View Full Version : Spring cleaning (will add more)

05-03-2010, 12:42 PM
Time for a clearout. Bids will go once, twice and sold and I will attempt to update quickly. I can deliver anywhere except Teras. BOs considered and will add more later.

1. a carved ivory hunting horn (ranger only scripts) MB: 250k CB: 1.5million Ularo Telkshar SOLD

WEAR ~ You tie the thong on your ivory hunting horn to your belt then tug on it slightly to make sure it is secure.
REMOVE~ You remove a carved ivory hunting horn from your belt.
KISS ~ You slowly lift your ivory hunting horn and blow into it sounding one long mournful wail that rises and falls in intensity.
RUB ~ You carefully inspect your ivory hunting horn and then polish it to remove bits of debris and make sure it is free of smudges.
RAISE ~ Taking a full, deep breath, you raise your ivory hunting horn to your lips and produce a prolonged high-pitched note of triumph!
WHISTLE ~ Settling the ivory hunting horn against your lips you proceed to signal your location with two long notes followed by two short notes.
EXHALE ~ You raise your ivory hunting horn to your lips and blow, slowly sounding three long blasts as your call to the hunt.
SMOOCH ~ You quickly raise your ivory hunting horn and blow three short, sharp blasts as a distress call.
(Non rangers are limited to KISS, RUB and RAISE)

3. a curved steel knife with a whorled rosewood handle (cobbling knife) MB: 10k CB: 10k MangoChutnee SOLD

4. a hawk-embossed tan suede wineskin (beltworn) MB: 10k CB: 35k Ularo Telkshar SOLD
OPEN ~ You uncork your wineskin.
CLOSE ~ You pop the cork hanging from the wineskin into it.

5. Fletching tools:
All the following are scribers: (MB 50k each)
a chipped stone chisel CB: 75k Orp SOLD
a chipped brick CB: 50k Orp SOLD
a gold-flaked sandstone pick CB: 50k Orp SOLD
a bent copper poorer CB: 50k Orp SOLD
a sharp copper chisel CB: 50k Orp SOLD
a red marble pick CB: 50k Orp SOLD
a sharpened silver coin CB: 50k Orp SOLD

7. Scroll cutters MB: 100k each
a star-etched white birch box CB: 350k Cabalis SOLD

8. Labels MB (lowered): 20k for the lot
a pristine parchment label
an ebon-edged white paper label
an ebon-edged white paper label
a silver-edged narrow label
a silver-edged narrow label
a yellowing vellum label
an azure papyrus label

9. a translucent cerulean glaes fishbowl (wearable with idle messaging and omes with a carton of food to feed the fish) MB: 200k CB: 500k nichelas SOLD

The cerulean glaes fishbowl is a perfectly formed cerulean glaes sphere that provides a suitable home for any aquatic life that wants to take up residence within. Blue-green pebbles are scattered across the bottom of the fishbowl, providing a suitable crawl space for a singular snail that treks from one end of the tank to the other. The very top half of the cerulean glaes fishbowl slides off of the sphere to allow food to be placed within. Swimming inside the cerulean glaes fishbowl is a small pink white cloudfish.
WEAR ~ You latch the cerulean glaes fishbowl's chain to your belt.
TAP ~ As you tap a translucent cerulean glaes fishbowl, the water within vibrates slightly, causing the pink white cloudfish within your fishbowl to dart nervously away from your
POKE ~ Your pink white cloudfish swims to the top of your fishbowl, aroused by the poking of your finger aginst the cerulean glaes walls of the fishbowl.
TOSS ~ You hurl your cerulean glaes fishbowl into the air, causing the pebbles within to fly in all directions within its cerulean glaes confine. The fish within dart about nervously as their home is tossed into the air.
TURN ~ You turn your fishbowl upside down, causing the pebbles on the ground to fall to the other side, disturbing the fish within.

a small glaes carton (The carton has a lot of rainbow fish food left)

12. a smiling silk jester mask (a silk-ribboned royal blue box) MB: 100k CB: 100k Enitocin SOLD
WEAR ~ You loop the strap of a smiling silk jester mask around the back of your head and fit it over your face.
TAP ~ The features of the mask twist into an unrecognizable spiral of lines and channels before settling into a grinning silk jester mask (toggles through lots of options).
REMOVE ~ You grab the silk jester mask confidently by the chin and pull it off over your head with a flourish.

