer to separate events. Make poor arguments much?
05-31-2010, 12:31 PM
Totally taken out of context and they refer to separate events. Make poor arguments much?
You should talk...
I own no Apple products and I own more (and better) technology than most people, so...
05-31-2010, 12:32 PM
What's your point? I would ask about relevance too but there obviously is none.
05-31-2010, 12:36 PM
What's your point? I would ask about relevance too but there obviously is none.
I just find it hilarious that you would criticize someone for making a poor argument, when there is a whole thread of you doing that exact thing that is less than a week old.
05-31-2010, 12:37 PM
No there isn't.
05-31-2010, 12:39 PM
I quit because of undesirable GM interaction. Not upset about it at all, they allowed me to see what I would experience in Shattered and it simply wasn't something I wanted to continue with.
does everyone think the GMs will constantly act like this a few weeks/months downthe road?
I am sure it is just a "welcome present" to everyone checking it out and will go away for the most part.
Shut up I want to hear Bob and PB go at it.
05-31-2010, 12:50 PM
does everyone think the GMs will constantly act like this a few weeks/months downthe road?
I am sure it is just a "welcome present" to everyone checking it out and will go away for the most part.
Probably not. I might try it again in 3-6 months. But I doubt it.
05-31-2010, 01:03 PM
Shattered really isnt for everyone, or even most people.
It takes someone with a heightened ability to put up with harrasment from either a) players or b) the GMs.
So, sorry you feel it isnt for you, but I do understand. Have fun in prime, I will be having fun here :)
05-31-2010, 01:10 PM
shattered is going to appeal to a whole different player base and I think it will be successful. but, the thing that ultimately will decide the fate of shattered is death's sting. in the wrong situation it takes hours to work the effects off, and in this gaming world it's something that could single handedly bring down the game. it will fail if death's sting is not lessened/removed
05-31-2010, 01:20 PM
When last seen he was travelling with this individual...
CAUTION ! Don't attempt to apprehend this individual notify your local GM on duty.
05-31-2010, 01:25 PM
with the amount of time they waste in shattered they could, oh i don't know, release monks?They could also cure cancer, and end world hunger, and free Tibet... DAVID WHATLEY HATES TIBETAN PEOPLE
does everyone think the GMs will constantly act like this a few weeks/months downthe road?For as long as there are people, there will always be people who only behave because they will get punished if they don't, as well as people who intentionally misbehave in pursuit of punishment/attention. 40 year old adolescents, power drinkers, trustees of modern chemistry, etc.
05-31-2010, 01:26 PM
What did they change?
They changed the destinations of rooms that took me to random places around RR. Most of the time it was the citadel That was adaptable, don't get me wrong, but very annoying.
Dejavu means they've changed something...
05-31-2010, 01:27 PM
Shattered really isnt for everyone, or even most people.
It takes someone with a heightened ability to put up with harrasment from either a) players or b) the GMs.
I think different factors are at play here. Most of them stem from how you treated a) players and/or b) GM's in either Prime or on the boards.
Those of you who posted who your char is in Shattered painted a big target on yourself if you came off as an asshat in the past. I've been scripting and killing various people and all of my deaths (save for the ones fucking around in TSC with GMs) were a result of my own fault out hunting.
Now you guys are QQing about getting picked on because you chose to be douchebags on the main boards, or in game, or break the rules in prime, put your big girl panties on and STFU.
05-31-2010, 01:33 PM
I think different factors are at play here. Most of them stem from how you treated a) players and/or b) GM's in either Prime or on the boards.
Those of you who posted who your char is in Shattered painted a big target on yourself if you came off as an asshat in the past. I've been scripting and killing various people and all of my deaths (save for the ones fucking around in TSC with GMs) were a result of my own fault out hunting.
Now you guys are QQing about getting picked on because you chose to be douchebags on the main boards, or in game, or break the rules in prime, put your big girl panties on and STFU.
I do my best not to fuck with anyone because it does nothing but come back to bite you in the ass. Most of my Shattered time has been spent improving Sloot and scripting in the middle of nowhere. I help out where I can because, as fun as it is, being the "evil" guy gets you targeted. I figure if I'm as nice/helpful to as many people as possible maybe the GM's and other players will leave me alone. Like Aragorn/Arwen/Odin. Notice how they kinda, disappeared? All of the people that rolled up characters for a little day 1 fun have stopped playing because they made a bad name for themselves and will never make it anywhere with that gigantic bullseye on their ass.
05-31-2010, 01:34 PM
Just because you expect a labour-free journey to cap, does not mean they changed the rules of engagement.
You can still just have to modify the scripts to meet the challenges the environment throws your way. " old scripts for a different game wont work here..."
Of course, you could always just cry about it a load and quit like a little pansy, oh wait...
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Nieninque again."
Consider this a pos rep IOU.
05-31-2010, 02:00 PM
I think different factors are at play here. Most of them stem from how you treated a) players and/or b) GM's in either Prime or on the boards.
Those of you who posted who your char is in Shattered painted a big target on yourself if you came off as an asshat in the past. I've been scripting and killing various people and all of my deaths (save for the ones fucking around in TSC with GMs) were a result of my own fault out hunting.
Now you guys are QQing about getting picked on because you chose to be douchebags on the main boards, or in game, or break the rules in prime, put your big girl panties on and STFU.
Yeah this. From reading years of Rogane logs I can only imagine the kind of time GMs in prime have spent dealing with it over the years.
I would be sad if they didn't spend a little time fucking with a 5-man Sesame St squad specifically secluded to avoid fucking with. From the stories I heard they did it creatively and are probably loving his QQ.
