View Full Version : Gemstone: Shattered PC-Lich group/clan sign-up

04-05-2010, 06:30 PM
Alright, I figure it will be good to put together a group of people now before we start playing.

Preliminary rules:

1. No PKing anyone in the group
2. Use group services before others
3. Must use Lich
4. Must help each other in fights etc.
5. If possible stay in the same general realm as rest of the group
6. Ability to write scripts is a plus but not required

Anyway, if you want in put what your planned profession is going to be. Any rules suggestions or changes, bring them up.

I plan to play an empath, not sure about the race yet.

2 Cleric
3 Empath
3 Wizard
1 Sorcerer
3 Bard
2 Ranger
1 Paladin
0 Rogue
0 Warrior

04-05-2010, 06:32 PM
My thought is that we can write our hunting script in such a way that we stick together and level up at the same pace (this is assuming that most people are going to be logged on pretty much anytime they aren't playing standard Gem).

04-05-2010, 06:53 PM
If/when I reactivate, I'll be playing a cleric. Probably a very busy cleric. Well, unless Kaedra decides to make another cleric in Shattered that is.

04-05-2010, 06:55 PM
I'm in. I'm probably going for bolting empath or (less likely) a pure wizard.

04-05-2010, 06:58 PM
I'm in. Giantman Ranger.

04-05-2010, 06:59 PM
Too bad player kills won't generate xp. What a free-for-all that would be.

04-05-2010, 07:03 PM
I see a lord of the flies situation arising.

04-05-2010, 07:05 PM
I'll join up.

04-05-2010, 07:13 PM
I am going to join up. I'm going for bard, empath, paladin, rogue. Yes, at the same time. No need to comment.

Jace Solo
04-05-2010, 07:16 PM
Well, I've got an account or two I can bring in...do we have any needs that aren't filled?

I think it's kinda cool to have everyone starting from scratch and no epic items already floating about.

04-05-2010, 07:18 PM
Still debating a return for shattered, but if I do I'd likely go with a ranger and a wizard/empath.

04-05-2010, 07:19 PM
I was going to do John, Ringo, Paul, and George.

04-05-2010, 07:23 PM
Personally I'd like to have at least 1 more bard, 1 or 2 more clerics, and a sorcerer who can scroll infuse and break sancts.

EDIT: If someone can explain how you go about getting a demon that breaks sancts this would be useful info. Is there an alchemy item that also does that?

Drunken Durfin
04-05-2010, 07:27 PM
I'm doing a Rogue/Wizard with a side order of Dwarven Warrior.

04-05-2010, 07:28 PM
Personally I'd like to have at least 1 more bard, 1 or 2 more clerics, and a sorcerer who can scroll infuse and break sancts.

EDIT: If someone can explain how you go about getting a demon that breaks sancts this would be useful info. Is there an alchemy item that also does that?

Yeah - sorcs can make a "glossy black shard" that has 3 charges and can break sancts. Success based on MIU, I think.

04-05-2010, 07:32 PM
Yeah - sorcs can make a "glossy black shard" that has 3 charges and can break sancts. Success based on MIU, I think.

I believe it is actually level based. I.e. If a level 20 casts sanct, then a level 19 can't break it, but a level 21 can. I'm not so sure about like level.

04-05-2010, 07:37 PM
I'm going to reactivate my second account for sorc. I'd like to get at least 1 full time warrior for 3x armour to get armour specs and for mastering disarm to steal weapons.

04-05-2010, 07:41 PM
Im going to have 2-3 accounts, gonna do Bard/Cleric and probably empath as well and they will all be Dwarves.

04-05-2010, 07:41 PM
Im going to have 2-3 accounts, gonna do Bard/Cleric and probably empath as well and they will all be Dwarves.

Hoping they release the runeblades in there are well?

04-05-2010, 07:42 PM
We should take over the glacier. Charge a toll to enter. We should also sell someone the east-west bridge in the landing.

04-05-2010, 07:47 PM
Hoping they release the runeblades in there are well?

Nah, I just like Dwarves.

I am starting to re think me idea though...

04-05-2010, 07:48 PM
Gonna need (at least early on) a couple characters perma-locked in the forges, churning out superiors and perfects for all the weapon-swingers. With AFK scripting, they can just do that 24-7 (and level as they go). I've got a couple accounts that could handle that.

04-05-2010, 07:49 PM
Ohh yes, if your char can train in sidebyside, do it. The DS bonus is nuts in large groups.

04-05-2010, 07:50 PM
warrior + wiz prob based in some out of the way town for a month or so afk scripting since the landing/sol will be overrun with shitheads

04-05-2010, 07:53 PM
A lot of out-of-the way, little used hunting areas are probably going to see an influx of people hoping to hide from everyone else while they level.

Join Shattered and see the world!

04-05-2010, 08:15 PM
I'm joining Tillmens gang. We're going to wtfpwn you!

04-05-2010, 08:21 PM
We should take over the glacier. Charge a toll to enter. We should also sell someone the east-west bridge in the landing.

Set up an ambush drop on the path between the Landing and the Elven Nations. Plenty of places someone could set up to smack people trapped in rt by terrain features.

04-05-2010, 08:23 PM
I was thinking of warrior or bard, though I'm not set on either if there's a particular need for something else.

04-05-2010, 08:30 PM
I'm going rogue, likely a half-elf rogue that is going to have a very heavy hand in forging later on. Picker I be.

04-05-2010, 08:37 PM
Can I laugh when shattered has like 30 people total boxing 1-3 characters each, or more.. And it ends up everyone playing is pretty much in this group/clan.

04-05-2010, 08:38 PM
You know, sorcery is fairly worthless in prime, but it is going to be invaluable in shattered.

Cursing, sanctuary breaking, finding hidden & invisible characters. We've always been good for pvp.

violent femme
04-05-2010, 09:07 PM
mm, im not a herd follower, but this sounds intriguing...im in one way or the other..

04-05-2010, 09:16 PM
So are you going to let every single person that wants in? I mean there are obvious idiots out there that you wouldn't but... what would keep you from denying someone if they are not an idiot?

04-05-2010, 09:19 PM
Why would you want to employ strict exclusivity? That's how a larger group of people bands against you.

04-05-2010, 09:19 PM
I'll definitely be there. Gonna play a rogue.

04-05-2010, 09:24 PM
The only reason I see for excluding someone is lack of playing time. Even still, casual players can be useful too.

04-05-2010, 09:45 PM
I'll most likely be playing as a rogue if I join, waiting to see who all signs up.

04-05-2010, 10:32 PM
Ok, I think I made up my mind, I will have 3 accounts.

1. bard
2. ranger
3. empath/cleric

On a different note, after this whole thing kicks off and goes live we should all post our characters names and classes and have it all updated on the first post so we can make highlights and possible script editing to include each other to do things such as healing and spells into the scripts for when some are AFK and others aren't.

04-05-2010, 10:34 PM
Ok, I think I made up my mind, I will have 3 accounts.

1. bard
2. ranger
3. empath/cleric

On a different note, after this whole thing kicks off and goes live we should all post our characters names and classes and have it all updated on the first post so we can make highlights and possible script editing to include each other to do things such as healing and spells into the scripts for when some are AFK and others aren't.

Isn't the title to this thread PC-Lich group..?

04-05-2010, 10:38 PM
I'll definitely be in the game, but not really interested in cliqueing up quite yet... warrior though.

04-05-2010, 10:40 PM
Hm. Should we have an identifying item of clothing? Something simple, recognizable, and useful - even a custom-dyed cloak from the clothier or such. Might play into whatever name we come up with - "The Red Cloaks" for instance.

04-05-2010, 10:42 PM
I am still undecided on professions, but I have three accounts I would add Shattered to if I add one.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-05-2010, 10:44 PM
I'll be rolling either a wizard or a cleric, most likely a cleric.

04-05-2010, 10:44 PM
I am in, Warrior.

Drunken Durfin
04-05-2010, 10:54 PM
Hm. Should we have an identifying item of clothing? Something simple, recognizable, and useful - even a custom-dyed cloak from the clothier or such. Might play into whatever name we come up with - "The Red Cloaks" for instance.

I would suggest something pin-worn.

04-05-2010, 11:04 PM
I would suggest something pin-worn.

Makes sense to me. No badges, shields, or black armbands, though. Ugh.

04-05-2010, 11:07 PM
Half-Krol Claid WarWizard.

I can't promise I won't kill someone in the group for fun.

04-05-2010, 11:07 PM
Hm. Should we have an identifying item of clothing? Something simple, recognizable, and useful - even a custom-dyed cloak from the clothier or such. Might play into whatever name we come up with - "The Red Cloaks" for instance.

lawl, brown coats.


04-05-2010, 11:17 PM
" Gemstone: Shattered... 04-05-2010 10:01 PM yeah - even you geeks need cliques too I guess "

uh wut?

Drunken Durfin
04-05-2010, 11:23 PM
" Gemstone: Shattered... 04-05-2010 10:01 PM yeah - even you geeks need cliques too I guess "

uh wut?

Irony: Sending someone rep on a web forum calling them a geek.

04-05-2010, 11:29 PM
And it's gray, meaning it's someone in the negative and unhappy about it. In other words, might as well sign it, unless you're trying to send some type of message without wanting me to know who you are.

Jace Solo
04-06-2010, 12:11 AM
I could set up an empath in town and just run a heal script for whispers. I never was clear, is the town sanct or can I get whooped up on if I'm AFK script healing in TSC/whatever town the group is in?

We can set the script up to run as a whisper password and change it at intervals if need be.

Anyone wanna help me adapt the healbot scripts to make that work?

Could do the same with a picker as well but I know nothing about picking...