15. a blackened vaalorn helm (+18) MB: 50k

16. some scorched full leather (+15 fulls) MB: 100k

The harmonics generated tell you that the leather serves to protect from additional damage.
It should be able to withstand an incredible amount of uses before its enhancement has completely degraded away.

17. a birch-hafted rhimar handaxe carved with concentric geometrics on the haft (+5 ice flares) MB: 25k

18. a large vultite morning star (+20) MB: 100k

The harmonics generated tell you that the star does extra damage when it strikes.
It should be able to withstand an incredible amount of uses before its enhancement has completely degraded away.

2. a shiny white music box painted with yellow buttercups CB: 50k Cleopatra SOLD

5. a grooved blood stained chisel CB: 100k Trallihn SOLD
an elk-branded ivory fletching razor CB: 10k Cleopatra SOLD
a steel-bitted ivory-handled drill CB: 30k Cleopatra SOLD
a golden reed scriber CB: 50k Cleopatra SOLD
a dusky red arrow scriber emblazoned with a mishmash of slashes CB: 50k Cleopatra SOLD
a forest green arrow scriber emblazoned with woven ivy CB: 200k Akoe SOLD

6. EG digging gems
a frosty white moon-carved diamond CB: 10k Rucca SOLD
a gold-shaded faceted smoky topaz CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
a thin slice of sky blue frost CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
a sailing ship-shaped opal CB: 6k Cleopatra SOLD
a triangular deep cobalt lapis lazuli CB: 10k Cleopatra SOLD
some polished glassy golden sunstone CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
a tiny round peony pink spinel CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
a red-centered clear asterfire quartz CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
an argent-hazed square lilac glimaerstone CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
a large gold baroque pearl CB: 6k Cleopatra SOLD
a cushion-cut circular violet sapphire CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
a carved eye of intense azure sapphire CB: 11k Cleopatra SOLD
a faintly pink moonflower-hued diamond CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
a faintly pink moonflower-hued diamond CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
a blush-hued tiny morganite stone CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
a river blue silver-stippled blazestar CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
a wisteria-hued round of feystone CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
a heart-shaped unfaceted red blazestar CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
a wedge of pale crystal-lined geode CB: 5k Cleopatra SOLD
a triangular deep cobalt lapis lazuli CB: 10k mjc SOLD

7. a flame-etched pale yellow box CB: 150k Cleopatra SOLD
a moon-etched faded blue box CB: 150k Cleopatra SOLD
a leaf-etched green oak box CB: 175k Cleopatra SOLD

10. a battered walnut case (Siegery Set) CB: 2m Buckwheet SOLD

11. a serpentine suede lysard case (scripted case with a matching instrument) CB: 700k Rucca SOLD

13. some etched invar leg greaves (+2 enhancive) CB: 500k Kithor SOLD

14. some etched spiked vultite leg greaves (+20) MB: 200k CB: 200k Geijon Khyree SOLD

05-03-2010, 12:51 PM
a triangular deep cobalt lapis lazuli

05-03-2010, 12:55 PM
1m siege

05-03-2010, 01:01 PM
13. some etched invar leg greaves (+2 enhancive)


05-03-2010, 01:23 PM
7. Scroll cutters

100k on each

05-03-2010, 01:41 PM
a carved eye of intense azure sapphire- 5k
a frosty white moon-carved diamond- 5k
11. a serpentine suede lysard case (scripted case with a matching instrument)- 500k


05-03-2010, 01:43 PM
Mb #1 and 50k on a forest green arrow scriber emblazoned with woven ivy

05-03-2010, 01:50 PM
250k on the horn.

can the sound be heard outside the room you are in when blown?

05-03-2010, 02:05 PM
No, the horn cannot be heard in other rooms when blown and I'm afraid Ugotfaced just beat you to the MB.

05-03-2010, 02:07 PM
booya... Also, I own a horn that can be heard in other rooms. if yer interested.

