View Full Version : I did what we all wanted to do

07-27-2003, 03:12 AM
I didn't get the first part of the log, but I'll explain...

Our story begins with me at the warrior guild with Blosum reading some names on the plaque.

All of a sudden (after he WARN HARRASSED) walks in, warcries me (which does nothing) and walks away.

Well, I wasn't having it. I'm tired of this bastard. So I go find him and Darkstone and this is where our adventure begins.

I cleaned the log as best I could/wanted too. So enjoy.

You gesture at Haashek.
A void rips open in the area, directly above Haashek!
Rather abrupt decompression causes Haashek to explode!
Billions and billions of tiny bits of flesh shower everything.
Quite severely dead.

* Haashek has been vaporized!

* Haashek drops dead at your feet!

The powerful look leaves Haashek.
The bright luminescence fades from around Haashek.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Haashek.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Haashek.
The light blue glow leaves Haashek.
The deep blue glow leaves Haashek.
Everything in the room seemed to stay in place. The void disappears without further incident.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>snicker haa
* Haashek just bit the dust!

(I didn't need to implode him, but fuck, it's Haashek)

You snicker at Haashek.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
>"That'll teach you for warcrying me you lackwit.
You say, "That'll teach you for warcrying me you lackwit."
>symb of return
Your surroundings blur into a white fog . . .

A well maintained and healthy garden occupies the entirety of the courtyard. The air here is cool and crisp, but the bulk of the monastery shelters you from wind and makes the air bracing instead of chilling. In the center of the garden is a natural spring bubbling up several inches above the surface of the encircling pool of crystal clear water. A large stone and iron gate blocks the entrance to the monastery flanked by a set of statues. You also see some basal moss, some basal moss, some torban leaf, some torban leaf, some wolifrew lichen, some torban leaf, some wolifrew lichen, some torban leaf, some wolifrew lichen, some haphip root, some wolifrew lichen, some haphip root, some haphip root, some wolifrew lichen, some haphip root, some torban leaf, some woth flower, some woth flower, some woth flower, some torban leaf, some woth flower, some torban leaf, some torban leaf, some woth flower, some woth flower, some torban leaf, some woth flower, some woth flower, some woth flower, a polished marble bench with some stuff on it, a large fel tree and a statue of a woman carrying a staff of crystal in her left hand and a set of crystalline keys in her right, facing the other of a young man kneeling, bedecked in battle-worn black chain armor.
Also here: Rynvolt, Blosum, Marry, Lancir who is kneeling, Noule, Daeveran who is sitting, Prisym who is sitting, Spazztasim who is sitting, Justaris who is sitting, Matteu
Obvious paths: west

>You clasp Blosum's hand tenderly.
Great Lord Jiston came through a large steel gate.
Marry gestures.
Blosum leans softly against you.
Marry says, "hmm got most of them"
>You grin at Blosum.
>hold blos
But Blosum is already a member of your group!
Marry makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Blosum whispers, "killed him right in Voln?"
Daeveran raises an eyebrow.
whisper blos Nooo was in Darkstone
>You quietly whisper to Blosum, "Nooo was in Darkstone"
Blosum says, "o"
Daeveran asks, "You left Haashek?"
Daeveran peers quizzically at you.
You say, "Yes."
Daeveran asks, "Or were you reponsible?"
You say, "Both."
>nod dae
Daeveran leans back.
You nod to Daeveran.
Daeveran nods.
Daeveran says, "Interesting."
Daeveran put a swept-hilt white epee in his studded silver scabbard.
>'He should not have warcried me.
Daeveran slings a steel-banded shield over his shoulder.
You say, "He should not have warcried me."
Blosum rocks back on her heels.
Daeveran raises an eyebrow.
Daeveran says, "I'll take your word for it. It's not my dispute."
Daeveran smiles slightly.
>You nod to Daeveran.
You say, "Very well."
* Renowned Lord Methais Sparkfinger joins the adventure.
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek say, "Hey coward Arkans"
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek say, "you like murdering I see"
You say, "Ah, little Haashek. I do hope you learned your lesson."
Great Lord Galdrus just arrived.
Great Lord Galdrus went through a large steel gate.
Lancir begins to do his best to mend Haashek's wounded arm.
Lancir begins to do his best to mend Haashek's wounded hand.
Prisym stands up.
You say, "Murdering? I prefer the term cleansing myself, but call it what you will."

