View Full Version : buying a halfling sorcerer

03-27-2004, 09:58 PM
Lookin to purchase an older halfling sorcerer. If you got one and would sell, send me an email. If you happen to know any older halfling sorcs, let them know I am interested. Thanks much.


03-27-2004, 10:36 PM
no offense to you or anything, but doesn't it bother you to purchase a character which you have put NO effort into what so ever? I personally know i could never sell any of mine, and see them around, not me behind them? that just wouldn't work for me, i've put every minute of time into each one of my characters therefor i feel incredibly connected to them.....just a personal opinion, start from scratch like everyone else (well not everyone) you'll feel better about it once you notice that you feel right from your experience with your character.

03-27-2004, 10:45 PM
No offense or anything but this isn't a thread to discuss the morality of buying and selling characters. Start a thread if you wish to make a discussion along those lines but please don't post paragraph long posts that don't provide any information or help towards the main intent of the thread.

I had a buddy that used to play a halfing sorc around 45-50 let me get with him and see if he put the character on hold or iced him.

03-27-2004, 11:07 PM
just trying to wisen matters, and i'll post gladly where i wish

03-27-2004, 11:21 PM
Wisen matters?! You didn't show any facts or informations in your post just an extremely one-sided opinion. How does that wisen anything? It looked more like a more holy than thou speech than an informative post. You can post gladly, sadly, or any other emotion wherever you wish but it would be better recieved if it is posted in the proper location in the proper context at the proper time. Delivery of a message is crucial.

And sorry no love he deleted the entire account lvl 48 halfling sorc and all. I'll keep my ear to the ground for you though.

03-28-2004, 05:27 AM
I prefer to have sausage on my pizza, what the fuck is that to you? I don't give a shit what you eat on your pizza, so why do you give a shit whether or not this kid wants to buy a character?

03-28-2004, 09:05 AM
No matter where you decide to post, let me know. This shit is amusing as hell.

03-28-2004, 03:32 PM
Look, to some people it doesnt matter if htey put time into the charecter or not, they just want the power, so whos place is it to preach in the "Mrchant Market"? Definently not yours. If you have something like this to say, make a post in the charecter complaints, but leave the Merchant Market to the people trying ot buy/sell charecters/items for silver/money. You have no buisness preaching here like a priest has no buisness preaching in hell.


[Edited on 3-28-2004 by J-Tech]

03-28-2004, 04:13 PM
Please read the "Please Read..." thread that's at the top of this folder.

The Merchant folder is strictly for buying/selling Gemstone characters, items and silver and is not up for discussion unless discussing price. If you wish to comment on the morality of buying/selling, by all means create a thread in the complaints folder, for that is where those discussions are held. Not in the merchants folder.

Thank you.

[Edited on 3/28/2004 by CrystalTears]