05-31-2010, 02:43 PM
I don't think he is overreacting at all. He was scripting in an area, and the GM's came in and added exits to rooms that took him to places that the area did not even have anything to do with, for the sole purpose of fucking up his scripts. I'd have been pissed too.
And leveling the playing field? WTF? Why does it matter if he gets to level 20 2 and a half days ahead of someone else? Truly? There is no leveling the playing field, game balance is for Prime. <stares pointedly at the golvern claid in TSC>. Hurry and get to 25 so you can get that claid, but we have to level the playing field so no one gets to 25 first! WTF?
I too am extremely pissed at the way the GM's are fucking with the scripters. A lot of people came here because they wanted to script, that was the big draw. Leave us the fuck alone. Seriously.
Agreed. Completely. Stand in TSC and mess with people who are more than happy to interact with GMs. There are tons of them. GMs are funny as hell and they make things even more amusing for those of us clamoring for ridiculousness. But leave the people far away from you to their own pursuits. They obviously don't want you quaking them to fuck up their scripts and they're obviously not vying for your attention.
I'm totes vying for their attention. It's funny as hell when it's courted :D
05-31-2010, 02:54 PM
I think different factors are at play here. Most of them stem from how you treated a) players and/or b) GM's in either Prime or on the boards.
Those of you who posted who your char is in Shattered painted a big target on yourself if you came off as an asshat in the past. I've been scripting and killing various people and all of my deaths (save for the ones fucking around in TSC with GMs) were a result of my own fault out hunting.
Now you guys are QQing about getting picked on because you chose to be douchebags on the main boards, or in game, or break the rules in prime, put your big girl panties on and STFU.
I posted my character names, and as far as I know, nobody from simu had any reason to fuck with me.
I also don't think I have been a douchebag in game, on the official boards, or broken any rules in 10-11 years in prime. I think the GMs just picked people, for whatever reason, that reason doesn't matter by the way, and decided to make life a little more difficult for those people in Shattered.
I didn't whine or cry about it. I adapted my scripts, made a new character that I didn't post here and never once got interacted with by a GM. I log in a specific character and blamo lighting bolt. It becomes pretty obvious what the issue is/was and that simply is not something I want to partake in. I play/played plenty of other games where combat between players was around and I highly enjoyed it for years. However, when its a lighting bolt with no way to respond I simply drew the line at that and closed my subs.
I hope everyone who continues to play Shattered has an awesome time, and that the GMs who decide to fuck around in Shattered get an understanding that random lighting bolts just for the sake of using it gets old rather quickly. I would rather have been ear fucked by a massive bleeding schlong. Atleast that would have been funny as hell and showed in my logs.
05-31-2010, 03:00 PM
My life choices have been pretty good, to be honest. I'm not the one crying over a video game.
There's no video in text.
Just sayin.
05-31-2010, 03:02 PM
I think different factors are at play here. Most of them stem from how you treated a) players and/or b) GM's in either Prime or on the boards.
Sorry, WRoss, but I think you did bring this on yourself. I don't know how you post on the officials, and I don't know all of your characters, but Rogane, for one, has always acted like an ass in game. If all your characters are like him, you've quite possibly painted a big GM target on your back.
05-31-2010, 03:13 PM
Sorry, WRoss, but I think you did bring this on yourself. I don't know how you post on the officials, and I don't know all of your characters, but Rogane, for one, has always acted like an ass in game. If all your characters are like him, you've quite possibly painted a big GM target on your back.
I don't post on the officials and Rogane is an ass, but that shouldn't even be the issue here. The fact of the matter is that when you pay for a service, you don't expect the staff to prevent, hinder, or do anything but try and improve the quality of said service. Instead, the GMs are doing exactly the opposite. This is a customer based business and they are pissing off customers.
05-31-2010, 03:17 PM
Maybe it's just me, but I think any real griefing done by GMs should be reasonably limited to "normal" game mechanics.
If they wanna swarm the area all day with level 600 Warclaidhms with a 478234704237840 AS or have a big black guy with a 14" prick show up, blind you with Soul Glo and give you a Cleveland Steamer, that's fine.
To alter the game itself to fuck up a script though, that's just retarded.
If some group of nerds were playing D&D and threw out all the rules, then the GM decided to fuck with them by flipping the table over and lighting it on fire, I don't think his buddies would keep coming back to play.
Hopefully they won't start fucking with the actual characters, i.e. they take the first person to cap and drop them to level 80 or something.
I'm not much of a scripter and I'm all for GMs torturing people, but at least torture people that are actually at the keyboard to witness it and do it creatively. Otherwise it just gives the image of the fat angry kid in mom's basement getting revenge.
When the GM IWIN button griefing starts causing people to quit, they're doing it wrong.
What happens if for example, player factions start forming, a big fight breaks out between them, and the GM decides since he's friends with some people on faction 1, he's going to kill everyone in faction 2 with lightning bolts? Is that any fun for either side?
Some asshole fucked up my fletching script at some point last night, but it was my own fault for forgetting to close my group, and I'm fine with that. If it got fucked up because a GM decided to port me to another town, that's just stupid.
If people wanna be able to advance their characters while off doing other stuff, the only ones that should really be able to fuck with that are other players.
05-31-2010, 03:22 PM
The fact of the matter is that when you pay for a service, you don't expect the staff to prevent, hinder, or do anything but try and improve the quality of said service. Instead, the GMs are doing exactly the opposite. This is a customer based business and they are pissing off customers.Customers are not of one mind, as this thread demonstrates. If you were presented with evidence that the actions that piss you off are pleasing to the majority of customers, would you withdraw your complaint?