* Jellonius just bit the dust!
Marry says, "don't hunt in groups much anymore"
Lancir begins to do his best to mend Haashek's wounded hand.
Prisym just went west.

Lancir begins to do his best to mend Haashek's wounded leg.
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek say, "well arse all I can say is soon I wont have to look smell or give a crap about you.. "
Justaris just left.
Lancir begins to do his best to mend Haashek's wounded leg.
You see a white blur form near you, which quickly fades into Galdrus.
Lancir begins to do his best to mend Haashek's wounded back.
Drizzsdt's group just arrived.
Lancir begins a careful examination of Haashek -- he takes his pulse, checks his temperature, and checks for broken bones or any other ailments.
You say, "You never did from the start, but you initiated it."
You shrug.
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek say, "and I really hope you have someone watching your back.. as you will be dealt with accordingly"
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek say, "Did I try to kill you? No"
>"I, unlike you, don't need someone to watch my back.
You say, "I, unlike you, don't need someone to watch my back."
>'You attacked me, I simply countered.
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek say, "so what you did was murder plain and simple"
You say, "You attacked me, I simply countered."

* Windrake just bit the dust!

Marry says, "oh haashek you know some have to provethemself to themself .. "
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek say, "no I didnt attack you at all.. warcry is not a killing move"
Modaro whispers, "I hope you're logging this."
Marry says, "not wearth your time to hunt them down"

>whisper modaro Haha I should
You quietly whisper to Modaro, "Haha I should"
Marry says, "your a good person nothing to prove"
Marry rubs Haashek.
You say, "Well, you did an offensive action."
Modaro whispers, "Please do. We'd all love to see it on the player's boards."
You say, "My action was offensive as well."
You quietly whisper to Modaro, "I was planning on it, will clean it up and put it up tomorrow"
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek say, "Marry hun.. he's a coward.. he's a caster that has no integrity"
Modaro whispers, "appreciated."
You quietly whisper to Modaro, "No problem at all"
Modaro says, "I thought you were retiring."
Marry says, "ya i know but see he has to prove to himself he's a man.."
Marry says, "you don't"
You say, "Haashek, your words cut deep and the scars shall never heal."
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek say, "my action was NOT to murder.. yours was"
Marry rubs Haashek.
Your tone is now sarcastic.
You sarcastically exclaim, "Oh, what shall I do?!"
Your tone is now normal speech.
You say, "Lack wit."
You mutter something inaudible.
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek say, "arkans they will heal.. but your hate wont"
Lancir begins a careful examination of Haashek -- he takes his pulse, checks his temperature, and checks for broken bones or any other ailments.
Daeveran says in guild speak, "One wonders why he warcried you."
Daeveran scratches his head.
Kakos just arrived.
Lancir nods to Marry.
You say, "Honestly, for no reason. He walked in and warcried."
Renowned Lord Methais just arrived.
You say, "As silly as it sounds, it is the truth."
Marry says, "could you rez him please when you have time"
Methais put a slender filet knife in his alchemist's coat.
Methais slings a small black vultite target shield over his shoulder.
Mikare hugs Methais.
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek ask, "and would that kill you?"
Mikare put a sphere-hilted sturdy steel longsword in her golden imflass thigh-sheath.
Lancir nods to Marry.
Mikare gives Methais a warm buss on the lips.
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek say, "no"
Blosum asks, "Ever smell ya breath?"
Marry hugs Lancir.
Mikare flashes a wide grin.
You say, "No, but apparantly my implosion did kill you."
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek say, "hello Methais"
Marry says, "thank you hun"
Blosum glances at Haashek.
Lancir continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Methais waves to Haashek.
Blosum says, "almost kilt me"
Methais whispers, "PWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111"
grin blos
>You grin at Blosum.
Daeveran says, "I would suppose some warcries could get someone killed."
Lancir gestures at Haashek.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Lancir encompassing Haashek's corpse.
Modaro whispers, "why the hell did he warcry you in a place you can use magic?"
You quietly whisper to Methais, "Lol, I'm putting the log on the player board"
Methais calmly asks, "What happened to you?"
Methais gently rolls the lifeless body of Haashek over.
Methais whispers, "mwuahahaha"
Lancir raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
You quietly whisper to Modaro, "No idea, no idea why he warcried me after he warned interaction me once random"
Lancir continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Methais waggles his fingers mystically at Haashek but he remains significantly exempt from the ranks of the living.
Lancir gestures at Haashek.
Lancir suddenly looks very drained.

