View Full Version : EG in May!! Huge auction of old EG items from past 10 years...

05-04-2010, 02:11 PM
It’s time for a fun locker cleaning – let’s relive various EG’s over the past decade along with some other randoms I have come across. Going to run this on a once twice sold basis. I included item information for most of them – but there is a bunch so I might have missed some. Shoot me a message if you want any particular information that’s not listed.


(14) a sickly green-cast vaalorn forked dagger – under 1 lb, +18, corrosive substance - MB is 5k, CB is Mango - 5k SOLD
(29) a silver-edged ebony vultite tanto studded with ruby flecks – under 1 lb, 4x, MB is 10k, CB is Mango - 10k SOLD

(34) a ragged coal black hood dangling bits of dull red string – goes with claws/fangs set - MB is 50k, CB is Upperguy - 50k SOLD
(35) some sharp diamond-tipped claws – zesty claws - goes with above - MB is 50k, CB is Upperguy - 50k SOLD

(10) a flawless triangular glass mirror on a delicate gold chain – peer to see reflection - MB is 5k, CB is Inspire - 125k SOLD


(1) a mechanical burghal gnome pin –interesting character - poke, peer, turn, pull, tap, tilt – different responses for different actions – here’s some of them:

>poke pin
You press your finger against the burghal gnome pin and a small metallic voice pipes at you, "Another bad hair day, ugly?"
>poke pin
You press your finger against the burghal gnome pin and a small metallic voice pipes at you, "Yer cog's showin', stoopid! Ha ha!"
>poke pin
You press your finger against the burghal gnome pin and a small metallic voice pipes at you, "Stop poking me!"
>poke pin
You press your finger against the burghal gnome pin and a small metallic voice pipes at you, "Did yer muddah dress you this mornin',
>You turn your burghal gnome pin upside down, causing its jointed arms and legs to flail around before settling in a peculiar fashion. A small metallic voice pipes, "Rasshafrashingrah!", along with a slew of unprintables before it swings itself back rightside up. - MB is 100k, SOLD - Generous Buyout accepted

(25) some blackened chain-linked shackles etched with a stylized 'T'- MB is 5k, SOLD - Generous Buyout accepted

(26) a dark cerulean parchment scroll - scripted - MB is 5k, SOLD on buyout

(24) glasses lot - a sturdy spectacles case, a monocle with a twisted mithril chain hanging off the side, and some round gold-framed spectacles - MB is 5k, CB is Coldstar - 150k SOLD

(53) an owl-embossed leather compass case - Orp - 1k SOLD
(54) a silver-edged leather compass case - Orp - 1k SOLD

(7) a tall black hat – couple zests – look at hat – “The tall black hat is crafted of sturdy material and is inset with a pair of small doors at the front. A small turnkey protrudes from the top, and a small silver button is set within the side of the hat.” >turn hat “You carefully wind the small turnkey on your tall black hat.” >push hat “You push the silver button on your tall black hat. A pair of small doors set within the hat pop open with a click. With a chorus of clicks and whirrs a mechanical arm pushes through the doors and begins to unfold upon its many hinges. Once completely extended, a wide fan of thin metal spreads open at the end of the arm. The fan begins to wave back and forth in front of your face, creating a small breeze.” – continues with this messaging for a while – “The arm extending from your tall black hat continues to wave the fan, cooling your face with a small breeze.” Ends with – “The arm from your tall black hat begins to slow down. It finally stops and folds back within its compartment, closing the small doors with a soft click.” - MB is 50k, CB is Zaestes -300k SOLD

Another Odd Duck
(3) a small dark leather back sheath - belt-worn, holds a small weapon, one of those hidden sheaths – MB is 100k; CB is Another Odd Duck - 250k SOLD

(2) a shadowy crystal ball – >turn ball
You turn the crystal ball upside-down, then flip it back over. The crimson liquid within the orb begins to churn and boil, the outer glass becoming hot to the touch.
Serpentine coils of silvery bubbles dance within the sphere, the tendrils twisting and writhing into recognizeable shapes. As you stare at your device, the words "If you're lucky" take shape.” - MB is 100k, CB is LadyClov - 200k - SOLD