Geijon Khyree
05-03-2010, 02:21 PM
14. some etched spiked vultite leg greaves (+20) MB: 200k


05-03-2010, 06:21 PM
400k on the horn, even if he has something better. Can't pass up the Ranger only part

05-03-2010, 07:20 PM
1. a carved ivory hunting horn (ranger only scripts) MB: 250k CB: 400k Poloneus

WEAR ~ You tie the thong on your ivory hunting horn to your belt then tug on it slightly to make sure it is secure.
REMOVE~ You remove a carved ivory hunting horn from your belt.
KISS ~ You slowly lift your ivory hunting horn and blow into it sounding one long mournful wail that rises and falls in intensity.
RUB ~ You carefully inspect your ivory hunting horn and then polish it to remove bits of debris and make sure it is free of smudges.
RAISE ~ Taking a full, deep breath, you raise your ivory hunting horn to your lips and produce a prolonged high-pitched note of triumph!
WHISTLE ~ Settling the ivory hunting horn against your lips you proceed to signal your location with two long notes followed by two short notes.
EXHALE ~ You raise your ivory hunting horn to your lips and blow, slowly sounding three long blasts as your call to the hunt.
SMOOCH ~ You quickly raise your ivory hunting horn and blow three short, sharp blasts as a distress call.
(Non rangers are limited to KISS, RUB and RAISE)

I'll go 450k on the horn


05-03-2010, 07:22 PM
Edit - Withdrawed, missed the part about most of it being ranger only. heh.

05-03-2010, 07:43 PM
'a forest green arrow scriber emblazoned with woven ivy'

100k on this, and...

'a star-etched white birch box'

150k on that.

05-03-2010, 08:02 PM
500k horn

05-03-2010, 08:08 PM
MB on 4. a hawk-embossed tan suede wineskin (beltworn) MB: 10k
and 12. a smiling silk jester mask (a silk-ribboned royal blue box) MB: 100k

05-03-2010, 08:18 PM
a grooved blood stained chisel 10k
a chipped stone chisel10k

Ularo Telkshar
05-03-2010, 09:32 PM
600k-1. (Ranger Horn)

200k-9. (Fish)

05-03-2010, 09:36 PM
3. a curved steel knife with a whorled rosewood handle (cobbling knife) -- 10k

a sailing ship-shaped opal -- 5k
a large gold baroque pearl -- 5k
a carved eye of intense azure sapphire -- 10k

05-04-2010, 12:05 AM
a steel-bitted ivory-handled drill
a grooved blood stained chisel

I'll go 25k on each of these

05-04-2010, 01:50 AM
Are you seriously selling one of those fishbowls for 200k?? Wow..

05-04-2010, 01:30 PM
1. a carved ivory hunting horn 700k
2. a shiny white music box painted with yellow buttercups 50k
an elk-branded ivory fletching razor 10k
a steel-bitted ivory-handled drill 30k
a grooved blood stained chisel 30k
a chipped stone chisel 30k
a chipped brick 5k
a gold-flaked sandstone pick 11k
a golden reed scriber 50k
a bent copper poorer 10k
a sharp copper chisel 10k
a red marble pick 10k
a sharpened silver coin 10k
a dusky red arrow scriber emblazoned with a mishmash of slashes 50k
a forest green arrow scriber emblazoned with woven ivy 150k

6. EG digging gems MB: 5k each

a gold-shaded faceted smoky topaz 5k
a thin slice of sky blue frost agate 5k
a sailing ship-shaped opal 6k
a triangular deep cobalt lapis lazuli 6k
some polished glassy golden sunstone 5k
a tiny round peony pink spinel 5k
a red-centered clear asterfire quartz 5k
an argent-hazed square lilac glimaerstone 5k
a large gold baroque pearl 6k
a cushion-cut circular violet sapphire 5k
a carved eye of intense azure sapphire 11k
a faintly pink moonflower-hued diamond 5k
a faintly pink moonflower-hued diamond 5k
a frosty white moon-carved diamond 6k
a blush-hued tiny morganite stone 5k
a river blue silver-stippled blazestar 5k
a wisteria-hued round of feystone 5k
a triangular deep cobalt lapis lazuli 6k
a heart-shaped unfaceted red blazestar 5k
a wedge of pale crystal-lined geode 5k

