View Full Version : Way too much stuff! Selling it all!

03-30-2004, 10:25 PM
I don’t know how much any of this is valued at so those of you who know can you e-mail me with some numbers I can expect to get? As I said, I want all of it to go. Needing the silver for other projects.

an ash-hafted glaes morning star
a black mein Hammer of Kai
a long-handled vultite war hammer,
a naginata
a polished silver eonake binnol
a darkened vultite pitchfork
a gold-hafted silvery rolaren jeddart-axe
a dark vultite talon sword
an imflass broadsword
a hunting knife
a ruby-hilted black rolaren longsword
a slightly warped jeddart-axe
a triple-bladed etched vultite katar
a triple-bladed etched vultite katar
a skull-capped vultite mace
a charred rolaren mace
a platinum plated eonake maul
a tarnished claidhmore,
an ora halberd
a rust-marred black vultite pickaxe
an onyx-hilted invar claidhmore
a glaes-spiked imflass-hafted spear
a barbed glaes trident
a heavily spiked modwir maul
a silver-hilted mithril greatsword
a polished silver morning star
a ruddy gornar elven infantry lance
a rune-etched invar claidhmore
a razor-sharp steel claidhmore,
a razor sharp skull-pommelled claidhmore
a black leather-handled claidhmore
a dual-bladed rolaren battle axe
a dragon-hilted black vultite rapier.
an elegant silvery bastard sword
a heavy vultite cutlass.
a flamestalk etched vultite khopesh,
a lotus-hilted silvery violet misericord,
a gold and ebon orchid-painted gauntlet-sword,
a flanged imflass mace
a mithril mace
a haon-hafted vultite mace

a small black vultite target shield
a soaring hawk crested vultite shield
a dark vultite shield
a chrome mithril shield
an invar-spiked glaes tower shield
a sunny yellow vultite shield
an amethyst purple shield.
a blackened vultite kite shield
a blue mithril shield

a green garnet studded bronze flagon.
a square golden filigree locket
a pair of huge green claws
an enruned walking stick.
a small silver claidhmore kilt-pin

a white silk cloak
a star-clasped silken bag
a golden spidersilk gem pouch
a sand-hued wool split skirt
a jade-clasped cloak
a back sheath
a silver etched scroll case
a tiger skin cloak.
a white sheer silk bodice
a white sheer silk bodice
some glossy red boots
a soft white spidersilk cloak edged with golden silk trim
a royal blue satin backpack
a gold-clasped white velvet cloak
a diaphanous crimson silk skirt
a black Oleani sash

some dark brown leathers
some light alloy chain mail.
some tightly linked rolaren chainmail
a banded blue steel hauberk
a triple-linked dwarven-sized hauberk
a dwarven forged vultite hauberk
some fitted elven casting leathers
some pale yellow leathers
some ruby-swept slim black brigandine.

a wire-bound azure blazestar necklace
a shimmering glaesine orb
a ruby amulet
an ebony Lorminstra staff.
a silver-tinted leaf

(and thats not all of it)

03-31-2004, 12:00 AM
light alloy chain mail is 5x torso chain, the linked rolaren chainmail is 5x double chain, prolly 500-1m each depending

03-31-2004, 12:03 AM
I've got a bard willing to sing to it, if you want.


03-31-2004, 07:05 AM
Be sure to account for the market dropping due to Simu's BS with the price hikes.


03-31-2004, 09:32 AM
a gold and ebon orchid-painted gauntlet-sword

Ok, this one has my interest. Could I get more details? :)

03-31-2004, 09:43 AM
If you have a pair of twice enchanted leathers I'll buy them from you.

03-31-2004, 10:44 AM
What Finiswolf said. It's a buyer's market now. Me, I'd hold off a few months.

03-31-2004, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by SiKWiDiT
If you have a pair of twice enchanted leathers I'll buy them from you.

If you have some you want enchanted, give me 2 weeks and I'll get them done for you for just the cost of the potion.

03-31-2004, 11:35 AM
Jaisey, I'm interested in buying some of that stuff. Can you post your email address or IM me at Mistomeer when you get around to it?

03-31-2004, 06:14 PM
ladyrosaleah@aol.com or AIM ladyrosaleah

Anything you're interested in can you either aim me or e-mail me?

I'm adding a morphing puppet to the pile to sell.

[Edited on 3-31-2004 by Jaisey]

03-31-2004, 07:17 PM
Ok, this one has my interest. Could I get more details?

Almost definately a katar.

04-01-2004, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin

a gold and ebon orchid-painted gauntlet-sword

Ok, this one has my interest. Could I get more details? :)

Uses ohe and brawling both (you Must have both to get the full use of the weapon) weighs four pounds 4x blessable.

04-01-2004, 06:51 AM
Originally posted by SiKWiDiT
If you have a pair of twice enchanted leathers I'll buy them from you.

I'm fairly sure the yellow ones are 2x. They are in Landing I can have them sung if you're still interested.

04-01-2004, 07:44 AM
I'll give you 400k for the light alloy chain.