View Full Version : Need help with stat placement

03-29-2004, 04:45 PM
I need help with how I should place my stats for my rogue. He is level 33. I want to try and do
2x Armor
1x Shield
2x Dodge
2x CM
climbing and swimming up to 15 ranks
2x stalking/hiding
2x ambush
1x PT

I dont know if thats all going to work out but... I just need to know how to place the stats. He is a human. Im in guild and a member of COL. Pretty much Im looking for an ambushing rogue with combat manuevers.

How do you obtain redux now a days?

03-29-2004, 04:47 PM
No weapon?

03-29-2004, 04:48 PM
Also 2x OHE lol almost forgot that one

03-29-2004, 05:07 PM
Redux is almost entirely PT now, so here's my suggestion: Stop doubling armor at 45 ranks (this trains you perfectly for brig), get 5 ranks extra of climbing and swimming, and spend the rest on PT if you want redux.

03-29-2004, 05:31 PM
At level 33, and as a rogue, training for redux probably isn't the best idea...you're in the shadows anyway.

Since you're heavily physically oriented, you could place your stats something like this.

STR 80
CON 80
DEX S 80
AGL P 80
DIS 70
AUR M 79
LOG 60
INT 60
WIS M 50
INF 21

At lvl 33, it looks like this.

CON 92
STR 90
DEX 91
AGL 95
DIS 81
AUR 85
LOG 71
INT 76
WIS 56
INF 42

That's enough for you to get

45 armor ranks
2x edged
1x shield
2x CM
2x ambush
1x PT
2x dodge
2x hide
1x perception
2x pickpocket

With 120 PTP's and 500 MTP's to play with. I'd suggest sticking that into going at least 1.5x in shield, or boosting dodge to 2.5x. Or you could pick up a 7 spells and some harness power.

03-30-2004, 11:01 AM
Alright. Well I changed the stats around a little bit so now I have
con 82
dex 82
dis 70
log 60
int 60
str 86
agi 80
inf 21
wis 45
aur 74

and I can train like this

2x armor
1x shield
2x cm
2x ohe
2x stalk/hide
2x ambush
2x dodge
2x perception
1x pt
and the 15 ranks of climbing and swimming (maybe doing the 5 more)

but I am going to be left over with 2 mentals after converting and I don't know what to do with them. Im debating picking pockets 1x but there isnt really a point to that. I think picking pockets is a waste of time. And I am doubling armor because I wear metal breastplate.