View Full Version : Research: Plasma Critical Table

05-05-2010, 07:23 PM
This is the plasma critical table. I included damage values, but these can vary substantially based on critter resistances and other factors. The criticals for spell 302 and the initial crit for spell 317 are plasma based.

There are a couple of unusual crits. The rank 5 chest crit is only a level 2 injury with 25 damage (generally), but it is always fatal. There are also a couple of compound injury eye crits (R3 eye and head) which are fatal.

This table should be substantially correct but there is always the potential for some errors.



(F) - fatal (instant death crit)
(S) - stun
(K) - knockdown
(R1,2,3) Injury ranks

rank 1 head 5 Light burns to the critter's head. (R1)
rank 2 head 10 Burst of brilliant energy to head stuns the critter for an instant. (R1)(S)
rank 3 head 15 Stunning blast of plasma reduces the critter's nose to a blackened stump. (R2)(S)
rank 4 head 20 Wreath of energy burns away the critter's hair and leaves skin blackened! (R2)(S)
rank 5 head 25 Streaking blast of plasma fills the critter's mouth searing away the tongue! (R3)(S)
rank 6 head 30 Hole drilled clean through the critter's forehead, instant ventilation! (R3)(F)
rank 7 head 35 Terrifying surge of plasma reduces the critter's head to burnt meat. (R3)(F)
rank 8 head 40 Scorching arc of plasma slices the top of the critter's head off!(R3)(F)
rank 9 head 45 Head and most of upper body turned into a smoking pile of gore! (R3)(F)

rank 1 neck 5 Insignificant burns to the critter's neck. (R1)
rank 2 neck 10 Plasma strike to neck constricts throat causing the critter to choke. (R1)(S)
rank 3 neck 15 Precise burst of energy causes the critter's neck to blacken and peel. (R2)(S)
rank 4 neck 20 Plasma encircles the critter's neck causing skin to shrivel and bleed! (R2)(S)
rank 5 neck 25 Crackling blue plasma roasts a smoking hole in the critter's neck!(R3) (F)
rank 6 neck 30 Intense blast causes the critter's carotid arteries to explode! (R3)(F)
rank 7 neck 35 Shimmering beam of plasma nearly shears the critter's neck in two! (R3)(F)
rank 8 neck 40 Powerful lash of plasma travels down neck to the critter's heart! (R3)(F)
rank 9 neck 45 The critter's neck and shoulders blasted away by intense wave of plasma. (R3)(F)

rank 1 r eye 5 Flash burns to eye momentarily blind the critter. (R1)
rank 2 r eye 10 Intense blast to the critter's eyelid causes it to sizzle and pop. (R2)(S)
rank 3 r eye 15 Blistering bolt of energy causes the critter's eyelid to burn to a crisp! (R2)(S)
rank 4 r eye 20 The critter's eye blackens and pops leaving a smoking hole behind! (R3)(S)
rank 5 r eye 25 The critter's eye blown out of socket by powerful bolt of plasma! (R3)(S)
rank 6 r eye 35 Ferocious bolt of plasma tears through the critter's eye and fries the brain! (R3)(F?)
rank 7 r eye 40 The critter's eye is melted into a bloody mess by a stunning bolt of plasma! (R3 eye)(R3 head)(F)
rank 8 r eye 45 Explosive blast sears the critter's eye away along with most of the face! (R3 eye)(R3 head)(F)
rank 9 r eye 50 The critter's eye bubbles and bursts along with most of the head! (R3 eye)(R3 head)(F)

rank 1 l eye 5 Flash burns to eye momentarily blind the zombie. (R1)
rank 2 l eye 10 Intense blast to the critter's eyelid causes it to sizzle and pop. (R2)(S)
rank 3 l eye 15 Blistering bolt of energy causes the critter's eyelid to burn to a crisp! (R2)(S)
rank 4 l eye 25 The critter's eye blackens and pops leaving a smoking hole behind! (R3)(S)
rank 5 l eye 30 The critter's eye blown out of socket by powerful bolt of plasma! (R3)(S)
rank 6 l eye 35 Ferocious bolt of plasma tears through the critter's eye and fries the brain! (R3)(F?)
rank 7 l eye 40 The critter's eye is melted into a bloody mess by a stunning bolt of plasma! (R3 eye)(R3 head)(F)
rank 8 l eye 45 Explosive blast sears the critter's eye away along with most of the face! (R3 eye)(R3 head)(F)
rank 9 l eye 50 The critter's eye bubbles and bursts along with most of the head! (R3 eye)(R3 head)(F)