A bolt of soft white light streaks down from the sky bathing Haashek in it.
A brilliant glow forms around Haashek, lingers for a moment, and finally fades. Haashek awakens looking somewhat confused and seriously drained.
Haashek seems slightly different.
Daeveran gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Rynvolt gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Daeveran gestures at Lancir.
The glazed look leaves Lancir.
You hear a snort coming from Methais's direction.
Marry kisses Lancir on the cheek.
Methais makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Methais gestures.
Lancir smiles at Marry.
Lancir smiles at Daeveran.
Marry says, "thank you hun"
Daeveran gestures at Haashek.
The glazed look leaves Haashek.
Rynvolt gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Lancir gives a sigh of relief.
You feel at full magical power again.
Marry rubs Haashek tenderly.
Mikare hugs Tilarium, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Mikare gives Tilarium a warm buss on the lips.
Mikare flashes a wide grin.
Marry says, "please don't wast your time on him"
Tilarium fidgets with his gold and brass ring.
Marry nods to Haashek.
Mikare tickles Methais.
Lancir gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Lancir gestures.
Some torban leaf suddenly appears at your feet.
Methais gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Mikare giggles.
Lancir gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Haashek says, "Marry I wont .. but others will"
Gaspin just left.
Lancir gestures.
Some ephlox moss suddenly appears at your feet.
Methais whispers, "Marry sucks too"
Blosum giggles.
Lancir gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Lancir gestures.
Some haphip root suddenly appears at your feet.
Methais yawns.
Haashek grins evilly.
Lancir gestures.
Some ephlox moss suddenly appears at your feet.
You see a white blur form near you, which quickly fades into Jiston.
* Aethyrin just bit the dust!
Methais makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Methais gestures.
Rynvolt gestures into the air.
Rynvolt momentarily gets a faroff look in his eyes, and then returns to normal.
* Syrile just bit the dust!
Haashek says, "when you have 43 kids.. they dont take kindly to murder"
Methais traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Lancir picks up some cactacae spine.
Jiston put a dragon-hafted alloy moon axe in his leather battle harness.
Methais begins chuckling at Haashek!
Blosum says, "bla bla bla"
Kwality put a dented brass chest in his doeskin greatcloak.
Blosum waves her hand in a dismissive gesture.
Methais calmly says, "If I had 43 kids I'd throw myself off a cliff."
Daeveran says, "When you have 43 kids, it's time for a special operation."
Marry says, "you take care no .."
>You say, "43 kids? I never knew you enjoyed women let alone had kids."
>You stare at nothing in particular.
Marry gives Haashek a warm hug.
Marry waves.
Kwality murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Marry slides a narrow gold ring off her finger.
Vendayan came through a large steel gate.
Haashek says, "heh I adopted 40 of em.. they are all super kids"
Kwality murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kwality murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Methais calmly says, "Actually no I wouldn't throw myself off a cliff. I'd kill them all because kids are nothing but leeches to your bank account and your spells."
You say, "As long as they are super. That's all that counts."
Haashek says, "Lancir thank you for getting me & rezzin me"
Daeveran says, "You're either insane, or a saint."
Daeveran nods to Haashek.
Methais cackles!
Kwality removes a soot-covered krodera shield from in his doeskin weapon harness.
Kwality removes a jade-handled blood red war-hammer from in his doeskin thigh-sheath.
Lancir nods to Haashek.

Then I left.


- Arkans

07-27-2003, 03:24 AM
THAT is priceless!!

07-27-2003, 05:23 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
Haashek says, "heh I adopted 40 of em.. they are all super kids"

Too much... too much!

Thank you for this!:yes:

07-27-2003, 05:43 AM
Haashek says, "when you have 43 kids.. they dont take kindly to murder"

Anticor will have his revenge!!


07-27-2003, 09:08 AM
Haashek says, "when you have 43 kids.. they dont take kindly to murder"


ROFLMAO. That made my morning.

07-27-2003, 10:28 AM
You hear the ghostly voice of Haashek say, "arkans they will heal.. but your hate wont"

That was the best line in there by far.