05-31-2010, 03:28 PM
Customers are not of one mind, as this thread demonstrates. If you were presented with evidence that the actions that piss you off are pleasing to the majority of customers, would you withdraw your complaint?
For your argument to be true, they would have to do to others what they did to me. And of all the people who have had their scripts purposefully broken, I'm seeing the large majority of them pissed off and leaving.
05-31-2010, 03:42 PM
Let's just say you're the largest dick in Shattered, and pissing you off would please every other person in Shattered? Does that then make it better?
05-31-2010, 03:44 PM
For your argument to be true, they would have to do to others what they did to me. And of all the people who have had their scripts purposefully broken, I'm seeing the large majority of them pissed off and leaving.
I have not been messed with by a GM yet, and I 100% agree with you that the way they are fucking with people should not happen.
Shattered is NOT the test instance of the game, it is a PAID instance of the game.
There are some who enjoy the GM attention, slaughters, etc. I'm happy for them. Go for it! There are others, like myself, who just want to play and advance in the game without being messed with by the staff.
Its a shame that I have to be concerned with not giving away my identity in a game that I pay for in order to prevent a GM from retaliating against me. I do think that a lot of this is the "newness" for the GMs, but honestly, their hands should be bound a LOT more than they are, even if this is an instance where there are few rules for the players.
<< No Restrictions on PVP! You can handle your conflicts any way you
<< choose…but so can everyone else.
How do you handle a conflict with an omnipotent entity (i.e. a GM?)
<< No Restrictions on Scripting! No limitations, no rules...but if another
<< player finds you, there's no one to protect you, either.
Notice how it says "if another **player** finds you,..." and not something like "if a GM finds you, or you've aggravated a GM in the past, or if a GM just wants to give you a hard time, or if another player finds you"
I also agree with the sentiment posted here and on the officials that it isn't right that you can be fucked with like this at the whim of a GM, but if your character is corrupted or an item is lost due to a bug, you can't get it replaced (This has never happened to me, but it aggravates me for those who have had the unfortunate events happen to them).
Anyway... That is what I think.
05-31-2010, 03:47 PM
Customers are not of one mind, as this thread demonstrates. If you were presented with evidence that the actions that piss you off are pleasing to the majority of customers, would you withdraw your complaint?
What this thread demonstrates is that some people have been fucked with a lot more than others.
The people who're saying "QQ deal with it" I guarantee aren't getting fucked with the way some others are.
He is absolutely right -- this is a customer-driven enterprise. It's their business to tank, but we all wish they'd make an effort not to do so because we have fun playing when they decide to make it enjoyable for us. Fucking with people who don't want to be fucked with (scripting in a corner, for example) is obviously counter to the customer's wishes.
Would you eat at a restaurant where the waiters kept spilling your drink in your lap over and over for a laugh? They're just blowing off steam, dude. QQ and eat your fucking soup.
05-31-2010, 03:49 PM
05-31-2010, 03:55 PM
Hi guys,
To clarify - We're not policing things like AFK scripting, in game healing "abuse" (hurting yourself then having some heal you etc.) There is a world of difference between using an unintentional bug in the system to gain experience without any sort of effort/risk and randomly casting 701 at yourself and then having someone heal you. The latter isn't something we are policing.
Someone exploiting a bug in the game is not the same thing as someone using what is technically normal game mechanics to hurt themselves and then having someone heal them. Believe me when I say that none of us want to sit in Shattered policing things to spoil your fun, we want you just to have at it! :)
ASGM Towns & Communities
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Famous in Norway
Am I the only person who is just totally confused by that post? Someone care to interpret?
05-31-2010, 03:57 PM
Monotonous could probably interpret that if he chose.
05-31-2010, 03:58 PM
05-31-2010, 03:59 PM
i'm going assume that it means exactly what it says and which is what theyve always said.
if you find a bug or exploit than you will get in trouble for it which is what monotonous said he did. if you just do something that would normally be mechanics abuse (disarm-curse weapon stealing or 2 people hitting each other and an empath healing each of them for the experience) they arent going to stop you.
05-31-2010, 04:00 PM
Hi guys,
To clarify - We're not policing things like AFK scripting, in game healing "abuse" (hurting yourself then having some heal you etc.) There is a world of difference between using an unintentional bug in the system to gain experience without any sort of effort/risk and randomly casting 701 at yourself and then having someone heal you. The latter isn't something we are policing.
Someone exploiting a bug in the game is not the same thing as someone using what is technically normal game mechanics to hurt themselves and then having someone heal them. Believe me when I say that none of us want to sit in Shattered policing things to spoil your fun, we want you just to have at it! :)
ASGM Towns & Communities
Mentor Guru
Forum Manager
Famous in Norway
Am I the only person who is just totally confused by that post? Someone care to interpret?
Holy crap, that's badly written. What she means, I think, is that yes, they're enforcing penalties for abusing healing bugs like the one where you hurt yourself and your empath heals you. If you just accidentally hurt yourself and get healed, they don't care.
05-31-2010, 04:02 PM
Hi guys,
To clarify - We're not policing things like AFK scripting, in game healing "abuse" (hurting yourself then having some heal you etc.) There is a world of difference between using an unintentional bug in the system to gain experience without any sort of effort/risk and randomly casting 701 at yourself and then having someone heal you. The latter isn't something we are policing.
ASGM Towns & Communities
Mentor Guru
Forum Manager
Famous in Norway
Apparently not...
We are still in discussion on this at the moment so I will wait for Solomon to give any further clarification, but it was decided that any riskless activity that could be used to garner wounds or health loss is against policy. If you are utilitzing a game mechanic to generate your injuries in a way that was obviously not intended, you should probably consider the implications.