7. a flame-etched pale yellow box 150k
a moon-etched faded blue box 150k
a star-etched white birch box 200k
a leaf-etched green oak box 100k

9. a translucent cerulean glaes fishbowl 300k

11. a serpentine suede lysard case 600k

05-04-2010, 02:03 PM
a grooved blood stained chisel 30k
a chipped stone chisel 30k
a chipped brick 5k
a gold-flaked sandstone pick 11k
a bent copper poorer 10k
a sharp copper chisel 10k
a red marble pick 10k
a sharpened silver coin 10k

Apologies for confusion, had stated at the outset that MB for all the scribers was 50k but will honour your bids of 30k upward since I'd mistakenly accepted earlier bids on some of the above.

a leaf-etched green oak box 100k

Did you mean 150k as you did for the others since there was already a bid of 100k on this item?

Thanks for bidding.

05-04-2010, 03:18 PM
someone else had bid 150k so thats why its different it was #15 pm

Ularo Telkshar
05-04-2010, 04:05 PM
750k HORN

Ularo Telkshar
05-04-2010, 04:06 PM
367k Fish Bowl

05-04-2010, 04:21 PM
someone else had bid 150k so thats why its different it was #15 pm

That was the star-etched box, I'm referring to the leaf-etched that already had a bid of 100k on from gs4omeba, did you wish to bid on that one?

05-04-2010, 04:41 PM
a triangular deep cobalt lapis lazuli

05-04-2010, 07:11 PM
'a star-etched white birch box'

250k, please.

05-04-2010, 07:27 PM
400k on that there fishbowl.

Lady Clov4
05-04-2010, 07:39 PM
1. a carved ivory hunting horn 800k
5. a chipped brick 5k
a gold-flaked sandstone pick 11k
a bent copper poorer 10k
a sharp copper chisel 10k
a red marble pick 10k
a sharpened silver coin 10k
6. a triangular deep cobalt lapis lazuli 8k
7. a leaf-etched green oak box 150k
a star-etched white birch box 275k
9. a translucent cerulean glaes fishbowl 400k

05-04-2010, 07:42 PM
'a star-etched white birch box'


05-04-2010, 07:54 PM
a chipped brick 5k
a gold-flaked sandstone pick 11k
a bent copper poorer 10k
a sharp copper chisel 10k
a red marble pick 10k
a sharpened silver coin 10k

Nichelas just beat you to it on the fishbowl I'm afraid and the above are all scribers with a MB of 50k.

05-04-2010, 08:15 PM
a grooved blood stained chisel
a chipped stone chisel 40k each

05-04-2010, 08:16 PM
1. a carved ivory hunting horn 850k --------------new
2. a shiny white music box painted with yellow buttercups 50k
an elk-branded ivory fletching razor 10k
a steel-bitted ivory-handled drill 30k
a grooved blood stained chisel 30k
a chipped stone chisel 30k
a chipped brick 6k ------ new
a gold-flaked sandstone pick 12k------new
a golden reed scriber 50k
a bent copper poorer 11k-----new
a sharp copper chisel 15k------new
a red marble pick 15k-------new
a sharpened silver coin 15k------new
a dusky red arrow scriber emblazoned with a mishmash of slashes 50k
a forest green arrow scriber emblazoned with woven ivy 150k

6. EG digging gems MB: 5k each

a gold-shaded faceted smoky topaz 5k
a thin slice of sky blue frost agate 5k
a sailing ship-shaped opal 6k
a triangular deep cobalt lapis lazuli 10k-----new
some polished glassy golden sunstone 5k
a tiny round peony pink spinel 5k
a red-centered clear asterfire quartz 5k
an argent-hazed square lilac glimaerstone 5k
a large gold baroque pearl 6k
a cushion-cut circular violet sapphire 5k
a carved eye of intense azure sapphire 11k
a faintly pink moonflower-hued diamond 5k
a faintly pink moonflower-hued diamond 5k
a frosty white moon-carved diamond 6k
a blush-hued tiny morganite stone 5k
a river blue silver-stippled blazestar 5k
a wisteria-hued round of feystone 5k
a triangular deep cobalt lapis lazuli 6k
a heart-shaped unfaceted red blazestar 5k
a wedge of pale crystal-lined geode 5k