GS4 Bard
04-06-2010, 12:59 AM
You will be one of a bunch of slave AFK healers I imagine if you do that, I know that is why I will have one on an account as well.

04-06-2010, 01:01 AM
Set up an ambush drop on the path between the Landing and the Elven Nations. Plenty of places someone could set up to smack people trapped in rt by terrain features.Right after climbing the boulder.

10 seconds of empty hands RT.

04-06-2010, 01:05 AM
I would suggest something pin-worn.The Opalescent Pink Brooches!

04-06-2010, 01:15 AM
<<I could set up an empath in town and just run a heal script for whispers.>>

I would set it up at a table and have it auto-invite if the character is part of an array of approved characters.

Hell, I would set it up at a table and have it auto-invite everyone and keep your group closed. More experience.

04-06-2010, 01:24 AM
Hell, I would set it up at a table and have it auto-invite everyone and keep your group closed. More experience.Hah.

Listening to all this gets me thinking of all the ways to grief the AFK scripters.

1: Trip a trap (specifically a scarab)

2: Break the script (find the trigger words and force the script to interact with non-character objects)

3: Create a script that prevents people from getting to the table (befriend cold)

The nice thing is I could have my standard maintained character and just create throwaways to get around "kill on sight" lists.

04-06-2010, 01:29 AM
<<2: Break the script (find the trigger words and force the script to interact with non-character objects)>>

This won't work on Lich unless you're extremely good at manipulating data.

04-06-2010, 01:35 AM
This won't work on Lich unless you're extremely good at manipulating data.It's been a long time since I've paid attention to how GS handles data, but my next curiousity is...

Can an external program be made to modify packets to use in Shattered?

..and can you get away with it..

04-06-2010, 01:39 AM
I'm still debating, but I'd rollup a bard.

04-06-2010, 01:46 AM
I'm down. I don't see any rogues or warriors so I'm pickin on or the other. Probably a rogue for shattered. woot woot!

04-06-2010, 01:48 AM
I'm down. I don't see any rogues or warriors so I'm pickin on or the other. Probably a rogue for shattered. woot woot!Just remember.. if you quickstrike (is that the one where the name is hidden?) use a common weapon.

I once tracked down a person by searching my auto-logs for their custom weapon ;)

04-06-2010, 01:54 AM
I'm down. I don't see any rogues or warriors so I'm pickin on or the other. Probably a rogue for shattered. woot woot!

Pretty sure three or four people claimed they'd be starting a warrior. And I think a couple said they'd be down for rogue. Drew's OP list hasn't caught up to the thread yet.

04-06-2010, 02:05 AM
yea I didn't look through it before I posted, lol. Probably still gonna be a rogue or a warrior. After reading it over, I'm leaning towards a sorcerer built for pvp.

04-06-2010, 02:20 AM
Just remember.. if you quickstrike (is that the one where the name is hidden?) use a common weapon.

I once tracked down a person by searching my auto-logs for their custom weapon ;)

Silent strike.

04-06-2010, 03:12 AM
I could set up an empath in town and just run a heal script for whispers. I never was clear, is the town sanct or can I get whooped up on if I'm AFK script healing in TSC/whatever town the group is in?

We can set the script up to run as a whisper password and change it at intervals if need be.

Anyone wanna help me adapt the healbot scripts to make that work?

Could do the same with a picker as well but I know nothing about picking...

ha, Skymare had a script I would go to his wizards table whisper "spell up" , "check mana' , "check spirit", "spell up" and then they'd spell me up, hide, wrack, unhide and continue the spell up.. Shit was slick as hell.. We need somethin like that goin on..

Also, I'm in, either gonna make a (d-elf)sorc. (dwarf)paladin or a bard not sure on bard race yet.

04-06-2010, 07:34 AM
" Gemstone: Shattered... 04-05-2010 10:01 PM yeah - even you geeks need cliques too I guess "

uh wut?

I recently had a neutral rep accusing me and paul, evarin, and durfin being a clique too.

Someone out there really likes the word clique... and doesn't know how to use rep.

04-06-2010, 07:53 AM
Just remember.. if you quickstrike (is that the one where the name is hidden?) use a common weapon.

I once tracked down a person by searching my auto-logs for their custom weapon ;)

When the person dies doesn't someone shout ''help SOANDSO has committed murder!!'' even if it's a shadowy figure from silent strike?

04-06-2010, 10:34 AM
I'm definitely in for this! I'm not sure what i'll be rolling up, but it will most likely be something physical - if there are any needs just let me know.

04-06-2010, 10:47 AM
ha, Skymare had a script I would go to his wizards table whisper "spell up" , "check mana' , "check spirit", "spell up" and then they'd spell me up, hide, wrack, unhide and continue the spell up.. Shit was slick as hell.. We need somethin like that goin on..
I did the same thing for my friends with my wizard for a while. You could go in and ask him for a full spellup, specific spells, or to recharge your mana. It worked out well until Zuie started telling her friends, and suddenly people I didn't know were draining his mana. :nono:

It's really not hard to do (and I'm sure a lot of the people here could do it better than I did--especially since I was just using the stormfront scripting language, and not lich/ruby).

(FYI, this was before they changed the afk scripting policy to include spelling other people up.)

04-06-2010, 11:22 AM
I did the same thing for my friends with my wizard for a while. You could go in and ask him for a full spellup, specific spells, or to recharge your mana. It worked out well until Zuie started telling her friends, and suddenly people I didn't know were draining his mana. :nono:

It's really not hard to do (and I'm sure a lot of the people here could do it better than I did--especially since I was just using the stormfront scripting language, and not lich/ruby).

(FYI, this was before they changed the afk scripting policy to include spelling other people up.)

That's why mine only worked if you were on the list of approved whisperers. If you weren't part of the match XYX whispers then you got nothing.

04-06-2010, 12:21 PM
When the person dies doesn't someone shout ''help SOANDSO has committed murder!!'' even if it's a shadowy figure from silent strike?Only in areas where justice is active.

04-06-2010, 12:34 PM
I quit playing before Lich was around, but I've been lurking these boards for sumtime.. If I end up trying Shattered I'd be interested in this!

Also posted here http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=51463

04-06-2010, 12:35 PM
I am assuming justice is not being turned off in towns?

04-06-2010, 12:53 PM
I am assuming justice is not being turned off in towns?

That would be my guess as well. Otherwise you'd just have meteor swarm after meteor swarm.

04-06-2010, 12:56 PM
they confirmed justice will exist

04-06-2010, 01:14 PM

04-06-2010, 01:18 PM
Whore, the most loving and caring empath ever to exist, will be offering healing services for free in WL TSC... Regardless of you asking for them or not... 24/7.

04-06-2010, 01:44 PM
I fully expect healing, picking, and spellup bots. You give it money, it performs service. Available to all.

04-06-2010, 02:13 PM
So can someone make a kill bot script that has an invisible wizard walk from room to room (covering every room in town and maybe regular hot spots)and check the names to a kill list. Then when a name matches said kill bot will rapidfire a full manas worth of spells at target and then before anyone can even react run away and hide at some location and wait for 10-20 minutes until people cool down. Rinse and repeat 24/7.

04-06-2010, 02:14 PM
Yes, that could be done. Actually wouldn't be that hard I don't think....

04-06-2010, 02:16 PM
Eventually the justice system would knock him out of hiding, and his fines would quickly make the character banished from the town. I imagine everyone will rest in sanctuaries, though. Those that dont likely deserve to be KOS.

04-06-2010, 02:20 PM
I guess that would work for in town, but I would assume the kill bot would then just roam common hunting grounds and be outside the gates where anything goes. 24/7 of looking over your shoulder in the graveyard.

04-06-2010, 02:53 PM
So can someone make a kill bot script that has an invisible wizard walk from room to room (covering every room in town and maybe regular hot spots)and check the names to a kill list. Then when a name matches said kill bot will rapidfire a full manas worth of spells at target and then before anyone can even react run away and hide at some location and wait for 10-20 minutes until people cool down. Rinse and repeat 24/7.Someone could also in very short order make a script that will respond to that event by killing the wizard. In the end, especially with Lich's multiple script functionality, it's a question not of reaction but connection.

04-06-2010, 03:25 PM
I don't know but my gut feeling is that there will be no sanctuaries in shattered.

04-06-2010, 05:25 PM
Count me in...wizard... when i'm not working and partially sleeping i'll be back in addiction

04-06-2010, 06:02 PM
I'll sign up for Rogue.

04-06-2010, 06:24 PM
I'm going to make a cleric and name him Jesus (I CALL DIBS ON JESUS, YOU ASSHATS!) and I'm going to make a paladin (i think)

Liberi Fatali
04-06-2010, 07:33 PM
It's a little unfortunate to think that we cannot transfer characters over. If I wanted to be a Sorcerer again, for example -- I can't even fathom trying to master the guild. What if there's only 3 other Sorcerers in the entire game?

It took me hundreds of hours to master the Sorcerer (and thus get demons, who thus can break sanctuaries) guild in prime -- and that's only because when it first was released almost every Sorcerer who could was attempting to do it at the time. I've read constantly on the officials how painfully slow it is simply due to the fact that no one else is there to help you out -- and you'll always be stuck without having someone to do reps with you.

I imagine the warrior's guild is the same -- but I also imagine there would be a few more warriors in Shattered.

No word on the name transfers, though?!

Edited to add: How do people in plat cope with the low population and guilds? Is it doable?

04-06-2010, 07:44 PM
Whore, the most loving and caring empath ever to exist, will be offering healing services for free in WL TSC... Regardless of you asking for them or not... 24/7.

lol nice

04-06-2010, 07:57 PM
It's a little unfortunate to think that we cannot transfer characters over. If I wanted to be a Sorcerer again, for example -- I can't even fathom trying to master the guild. What if there's only 3 other Sorcerers in the entire game?