Ularo Telkshar
(4) a small shadowy black velvet pouch – has 10 “small shadowy black crystal spheres” – invisibility spheres – pouch is beltworn, holds med amount, weighs 2 lbs - MB is 50k, CB is Ularo Telkshar - 350k SOLD
(15) a shadowy black potion – 8 sips of unpresence - MB is 5k, CB is Ularo Telkshar - 5k SOLD
(38) a warped karet ribcage map case - - Ularo Telkshar - 1k SOLD
(48) a bright red liquid-filled vial – Fake blood I believe… - Ularo Telkshar - 1k SOLD
(49) a bright red liquid-filled vial– Fake blood I believe… - Ularo Telkshar - 1k SOLD
(50) a dark red liquid-filled vial– Fake blood I believe… - Ularo Telkshar - 1k SOLD
(51) a pale crimson liquid-filled vial– Fake blood I believe… - Ularo Telkshar - 1k SOLD
(52) a deep scarlet liquid-filled vial– Fake blood I believe… - Ularo Telkshar - 1k SOLD

(5) a small shadowy black velvet pouch - has 6 “small shadowy black crystal spheres” – invisibility spheres – pouch is beltworn, holds med amount, weighs 2 lbs - MB is 25k, CB is Cleopatra - 225k SOLD
(6) a small evidence satchel – 2 lbs, med amount, belt worn MB is 50k, CB is Cleopatra - 75k SOLD
(8) a rusted wire mesh wand belt – waist worn, holds med, 3 lbs - MB is 50k, CB is 125k - Cleopatra SOLD
(11) a leather climbing harness with many steel loops and buckles – pinworn accessory - MB is 50k, CB is Cleopatra - 125k Sold
(17) a black widow spider pin – 9 charges bravery - persists - MB is 10k, CB is Cleopatra - 175k SOLD
(19) an ornate poison ring – pocketed, VSA - MB is 10k, CB is Cleopatra 400k SOLD
(20) an opaque petrified modwir spire – imbeddable, avg amount of mana, persists - MB is 5k, CB is 5k - Cleopatra SOLD
(21) a platinum-strung silver vial studded with diamonds – LK – MB is 5k, CB is Cleopatra - 5k SOLD
(22) a flame-bladed scarlet vaalorn dagger – under 1 lb, +18, fire elemental - MB is 5k, CB is Cleopatra - 5k SOLD
(23) a dark wand – imbeddable, avg mana, crumbly - MB is 5k, CB is 5k - Cleopatra SOLD
(27) a burnished and aged vultite ball and chain – 7 lbs, 4x, blunt, damage weighted - MB is 100k, CB is Cleopatra - 100k SOLD
(28) an iris-engraved vultite bodkin – under 1 lb, 4x, earth elemtal - MB is 10k, CB is Cleopatra 10k SOLD
(30) Witchwood hilted vultite falchion – 4 lbs, blessable - MB is 20k, CB is Cleopatra - 20k SOLD
(31) an icy sapphire-pommeled mithglin misericord – under 1 lb, 3x, lightning - MB is 10k, CB is Cleopatra - 10k SOLD
(39) a heavy black veil with cutout silver-outlined eye slits - Cleopatra - 1k SOLD
(43) a pointed stick - Cleopatra - 1k SOLD
(45) a silly whiskrat fur cat-toy - Cleopatra - 1k SOLD
(46) a crystal dragon pendant – imbeddable – avg amount of mana - Cleopatra - 1k SOLD
(47) a small chased silver lantern – several charges of spell - Light - Cleopatra -1k SOLD
(55) a long crimson vaalorn dagger with a rose-carved bloodjewel pommel – under 1 lb, +18 - CB - Cleopatra - 2k SOLD
(13) a star and moon patterned candy bag - comes with the following: a speckled black and white egg (2), a rotten black egg, a handful of tiny black ants (9), a fat indigo dung beetle, a small handful of pale termites, a sticky bug strip, some thick slimy slugs (2), and a cluster of chocolate-covered peanuts - MB is 20k, CB is Cleopatra - 275k SOLD
(18) a faceted azure blazestar ferroniere on a wide vaalorn chain – wizard only, “a bonus of 5 to Elemental Lore - Air Bonus”; lot of charges; crumbly - MB is 50k, CB is Cleopatra - 175k SOLD
(32) a claw-footed black iron cauldron – alchemy? No ideas. Show is is “You peer inside <item> and see a slowly bubbling mixture. Its smell is noxious and its color is a dull brown. Now and then, a small chunk of something rises to the surface and then sinks out of sight again.” MB is 5k, CB is Cleopatra - 20k SOLD
(33) a small wooden keg – alchemy? No ideas. Show is same as above. MB is 5k, CB is Cleopatra - 60k SOLD
(56) a tiny magic twig charm – imbeddable – average amount of mana - Cleopatra - 6k Going TWICE

(37) a silver-edged leather compass case - MokiePrime - 1k SOLD
(44) a polished silver-trimmed compass - Mokie - 10k SOLD