rank 1 chest 5 Pinpoint strike sears the critter's chest. (R1)
rank 2 chest 10 Searing bolt of energy strikes the critter, scorching a wide swath of flesh! (R1)
rank 3 chest 15 Dazzling arc of energy traces blackened path across the critter's chest! (R1)(S)
rank 4 chest 25 Glaring burst to the critter's chest dances across skin leaving smoking holes! (R2)(S)
rank 5 chest 25 A raw, red hole is drilled in the critter's chest by a powerful bolt! The critter falls to the ground motionless. (R2)(F) *always fatal*
rank 6 chest 45 Tremendous plasma discharge slices deep into the critter's chest! (R2)(S)
rank 7 chest 50 The critter is sliced open neatly by brilliant beam of plasma! (R3)(S)
rank 8 chest 60 The critter's lungs superheat forcing plasma up through nose and mouth! (R3)(F)
rank 9 chest 75 Explosive burst wreaths the critter's body in blue flames! (R3)(F)

rank 1 abdomen 5 Plasma scalds the critter's stomach leaving painful red streaks. (R1)
rank 2 abdomen 10 A curling tongue of blue flame sears the skin on the critter's stomach. (R1)
rank 3 abdomen 15 Superheated arc of plasma traces blackened path across the critter's belly! (R1)(S)
rank 4 abdomen 20 Skin blasted away leaving exposed and bloody muscle! (R2)(S)
rank 5 abdomen 25 Muscle and blood explode from the critter's abdomen in a steaming spray! (R2)(S)
rank 6 abdomen 30 Powerful blast to the critter's abdomen parboils internal organs!(R2)(S)
rank 7 abdomen 50 The critter is sliced open neatly by brilliant beam of plasma! (R3)(S)
rank 8 abdomen 60 Internal organs roasted instantly in an explosive flash of plasma!(R3)(F)
rank 9 abdomen 75 Internal organs boil and explode in a bloody spray! (R3)(F)

rank 1 back 5 Searing strike to back causes the critter to grunt in pain. (R1)
rank 2 back 10 Powerful burst to the critter's back causes excruciating pain. (R1)
rank 3 back 15 Dazzling arc of energy traces blackened path across the critter's back! (R1)(S)
rank 4 back 20 Skin roasted away from back exposing the critter's spinal column! (R2)(S)
rank 5 back 30 Skin and muscle roasted away leaving the ribs exposed on the critter's back! (R2)(S)
rank 6 back 30 Vicious beam of energy rips open the critter's back! (R2)(S)
rank 7 back 50 Whiplike blast of plasma creates a gaping hole in the critter's lower back! (R3)(S)
rank 8 back 60 Explosive burst wreaths the critter's back in shimmering blue flames! It is knocked to the ground! (R3)(S)(K)
rank 9 back 75 The critter's skeletal structure and muscle tissue reduced to fine ash! (R3)(N3)(F)

rank 1 r arm 5 Minor burns to the critter's weapon arm. (R1)
rank 2 r arm 10 Plasma lashes the critter's weapon arm blistering flesh. (R1)
rank 3 r arm 15 Plasma scorches a hole in the critter's weapon arm! (R1)(S)
rank 4 r arm 20 Intense arc of energy flays the critter's arm to the bone! (R2)(S)
rank 5 r arm 25 Intense beam of plasma shears away large chunks of the critter's forearm! (R2)(S)
rank 6 r arm 30 Muscle blasted away from the critter's arm exposing scorched bone! (R2)(S)
rank 7 r arm 35 Awesome lash of plasma severs the critter's arm completely! (R3)(A)(S)
rank 8 r arm 40 The critter's arm shatters and explodes from a tremendous surge of plasma! (R3)(A)(S)
rank 9 r arm 45 Muscle and bone blasted to pieces by searing wave of energy! (R3)(A)(S)

rank 1 l arm 5 Minor burns to the critter's shield arm. (R1)
rank 2 l arm 10 Plasma lashes the critter's shield arm blistering flesh. (R1)
rank 3 l arm 15 Plasma scorches a hole in the critter's shield arm! (R1)(S)
rank 4 l arm 20 Intense arc of energy flays the critter's arm to the bone! (R2)(S)
rank 5 l arm 25 Intense beam of plasma shears away large chunks of the critter's forearm! (R2)(S)
rank 6 l arm 30 Muscle blasted away from the critter's arm exposing scorched bone! (R2)(S)
rank 7 l arm 35 Awesome lash of plasma severs the critter's arm completely! (R3)(A)(S)
rank 8 l arm 40 The critter's arm shatters and explodes from a tremendous surge of plasma! (R3)(A)(S)
rank 9 l arm 45 Muscle and bone blasted to pieces by searing wave of energy! (R3)(A)(S)