It took me hundreds of hours to master the Sorcerer (and thus get demons, who thus can break sanctuaries) guild in prime -- and that's only because when it first was released almost every Sorcerer who could was attempting to do it at the time. I've read constantly on the officials how painfully slow it is simply due to the fact that no one else is there to help you out -- and you'll always be stuck without having someone to do reps with you.

I imagine the warrior's guild is the same -- but I also imagine there would be a few more warriors in Shattered.

No word on the name transfers, though?!

Edited to add: How do people in plat cope with the low population and guilds? Is it doable?

Quit your whining you big fat fucking baby.

Liberi Fatali
04-06-2010, 08:00 PM
Quit your whining you big fat fucking baby.

Don't tempt me, mother trucker. I will go literally dedicate my entire life, or pay someone to do it for me, and Tsin the shit out of you, South Park style. DO YOU HEAR ME MOTHER FUCKER?!

04-06-2010, 08:04 PM
Tsin the shit out of you

Sell him something at a marked up price?

Liberi Fatali
04-06-2010, 08:13 PM
Sell him something at a marked up price?

Haha. Touche.

I imagine Tsin will be back though, in all honesty.

Really, one could essentially rape the shit out of anyone for quite a while if one has no life. If you could get to level 50 before anyone was even at level 20, how would you be stopped?

Without implosion or meteor swarm, no one could stop someone level 50.

04-06-2010, 08:15 PM

why no life?

afk scripting is allll good.

04-06-2010, 08:16 PM
Haha. Touche.

I imagine Tsin will be back though, in all honesty.

Really, one could essentially rape the shit out of anyone for quite a while if one has no life. If you could get to level 50 before anyone was even at level 20, how would you be stopped?

Without implosion or meteor swarm, no one could stop someone level 50.

I could

Liberi Fatali
04-06-2010, 08:17 PM

why no life?

afk scripting is allll good.

That's true... I guess even if you played 24/7, you'd be on par with the scripters, and they'd be using little effort.

I bet a lot of people would take advantage if they offered a "$200 transfer your character fee". I personally would not pay that, but I imagine a lot of people would.

Liberi Fatali
04-06-2010, 08:19 PM
I could

Curiously, how?

I mean, provided the level 50 person was at least somewhat educated in Gemstone -- for instance, myself (hoho).

I certainly would not be roaming around in offensive with no shield/sword. I've had groups of people chase me in Prime before -- you have to be ready and expecting anything.

But I'd be willing to bet that TWENTY level 19 characters could not kill me if I was level 50.

04-06-2010, 08:28 PM
Curiously, how?

I mean, provided the level 50 person was at least somewhat educated in Gemstone -- for instance, myself (hoho).

I certainly would not be roaming around in offensive with no shield/sword. I've had groups of people chase me in Prime before -- you have to be ready and expecting anything.

But I'd be willing to bet that TWENTY level 19 characters could not kill me if I was level 50.

was kidding, but, seeing the way people are talking here (which I can't tell if they are kidding) I am starting to lose interest.

Liberi Fatali
04-06-2010, 08:31 PM
was kidding, but, seeing the way people are talking here (which I can't tell if they are kidding) I am starting to lose interest.

Are you referring to the fact that everyone here on the PC (except for me, of course) is going to be scripting the first 50+ levels, possibly even to cap?

Yes, having a bunch of AFK characters roaming around is probably not going to be very exciting, which is why I'm an advocate for character transfer.

Those who have awesome scripts, or who can write awesome scripts, will undoubtedly dominate in Shattered. Unfortunately, this is not me.

04-06-2010, 08:33 PM
Are you referring to the fact that everyone here on the PC (except for me, of course) is going to be scripting the first 50+ levels, possibly even to cap?

Yes, having a bunch of AFK characters roaming around is probably not going to be very exciting, which is why I'm an advocate for character transfer.

Those who have awesome scripts, or who can write awesome scripts, will undoubtedly dominate in Shattered. Unfortunately, this is not me.

No... mainly the grievances people are talking about doing which will ruin my game fun. I can see annoying people killing/stealing from other people but then everyone ganging up on said person. But if people are making groups to do this to random people and/or making stupid rules (this is where I can't guess if they are joking or not) then it would be quite dumb if you're not in a clan.

04-06-2010, 08:46 PM
whoops double post

Liberi Fatali
04-06-2010, 09:00 PM
No... mainly the grievances people are talking about doing which will ruin my game fun. I can see annoying people killing/stealing from other people but then everyone ganging up on said person. But if people are making groups to do this to random people and/or making stupid rules (this is where I can't guess if they are joking or not) then it would be quite dumb if you're not in a clan.

Well, I imagine this is precisely how the game will be. In Prime, for instance, if some black sock wearing git kills you in the sewers and then you go and attack him 6 months later, you'll more than likely get a warning.

In this game, however, I imagine everyone will hold grudges. If you kill someone level 3, I wouldn't expect anything less than you getting killed at least 5 times over, perhaps even 3 months later.

Again, though, the scripting is going to be a key factor. Those blokes will be able to blow through levels, whereas the casual player is going to be shafted.

This game sounds fun in thought, but in actuality, I think you may be right -- it's going to be one big rape fest.

I hate, hate, HATE getting killed repeatedly in Prime -- I can't imagine getting killed repeatedly in Shattered, and having the potential to lose my gear to thieves.

I guess you just have to be cautious. Always carry a 204 scroll (or cast it if you can), always kill someone and then immediately fog to a sanctuary room, always use invisibility to ambush those you're going to whack, etc. The moment you forget to do one of these things, you'll likely get WTFPWNED, especially with 225ing rapists.

Edit to add: This coming from experience from the beta servers. I've played in every single one of those, and while it's fun for a while, it gets old quick. However, in those instances, there was the >HEAL ME verb, which automatically raised you/healed all your wounds. To get killed repeatedly and have to go get raised, get healed, spell back up, only to be killed instantly when you walk out the gates -- that would get old quick.

I would expect constant open voids and meteor swarms just randomly outside the gates and in hunting areas -- no more, "YOU CAN'T USE METEOR SWARM TO HUNT". That, as well, will be a pain in the ass. Poaching? lol. I wouldn't be surprised if someone walked in, killed your creature, and then imploded you. It'll be fun, admittedly, but definitely a pain in the ass.

04-06-2010, 09:21 PM
Guess we'll see, I'll watch and sees what happens from a distance.

04-06-2010, 10:00 PM
I'm in. Wizard or maybe bard. WE KILL EVERY FACE!!!!!!1

04-06-2010, 10:11 PM
I'm in. Wizard or maybe bard. WE KILL EVERY FACE!!!!!!1


04-06-2010, 10:56 PM
Well, I imagine this is precisely how the game will be. In Prime, for instance, if some black sock wearing git kills you in the sewers and then you go and attack him 6 months later, you'll more than likely get a warning.

In this game, however, I imagine everyone will hold grudges. If you kill someone level 3, I wouldn't expect anything less than you getting killed at least 5 times over, perhaps even 3 months later.

Again, though, the scripting is going to be a key factor. Those blokes will be able to blow through levels, whereas the casual player is going to be shafted.

This game sounds fun in thought, but in actuality, I think you may be right -- it's going to be one big rape fest.

I hate, hate, HATE getting killed repeatedly in Prime -- I can't imagine getting killed repeatedly in Shattered, and having the potential to lose my gear to thieves.

I guess you just have to be cautious. Always carry a 204 scroll (or cast it if you can), always kill someone and then immediately fog to a sanctuary room, always use invisibility to ambush those you're going to whack, etc. The moment you forget to do one of these things, you'll likely get WTFPWNED, especially with 225ing rapists.

Edit to add: This coming from experience from the beta servers. I've played in every single one of those, and while it's fun for a while, it gets old quick. However, in those instances, there was the >HEAL ME verb, which automatically raised you/healed all your wounds. To get killed repeatedly and have to go get raised, get healed, spell back up, only to be killed instantly when you walk out the gates -- that would get old quick.

I would expect constant open voids and meteor swarms just randomly outside the gates and in hunting areas -- no more, "YOU CAN'T USE METEOR SWARM TO HUNT". That, as well, will be a pain in the ass. Poaching? lol. I wouldn't be surprised if someone walked in, killed your creature, and then imploded you. It'll be fun, admittedly, but definitely a pain in the ass.

Even worse Tabor. The first little bit (week or so) will have no healing empaths for big wounds, no raising clerics, and definitely no fog rescues. Most people will end up decaying.

04-06-2010, 10:58 PM
Even worse Tabor. The first little bit (week or so) will have no healing empaths for big wounds, no raising clerics, and definitely no fog rescues. Most people will end up decaying.

OMG! People will have to use Town Healer/Clerics! Go go plat experienced folks. Imagine your right though, people will just decay via their script and go back at it.

04-06-2010, 11:51 PM
OMG! People will have to use Town Healer/Clerics! Go go plat experienced folks. Imagine your right though, people will just decay via their script and go back at it.

The town healer is a retarded mechanic, unless it works differently in Plat or in locations other than Wehnimer's or Teras. Trying it once each in those two location was enough for me to dismiss it forever.

Town clerics are useful but you need someone else to get you there and probably need to be able to ring out or teleport out with some spell since the exit might be camped. The town clerics I've used will only bandage you up and only for a few minutes, so the wounds are still an issue.

EDIT: Substituting herb shop for town healer yeah, that could work. However in some towns like the ones with drinkable stuff the cost can get up there. And then the camping thing again. And whether or not there are portals to the towns.

04-07-2010, 12:49 AM
I don't think mass PKing will be as big a deal as everyone thinks. Sure, people will kill each other. Sometimes for fun. But why spend the time to form press gangs when it doesn't give experience? Level difference means quite a bit in PvP; why, at level 20, waste leveling time killing people all day when at 40-50, they'll pulverize you from then on?