(12) a thin black alchemy tote studded with sickly green glimaerstones – 5 lbs, LA, backworn - MB is 50k, CB is Shimeria - 350k Sold

(40) a heart-shaped tart cutter - KValisk - 5k SOLD

(9) an antique silver-mounted chalkboard – scripted chalkboard with chalk - MB is 25k, CB is mikewstarr - 350k SOLD

05-04-2010, 02:16 PM
(9) an antique silver-mounted chalkboard – scripted chalkboard with chalk - i bid 25k
(33) a small wooden keg – alchemy? No ideas. Show is same as above. i bid 5k

05-04-2010, 02:17 PM
MB on 17

05-04-2010, 02:39 PM
(2) a shadowy crystal ball: MB 100k
(6) a small evidence satchel: MB 50k

05-04-2010, 03:15 PM
(1) a mechanical burghal gnome pin 100k
(2) a shadowy crystal ball 150k
(6) a small evidence satchel 75k
(9) an antique silver-mounted chalkboard 50k
(12) a thin black alchemy tote studded w/ sickly green glimaerstones 50k
(13) a star and moon patterned candy bag20k
(17) a black widow spider pin 10k
(19) an ornate poison ring – pocketed 10k
24) glasses lot-a sturdy spectacles case, a monocle with a twisted mithril chain hanging off the side, and some round gold-framed spectacles – 5k
(27) a burnished and aged vultite ball and chain 100k
(32) a claw-footed black iron cauldron 5k
(33) a small wooden keg 10k 5k
(39) a heavy black veil with cutout silver-outlined eye slits 1k
(43) a pointed stick 1k

05-04-2010, 03:15 PM
(10) a flawless triangular glass mirror on a delicate gold chain – peer to see reflection - MB is 5k, CB is [ ]
(19) an ornate poison ring – pocketed, VSA - MB is 10k, CB is [ ]

(24) glasses lot - a sturdy spectacles case, a monocle with a twisted mithril chain hanging off the side, and some round gold-framed spectacles - MB is 5k, CB is [ ]

MB on each

05-04-2010, 03:53 PM
(4) a small shadowy black velvet pouch – has 10 “small shadowy black crystal spheres” – invisibility spheres – pouch is beltworn, holds med amount, weighs 2 lbs - 50K

(5) a small shadowy black velvet pouch - has 6 “small shadowy black crystal spheres” – invisibility spheres – pouch is beltworn, holds med amount, weighs 2 lbs - 25K

(19) an ornate poison ring – pocketed, VSA - 20K

Ularo Telkshar
05-04-2010, 04:04 PM
4. 60k
5. 66k
15. MB.
17. 25k
38. MB.
48-52. MB

05-04-2010, 04:06 PM
20k each on


05-04-2010, 05:01 PM
(9) an antique silver-mounted chalkboard - 100k
(10) a flawless triangular glass mirror on a delicate gold chain – peer to see reflection - 50k
(37) a silver-edged leather compass case - 1k
(44) a polished silver-trimmed compass - 1k

Stanley Burrell
05-04-2010, 05:58 PM
Yeah, those are fake blood vials.

Also 50k on the throwable sphere pouch with more crystals and 25k on the one with less of them.

P.S. You're selling your poison ring for way too low.

05-04-2010, 06:16 PM
(19) an ornate poison ring

50k on this, please.

05-04-2010, 06:16 PM
Bidding as follows please:

(13) a star and moon patterned candy bag -- 30k
(17) a black widow spider pin -- 20k

05-04-2010, 06:17 PM
P.S. You're selling your poison ring for way too low.

What fun is an auction if you price yourself too high? :) I'm all about giving everyone fair shakes...

05-04-2010, 06:21 PM
(55) a long crimson vaalorn dagger with a rose-carved bloodjewel pommel – under 1 lb, +18 MB

and 100k on the posion ring

05-04-2010, 06:21 PM
(3) a small dark leather back sheath - 100k
(9) an antique silver-mounted chalkboard - 150k

violent femme
05-04-2010, 06:31 PM
(2) a shadowy crystal ball 150k
(7) a tall black hat 100k

05-04-2010, 06:49 PM
I think we are updated. Bids were updated in order of posting.

Lady Clov4
05-04-2010, 07:04 PM
(2) a shadowy crystal ball 200k
(4) a small shadowy black velvet pouch 65k
(5) a small shadowy black velvet pouch 70k
(9) an antique silver-mounted chalkboard 200k
(13) a star and moon patterned candy bag 35k
(17) a black widow spider pin 30k
(19) an ornate poison ring – pocketed 1150k
24) glasses lot-a sturdy spectacles case, a monocle with a twisted mithril chain hanging off the side, and some round gold-framed spectacles – 25k

05-04-2010, 07:11 PM
40: Heart-shaped tart cutter- 5k

05-04-2010, 07:19 PM
You guys are keeping me busy - keep it up!!