I hope that we will have a more comprehensive policy laid out for you in the near future.
GM Tiqal.
05-31-2010, 04:03 PM
I'm pretty confused by the clarification, tbh. I'm 50-50 on whether healing abuse is policed or not.
They should either fix the bugs or let them be exploited. Dedicating man hours to watching for it is fucking stupid.
The next question: what if I go to a hunting area and let mobs beat the shit out of me while an empath script heals? This is not a riskless activity but it serves the exact same purpose.
05-31-2010, 04:03 PM
haha no free rides for the empaths
shattered really got fucked the way they are doing all this
05-31-2010, 04:03 PM
I don't see why that's exploiting a "bug". Hurting yourself and getting your empath to heal you is exploiting game *mechanics*, no?
05-31-2010, 04:04 PM
Holy crap, that's badly written. What she means, I think, is that yes, they're enforcing penalties for abusing healing bugs like the one where you hurt yourself and your empath heals you. If you just accidentally hurt yourself and get healed, they don't care.
I read it the opposite.
We're not policing things like AFK scripting, in game healing "abuse" (hurting yourself then having some heal you etc.)
...and randomly casting 701 at yourself and then having someone heal you. The latter isn't something we are policing.
From how I read it, they are NOT policing the harm-self-let-other-heal "feature", just like they aren't policing AFK scripting.
05-31-2010, 04:05 PM
Basically, It's perfectly fine to blow your own nerves (or inflict a wound of whatever by attack, spell, whathaveyou) and have your own empath heal you. It is also perfectly fine to blow your nerves and have another empath heal you. What is NOT fine is exploiting an unintentional bug in the game system to generate wounds for an empath (yours or another, it doesn't matter) to heal you.
What I'm saying is, we're not going around policing people who are blowing themselves up and having empaths heal them. I didn't mention anything about who owns the empath in the equation. In Shattered, we're not here to police you doing things that would be policy violations in Prime. So, things like AFK scripting, deliberately harming yourself, cursing up a storm etc are not a concern.
What is more concerning is abusing a bug in the system that is unintentional. Obviously I'm not about to give out the exact details of the bug in question, but if you're gaining experience via a bug that is taking things outside of the "game" then that's not cool. Your best bet is to BUG the issue, stop doing it and then move on and have fun!
ASGM Towns & Communities
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Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-31-2010, 04:05 PM
Holy crap, that's badly written. What she means, I think, is that yes, they're enforcing penalties for abusing healing bugs like the one where you hurt yourself and your empath heals you. If you just accidentally hurt yourself and get healed, they don't care.
It's not a bug that you can blood burst or wrack yourself and an empath can heal you. Those are totally intended mechanics (that you can cast a spell that hurts yourself, and that healers can heal) thus that would be mechanics abuse, not a bug abuse.
A bug would be like before they fixed the Pavilion so that healing those wounds didn't give EXP, and the person just stands in the Pavilion spamming ordering new eyes while the healer takes all the wounds and continually heals them, accumulating the experience.
05-31-2010, 04:07 PM
Basically, It's perfectly fine to blow your own nerves (or inflict a wound of whatever by attack, spell, whathaveyou) and have your own empath heal you. It is also perfectly fine to blow your nerves and have another empath heal you. What is NOT fine is exploiting an unintentional bug in the game system to generate wounds for an empath (yours or another, it doesn't matter) to heal you.
What I'm saying is, we're not going around policing people who are blowing themselves up and having empaths heal them. I didn't mention anything about who owns the empath in the equation. In Shattered, we're not here to police you doing things that would be policy violations in Prime. So, things like AFK scripting, deliberately harming yourself, cursing up a storm etc are not a concern.
What is more concerning is abusing a bug in the system that is unintentional. Obviously I'm not about to give out the exact details of the bug in question, but if you're gaining experience via a bug that is taking things outside of the "game" then that's not cool. Your best bet is to BUG the issue, stop doing it and then move on and have fun!
ASGM Towns & Communities
Mentor Guru
Forum Manager
Famous in Norway
Isn't this what that guy did? He blew his nerves each pulse to have his empath heal it.
05-31-2010, 04:08 PM
oooh didn't think about the pavilion... damn
05-31-2010, 04:08 PM
how much exp do lvl 1 nerves really give?
05-31-2010, 04:09 PM
Isn't this what that guy did? He blew his nerves each pulse to have his empath heal it.
That's what I thought. I think perhaps the GM who pulled him/her had a different interpretation of the rules? Either Tiqal had a different interpretation, or Izzea/Naionna do. I'm hoping Tiqal was the one who wasn't entirely sure (he's the newest GM by far, afaik)
05-31-2010, 04:10 PM
What I find absurd is that this is even being discussed, now apparently they have no clue.
05-31-2010, 04:10 PM
That's what I thought. I think perhaps the GM who pulled him/her had a different interpretation of the rules? Either Tiqal had a different interpretation, or Izzea/Naionna do. I'm hoping Tiqal was the one who wasn't entirely sure (he's the newest GM by far, afaik)
I don't quite understand the logic then. I hope someone posts on the officials and asks for official clarification.
05-31-2010, 04:11 PM
What about the spiral area in Zul Logoth with lizards and what not. That little spur on the south side (lich room 9575). If you go through the opening, it'll inflict rank 3 wounds on two or three parts of your body. Too my knowledge, never your nerves or head, so you'd never lose exp absorption rate.
05-31-2010, 04:11 PM
I don't quite understand the logic then. I hope someone posts on the officials and asks for official clarification.