No, I think groups will be formed for more practical reasons. And with the repression released from the game, people will be able to have more fun. Instead of "forsooth! yon cloud shalt lightning ere thou aye aye RP bullshitspeak", you can just go right ahead and say "Fucker, do you have the mana to dispel that cloud? No? Which one cast it? I'll stab that motherfucker in the dick!" Then >AIM motherfucker dick >att motherfucker (or att mot, if you're into the whole brevity thing).

Though, it's open season on scripters. If a scripter fucks up my hunting experience, I'll cast nightmare until they shit themselves. Literally, I'll keep nightmare cast until he >ACT shits himself.

Ok, perhaps PvP will be commonplace. But it won't be anyone's main focus of playing until they cap/have enough levels to effectively pwn- I doubt someone will really sit all day and camp out the town cleric. I honestly just don't think it'd be effective strategy. Or fun.

I believe, though, that a good "insert money, get spell" bot script would be great for being afk in a safe room. It'd be a great way to make coin. Give random wizard bot 10k and the script will roll out an 4 hours of wiz spells. Good way to make cash when you're not playing. Same for healing and picking and so on. Profitable idea thrown out there because it's an awesome idea and would be wicked useful.

I wonder if prostitution would still throw flags. Like, cyber for coins services. Like whats-her-name.

Ok, brain dump over. I'm not gonna bother proofreading.

04-07-2010, 12:53 AM
I definitely think bored characters will wonder around killing people for as long as the game is around (Think Methais and/or Jenovadeath). I don't think it will be rampant, but definitely not outside of the normal. You will likely learn who is "supposed" to be in your hunting ground, and watch out for new names that pop up. Remember, this is Gemstone we're talking about. Everyone will know everyone once your character gets past a certain level, especially since there isn't a backlog of 430598349058349058340985 capped/near capped characters floating around. Reputation will count for a hell of a lot more in Shattered than it will in Prime. I imagine it will be a bit like Plat in that fact.

04-07-2010, 01:58 AM
I think it will be total chaos. People's scripting abilities are more advanced than the game itself. I don't mean stand outside the cleric and type look, ambush passerby head. It can just be activating a script, on one of many characters.

04-07-2010, 05:27 AM
Elf Ranger. I'll be checking it + lich out around 20th this month.

04-07-2010, 05:40 AM
Oh and imagine how mad people will get when you gank them or camp gank them with friends considering the amount of pain GS gives you for death compared to say, WoW.

Really mad.

04-07-2010, 06:20 AM
I don't think mass PKing will be as big a deal as everyone thinks. Sure, people will kill each other. Sometimes for fun. But why spend the time to form press gangs when it doesn't give experience? Level difference means quite a bit in PvP; why, at level 20, waste leveling time killing people all day when at 40-50, they'll pulverize you from then on?

No, I think groups will be formed for more practical reasons. And with the repression released from the game, people will be able to have more fun. Instead of "forsooth! yon cloud shalt lightning ere thou aye aye RP bullshitspeak", you can just go right ahead and say "Fucker, do you have the mana to dispel that cloud? No? Which one cast it? I'll stab that motherfucker in the dick!" Then >AIM motherfucker dick >att motherfucker (or att mot, if you're into the whole brevity thing).

Though, it's open season on scripters. If a scripter fucks up my hunting experience, I'll cast nightmare until they shit themselves. Literally, I'll keep nightmare cast until he >ACT shits himself.

Ok, perhaps PvP will be commonplace. But it won't be anyone's main focus of playing until they cap/have enough levels to effectively pwn- I doubt someone will really sit all day and camp out the town cleric. I honestly just don't think it'd be effective strategy. Or fun.

I believe, though, that a good "insert money, get spell" bot script would be great for being afk in a safe room. It'd be a great way to make coin. Give random wizard bot 10k and the script will roll out an 4 hours of wiz spells. Good way to make cash when you're not playing. Same for healing and picking and so on. Profitable idea thrown out there because it's an awesome idea and would be wicked useful.

I wonder if prostitution would still throw flags. Like, cyber for coins services. Like whats-her-name.

Ok, brain dump over. I'm not gonna bother proofreading.

According to solomon, you can do the sex.

He posted something about people having sex in the streets in DR:F but that eventually they got tired of it.

04-07-2010, 07:25 AM
I hope in all the chaos, silvers won't really mean all that much.

04-07-2010, 10:07 AM
The difference between Shattered and the beta servers will be persistence. Everyone on the beta servers knew it was just temporary fuck-around time, and they instantly had a powerful character to do it with.

Are you really going to run around making random enemies with everyone at level 10 knowing that you have to play and interact with them for potentially years to come?

The same social constraints apply that apply in prime. Personal reputation will matter. The game will be much more unappealing to the mindless PKer in a month than it will be to the 100+ people who've highlighted his name in red and kills him on sight, so he never can gain another level.

04-07-2010, 10:26 AM
The difference between Shattered and the beta servers will be persistence. Everyone on the beta servers knew it was just temporary fuck-around time, and they instantly had a powerful character to do it with.

Are you really going to run around making random enemies with everyone at level 10 knowing that you have to play and interact with them for potentially years to come?

The same social constraints apply that apply in prime. Personal reputation will matter. The game will be much more unappealing to the mindless PKer in a month than it will be to the 100+ people who've highlighted his name in red and kills him on sight, so he never can gain another level.

I tend to agree with this as well.

Some of you seem to be worried about the 8 man scripting pvp squad. But it's hard to think quick on your feet when you are trying to script 8 accounts or run 8 accounts. I imagine these people may end up the most frustrated when 2-3 people can come in and wreck their whole crew. It would take one really well skilled and scripted person to be able to deal with PVP & running multiple accounts.

Liberi Fatali
04-07-2010, 11:04 AM
Where on the officials is the thread about Shattered, out of curiosity?

Jace Solo
04-07-2010, 11:34 AM
Do we have an exact date yet or just April?

Drunken Durfin
04-07-2010, 11:41 AM
Though, it's open season on scripters. If a scripter fucks up my hunting experience, I'll cast nightmare until they shit themselves. Literally, I'll keep nightmare cast until he >ACT shits himself.

I am right there with you for BAD scripters. I have no-poach, no walk by deaders, no ignoring stunned/prone/feared/webbed/kneeling characters routines in my hunting scripts. Yes, I might be scripting in your area, but at the end of the day you really might want me to be there.

And for the love of coding folks, if you are going to be hiding and ambushing, get a damn disk. No whining if you were hidden and I walked in an killed your critter. This whole attitude that you need to walk into a room, look at the critter, decide if it has been wounded then 'is anyone in here?' before you swing is total bullshit.

Drunken Durfin
04-07-2010, 11:42 AM
Do we have an exact date yet or just April?

"we hope by the end of the month."

Note that they did not say which month.

04-07-2010, 11:47 AM
And for the love of coding folks, if you are going to be hiding and ambushing, get a damn disk. No whining if you were hidden and I walked in an killed your critter. This whole attitude that you need to walk into a room, look at the critter, decide if it has been wounded then 'is anyone in here?' before you swing is total bullshit.

Ditto, anyone who bitches about this will be KoS for me and you will get hardcoded into my hunting scripts so that I either kill you and/or any mob your ever hunting...

04-07-2010, 11:49 AM
Ditto. ^

04-07-2010, 12:04 PM
Where on the officials is the thread about Shattered, out of curiosity?

It has its own board. It should be under the GS4 folder.

04-07-2010, 12:08 PM
This whole attitude that you need to walk into a room, look at the critter, decide if it has been wounded then 'is anyone in here?' before you swing is total bullshit.

I can't wait to see fights break out over this, and the ambusher nerd rage on the forums.

I say take it a step further...if someone's ambushing without a disk and cries about having their kill "stolen", kill them too.

Drunken Durfin
04-07-2010, 12:10 PM
It has its own board. It should be under the GS4 folder.

Same level actually.

04-07-2010, 12:19 PM
I am right there with you for BAD scripters. I have no-poach, no walk by deaders, no ignoring stunned/prone/feared/webbed/kneeling characters routines in my hunting scripts. Yes, I might be scripting in your area, but at the end of the day you really might want me to be there.
It's not hard at all to check for other people in the room (edit: people out in the open) before you attack, and I suppose it's not too hard add a check for prone/whatever characters and help them (provided your character has the spells/abilities to do so), but do you actually script your character to rescue dead people? Or do you just lifekeep them, send out a thought, and whisper to them that you're an afk script, so tough cookies? I'm not looking to argue about your definition of a bad scripter, I'm just genuinely curious how far your script goes.

04-07-2010, 01:00 PM
kill stealing was more annoying when we had 1000+ people playing and hunting areas were crowded. These days there's plenty of space to go around..who cares if someone killed the creature that ran from you.. Hell, you in some areas you have a chance of winding up dead if you don't attack on sight.

04-07-2010, 01:03 PM
I say take it a step further...if someone's ambushing without a disk and cries about having their kill "stolen", kill them too...and the flip side..

If the ambusher gets their kill stolen.. kill the thief!

Drunken Durfin
04-07-2010, 01:07 PM
It's not hard at all to check for other people in the room before you attack, and I suppose it's not too hard add a check for prone/whatever characters and help them (provided your character has the spells/abilities to do so), but do you actually script your character to rescue dead people? Or do you just lifekeep them, send out a thought, and whisper to them that you're an afk script, so tough cookies? I'm not looking to argue about your definition of a bad scripter, I'm just genuinely curious how far your script goes.

For all the non-dead stuff it reacts appropriately; pull prone folks up, get oaken wand and unstun the stunned, etc. Brief pause then script continues hunting. If it sees dead body, the script pauses and asks if they need flask. If they do, it gets and pours.