07-27-2003, 12:20 PM
Man, that is just... just... there's no words for it. :D

07-27-2003, 12:22 PM
Haashek says, "Aye Im retiring in a few days"

Haashek says, "Rosie I need to hun.. it's a decision that is long overdue for me.. "
Haashek says, "Especially since I was murdered last night "

Haashek says, "he mouths at me on the Voln net.. I go warcry him in a safe zone where he was in no danger of dying then he follows me into Darkstone and implodes me.. pretty lame I think"

Haashek says, "yup then leaves the lands as he knows he's arse is mine"

Haashek says, "My wife knows of my decision.. she and I will always be in deep love.."

07-27-2003, 12:26 PM
Haashek says, "after 7 years and the harassers I have had enough.. time to move on"

couple minutes later...

Haashek says, "I dont mind.. Im leaving because after 2 years of being harassed and the lack of the Mastas doing anything to stop it plus some who are quite rude Im leaving.. plain and simple"

Heh, what the hell? His time frame keeps jumping.

Does anyone know of any instance where the High Maintainance Character policy has ever been in effect?

07-27-2003, 12:30 PM
He hasn't been around for 7 years, so the first one isn't true....

07-27-2003, 12:37 PM
I don't really care about the guild.

Plus, I know for a fact that one report will *NOT* get you kicked out of the guild.

Also, I hate using the REPORT verb. It just seems lame to me.

Listening to Haashek whine for a good 15 minutes was rather entertaining. I just have to watch my back from 43 of his clones.

- Arkans

07-27-2003, 12:37 PM
He's been around 4ish years, no way 7.

07-27-2003, 05:01 PM
would it be ooc if my char kissed u for dat, Arkans!? hehe

Red Devil
07-27-2003, 05:13 PM
No, but it would be incredibly corny.

07-27-2003, 05:47 PM
First part of the log would have been good to read, too.

07-27-2003, 07:17 PM
First part of the log was pretty simple.

It was me standing their quietly and him coming in with warcry growl. It did nothing.

I then try to cast mind jolt, but he ran away too fast and I forgot that Landing was a no magic zone. A reflex of course, anyway, so I tell Blosum "I am going to kill him for that".

From there, I go to a table, then to Voln, locate him a few times and there you had that.

About the kiss, gah, I don't need my wife thinking things she don't need to be thinking.. Women can be evil.

- Arkans

07-27-2003, 08:10 PM
Has anyone let Haashek know about these threads? I would love to see him or his 'family' try to defend him.

07-27-2003, 08:11 PM
Obviously, he posted at 12:50 PM EST today.

07-27-2003, 08:15 PM
Oh, I didn't see that. I doubt that's him though.

07-27-2003, 08:16 PM
It is. A friend of mine told him about the site in the game. It's him.

07-27-2003, 08:17 PM
You really don't have to say 'a friend of mine', since anyone who read the post knows it's Gerbill.

07-27-2003, 08:56 PM
Cecil rocks, but Kain is better.

- Arkans

07-27-2003, 08:57 PM
Cloud is better. And Vincent is better than Cloud. And Sephiroth PWNZ.

07-27-2003, 09:00 PM
Sephiroth was an h-mo. The stereo-typical Japanese bad guy with a sword that no one could ever use. What a fruit.

You want a real villian..


- Arkans

07-27-2003, 09:01 PM
Sephiroth was hardly a villain more than a good guy.

07-27-2003, 09:04 PM
Except for that whole destruction thing. FF7 was a good game, but it was when they started to go down hill. Don't get me started on the later crap.

- Arkans

07-27-2003, 09:10 PM
Final Fantasy VIII was the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. :( :( :( :( :(

07-27-2003, 09:18 PM
And they just decided to keep going with IX and X.. Don't those idiots learn?

- Arkans

07-28-2003, 01:33 AM
hey... IX wasn't so bad. VIII was the worst by far.


07-28-2003, 01:50 AM
I liked 9. 8 suxxored. Haven't played 10.

07-28-2003, 02:45 AM
Fujin! The only decent character in number 8.

Though I am partial to a bit of Yuffie, and Cloud indeed rocks (especially in Kingdom Hearts).

07-28-2003, 03:16 AM
Yuffie is so gay. Every five seconds of interaction with Yuffie results in another line of, "I'm going to take your materia. I suck dick." Isn't she like.. 19 years old? The first time I encountered her, I told her to fuck off. The second time I took her into my party. Never used her.