What logic? Why it would be allowed, why it wouldn't, or why Tiqal pulled her in the first place?
05-31-2010, 04:15 PM
What logic? Why it would be allowed, why it wouldn't, or why Tiqal pulled her in the first place?
Basically, is the following scenario allowed:
I sit two characters in a node. One is an Empath. Through the use of normal game mechanics, I inflict nerve damage on character 2 each pulse, then use character 1, the Empath, to heal it.
05-31-2010, 04:19 PM
Basically, is the following scenario allowed:
I sit two characters in a node. One is an Empath. Through the use of normal game mechanics, I inflict nerve damage on character 2 each pulse, then use character 1, the Empath, to heal it.
That's what I asked for clarification on. According to Tiqal (no?)
Izzea and Naionna both posted not long ago that this was acceptable. Just no exploitation of bugs to gain experience (see my post a few posts back quoting Naionna and Izzea's posts from the officials).
05-31-2010, 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Tiqal
We are still in discussion on this at the moment .....
Otherwise known as "Tiqal has a problem with it, but other GMs don't give a fuck and are letting the customers do what they want because it's just a game."
I completely admit I was exploiting a "feature" of Gemstone and I understand why Tiqal stopped me. People hurting themselves with normal mechanics (spell, creature attack, etc) then running to Empaths should be legit. This isn't Prime and the arbitrary constructs of "right" and "wrong" there shouldn't be applied here, as long as it isn't a blatant mechanics abuse.
How can Tiqal have an issue with someone 901ing themself, but not with a dude performing a violent sexual assault on the flower girl with a blender and a double-ender? Priorities seem a bit skewed.
05-31-2010, 04:26 PM
Otherwise known as "Tiqal has a problem with it, but other GMs don't give a fuck and are letting the customers do what they want because it's just a game."
I completely admit I was exploiting a "feature" of Gemstone and I understand why Tiqal stopped me. People hurting themselves with normal mechanics (spell, creature attack, etc) then running to Empaths should be legit. This isn't Prime and the arbitrary constructs of "right" and "wrong" there shouldn't be applied here, as long as it isn't a blatant mechanics abuse.
How can Tiqal have an issue with someone 901ing themself, but not with a dude performing a violent sexual assault on the flower girl with a blender and a double-ender? Priorities seem a bit skewed.
Looks like its okay to do now.
05-31-2010, 04:27 PM
Experience GemStone IV: Shattered, a new gaming experience based on the award-winning GemStone IV. Although the world and game may look the same at first, you'll soon see that life in Shattered is quite different because there is virtually no GameMaster moderation or intervention!
GemStone IV: Shattered will feature:
No Restrictions on PVP! You can handle your conflicts any way you choosebut so can everyone else.
No Restrictions on Scripting! No limitations, no rules...but if another player finds you, there's no one to protect you, either.
Freedom of Expression! Want to tell someone off? Feel free!
Un-Moderated Forums! Only subscribers to GemStone IV: Shattered will have access to these private message boards.
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GemStone IV: Shattered -- play GemStone IV at the next level!
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05-31-2010, 04:31 PM
As Izzea posted, I think Tiqal just got confused about what is considered a bug and just mechanics. He was a little overzealous, but hey, cut him some slack, he's new (and I don't say that often, heh).
Mighty Nikkisaurus
05-31-2010, 04:32 PM
Otherwise known as "Tiqal has a problem with it, but other GMs don't give a fuck and are letting the customers do what they want because it's just a game."
I completely admit I was exploiting a "feature" of Gemstone and I understand why Tiqal stopped me. People hurting themselves with normal mechanics (spell, creature attack, etc) then running to Empaths should be legit. This isn't Prime and the arbitrary constructs of "right" and "wrong" there shouldn't be applied here, as long as it isn't a blatant mechanics abuse.
How can Tiqal have an issue with someone 901ing themself, but not with a dude performing a violent sexual assault on the flower girl with a blender and a double-ender? Priorities seem a bit skewed.
Mechanics abuse, blatant or not, is allowed. Bug abuse (my pavillion example, or using the Inn to change your physical training, etc) is not allowed. It doesn't matter how blatantly abusive of mechanics something is, if every system is working as intended and you choose to utilize multiple systems in a way that wasn't allowed in prime due to balance concerns, that's acceptable in shattered.
05-31-2010, 04:33 PM
Otherwise known as "Tiqal has a problem with it, but other GMs don't give a fuck and are letting the customers do what they want because it's just a game."
This. I got pulled this morning because Tiqal thought mechanics abuse (blowing your nerves every pulse and healing it) was just as illegal as bug abuse (whatever Monotonous was doing). Izzea and Naionna are clarifying that Tiqal misinterpreted the rules, and we can go back to our regularly scheduled mechanics abusing. Nothing I'm doing is buggy - I'm getting a character down to 1 mana, casting 402, letting my empath heal it, and waiting for a pulse so I can repeat the process. When my empath gets a little more mana I'll change the process so it's faster, but for now I'm content. My empath never even hits clear, let alone fried, but it's slow and steady xp.
05-31-2010, 04:38 PM
So you're blowing your load and then cleaning it up with your empath? Sounds lame, but whatever floats your boat.
05-31-2010, 04:42 PM
Frying your nerves is riskless, so their test of riskless experience being a bug is total shit. I still think everything that can happen should be allowed to happen; who's to say what was "intended"?
05-31-2010, 04:44 PM
Frying your nerves is riskless, so their test of riskless experience being a bug is total shit. I still think everything that can happen should be allowed to happen; who's to say what was "intended"?