When the pause happens a klaxon alarm goes off on the computer and I trot over and deal with the problem. I actually started a script that would automate the whole "want a drag?" routine, but I decided that I did not want to "whisper OOC this is a script, answer the questions and I'll rescue you" and take the chance of attempting to help a douchebag that would just report me. With Shattered, I may revisit it.

My theory is this. Most people get caught AFK scripting because they piss off someone else in the hunting ground. If my script hunts, but at the same time is a benefit to those around me then I am less likely to be REPORTed. For Shattered it means I will be less likely to be killed.

04-07-2010, 01:54 PM
..and the flip side..

If the ambusher gets their kill stolen.. kill the thief!

And this is where I think the hidden person is wrong. You are not stealing the kill unless you know that someone is in the room, so unless you make it obvious you are there, then I will kill it and not give a shit about what you have to say.

04-07-2010, 02:24 PM
And this is where I think the hidden person is wrong. You are not stealing the kill unless you know that someone is in the room, so unless you make it obvious you are there, then I will kill it and not give a shit about what you have to say.Logic? In Shattered?

The whole point is to create a non-RP environment of kill or be killed.

You aren't going to be able to reason your way out of any fight in Shattered.

If you [generic] steal my [also generic] kill, even if it's because of a perfectly valid reason we all encounter in Prime, I'm going to attempt to kill you. Keep in mind there's a lot of factors involved in the final decision to actually do it or not.. but none of them include logical reasoning over the situation itself.

Just like if I get all pissy and bitch about you stealing my kill.. you're going to attempt to kill me.

04-07-2010, 02:24 PM
It's not hard at all to check for other people in the room before you attack, and I suppose it's not too hard add a check for prone/whatever characters and help them (provided your character has the spells/abilities to do so), but do you actually script your character to rescue dead people? Or do you just lifekeep them, send out a thought, and whisper to them that you're an afk script, so tough cookies? I'm not looking to argue about your definition of a bad scripter, I'm just genuinely curious how far your script goes.

In the lich repos I've uploaded a script called pc-census that tallies such information about who is in the room and in what condition. I'd recommend integrating it into any hunting script one might make.

04-07-2010, 02:28 PM
In the lich repos I've uploaded a script called pc-census that tallies such information about who is in the room and in what condition. I'd recommend integrating it into any hunting script one might make.
That's cool. I was more interested in how Durfin expected people to deal with corpses when afk scripting. His solution works well if he's in ear shot of his computer, and was obviously meant for playing in prime. I'm curious what people will expect the etiquette to be in shattered, where a lot of people will probably leave their scripts running 24/7.

Liberi Fatali
04-07-2010, 02:34 PM
Stealing items is going to be fun (provided you play a Sorcerer/Warrior).

I mean, I have loads of regret when I do it and get away with it in Prime -- even Stunseed, who at the time I hated immensely, I felt tremendously bad for having his most prized possession (and I eventually gave it back).

I can't imagine if I had just purchased a 10x sword/shield and some level 100 Sorcerer faded into visibility, itchy-cursed me, then stole my shit and ran away. I'd probably weep a sea of sorrow in real life.

Worse yet, what if the same Sorcerer made you drop your weapons and then imploded them right in front of you. I'd like to see someone's face in real life when that happened.

I probably would never do something like this unless you truly, truly pissed me off -- but I imagine others would without a flinch.

04-07-2010, 02:35 PM
I'm installing Lich just because of Shattered, so I'm in. Probably a wizard and a cleric/empath.

04-07-2010, 03:02 PM
It's not hard at all to check for other people in the room before you attack

In some areas, that will get you killed. There are plenty of critters that are kill or be killed without time to play hopscotch around the room to see if an ambusher that was too lazy to get a disk is hiding.

04-07-2010, 03:04 PM
In some areas, that will get you killed. There are plenty of critters that are kill or be killed without time to play hopscotch around the room to see if an ambusher that was too lazy to get a disk is hiding.
Ambushers can go fuck themselves sideways if they don't want to use a disk. I was talking about simply matching "also here:" for people out in the open.

04-07-2010, 03:06 PM
Ambushers can go fuck themselves sideways if they don't want to use a disk. I was talking about simply matching "also here:" for people out in the open.

Oh, carry on then.

04-07-2010, 03:20 PM
Stealing items is going to be fun (provided you play a Sorcerer/Warrior).

I mean, I have loads of regret when I do it and get away with it in Prime -- even Stunseed, who at the time I hated immensely, I felt tremendously bad for having his most prized possession (and I eventually gave it back).

I can't imagine if I had just purchased a 10x sword/shield and some level 100 Sorcerer faded into visibility, itchy-cursed me, then stole my shit and ran away. I'd probably weep a sea of sorrow in real life.

Worse yet, what if the same Sorcerer made you drop your weapons and then imploded them right in front of you. I'd like to see someone's face in real life when that happened.

I probably would never do something like this unless you truly, truly pissed me off -- but I imagine others would without a flinch.

Knowing it is a possibility that someone can just run off with your item, I don't think anyone will even bother making a 10x vorpal sword of doom without a way to protect is to an absurd degree(spell tanked to avoid being cursed and 5 ranks of disarm with 5 cunning defense) or a way to recover it immediately(gang of backup MA team scripted to get weapon whenever it hits the ground).

Hell, I'm banking on the Elemental lore change just to eblade weapons to 8x and skip fancy crap entirely.

Drunken Durfin
04-07-2010, 03:21 PM
This is the bit I use for my hunting script that eliminates all poaching for me when I am solo or with my wizard tagging along hasting me:

if (!checkpcs("[put hunting partner's name here]") and checkpcs) or (checkpcs("[put hunting partner's name here]") and checkpcs.length >= 2) or checkloot.include?("disk")

04-07-2010, 03:24 PM
Oh, carry on then.
I apologize for the confusion.


04-07-2010, 03:26 PM
I apologize for the confusion.

[duckface pic]

Apology not accepted. Pic without the stupid kissy face, plz.

04-07-2010, 03:27 PM
Nice whore.

Liberi Fatali
04-07-2010, 03:30 PM
Knowing it is a possibility that someone can just run off with your item, I don't think anyone will even bother making a 10x vorpal sword of doom without a way to protect is to an absurd degree(spell tanked to avoid being cursed and 5 ranks of disarm with 5 cunning defense) or a way to recover it immediately(gang of backup MA team scripted to get weapon whenever it hits the ground).

Hell, I'm banking on the Elemental lore change just to eblade weapons to 8x and skip fancy crap entirely.

Well, what about the "extreme shops" that they described? Someone, somewhere, is going to have an extremely bad ass weapon if they find the shop and have the silvers to pay for it -- once people find out who has it, it's probably only a matter of time before it gets ganked.

You could always alter it into a common item -- such as a "vultite broadsword" or a "mithril handaxe" or something like that to try and disguise it.

I know I'll certainly be checking player's gear, just as if I were hunting a creature that was holding something special.

04-07-2010, 03:31 PM
Apology not accepted. Pic without the stupid kissy face, plz.

There was a face in that pic?

Oh, so there is. Doesn't really look like a stupid kissy face to me.

04-07-2010, 03:41 PM
This is the bit I use for my hunting script that eliminates all poaching for me when I am solo or with my wizard tagging along hasting me:

if (!checkpcs("[put hunting partner's name here]") and checkpcs) or (checkpcs("[put hunting partner's name here]") and checkpcs.length >= 2) or checkloot.include?("disk")

Do you work with me? I can tell that code grew organically, so I'm not going to give you too much shit about it, but that logic is begging to be refactored. Also having the partner's name hard coded and limited to one person is icky.

04-07-2010, 03:43 PM
I'll more then likely be playing a rogue as my main. My other account will simply run a healbot empath or a wizard vending machine, haven't decided which yet.

04-07-2010, 03:47 PM
There was a face in that pic?

Oh, so there is. Doesn't really look like a stupid kissy face to me.

It's mild compared to most, but it's there. I'm really just trying to get more boobs posted.

04-07-2010, 03:49 PM
It's mild compared to most, but it's there. I'm really just trying to get more boobs posted.

Leading by example is always the best method.

04-07-2010, 03:50 PM
It's mild compared to most, but it's there. I'm really just trying to get more boobs posted.

There's a simple solution to that...

Drunken Durfin
04-07-2010, 04:00 PM
Do you work with me? I can tell that code grew organically, so I'm not going to give you too much shit about it, but that logic is begging to be refactored. Also having the partner's name hard coded and limited to one person is icky.

I doubt it. I own the company and none of the people who work for me play GS.

Pretty, no, but it works. As for the hard coding, it is Durfin's hunting script and I only ever hunt with one partner - so it works perfectly. I don't make solo hunting scripts with sharing them with the masses in mind so there is no reason not to hard code it.

04-07-2010, 06:08 PM
Leading by example is always the best method.

There's a simple solution to that...

I can look at my own any time I want to. No need to post them. If I'm going to encourage the posting of boobs, it'll be someone else's.

Either way... unless it's boobs or Lich scripting discussion, shoo. We're off topic.

04-07-2010, 06:39 PM
Im pretty excited about a fresh instance of elanthia and hope it catches on. I started playing gs right before aol went unlimited until about 2002 when i sold out. I recently came back to check out some of the new stuff but like many others have said it is a lot different when you come back. Im hoping shattered will have some of what seems to be missing these days.

In shattered reputation will be everything and i dont think ganking, griefing and theft will be a long term issue at all for the vast majority of the population (ie, non douchebags). Im really excited about a fresh economy as well. Hopefully shattered brings back a little of the magic of the old days.

