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View Full Version : Intercession question

04-23-2010, 04:32 PM
Is there a certain amount of silver per level it costs? If so, does anyone know a formula or something so I can figure out how much it'll cost me?

04-23-2010, 09:08 PM
The formula isn't known for sure the last I looked into it. But I believe it has to do with if you've ever done it before and your level.

From Krakiipedia

"The equation to determine the exact amount is not yet known, but character level, profession, current CONVERT status, time since last conversion, cost of the gem, and total number of Intercessions are expected factors."


I just did an intercession for my cleric on 4/15/10. She was level 14 and had been converted to the same deity since 02. I put in 400,000 and it automatically said that offering was high enough.

I've had a friend who was level 18 and had to put in around 1.8. Others I have heard spent around four million and were just below 45.

Hopefully this helps some and good luck.