Yeah, the "riskless" thing was misinterpretation on Tiqal's part. Mistakes happen. /shrug
05-31-2010, 04:46 PM
Would you eat at a restaurant where the waiters kept spilling your drink in your lap over and over for a laugh?No, but I also wouldn't make grandiose and contradictory claims about how the restaurant ought to be run, or how they were picking on me more than anyone else. I'm not demanding that anyone play or enjoy Shattered.
how much exp do lvl 1 nerves really give?60 experience.
05-31-2010, 04:48 PM
Wouldn't it be more efficient to have someone blow their nerves, heal them, send them a small amount of mana and repeating, instead of waiting for a pulse? Or are people just not far enough along to sustain that yet?
05-31-2010, 04:49 PM
Wouldn't it be more efficient to have someone blow their nerves, heal them, send them a small amount of mana and repeating, instead of waiting for a pulse? Or are people just not far enough along to sustain that yet?
Yes and yes.
I quit cause there wasn't enough force for Anakin.
05-31-2010, 04:54 PM
Yes and yes.
Have you been killed by a lightening bolt for hurting and healing yourself?
05-31-2010, 04:55 PM
Have you been killed by a lightening bolt for hurting and healing yourself?
Nope. I got spooky voices in the shadows and a visit to the consultation lounge, but no deaths.
05-31-2010, 04:56 PM
Nope. I got spooky voices in the shadows and a visit to the consultation lounge, but no deaths.
Anything since the "Clarification" on the forum?
05-31-2010, 04:58 PM
Anything since the "Clarification" on the forum?
Not a thing, and I relaunched the scripts within seconds of reading the clarifications.
05-31-2010, 04:59 PM
GMs using shattered as their personal playground sounds incredibly annoying. I am glad that I don't play it. Also, I agree with Wross. They should have added a warning that "scripting is technically allowed, but GMs may fuck with you at will."
05-31-2010, 04:59 PM
Not a thing, and I relaunched the scripts within seconds of reading the clarifications.
Excellent. I might give this a try.
05-31-2010, 05:10 PM
Excellent. I might give this a try.
To clarify - the first messaging I got was: "A harsh voice comes from the shadows, "I will give you but one warning. Stop what you are doing or I will put a stop to it for you." If I hadn't been working on writing a new script and thus watching the screen, able to reply immediately, I probably would have been killed. I just happened to be there and mouthed off to him instead. I don't know for sure whether he would have killed me, or just found some way to break my script while leaving me alive.
05-31-2010, 05:20 PM
I know the GMs read these boards, and I'm not saying this out of malice.. Tiqal should probably just go back to trolling Prime since his main concern is obviously policy enforcement, and not for creating a pleasant atmosphere for the players.
The 40 or 50 people left there that enjoy the draconian Rule Nazi bullshit should be a cinch for him to tightly leash and police.
05-31-2010, 05:30 PM
If you weren't saying it out of malice, you would have said it a lot differently. Dumbass. (I said that out of malice which is literally "ill will").
05-31-2010, 05:34 PM
If you weren't saying it out of malice, you would have said it a lot differently. Dumbass. (I said that out of malice which is literally "ill will").
That was me being civil? I guess I need to work on my social skills.
Contradict yourself much? Don't disagree in one thread and agree in the other.
How is that contradictory? One post says you're pathetic if you quit Shattered because you're butthurt, the other says it's a shit game and not to bother with it.
06-01-2010, 01:12 PM
Well, considering what has been going on in Shattered since release, I decided there was not really any point to continue playing in Shattered.
Will be popping into Prime every now and then as I show my SO the remnants of a once-great game.
06-01-2010, 01:25 PM
Well, considering what has been going on in Shattered since release, I decided there was not really any point to continue playing in Shattered.
Will be popping into Prime every now and then as I show my SO the remnants of a once-great game.
Did you sign up for Shattered expecting to be serious business or something?
06-01-2010, 01:30 PM
Wouldn't 99.9% of the GM drama be avoided if you aren't A. In the landing, B. Rogane?
I thought the EN was devoid of people, or did that change?
06-01-2010, 01:33 PM
Wouldn't 99.9% of the GM drama be avoided if you aren't A. In the landing, B. Rogane?
I thought the EN was devoid of people, or did that change?
I'll probably regret this....
To answer you Fallen not really, I got killed twice in invasions. And other then that all my deaths have been due to hunting.
06-01-2010, 01:39 PM
God damn that tongue is still amazing every time...
06-01-2010, 01:45 PM
Did you sign up for Shattered expecting to be serious business or something?
Some people signed up for Shattered expecting less GM involvement.
Seriously, am I the only one that sees a difference between players having no rules and GMs having no rules? I GURANTEE this is going to be an ongoing issue if it isnt solved now.
Rule #1 of the internet: If you disagree with something someone says, call them butthurt or a whiner. Now do your worst.
06-01-2010, 01:52 PM
Some people signed up for Shattered expecting less GM involvement.
Seriously, am I the only one that sees a difference between players having no rules and GMs having no rules? I GURANTEE this is going to be an ongoing issue if it isnt solved now.
Rule #1 of the internet: If you disagree with something someone says, call them butthurt or a whiner. Now do your worst.
really? I mean, think back to the days when really awesome DikuMUDs were out there. There was always a handful of hands on GMs that made playing a pain in the ass from time to time, but it was them being a level gajillion demon that raped your asshold and being able to do nothing about it that was part of the fun (for me anyway).
I don't mind the GMs raping me from time to time. Has enough time gone by in Shattered to tell whether or not it's going to be a big deal, or if the frequency will change in the future?
06-01-2010, 01:55 PM
I don't mind the GMs raping me from time to time. Has enough time gone by in Shattered to tell whether or not it's going to be a big deal, or if the frequency will change in the future?