Im planning on having 3 accounts, a wizard, a paladin, and one with a rogue and ranger

Realm portals are an absolute must. Mining carts make me want to die. They should be in prime too.

No breakage, droppage or demonic please

04-07-2010, 07:56 PM
This is the bit I use for my hunting script that eliminates all poaching for me when I am solo or with my wizard tagging along hasting me:

if (!checkpcs("[put hunting partner's name here]") and checkpcs) or (checkpcs("[put hunting partner's name here]") and checkpcs.length >= 2) or checkloot.include?("disk")

That'll do for the first roomcheck, but it can trip up if you yourself have a disk on any subsequent roomchecks.

Or, if you're moving fast, and catch up to where your disk was.

04-07-2010, 07:59 PM
I'll try it out for a month for sure. Def just going to be an Empath.

Drunken Durfin
04-07-2010, 08:22 PM
That'll do for the first roomcheck, but it can trip up if you yourself have a disk on any subsequent roomchecks.

Or, if you're moving fast, and catch up to where your disk was.

I only check the room once, so that is not a problem, but I have caught up to my own disk. It has never really been enough of an issue for me to go back and change it. It is an AFK script, walking around in a circle a couple of times does not bother me.

04-07-2010, 08:59 PM
That'll do for the first roomcheck, but it can trip up if you yourself have a disk on any subsequent roomchecks.

Or, if you're moving fast, and catch up to where your disk was.

group = { "dude", "otherdude" }

if !(checkpcs.to_a - [group]).empty? or GameObj.loot.any? { |obj| obj.noun == 'disk' and obj.name !~ /otherdude|dude/ } or RoomObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.status == 'dead' or npc.status == 'stunned'}

04-07-2010, 09:03 PM
In shattered reputation will be everything and i dont think ganking, griefing and theft will be a long term issue at all for the vast majority of the population (ie, non douchebags). Im really excited about a fresh economy as well. Hopefully shattered brings back a little of the magic of the old days.

Im planning on having 3 accounts, a wizard, a paladin, and one with a rogue and ranger

Realm portals are an absolute must. Mining carts make me want to die. They should be in prime too.

No breakage, droppage or demonic please

So, no bad behavior.

No dropage.

No breakage.

No demonic... no risk... consequences...

And portals.

Why not just flip on Progress Quest?


04-07-2010, 09:18 PM
I have nothing against bad behavior, conflict is what will make it fun. I was just saying i didnt think griefing would be as rampant as others speculating in this thread.

Breakage would just be another scripted time sink, whats the point exactly?

Droppage just means everyone uses shitty weapons, yay.

Demonic, whatever, get a bunch of deeds, or be a risky rebel!

You could always not use the portals to preserve rp immersion.

So, no bad behavior.

No dropage.

No breakage.

No demonic... no risk... consequences...

And portals.

Why not just flip on Progress Quest?


Drunken Durfin
04-07-2010, 09:21 PM
group = { "dude", "otherdude" }

if !(checkpcs.to_a - [group]).empty? or GameObj.loot.any? { |obj| obj.noun == 'disk' and obj.name !~ /otherdude|dude/ } or RoomObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.status == 'dead' or npc.status == 'stunned'}

Ooooo. The stunned/dead NPC is a nice touch.

04-07-2010, 09:46 PM
Realm portals are an absolute must. Mining carts make me want to die. They should be in prime too.

I'm gonna cry like Warclaidhm if Shattered doesn't have portals. And yeah they should be in Prime too, especially after Shattered is out since it will thin out the population that much more. Traveling from town to town is the worst part about GS, imo, and with so many towns now it ruins a lot of interaction, since most people don't feel like traveling unless they really really have to.

Why not just flip on Progress Quest?


Because your character levels itself in Progre....oh wait.

04-07-2010, 10:01 PM
def kill_roomcheck(type, huntMobs, intofried)
numbernpcs = 1
if $gd_Animate != nil and $gd_Demon != nil then dangernpcs = GameObj.npcs.find_all { |npc| npc.name !~ /#{huntMobs.join('|')}/ and npc.id != $gd_Demon.id and npc.id != $gd_Animate.id }
elsif $gd_Animate != nil then dangernpcs = GameObj.npcs.find_all { |npc| npc.name !~ /#{huntMobs.join('|')}/ and npc.id != $gd_Animate.id }
elsif $gd_Demon != nil then dangernpcs = GameObj.npcs.find_all { |npc| npc.name !~ /#{huntMobs.join('|')}/ and npc.id != $gd_Demon.id }
else ; dangernpcs = GameObj.npcs.find_all { |npc| npc.name !~ /#{huntMobs.join('|')}/ } ; end
huntnpcs = GameObj.npcs.find_all { |npc| npc.name =~ /#{huntMobs.join('|')}/ }
diskloot = GameObj.loot.find_all { |looz| looz.name !~ /#{checkname} disk$/ and looz.name =~ / disk$/ }
if type == "full" and dangernpcs.length == 0 and huntnpcs.length <= numbernpcs and huntnpcs.length > 0 and intofried < 3 and !checkpcs and (diskloot.nil? or diskloot.length < 1) and (checkspirit(9) or checkmana(2)) then return true
elsif type == "claim" and dangernpcs.length == 0 and huntnpcs.length <= numbernpcs and huntnpcs.length > 0 and intofried < 3 and (checkspirit(9) or checkmana(2)) then return true
elsif type == "pcs" and !checkpcs and diskloot.nil? then return true
else ; return false ; end

Mine's kinda complex, but it's okay for the most part... Hasn't ever failed anyway.
Those first 3 lines are sort of redundant, but findall doesn't enjoy nils.

It makes sure there aren't too many mobs in the room, aren't any people in the room, my animate and demon aren't counted as mobs in the room, no mobs I want to avoid are in the room, no disks other than my own are in the room, and I have mana yada yada yada.

I need to add MAing, but I don't figure I'm going to really be hunting my guys together.

04-07-2010, 10:11 PM
I need to add MAing

I've already done it. Perhaps we can share/compare. Also, we need to stop posting code, deal?


04-07-2010, 10:13 PM
Realm portals are an absolute must. Mining carts make me want to die. They should be in prime too.

Fuck portals. Just make the boats / carts go much faster.

04-07-2010, 10:23 PM
def kill_roomcheck(type, huntMobs, intofried)
numbernpcs = 1
if $gd_Animate != nil and $gd_Demon != nil then dangernpcs = GameObj.npcs.find_all { |npc| npc.name !~ /#{huntMobs.join('|')}/ and npc.id != $gd_Demon.id and npc.id != $gd_Animate.id }
elsif $gd_Animate != nil then dangernpcs = GameObj.npcs.find_all { |npc| npc.name !~ /#{huntMobs.join('|')}/ and npc.id != $gd_Animate.id }
elsif $gd_Demon != nil then dangernpcs = GameObj.npcs.find_all { |npc| npc.name !~ /#{huntMobs.join('|')}/ and npc.id != $gd_Demon.id }
else ; dangernpcs = GameObj.npcs.find_all { |npc| npc.name !~ /#{huntMobs.join('|')}/ } ; end
huntnpcs = GameObj.npcs.find_all { |npc| npc.name =~ /#{huntMobs.join('|')}/ }
diskloot = GameObj.loot.find_all { |looz| looz.name !~ /#{checkname} disk$/ and looz.name =~ / disk$/ }
if type == "full" and dangernpcs.length == 0 and huntnpcs.length <= numbernpcs and huntnpcs.length > 0 and intofried < 3 and !checkpcs and (diskloot.nil? or diskloot.length < 1) and (checkspirit(9) or checkmana(2)) then return true
elsif type == "claim" and dangernpcs.length == 0 and huntnpcs.length <= numbernpcs and huntnpcs.length > 0 and intofried < 3 and (checkspirit(9) or checkmana(2)) then return true
elsif type == "pcs" and !checkpcs and diskloot.nil? then return true
else ; return false ; end

Mine's kinda complex, but it's okay for the most part... Hasn't ever failed anyway.
Those first 3 lines are sort of redundant, but findall doesn't enjoy nils.

It makes sure there aren't too many mobs in the room, aren't any people in the room, my animate and demon aren't counted as mobs in the room, no mobs I want to avoid are in the room, no disks other than my own are in the room, and I have mana yada yada yada.

I need to add MAing, but I don't figure I'm going to really be hunting my guys together.

Break up those if statements into more lines and that would be much more readable.

Since I have been critiquing everyone else's code...

My move routine has this in it to stop in a room that has a person who appears to be in trouble:

break if GameObj.pcs.find { |pc|
[ 'dead', 'webbed', 'stunned', 'prone', 'bound', 'frozen' ].include? pc.status

and then this is the function I use to see if a room "belongs" to me if I find a viable target:

def self.mine?
# keep moving if there are people besides your @@group in the room
return false unless (checkpcs.to_a - @@group).empty?

# keep moving if there's a disk that doesn't belong to your @@group or you
name_list = [ Char.name ] + @@group
return false if GameObj.loot.find { |obj|
(obj.noun == 'disk') and
(obj.name !~ /#{name_list.join('|')}/)

# keep moving if there's an npc that we are avoiding
return false if GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| self.avoid? npc.name and npc.status != 'dead' }

# otherwise we can claim this room for ourselves!
return true

04-07-2010, 10:35 PM
bah. all the return stuff bothers me. i
i dont know why..

04-07-2010, 10:54 PM
Hmmm... I don't see how you guys do it, it all looks like giberish to me.

04-07-2010, 11:14 PM
bah. all the return stuff bothers me. i
i dont know why..

It's a function (method) to eliminate redundant code. The explicit returns aren't really Ruby-style, but I can't break all of my bad perl habits.

04-08-2010, 12:14 AM
It's a function (method) to eliminate redundant code. The explicit returns aren't really Ruby-style, but I can't break all of my bad perl habits.


