View Full Version : Enhancives

04-10-2010, 05:57 AM
Delivery to Teras, FW, and Landing. MB on everything will start at 50k. Auction will end on April 19 at 12pm eastern. (forums = f, pc = players corner) for my own benefit :P

1. a jade-inlaid gold pin
bard sung 150k, +3 to discipline, need to have trained 6 times, huge number of charges, persists, blank imbeddable, persists on magic
CB: 100k to Devessi (pc) Sold!

2. a topaz-inset gold talisman (neck worn)
bard sung 71k, +1 to aura bonus, need to have trained 7 times, a lot of charges, persists on magic and enhancive, blank imbeddable
CB: 500k to Morph (pc) Sold!

3. an engraved copper crown
bard sung 300k, 2 lbs, +7 stalking and hiding bonus, +2 discipline bonus, +2 ranged weapons bonus, 19 to use, lot of charges, crumbles on enhancive, persists on magic, blank imbeddable
CB: 200k to Ryvicke (pc) Sold!

4. a turquoise-set ora bracer
bard sung 250k, rechargeable, tappable, Fasthr's Reward spell with 5 charges, +7 to max health, 19 to use, huge number of charges, crumbles on enhancive and persists on magic

5. a lapis-inlaid sterling silver band
bard sung 850k, +3 dodging ranks, 20 to use, more than average giantman charges, crumbles on enhancive, persists on magic, blank imbeddable
CB: 300k to Private Bidder G Sold!

6. an alexandrite studded mithril circlet
bard sung 150k, rechargeable, few charges of 405, +3 to spell aim bonus, almost innumerable charges, 6 trains to use, persists on both
CB: 350k to Private Bidder G Sold!

7. an enruned green garnet brooch (pin worn)
bard sung 300k, +3 mana recovery, +2 summoning lore bonus, +2 arcane symbols bonus, 20 to use; casts unpresence, persists on magic and enhancives, lots of charges
CB: 575k to Zinzimir (pc) Sold!

8. a gleaming alexandrite medallion, (neck worn)
bard sung 150k, Casts spirit defense, +2 pickpocketing ranks, 7 to use, more than giantman charges, crumbly on magic and enhancive

04-10-2010, 09:18 AM
50k on #7

04-10-2010, 10:26 AM
500k on #2

04-10-2010, 10:33 AM
50k on #1

04-10-2010, 12:45 PM
3. an engraved copper crown

04-10-2010, 12:46 PM
150k on #6

04-11-2010, 01:09 PM
250k on #6.

04-11-2010, 01:29 PM
200k on #7

04-12-2010, 08:09 AM
75k on #1

04-12-2010, 07:14 PM
updated bids

04-13-2010, 05:31 PM
200k on 3

04-14-2010, 02:43 AM
bids updated

04-14-2010, 03:55 AM
85K on #1

04-14-2010, 12:49 PM
350k on #7

04-15-2010, 11:22 PM
bids updated

04-16-2010, 09:15 AM
100k on #1

04-17-2010, 02:30 AM
bids updated. Depending on my time, I'll probably only do one more update before the auction ends. I will contact winners through PM or emails to arrange for pick ups. Thanks.

04-17-2010, 08:28 AM
300k on #6

04-17-2010, 11:32 PM
Bids updated. We have a little over 12 hours before the auction ends. Again I will contact the winners through PM or emails. Thanks :)

04-18-2010, 07:48 PM
Auction is over. If I haven't already contacted you through PMs or emails you can find me on AIM at mazstomp. Thanks.