I don't think GMs are really going to be a problem in Shattered.
Wouldn't 99.9% of the GM drama be avoided if you aren't A. In the landing, B. Rogane?
I thought the EN was devoid of people, or did that change?
I suspect that is true, but I have to admit, if I were playing Shattered and weren't around to see the other PLAYERS goofing off, I'd feel like I was doing it wrong.
I would want to get shot up by Rambo and healed by Jack Bauer. HE'S TRYING TO SAVE LIVES HERE!
06-01-2010, 02:41 PM
really? I mean, think back to the days when really awesome DikuMUDs were out there. There was always a handful of hands on GMs that made playing a pain in the ass from time to time, but it was them being a level gajillion demon that raped your asshold and being able to do nothing about it that was part of the fun (for me anyway).
I don't mind the GMs raping me from time to time. Has enough time gone by in Shattered to tell whether or not it's going to be a big deal, or if the frequency will change in the future?
I don't care if GMs want to go around killing people for fun with crazy invasions or whatever, but they really shouldn't be allowed to be handing out unbalanced items and RPAs to people.
06-01-2010, 02:42 PM
I don't care if GMs want to go around killing people for fun with crazy invasions or whatever, but they really shouldn't be allowed to be handing out unbalanced items and RPAs to people.
Yes they should.
But only as long as I get some.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
06-01-2010, 02:47 PM
I can't believe people pay extra for this.
Tea & Strumpets
06-01-2010, 03:12 PM
Some people signed up for Shattered expecting less GM involvement.
Seriously, am I the only one that sees a difference between players having no rules and GMs having no rules? I GURANTEE this is going to be an ongoing issue if it isnt solved now.
Rule #1 of the internet: If you disagree with something someone says, call them butthurt or a whiner. Now do your worst.
I've seen tons of complaints about GM involvement from people getting silly character and item alterations. I THOUGHT THIS WAS A NO GM ZONE!!!
06-01-2010, 11:05 PM
Wouldn't 99.9% of the GM drama be avoided if you aren't A. In the landing, B. Rogane?
I thought the EN was devoid of people, or did that change?
I'm sure you all think I've had a ton of GM involvement. Prior to about 18 months ago, yes, I had a lot. After this time period, to which I changed a lot of things in my life, I've had very little GM involvement at all. The only negative involvement I did have was when I killed Perigourd for being...well Perigourd. Even then, all they said was to appease him and RP it out for more than 5 minutes. For the past 18 months, I have been flying well under the radar and I have drastically changed my lifestyle and way of actions in and out of the game.
That being said, I think it has been echoed repeatedly that the GMs are messing with everyone and not representing the message that was originally advertised:
No Restrictions on Scripting! No limitations, no rules...but if another player finds you, there's no one to protect you, either.
Sure, a lot of people like the interaction, but I was actively avoiding the interaction. I wanted to be able to script my crew up and have no fear that some GM would do something that would negatively impact my script. Have I been an ass and deserved some of this GM playground-bully mentality? Sure, I did and I fully expected it. Just do it while I'm active and able to interact, not while I'm obviously AFK.
I really hope that this was an isolated instance and just directed at me. I'd hate to think that a GM or GMs are expecting a positive result by dealing with their paying customers that way. I think we can all agree that the new regime has brought a lot of new great things and I'd like to look forward to more of that.
06-01-2010, 11:08 PM
The only negative involvement I did have was when I killed Perigourd for being...well Perigourd.
How is killing Perigourd a negative thing again?
06-01-2010, 11:23 PM
For the past 18 months, I have been flying well under the radar and I have drastically changed my lifestyle and way of actions in and out of the game. ?
06-01-2010, 11:29 PM
How is killing Perigourd a negative thing again?
As far as I know, he pretty much assists over any and all non-storyline related deaths.
06-01-2010, 11:31 PM
Sure, a lot of people like the interaction, but I was actively avoiding the interaction. I wanted to be able to script my crew up and have no fear that some GM would do something that would negatively impact my script. Have I been an ass and deserved some of this GM playground-bully mentality? Sure, I did and I fully expected it. Just do it while I'm active and able to interact, not while I'm obviously AFK.
I think they're learning what's acceptable and what's not. I'm pretty sure almost everyone was fucked with though for the first few days.
It "feels" like a different atmosphere now.
I see more players starting to play around instead of GM's, but I hope they don't stop completely.
06-02-2010, 12:43 AM
Holy crap that was a long thread
06-02-2010, 12:50 AM
Admittedly I bitched a lot, but I haven't been screwed with once in an undesired way since I and others started speaking up. You can call it crying but the result is that things are much more enjoyable now, so I'm glad I did.
You should come back Rogane. It's going to be fun and we've certainly all made our desires clear here and on the officials, and they're listening. You're paying for it anyway -- might as well.
I can't believe people pay extra for this.
06-02-2010, 01:19 PM
As far as I know, he pretty much assists over any and all non-storyline related deaths.
Also, does Warclaidhm know about Shattered? Someone please find him and inform him that banned players are allowed in Shattered.
Speaking of banned people, I saw Aanalar in rats the other day. Is that the original or did someone just scoop up the name?
And speaking of names, aren't our names from Prime/Plat supposed to be reserved? I tried ti make Methais last week and it said the name was unavailable like a bunch of big fat gaylords.
06-02-2010, 01:24 PM
Also, does Warclaidhm know about Shattered? Someone please find him and inform him that banned players are allowed in Shattered.
Speaking of banned people, I saw Aanalar in rats the other day. Is that the original or did someone just scoop up the name?