04-08-2010, 12:40 AM
The real question is if you are an empath do you need a script?

Person 1: Climbing Ranks..... 0
Climb gate
fall, stun, wounded.

Me: Transfer Wounds person 1
eat herbs.

Rinse Repeat kthx.

04-08-2010, 01:03 AM
Count me in. Not sure what I'm going to run yet. Wizard and something else most likely.

04-08-2010, 01:04 AM
The real question is if you are an empath do you need a script?

Person 1: Climbing Ranks..... 0
Climb gate
fall, stun, wounded.

Me: Transfer Wounds person 1
eat herbs.

Rinse Repeat kthx.

Aren't wounds like this, and those generated by CvC devoid of experience? I'm not saying there isn't a scenario where you could script an empath taking some sort of easily generated wound, but I don't think either of those things would work.

04-08-2010, 01:16 AM
Aren't wounds like this, and those generated by CvC devoid of experience? I'm not saying there isn't a scenario where you could script an empath taking some sort of easily generated wound, but I don't think either of those things would work.

Hmm I wonder... I always thought that generated Exp just like falling into pits and such.. Anyone have any input on that?

If not I could just hunt a butt load to 15. Sell everything buy herbs an follow around a lowbie in a high hunting ground.

04-08-2010, 01:17 AM
[QUOTE=Methais;1090594]I'm gonna cry like Warclaidhm if Shattered doesn't have portals. And yeah they should be in Prime too, especially after Shattered is out since it will thin out the population that much more. Traveling from town to town is the worst part about GS, imo, and with so many towns now it ruins a lot of interaction, since most people don't feel like traveling unless they really really have to.

1) I was/am kind of looking forward to the ways in which the lack of rules would complicate inter-realm travel. Players can play real bandits. Players traveling realm to realm might need to team up to protect themselves, or hire a bodyguard. It's one of those ways that Shattered being less care-bear-ish makes it more fun and realistic and wild and unpredictable. Sure we get to script ourselves silly, but people get to fuck with it too, everyone has to be on his toes. If Shattered is just going to be all the upside of no-GMs but none of the down, then who really cares?

2) A portal system concentrates the area in which people can stalk one another, ambush one another, grief one another. Everything will be focused on portals, the entrances and the discrete exits. I don't like it and I don't think you will either. And you can't go through them invisible or anything. Character arrives, boom, he's ambushed.

3) Having the realms truly spread out will let distance mean something, will enable people to stake out actual territory, will let bad guys slither away into isolated corners, so many possibilities. Portals mean if the treasure in Teras tanks, you just pop over to Illistim. Ho hum.

Just some thoughts.

04-08-2010, 01:46 AM
<<Aren't wounds like this, and those generated by CvC devoid of experience? I'm not saying there isn't a scenario where you could script an empath taking some sort of easily generated wound, but I don't think either of those things would work.>>

I haven't played an empath in 4 years but back when I did the only time you wouldn't get experience from a wound was if it came from a CHALLENGE. The empath gets a message like, "This person's injuries are from challenging another person and you will not get experience if you heal them! TRANSFER again if you wish to heal the person anyway."

04-08-2010, 01:46 AM
[QUOTE=Methais;1090594]I'm gonna cry like Warclaidhm if Shattered doesn't have portals. And yeah they should be in Prime too, especially after Shattered is out since it will thin out the population that much more. Traveling from town to town is the worst part about GS, imo, and with so many towns now it ruins a lot of interaction, since most people don't feel like traveling unless they really really have to.

1) I was/am kind of looking forward to the ways in which the lack of rules would complicate inter-realm travel. Players can play real bandits. Players traveling realm to realm might need to team up to protect themselves, or hire a bodyguard. It's one of those ways that Shattered being less care-bear-ish makes it more fun and realistic and wild and unpredictable. Sure we get to script ourselves silly, but people get to fuck with it too, everyone has to be on his toes. If Shattered is just going to be all the upside of no-GMs but none of the down, then who really cares?

2) A portal system concentrates the area in which people can stalk one another, ambush one another, grief one another. Everything will be focused on portals, the entrances and the discrete exits. I don't like it and I don't think you will either. And you can't go through them invisible or anything. Character arrives, boom, he's ambushed.

3) Having the realms truly spread out will let distance mean something, will enable people to stake out actual territory, will let bad guys slither away into isolated corners, so many possibilities. Portals mean if the treasure in Teras tanks, you just pop over to Illistim. Ho hum.

Just some thoughts.

No, portals would pwn. Traveling in GS is gay no matter what.

04-08-2010, 01:48 AM
The chronomage would negate most of this.

04-08-2010, 02:24 AM
I'm surprised by the fact the no one has started a character selling/building service yet.

04-08-2010, 02:38 AM
I'm surprised by the fact the no one has started a character selling/building service yet.

Just wait til China finds out.

04-08-2010, 03:52 AM
ill join

thinking cleric and empath combo

or empath/pally combo

or wizard/pally combo

or wizard/ranger combo.

not sure which would be better together to MA

04-08-2010, 07:08 AM
1) I was/am kind of looking forward to the ways in which the lack of rules would complicate inter-realm travel. Players can play real bandits. Players traveling realm to realm might need to team up to protect themselves, or hire a bodyguard. It's one of those ways that Shattered being less care-bear-ish makes it more fun and realistic and wild and unpredictable. Sure we get to script ourselves silly, but people get to fuck with it too, everyone has to be on his toes. If Shattered is just going to be all the upside of no-GMs but none of the down, then who really cares?

I suppose this is true... Really it would be only a few places... Icemule's waits, Vaalor boat, the 3 climbs between Logoth and Illistim, the carts, right after the rope & ladder, the illistim boat, the climb between the boats and landing... The RR boat... All the Pinefar climbs...

But even an SF travel script is probably too fast between landing & solhaven...

But there's still chrono mages either way. I've never used em personally, but I guess they work. People will just stop traveling to dangerous places regardless.

2) A portal system concentrates the area in which people can stalk one another, ambush one another, grief one another. Everything will be focused on portals, the entrances and the discrete exits. I don't like it and I don't think you will either. And you can't go through them invisible or anything. Character arrives, boom, he's ambushed.

Lich Go2 is too fast for a griefer to hurt somebody portaling. I guess they could get lucky sometimes. So move all the portals to a sancted area in each town. Sort of lame, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

3) Having the realms truly spread out will let distance mean something, will enable people to stake out actual territory, will let bad guys slither away into isolated corners, so many possibilities. Portals mean if the treasure in Teras tanks, you just pop over to Illistim. Ho hum.

Just some thoughts.

I really don't think there's going to be a whole lot of griefing. At first it's going to be a 24/7 race to high level by almost everybody. Anybody stopping to grief will be left behind. Then you'll have a few level 20-30 griefers beating up on noobs.

Something tells me that fame list will be only populated by level 90 and above LOL. Don't want to let anybody in on your cards until you can hold your own.

of course my first words... "Which area do you want to start in?" ">Town" "Welcome to Gemstone IV: Shattered" "FUCK SHIT DAMN MOTHER FUCKING BULLSHIT ASS LICKER!" "God that felt good, where my scriptz at?"

04-08-2010, 07:32 AM
[QUOTE=Methais;1090594]I'm gonna cry like Warclaidhm if Shattered doesn't have portals. And yeah they should be in Prime too, especially after Shattered is out since it will thin out the population that much more. Traveling from town to town is the worst part about GS, imo, and with so many towns now it ruins a lot of interaction, since most people don't feel like traveling unless they really really have to.

1) I was/am kind of looking forward to the ways in which the lack of rules would complicate inter-realm travel. Players can play real bandits. Players traveling realm to realm might need to team up to protect themselves, or hire a bodyguard. It's one of those ways that Shattered being less care-bear-ish makes it more fun and realistic and wild and unpredictable. Sure we get to script ourselves silly, but people get to fuck with it too, everyone has to be on his toes. If Shattered is just going to be all the upside of no-GMs but none of the down, then who really cares?

2) A portal system concentrates the area in which people can stalk one another, ambush one another, grief one another. Everything will be focused on portals, the entrances and the discrete exits. I don't like it and I don't think you will either. And you can't go through them invisible or anything. Character arrives, boom, he's ambushed.

3) Having the realms truly spread out will let distance mean something, will enable people to stake out actual territory, will let bad guys slither away into isolated corners, so many possibilities. Portals mean if the treasure in Teras tanks, you just pop over to Illistim. Ho hum.

Just some thoughts.

I agree 100%.

04-08-2010, 08:25 AM
Anyone who seriously wants to compete to be the first to level whatever, will more then likely have several accounts going. And really only care that one guy gets to the top first, which means he can grief with one account, while the others level.

Slowing down other people is just as good as leveling better, faster or whatever.

04-08-2010, 11:43 AM
I'd be just happy seeing some old faces again, honestly.

04-08-2010, 11:47 AM
I'd be just happy seeing some old faces again, honestly.

Ditto this.

04-08-2010, 01:10 PM
I'm 99% going to play, and I'll most likely be a rogue.. Josh, player of Nutmegg

04-08-2010, 02:19 PM
I was thinking of making a team of burghal gnome/dwarf empaths, and a picker. Sit them all at table and let the dwarf using sign of staunching to repeatedly fry his nerves while the empaths healed him.

Using 34 exp per minute (I figured in XXX as well), it'll take almost exactly 21 weeks to cap them.

04-08-2010, 02:22 PM
I was thinking of making a team of burghal gnome/dwarf empaths, and a picker. Sit them all at table and let the dwarf using sign of staunching to repeatedly fry his nerves while the empaths healed him.

Using 34 exp per minute (I figured in XXX as well), it'll take almost exactly 21 weeks to cap them.

