View Full Version : Delta Loses Dogs

05-11-2010, 10:28 AM
Where's Paco? Josiah doesn't know, his girlfriend doesn't know, someone at Delta might know. After all, Delta was supposed to load Josiah's new dog on the same plane that Josiah got on. Paco didn't land with them. Frantic, Josiah called around desperately before being told that Paco was safe and sound, being taken care of by Delta employees, who would put him on the next flight out. Paco wasn't on that one either. More harried calls and Delta told Josiah Paco had "escaped" and the best they could do is refund his $200.00 pet transportation fee, but only as a "credit" for future Delta travel. That doesn't do Josiah any good, as he's vowed to never fly Delta again. Here's his story, and more adorable/sad puppy pictures:

UPDATE: Delta Offers $380 Plus 2 More $200 Vouchers For Lost Pooch

UPDATE: Delta spokesperson Susan Elliott says, "This is extremely rare for a situation like this to happen." She says that they are going to be offering Josiah "additional compensation as well as our sincere apology."

UPDATE: Josiah says the dog was vaccinated four days prior to the flight for rabies, kennel cough, and giardia, and given two other drugs, Canigen L Canigen MHA2PPi. He says the vet told him that the dog only needed to be vaccinated 3 days before flying.

It should be noted that the rabies vaccine is not considered effective until 30 days after administration.

However, even if this was a factor, Josiah says he was not asked to show any proof of the dog's shots and Delta personnel told that this would be asked for in customs in Detroit....

Full article:

Someone needs to hook this guy up with Dave Carroll and see if he'll write a song about it.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-11-2010, 11:13 AM
How do you lose a living animal? That's just sad.

05-11-2010, 11:17 AM
I work with animals and one time we got a shipping receipt that had a list of animals and one name was crossed out and next to it it said "ran away". RAN AWAY!

You can imagine how pissed this got my work. Turns out a container opened, and the animal ran away, they couldn't catch it and they just gave up. Didn't call us or anything. Expected that little tidbit to slip by us.

We made them spend the next few days in the woods locating and catching that animal.

05-11-2010, 11:34 AM
My paranoia with airlines possibly losing things is why I always fly with just a carry-on.

Further, would elect to drive instead if I could not obtain a passenger ticket for my dog.

05-11-2010, 11:39 AM
I would drive too with my dog. She's a St. Bernard, so she'd be pretty hard to misplace, but still.

I hate hate hate having to check in luggage. I'm travelling this Saturday and I need to check in two bags and a bring on a carry on. I'm going to be pissed (and it will legitimately ruin my trip) if they misplace anything!!

05-11-2010, 02:47 PM
I was picking up pet supplies this weekend and this couple had the biggest crate I'd ever seen. I asked them what it was for and they said they were flying with their German Shepherd to the West Coast. I could tell they weren't happy about it.

Luckily, Delta lets ferrets travel in the cabin as carry-on :D