05-04-2010, 07:21 PM
(9) an antique silver-mounted chalkboard – scripted chalkboard with chalk - 300k

05-04-2010, 07:29 PM
(24) glasses lot - a sturdy spectacles case, a monocle with a twisted mithril chain hanging off the side, and some round gold-framed spectacles

40k please

05-04-2010, 08:19 PM
(7) a tall black hat 75k

05-04-2010, 08:23 PM
(14) a sickly green-cast vaalorn forked dagger – under 1 lb, +18, corrosive substance -- 5k

(29) a silver-edged ebony vultite tanto studded with ruby flecks – under 1 lb, 4x -- 10k

Stanley Burrell
05-04-2010, 08:24 PM
125k (4)

75k (5)

05-04-2010, 08:40 PM
(24) glasses lot - a sturdy spectacles case, a monocle with a twisted mithril chain hanging off the side, and some round gold-framed spectacles - 100k bid

Ularo Telkshar
05-04-2010, 09:06 PM
130k-Hat TallBlackOne
(4) a small shadowy black velvet pouch 150k
(5) a small shadowy black velvet pouch 80k
(19) an ornate poison ring – pocketed 175k
(17) a black widow spider pin – 9 charges bravery - persists - 50k

05-04-2010, 09:17 PM
(4) a small shadowy black velvet pouch 175k
(5) a small shadowy black velvet pouch 100k
(17) a black widow spider pin – 9 charges bravery - persists - 100k

05-04-2010, 09:33 PM
(5) 150K

(12) 100K

(13) 50K

Another odd duck
05-04-2010, 10:10 PM
(3) a small dark leather back sheath - 250k

Ularo Telkshar
05-04-2010, 10:30 PM
(4) a small shadowy black velvet pouch 200k
(5) a small shadowy black velvet pouch 150k
(17) a black widow spider pin – 9 charges bravery - persists - 150k

05-04-2010, 11:34 PM
34 & 35 MB

05-04-2010, 11:45 PM
(19) an ornate poison ring


05-04-2010, 11:55 PM
think we are all updated. i'm off for the night. At some point tomorrow morning I'll mark everything going once.

05-05-2010, 12:44 AM
a tall black hat150k

Ularo Telkshar
05-05-2010, 01:05 AM
200k on both pouches #4&5
175k on Hat

05-05-2010, 02:17 AM
(33) a small wooden keg

I'll go 25k on this one.

05-05-2010, 02:41 AM
350k on the posion ring

05-05-2010, 05:29 AM
(24) glasses lot - a sturdy spectacles case, a monocle with a twisted mithril chain hanging off the side, and some round gold-framed spectacles - 150k

05-05-2010, 11:22 AM
(4) a small shadowy black velvet pouch 225k
(5) a small shadowy black velvet pouch 225k
(9) an antique silver-mounted chalkboard 325K
(11) a leather climbing harness with many steel loops and buckles 50K
(12) a thin black alchemy tote studded w/ sickly green glimaerstones 175K
(13) a star and moon patterned candy bag 75K
(17) a black widow spider pin 175k
(18) a faceted azure blazestar ferroniere on a wide vaalorn chain 50k
(19) an ornate poison ring – pocketed 400k
(21) a platinum-strung silver vial studded with diamonds 5k
(22) a flame-bladed scarlet vaalorn dagger 5k
(28) an iris-engraved vultite bodkin 10k
(30) Witchwood hilted vultite falchion 20k
(33) a small wooden keg 30k
(45) a silly whiskrat fur cat-toy 1K
(46) a crystal dragon pendant – imbeddable – avg amount of mana 1K
(47) a small chased silver lantern – several charges of spell – Light 1K
(55) a long crimson vaalorn dagger with a rose-carved bloodjewel pommel – under 1K1 lb, +18 - 2K
(56) a tiny magic twig charm – imbeddable – average amount of mana 1K

05-05-2010, 11:58 AM
Updated and all items marked going once.

05-05-2010, 01:31 PM
(9) an antique silver-mounted chalkboard – scripted chalkboard with chalk - i bid 350k
(33) a small wooden keg – alchemy? No ideas. Show is same as above. i bid 50k

05-05-2010, 06:19 PM
#4 - 250K
#12- 250K
#13 - 150K

05-05-2010, 06:38 PM
Why you selling all my old stuff (: cries in the corner: )? Kidding, if you need anymore info on the items let me know.

And "kick my hat" is the best one.

