View Full Version : No armor

04-28-2010, 11:36 PM
I just got back into the game after a couple years off and I've decided to build a up a brawler. Now that I see armor has a pretty negative affect on voln fu. So I was wondering if I 3x in PF and 2x in dodging and two weapon combat, would that be good enough to counter the lack of armor? I know it wouldn't be a perfect replacement, but I'm thinking it would get me by at least hunting things my own level.

I know brawling wont really be that practical until they get Monks up and running, but I really don't want to wait for that.

04-29-2010, 12:00 AM
If you want to RP this guy, then sure.


04-29-2010, 12:03 AM
You could try out some brig or something, but honestly MBP is probably your best bet.

04-29-2010, 12:07 AM
Meh... shouldn't be too bad, so long as you're okay begging for spells.

See if you can't get yourself some armor that looks like it's not. Or just hunt w/ armor on, setup lich to squelch the message for the armors description, and just don't believe anyone when they say you're wearing armor.

... Armor concealing robes is probably your best bet. Altered to fit your character as best as you can get away with, find a late night merchant and hope they're drunk and mess up and let you alter the concealing robes into a belt.

04-29-2010, 12:14 AM
You will die, but you will be able to advance. I recommend 3x dodge, parry mastery, and evasion mastery.

04-29-2010, 07:07 AM
Had NO idea warriors could 3x dodge. Also the appearance of armour doesn't seem to be the problem, just the negative impact it has on Fu.

04-29-2010, 09:39 AM
The impact on fu is negligible at best. You will never have trouble successfully using fu, even in fullplate. Hell, if pures can use fu at 1x brawling, there's no reason why you should have any problems at a full 2x. Going armorless is just not smart. It will cause you more irritation than gratification.

04-29-2010, 12:04 PM
The impact on fu is negligible at best. You will never have trouble successfully using fu, even in fullplate. Hell, if pures can use fu at 1x brawling, there's no reason why you should have any problems at a full 2x. Going armorless is just not smart. It will cause you more irritation than gratification.

This. You will not be hampered by your armor in your use of Fu by any noticeable degree.

Really, have your cake and eat it, too. It's delicious :)

04-29-2010, 12:19 PM
If you really really wanted to eliminate all penalty on fu go with full leather, it has no action penalty (I'm assuming fu uses the same system, not certain). At least then you'd still have some protection. But really what everyone else has said is true.

04-29-2010, 01:49 PM
Thanks guys, I'll stick with armor. I think the role-play value of an armorless warrior is outweighed by it's uselessness, as so beautifully displayed in WRoss's pic. According to Krakii, the penalty for plate could be canceled out by getting mobiles. So I'll just have to make some ranger friends.

Guess I'm still waiting for monkeys.

04-29-2010, 03:26 PM
Thanks guys, I'll stick with armor. I think the role-play value of an armorless warrior is outweighed by it's uselessness, as so beautifully displayed in WRoss's pic. According to Krakii, the penalty for plate could be canceled out by getting mobiles. So I'll just have to make some ranger friends.

Guess I'm still waiting for monkeys.

As was mentioned, you can role-play armorlessness fairly easily without actually forgoing the benefits of actually wearing it, just get an armor concealer.

04-29-2010, 07:07 PM
I like the armor concealer idea, but light armor could be fun. No armor though doesn't make sense. Try a good set of brig. As for penalties to Fu for full plate, they're noticable and you'll kick harder in light armor for sure, but you'll still do OK in full plate.

Personally, I think that when they come out with monks, (seriously, some day it will happen!), they should roll in some changes that severely penalize some actions in heavy armor: hiding, climbing, and duh, swimming amongst them. Heck, swimming should be flat out impossible, but there are so many variations of swimming code out there that to get us down to one would be difficult, (I like the RR swimming code the best by far). As for hiding, there would have to be some significant benefits to light armor added to make up for it if it becomes very difficult to hide in heavy armor.

04-29-2010, 10:00 PM
It wouldn't work out that well. Yeah you would have a high MB for voln fu. But honestly, it isn't worth it. It seems like there are 2 rolls for voln fu. The initial roll to hit, and after that it seems pure random for crits.

I have had end rolls of 300+ on things and get +2 extra hits, then roll a 116 and crit kill. It makes no sense at all. If you go no armor, your hunts will take a looong time. You will have to stance dance and only be able to attack one thing at a time. Then you will rage as you have to take 30 seconds sometimes to kill 1 thing because your 250 endroll did nothing raw damage.

If you are going brawling, you will need your armor to take hits unless you plan on having long hunts.

04-30-2010, 08:11 PM
Something else to consider:

If you over-train armor use for what you're wearing, you can reduce the action penalty, and therefore increase your MB.

Doubling in Brawling will make you easily able to use Fu, but if you are that worried about the pushdown on your MB, then max out armor use.