And speaking of names, aren't our names from Prime/Plat supposed to be reserved? I tried ti make Methais last week and it said the name was unavailable like a bunch of big fat gaylords.
There is a warclaidhm in Shattered but its probably an imposter. Only GM/NPC/Arkati names were reserved.
06-02-2010, 01:39 PM
Engaging in CvC with a character who will attempt to throw as much OOC repercussions your way as possible constitutes as a "Bad thing" in most people's eyes.
Other than the stupid war griffin daggerbeaks I feel like pretty much every time I've been killed by a GM has been consensual or an invasion. And 95% of those times I've been insta-raised. Since a lot of characters have started hitting level 10 the GMs have been a lot less kill happy and have insta-raised pretty much every time I've seen.
Personally I really enjoy the GM interaction, just like I enjoy watching meteor swarm kill 20 people. I'm here for the spectacle, entertain me Maximus. I know some players just want to reach cap first or want to get out to a big lead so they can start griefing but that's not me. So thanks GMs for making shattered really fun (and totally worth paying 5 dollars for SHM and Drayal).
Engaging in CvC with a character who will attempt to throw as much OOC repercussions your way as possible constitutes as a "Bad thing" in most people's eyes.
I've never once assisted or reported or warn interacted about a problem I've had with another character, even griefers. One wonders what the GMs could accomplish if everyone was a grown up.
06-02-2010, 04:44 PM
There is a warclaidhm in Shattered but its probably an imposter. Only GM/NPC/Arkati names were reserved.
It is totally an imposter (me).
I'm going to be working on Tits McGee for the first 30 days to get a few things done and build up some coins, but then Warclaidhm will probably become one of my primary characters.
Prepare to have your vectors sexxz0red up - Calculus style. Also random hugging and demands that you be my friend. Hopefully the GM's are still lingering around at that point so I can get my altered pedo-stache.
06-02-2010, 09:41 PM
It is totally an imposter (me).
I'm going to be working on Tits McGee for the first 30 days to get a few things done and build up some coins, but then Warclaidhm will probably become one of my primary characters.
Prepare to have your vectors sexxz0red up - Calculus style. Also random hugging and demands that you be my friend. Hopefully the GM's are still lingering around at that point so I can get my altered pedo-stache.
06-03-2010, 08:54 AM
Ha, I rolled up Warclaidhm on the first day. Unfortunately I was forced to rename him because I had an overwhelming urge to buy a coin collection and hump Ardwen's leg. I hope you have more self control than I did.
06-03-2010, 10:21 AM
Other than the stupid war griffin daggerbeaks I feel like pretty much every time I've been killed by a GM has been consensual or an invasion. And 95% of those times I've been insta-raised. Since a lot of characters have started hitting level 10 the GMs have been a lot less kill happy and have insta-raised pretty much every time I've seen.
Personally I really enjoy the GM interaction, just like I enjoy watching meteor swarm kill 20 people. I'm here for the spectacle, entertain me Maximus. I know some players just want to reach cap first or want to get out to a big lead so they can start griefing but that's not me. So thanks GMs for making shattered really fun (and totally worth paying 5 dollars for SHM and Drayal).
^ This. Including the daggerbeak foolishness, which has now been fixed.
06-15-2010, 11:58 PM
Also, does Warclaidhm know about Shattered? Someone please find him and inform him that banned players are allowed in Shattered.
I already know. I will not say whether I will play again or not. But if I do, I will NEVER treat people like I did as Warclaidhm. Lydrift was a good man, I'm not a jerk anymore. I go to the gym 5 days a week now and lift weights. I've lost 60 lbs so far and gained 15 lbs of muscle. My bodyfat is getting good, 16% though I started at 26%. I am still overweight. I don't look it though. I don't see why you guys crack jokes at warclaidhm anymore.
06-16-2010, 12:03 AM
I already know. I will not say whether I will play again or not. But if I do, I will NEVER treat people like I did as Warclaidhm. Lydrift was a good man, I'm not a jerk anymore. I go to the gym 5 days a week now and lift weights. I've lost 60 lbs so far and gained 15 lbs of muscle. My bodyfat is getting good, 16% though I started at 26%. I am still overweight. I don't look it though. I don't see why you guys crack jokes at warclaidhm anymore.
06-16-2010, 06:51 AM
I already know. I will not say whether I will play again or not. But if I do, I will NEVER treat people like I did as Warclaidhm. Lydrift was a good man, I'm not a jerk anymore. I go to the gym 5 days a week now and lift weights. I've lost 60 lbs so far and gained 15 lbs of muscle. My bodyfat is getting good, 16% though I started at 26%. I am still overweight. I don't look it though. I don't see why you guys crack jokes at warclaidhm anymore.
What does going to the gym have to do with not being a jerk? Your logic fails me.
06-16-2010, 09:05 AM
What does going to the gym have to do with not being a jerk? Your logic fails me.
I think he meant that the associations of the character Warclaidh didn't apply to Lydrift, as they were played differently. His following sentence wasn't related to the previous one.
11-20-2010, 12:01 AM
With some observation, this bump is justified.
11-20-2010, 05:28 PM
It's really interesting. Back in May people were saying how they quit because of too MUCH GM interaction. Now there's absolutely none. (Except at shattered EG). Fact is we haven't seen a GM for over 4 months doing alterations, etc. So you guys got your wish...
11-20-2010, 05:34 PM
You must have the wrong facts because there HAS been a GM doing alters in Shattered without it being EG.
11-20-2010, 05:40 PM
Yeah, before 4 months ago. Other than that, there hasn't. Not that I know of.
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