rank 1 r hand 5 Stinging burn to the critter's hand. (R1)
rank 2 r hand 10 The critter's hand is encased in shimmering blue flames! (R1)
rank 3 r hand 15 The critter's hand blisters and bleeds from intense heat. (R1)
rank 4 r hand 20 Vicious hole burned through the critter's weapon hand! (R2)(S)
rank 5 r hand 25 The critter's fingers burn and explode leaving blackened stumps! (R2)(S)
rank 6 r hand 30 Scorching blast causes the bones in the critter's hand to expand and burst. (R2)(S)
rank 7 r hand 35 Immolating blast causes the critter's hand to explode. (R3)(A)(S)
rank 8 r hand 40 Encasing plasma cremates the critter's hand leaving a bloody stump!(R3)(A)(S)
rank 9 r hand 45 Muscle and bone blasted to pieces by powerful bolt of energy! (R3)(A)(S)

rank 1 l hand 5 Stinging burn to the critter's hand. (R1)
rank 2 l hand 10 The critter's hand is encased in shimmering blue flames! (R1)
rank 3 l hand 15 The critter's hand blisters and bleeds from intense heat. (R1)
rank 4 l hand 20 Vicious hole burned through the critter's shield hand! (R2)(S)
rank 5 l hand 25 The critter's fingers burn and explode leaving blackened stumps! (R2)(S)
rank 6 l hand 30 Scorching blast causes the bones in the critter's hand to expand and burst. (R2)(S)
rank 7 l hand 35 Immolating blast causes the critter's hand to explode. (R3)(A)(S)
rank 8 l hand 40 Encasing plasma cremates the critter's hand leaving a bloody stump!(R3)(A)(S)
rank 9 l hand 45 Muscle and bone blasted to pieces by powerful bolt of energy! (R3)(S)(A)

rank 1 r leg 5 Light burns to the critter's leg. (R1)
rank 2 r leg 10 Blistering strike to leg shrivels skin and causes excruciating pain. (R1)
rank 3 r leg 15 Searing blast of energy to hip spins the critter around! (R1)(S)
rank 4 r leg 20 Searing wave of plasma cuts through skin and muscle on the critter's leg! (R2)(K)(S)
rank 5 r leg 25 Superheated energy causes the artery in the critter's leg to explode! (R2)(K)(S)
rank 6 r leg 30 Sizzling arc of plasma blows the critter's kneecap off! (R2)(K)(S)
rank 7 r leg 35 Fiery blast of plasma blows the critter's leg into a bloody spray! (R3)(A)(K)(S)
rank 8 r leg 40 The critter's leg is consumed in an intense field of plasma reducing it to ash! (R3)(A)(K)(S)
rank 9 r leg 45 Muscle and bone blasted to pieces by searing wave of energy! (R3)(A)(K)(S)

rank 1 l leg 5 Light burns to the critter's leg. (R1)
rank 2 l leg 10 Blistering strike to leg shrivels skin and causes excruciating pain. (R1)
rank 3 l leg 15 Searing blast of energy to hip spins the critter around! (R1)(S)
rank 4 l leg 20 Searing wave of plasma cuts through skin and muscle on the critter's leg! (R2)(S)(K)
rank 5 l leg 25 Superheated energy causes the artery in the critter's leg to explode! (R2)(K)(S)
rank 6 l leg 30 Sizzling arc of plasma blows the critter's kneecap off! (R2)(K)(S)
rank 7 l leg 35 Fiery blast of plasma blows the critter's leg into a bloody spray! (R3)(A)(K)(S)
rank 8 l leg 40 The critter's leg is consumed in an intense field of plasma reducing it to ash! (R3)(A)(K)(S)
rank 9 l leg 45 Muscle and bone blasted to pieces by searing wave of energy! (R3)(A)(K)(S)

05-05-2010, 08:00 PM
Awesome. Thank you.

05-05-2010, 08:22 PM
Good work, as always. Very odd on that rank 5 chest wound.

05-05-2010, 08:29 PM
Good work, as always. Very odd on that rank 5 chest wound.

It is an oddball. The messaging indicates that it is insta-death ( the critter falls to the ground motionless) but the injury is always a level 2 and the damage suggests a rank 5non-fatal crit.


05-05-2010, 10:27 PM
Could you elaborate on your methodology? I wonder if it's like the rank 5 right hand slash crit, which has less crit damage than the rank 4 in the same table, so that this plasma crit might actually be rank 7 and thus the death crits would be consistent.

05-05-2010, 10:55 PM
Could you elaborate on your methodology? I wonder if it's like the rank 5 right hand slash crit, which has less crit damage than the rank 4 in the same table, so that this plasma crit might actually be rank 7 and thus the death crits would be consistent.

It is always a level 2 chest injury which should never be fatal, as far as I know, and the crit damage is 25 which places it in the rank 5 slot. The crit I have in the rank 7 slot is a level 3 injury with substantially more damage. Since we're not dealing with easily calculated damage (melee and bolt attacks) I have no other way to gauge where this crit would be placed.

It's always possible that it is actually a rank 7 crit, but nothing other than its fatal result suggests that. It could be an original coding error with both the damage and injury level, but there are already three other crits in this location that are level 3 injuries. When compared to the other torso crits it doesn't ''look right" to have four level 3 injury chest crits.