My all-time favorite party: Cloud, Cid, Vincent.
Vincent 100% Cover, 50% HP Plus, 20% HP Plus, Counter Attack. He has such a high vitality and about 9500 HP at level 70. I'm leveling in the Gelnika and rarely cure myself. Cloud has Ultima Weapon and 2x-Cut. Cid's just there.

07-28-2003, 03:34 AM
Did X-2 come out in the states yet? Everyone here (Japan) was so in love with the characters that they made another game based on the same people.

It plays like a bad j-pop song on loop. Avoid at all costs!

07-28-2003, 03:53 AM
I was fond of all girl squads actually. I used Aeris alot on my first time around (until she bought it. I was pissed off AFTER the tears). Yuffie and Tifa being my choice of companion for Cloud. Vincent always seemed a bit...weak. Sure his limit break was tough, but I didn't really like that either. Red sucked. Barret was OK. Now Cid I did use a few times.

The gilinika is the place to learn though. Don't kill em though Bob. Ack, I can't remember the name of the attack (been like 4 years) that turns a near dead enemy into a item. Anyway, all the monsters there turn into Stat booster potions (Str +1 etc). So I used to do that for about 20 hours, tank up Cloud primarily then go beat the Weapons up.

07-28-2003, 03:56 AM
Morph. Turns them into sources. I put it on Vincent, but it's so God damn hard to make it work because Cloud has automatic haste and kills everything in one attack. Maybe if Cloud used it.. Vincent was doing 200-250 damage. Do you realize how hard it is to not kill a 13000 HP enemy and put it at under 250 HP?

07-28-2003, 03:59 AM
Ah crap, I really used to have it down to a 'T' the method of doing it. I also had the equipment that had triple growth but only three materia slots. Killing them quick isn't the priority remember. Theres an E-Skill that does the equivilent damage to the amount of specific beasts you've killed. I used that a bit as I always news the damage would be static. But trust me, you don't need Ultima weapon (you noticed it loses power as you lose HP?) when you have a huge Strenght. Same goes for agility.

07-28-2003, 04:02 AM
The only other decent weapon I have is Enhance Sword, all materia slots with normal growth instead of no growth. But it's weak. I need to kill the things fast, they'll own me if I don't. I got 1.6 million gil in the Gelnika after a few days of casually playing.

07-28-2003, 04:06 AM
Ah you must still be a bit weak then. I always played about in the Gilinika only after the game was pretty much finished (when you gained control of the Highwind and had to go kill Sephiroth for the final time). They are the most exp giving monster (besides bosses) out there.

07-28-2003, 04:11 AM
My party is level 68-70 and I use only physical attacks. I'm wearing Sprint Shoes, Championship Belt, and Touph Ring for accessories.

07-28-2003, 04:19 AM
Ah, I was usually more magic orientated (hence why I tend to use Tifa alot more). The best thing I used to do though with Cloud was use Omni-Slash (won in the Golden chocobo) then mimic each and every round. Don't have counter attack equiped.

That in itself was another tactic: Get a triple or double growth item and put as many Counter Attack materia in them as possible. The key is to grow about 10-15 then put them on Cloud with the ultima weapon and tanked Str. For every Counter Attack you have equipped you do one attack. So with 15 all allocated to you, you end up doing 15 attacks at 9999 each. Easily defeats anything pretty much.

07-28-2003, 09:34 AM
Great log. After '7' years.. it's amazing he can actually be that ignorant.

Oh, and you should have tortured him... stunned him... took off all his arms and legs... gave him a couple neck bleeders... stunned him again... nightmared him... and then killed him.

Sorcerers have grown so boring with the new powerful implosion spell.

07-28-2003, 09:35 AM
Haashek says, "heh I adopted 40 of em.. they are all super kids..." "and Anticor is my favorite"

I may have edited that slightly.. but I know what Haashek wanted to say.

07-28-2003, 09:48 AM
No way in hell was I going to risk him logging out.

- Arkans

Weedmage Princess
07-28-2003, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Haashek says, "heh I adopted 40 of em.. they are all super kids..." "and Anticor is my favorite"

I may have edited that slightly.. but I know what Haashek wanted to say.


Aww...Lil Boom Boom!!

[Edited on 7-28-2003 by Weedmage Princess]