05-05-2010, 06:43 PM
BTW the black hat, and keg have a bunch more scripts. I think there's an unlocked warhorn somewhere too. Funniest thing to do is "exhale warhorn" while invis.

05-05-2010, 08:28 PM
I'll have to try the kicking of the hat... And I had to sell - too many items for the lockers!! Those EG merchants saw you coming from a mile away ;)

05-05-2010, 09:36 PM
Updated for the night - I am off to sleep. Good luck all -

violent femme
05-05-2010, 09:55 PM
7) a tall black hat 200k please

05-05-2010, 10:22 PM
10 - 75k.

05-06-2010, 11:37 AM
(18) a faceted azure blazestar ferroniere on a wide vaalorn chain - 100k

Ularo Telkshar
05-06-2010, 11:44 AM
4. 350k
7. 250k
10. 100k
32. 15k

05-06-2010, 12:39 PM
(53) an owl-embossed leather compass case
(54) a silver-edged leather compass case

violent femme
05-06-2010, 06:20 PM
a tall black hat 275k

05-06-2010, 08:41 PM
Updated. All items going twice. All items receiving no more bids will be sold tomorrow night. All items with additional bids will go back to going once to be fair and I will try to push the next status updates through as soon as possible and hopefully close everything out by the weekend.

Thanks everyone and good luck.

05-07-2010, 08:48 AM
(12) a thin black alchemy tote studded with sickly green glimaerstones 275k
(13) a star and moon patterned candy bag 175k
(18) a faceted azure blazestar ferroniere on a wide vaalorn chain 125k
(20) an opaque petrified modwir spire 5k
(23) a dark wand – imbeddable, avg mana 5k
(31) an icy sapphire-pommeled mithglin misericord 10k
(32) a claw-footed black iron cauldron 20k
(33) a small wooden keg – alchemy 60k

05-07-2010, 11:34 AM
(12) 350K
(13) 250K

05-07-2010, 01:26 PM
#08 - 50k
#10 - 125k
#11 - 100k
#44 - 5k
#56 - 5k

05-07-2010, 02:34 PM
We're updated I believe....

05-07-2010, 03:09 PM
(44) a polished silver-trimmed compass - 10k

05-07-2010, 04:47 PM
(18) a faceted azure blazestar ferroniere on a wide vaalorn chain - 150k

05-08-2010, 02:55 AM
8) a rusted wire mesh wand belt 60k
(11) a leather climbing harness with many steel loops and buckles 125k
(13) a star and moon patterned candy bag 275k
(18) a faceted azure blazestar ferroniere on a wide vaalorn chain 175k

05-08-2010, 04:22 AM
100k on this:

(8) a rusted wire mesh wand belt – waist worn, holds med, 3 lbs - MB is 50k, CB is 50k

05-08-2010, 08:46 AM
(7) a tall black hat – couple zests – look at hat – “The tall black hat is crafted of sturdy material and is inset with a pair of small doors at the front. A small turnkey protrudes from the top, and a small silver button is set within the side of the hat.” >turn hat “You carefully wind the small turnkey on your tall black hat.” >push hat “You push the silver button on your tall black hat. A pair of small doors set within the hat pop open with a click. With a chorus of clicks and whirrs a mechanical arm pushes through the doors and begins to unfold upon its many hinges. Once completely extended, a wide fan of thin metal spreads open at the end of the arm. The fan begins to wave back and forth in front of your face, creating a small breeze.” – continues with this messaging for a while – “The arm extending from your tall black hat continues to wave the fan, cooling your face with a small breeze.” Ends with – “The arm from your tall black hat begins to slow down. It finally stops and folds back within its compartment, closing the small doors with a soft click.” - MB is 50k, CB is Violent Femme -275k Going TWICE

I bid 300k on this

05-08-2010, 10:01 AM
Alright - that was fun. First page updated - numerous items marked sold and I have grouped by auction winner. If I F'd up anything, just let me know and I'll correct it ASAP.

Remaining items will be sold tonight/tomorrow morning if there are no more bids. Items that receive additional bids will end tomorrow night at 8:00. If you aren't interested in any of the remaining items and want to pick up your winnings, shoot me a PM with who I need to look for IG and what times you'll be around today (I will likely be around quite a bit and should be able to meet).

Thanks everyone -

05-08-2010, 08:35 PM
(8) a rusted wire mesh wand belt 125k
(56) a tiny magic twig charm 6k

05-09-2010, 09:27 AM
All sold. Working on pick-ups -

05-10-2010, 09:31 PM
Lots picked up - still some left. Should be around most nights this week for deliveries, just let me know what times work for you -