View Full Version : Enchantments

03-31-2004, 12:03 PM
OK ... I'm pretty new to the game, so any help would be appreciated. I am a level 12 Wizard. Up until recently I have been hunting with sword and shield, and wearing leathers (reinforced leathers, helm, arm greaves, and leg greaves). I've decided to try to hunt a bit with magic and stave, and seem to be doing pretty well (at least with the creatures up to level 8-10 when I'm spelled up). Yesterday I was lucky enough to come across a set of 4x robes. How do the robes (when exchanted at 4x) compair to the leathers? I know that I'll at least stop experiencing the 6% failure rate due to the leathers, but is there at least an equivelent protection with the robes?

Also how does the enchantment work on the rune staffs? I am having a standard issue echanted 2x (can't afford a full 4x right now). What is that going to do for me?

And if anyone that is leaving due to the recent developments (I completely understand the reasons, but am too new, so this is my first price increase, although I do feel they need to work on some things that I have seen in my first 3 months) feels like helping a young impressionable wizard out, I am taking donations. :grin:

03-31-2004, 12:08 PM
The robes will increase your DS, but if you do get hit, you will get harder than when you are in the leathers. This is why most wizards train for fulls or doubles.

I believe with runestaves you get half of the bonus to DS, but i'm no expert on those so I may be wrong.

03-31-2004, 12:12 PM
The deal with the robes... you'll take a little more damage, but won't have any manuver penalty, and it only covers your torso and arms. I personaly wear full leather, no spell hinderence, no manuver penalty, same coverage as robes, but being leather it will give ya a bit more protection from a body or arm shot.

The runestaffs.... don't expect too much from them, they don't give any bonus in offensive and it's a sliding fraction all the way to defensive when you get the full bonus from it.

03-31-2004, 12:15 PM
Robes are really bad...
1. The AvD on them is bad. So it is more likely you will get hit, although if you're moving from 0x reinforced you may not notice it as much. An equivilent full to double armor would be better.
2. The crit divisor on robes is terrible, its like walking around bare-ass. If you get hit, you will feel like your being carved out every time.

Unlike shield or armor, the enchantment of a runestaff does not add 1 for 1 to DS. The DS generated is based off the two-handed parry formula.

If your character is in landing, send me a U2U, I have a spare runestaff or two around there.

03-31-2004, 12:55 PM
Darn Kitsun beat me to it. If you can't find him in the lands, look for me or send a U2U. I always like helping a character out. Your definitely gonna want a 4x runestaff.