7. a flame-etched pale yellow box 150k
a moon-etched faded blue box 150k

a leaf-etched green oak box 175k---------new

9. a translucent cerulean glaes fishbowl 450k------new

11. a serpentine suede lysard case 600k

05-04-2010, 08:18 PM
a sharp copper chisel 50k
a grooved blood stained chisel 50k

05-04-2010, 08:53 PM
a chipped brick 6k ------ new
a gold-flaked sandstone pick 12k------new
a bent copper poorer 11k-----new
a sharp copper chisel 15k------new
a red marble pick 15k-------new
a sharpened silver coin 15k------new

As stated previously, all the above are scribers and have a MB of 50k set.

Ularo Telkshar
05-04-2010, 09:05 PM
1 million-Horn

05-04-2010, 10:02 PM
500k on fishbowl

05-04-2010, 10:43 PM
So, you're spending 500k on something you can buy in a NPC shop in Solhaven for not even 100k?

05-04-2010, 10:54 PM
a frosty white moon-carved diamond- 10k
11. a serpentine suede lysard case (scripted case with a matching instrument)- 700k


05-04-2010, 11:18 PM
So, you're spending 500k on something you can buy in a NPC shop in Solhaven for not even 100k?

For what it's worth, the fishbowl is not actually from Morayna’s Pet Shop, it's from a festival a few years back. I have no idea if the glass ones for sale in Solhaven have the same scripts. For 5 to 15k I doubt it but if someone happens to know for sure I'd love to know.

05-04-2010, 11:26 PM
a triangular deep cobalt lapis lazuli

05-04-2010, 11:30 PM
I think it was a Spitfire at one point... I used to have one and loved it. I am also pretty curious if the scripting is the same. Anyone know?

For what it's worth, the fishbowl is not actually from Morayna’s Pet Shop, it's from a festival a few years back. I have no idea if the glass ones for sale in Solhaven have the same scripts. For 5 to 15k I doubt it but if someone happens to know for sure I'd love to know.

05-04-2010, 11:50 PM
Scripts are the same. From what I see anyway.

05-05-2010, 12:44 AM
a grooved blood stained chisel 75k
a chipped stone chisel CB: 75k

05-05-2010, 01:01 AM
a grooved blood stained chisel 100k

05-05-2010, 11:39 AM
Spring cleaning (will... 05-05-2010 05:57 AM Your auction sucks. It's all from shops stupid cunt.

Other than a variation of the fishbowl I'd like to know where? At least have the balls to sign neg rep when you leave it. Thanks for playing though :)

05-05-2010, 11:50 AM
If you think that's from me. It's not. I get neg repped, I don't leave it.

edited, plus only thing I see on the list that might be from a shop is the drill, and the fishbowl. that's about it.

05-05-2010, 03:13 PM
a sharp copper chisel

05-05-2010, 06:44 PM
Updated, bids in red will be considered sold this time tomorrow if no further interest.

PM sent Orp :)

05-05-2010, 07:20 PM
1.2 million on the hunting horn.
200k on the forest green scriber
20k on the hawk embossed wineskin

What does a scroll cutter do by the way? Thanks!

Ularo Telkshar
05-06-2010, 11:50 AM
1.5 HORN
4. 35k
10. 1.2 mil Battle Set & Case

05-06-2010, 12:31 PM
2m case.

05-06-2010, 06:28 PM
Lots sold, contact me by PM or IM me at Lady Rohese to arrange pickup. Thanks.

05-07-2010, 09:51 PM
Auction will close tomorrow, if no further bids. Contact me by PM or IM to arrange pickup :)

05-08-2010, 04:14 PM
Last update, everything SOLD and awaiting delivery :D

05-10-2010, 05:29 PM
Last bump. Most items delivered, just a few remaining so please contact me to arrange pickup etc.