21 weeks to cap...that's fucking insane.

04-08-2010, 02:23 PM
Wow, levelling their skills will be a total pain in the ass.
Besides I almost daren't even bet, Simu will do something to make that harder or impossible. Like nerfing the healing exp from repeatedly healing the same person or something.

04-08-2010, 02:25 PM
21 weeks to cap...that's fucking insane.Well. Don't forget that that's 24/7 XP gain (every pulse is a fried pulse).

04-08-2010, 02:29 PM
Besides I almost daren't even bet, Simu will do something to make that harder or impossible. Like nerfing the healing exp from repeatedly healing the same person or something.

if they dont there will be around 100 capped empaths in about 4-5 months

04-08-2010, 02:46 PM
One of which, will be mine then, I guess. :)

Drunken Durfin
04-08-2010, 03:57 PM
I was thinking of making a team of burghal gnome/dwarf empaths, and a picker. Sit them all at table and let the dwarf using sign of staunching to repeatedly fry his nerves while the empaths healed him.

Using 34 exp per minute (I figured in XXX as well), it'll take almost exactly 21 weeks to cap them.

But, according to the Official Gemstone IV Level Chart (https://www.play.net/gs4/info/exp_chart_v3.asp) it takes more than 45 weeks (or 7,572.5 hours) to get to cap!

This is madness!

04-08-2010, 04:31 PM
But, according to the Official Gemstone IV Level Chart (https://www.play.net/gs4/info/exp_chart_v3.asp) it takes more than 45 weeks (or 7,572.5 hours) to get to cap!

This is madness!

Did that thing take XXX into account?

04-08-2010, 04:45 PM
This is madness!


Drunken Durfin
04-08-2010, 05:01 PM
Did that thing take XXX into account?

As much as they keep up with the website, I would not be surprised if that chart pre-dated XXX.

04-08-2010, 05:04 PM
Any word on the release date? I plan on returning for this since I have so much downtime when I travel for work. Would be fun to get in at the start of it all, I'm thinking about making a warrior and a bard.

04-08-2010, 05:11 PM
Did that thing take XXX into account?

It also isn't really correct... Here's my averages

1800/hr - Normal Hunting, resting on super-node
2200/hr - 'Fast' Hunting, resting on super-node
3000/hr - 'Fast' Hunting, resting on super-node, w/ Bounties

'Fast' Hunting is simply finding the fastest way to fry for the fastest hunts possible.

So the fastest my script can go can average... 531,000 xp/week including 27,000 from XXX.
So that's 14 weeks and 3 days from 0 to 100 with no resting, getting lucky on bounties, no deaths, hunting 24/7.
I highly doubt I'll be able to go that fast, but 1k/hr is certainly not "average" for me.

04-08-2010, 05:19 PM
Supernodes weren't around then, either. I imagine a logic enhancive or 7 would speed up the process as well. I imagine people will be capped in 4 1/2 months. You think sooner?

04-08-2010, 05:20 PM
<<2200/hr - 'Fast' Hunting, resting on super-node>>

Isn't 35 the max pulse? You fucking liar!

04-08-2010, 05:27 PM

^ This.

04-08-2010, 06:06 PM
<<2200/hr - 'Fast' Hunting, resting on super-node>>

Isn't 35 the max pulse? You fucking liar!


04-08-2010, 06:21 PM
Am I the only one that's gonna be leveling up the normal way?*

*Unless someone hooks me up with a good h4x0r script.

04-08-2010, 07:58 PM
I will level up a character the normal way and buy one.

04-08-2010, 09:29 PM
Am I the only one that's gonna be leveling up the normal way?*

*Unless someone hooks me up with a good h4x0r script.

If I join, I'll probably be doing it the normal way. But I think my friend will be joining as well who was pretty good with code, and I think he wants to make one for me and him to use. But I am not really into script hunting/scripting. I mean I do use scripts, but they don't last that long and are uncomplicated. I just don't see the joy in skipping to the last level of a game..

04-08-2010, 09:33 PM
Im probably going to be hunting the normal way and script forging when im not around.

04-08-2010, 10:18 PM
To win the Empath race to 100 you will most definitively have to have 2 accounts. One to get hurt repeatedly and the other one healing. That's 40$ a month. Ugh, what a waste.

04-08-2010, 10:20 PM
To win the Empath race to 100 you will most definitively have to have 2 accounts. One to get hurt repeatedly and the other one healing. That's 40$ a month. Ugh, what a waste.

So does that mean level 100 empaths will run about $100? I couldn't see a huge mark up from $40. I would assume the scripts are fairly easy to make too. And if everyone is doing it, then the price would just keep coming down.

04-09-2010, 01:34 AM
They should let us keep our character names, features, tattoos, spell prep descriptions, and things that has nothing to do with pvp that makes our characters unique.

04-09-2010, 02:14 AM
I hope whoever remakes Jesus Christ human cleric caps him

04-09-2010, 04:08 AM
To win the Empath race to 100 you will most definitively have to have 2 accounts. One to get hurt repeatedly and the other one healing. That's 40$ a month. Ugh, what a waste.

That's $45 a month a piece. Do yo math.

04-09-2010, 06:44 AM
That's $45 a month a piece. Do yo math.

14.95, and 5 extra is 19.95 or so, so 40ish for two... where is 45 coming from?

04-09-2010, 09:28 AM
14.95, and 5 extra is 19.95 or so, so 40ish for two... where is 45 coming from?

He's thinking premium costs.

04-09-2010, 10:08 AM
I'm in.

Wizard - because they're the best class in GS.

04-09-2010, 10:16 AM
I hope whoever remakes Jesus Christ human cleric caps him
I'm going to make Pontius Pilate and make it my goal to murder him.

04-09-2010, 10:48 AM
I'm going to make Pontius Pilate and make it my goal to murder him.

I'll make a guy named Judas Iscariot. I'll get my locate spell up really high, and I'll sell Jesus' location to you for a handful of silver.

Some Rogue
04-09-2010, 10:48 AM
I'm going to make Pontius Pilate and make it my goal to murder him.

And I am making Bwian and making an MHO called the Judean People's Front.

04-09-2010, 11:15 AM
I would love to see historical MHOs that are sworn enemies. Jesus Christ the Human Cleric could lead his apostles against the Romans. Adolf Hitler with his friends Benito Mussoliini and Hirohito, could do battle against Dwight Eisenhower, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin.

FYI I call George Washington the Giantman who fucks the shit out of bears.

Some Rogue
04-09-2010, 11:50 AM
Also making a group of Human Paladins to go rape and pillage the shit out of the Elven Nations. We'll call ourselves The Knights Templar.

And some Erithian rogues called the Viet Cong.

04-09-2010, 04:47 PM
And I am making Bwian and making an MHO called the Judean People's Front.

I'm in. From now on, I want you all to call me Loretta.

Some Rogue
04-09-2010, 05:07 PM
I'm in. From now on, I want you all to call me Loretta.

My alt will be Biggus Dickus.

04-09-2010, 05:28 PM
My alt will be Biggus Dickus.

My alt will be Bignose.

04-09-2010, 06:22 PM
I'm in, I'll do a warrior or rogue.

04-09-2010, 06:29 PM
I would love to see historical MHOs that are sworn enemies. Jesus Christ the Human Cleric could lead his apostles against the Romans. Adolf Hitler with his friends Benito Mussoliini and Hirohito, could do battle against Dwight Eisenhower, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin.

FYI I call George Washington the Giantman who fucks the shit out of bears.

6 foot 8 weighs a fucking ton...

04-19-2010, 04:00 PM
Sign me up. I just got Lich up and running today and I love it.

04-27-2010, 10:25 AM
i'm in it. going to be a rogue. never fucked with this lich stuff so i'll have to get learned on that real fast

04-27-2010, 10:26 AM
That's $45 a month a piece. Do yo math.

OR you can just get someone who skins to script the hell out of myklians, and have a script set up to just follow them and heal them as they skin. took my empath from 23 to 48 in no time.

04-27-2010, 10:33 AM
I'm in of course

OR you can just get someone who skins to script the hell out of myklians, and have a script set up to just follow them and heal them as they skin. took my empath from 23 to 48 in no time.

Myklian wounds no long giver XP. Thank Kizun

04-27-2010, 11:15 AM
Myklian wounds no long giver XP. Thank Kizun

damn, they always take out the good shit. first they fuck up loresinging, now this. how dare them

04-27-2010, 11:17 AM
It was abused. It needed to be fixed but, when things are abused to the point that it was.. well, you know what happens.

Thanks Kizun.

04-27-2010, 11:33 AM
Haters make me smile.

04-27-2010, 11:35 AM
I just hate on you to make me smile.

Win win?

04-27-2010, 11:37 AM
There are plenty of other things that can be abused.

04-27-2010, 12:03 PM
I just hate on you to make me smile.

Win win?

I'm a big boy, I can handle it.

04-27-2010, 01:21 PM
Man that never even occurred to me. I totally would have exploited that. A million coins a day and tons of XP, hell yeah. *Shakes fist at Kizun for getting there first* :)

I used to script the hell out of myklians for the coinage, but I was doing the skinning with my empath. It was so boring and tedious; got script checked nearly everytime I did it so I had to be atk the whole time.

04-27-2010, 01:31 PM
It was so boring and tedious; got script checked nearly everytime I did it so I had to be atk the whole time.

Yep, know that feeling!

I get checked a lot, but it comes with the territory. I don't AFK script, never have, I have too much stuff I don't want to lose!

The sad thing is you have to farm something, be it boxes, gems or skins if you want to have anything in GS. How else can you afford some 100m weapon or armor?

Should GS items be Cash & Credit Card only now?

04-27-2010, 02:05 PM
Haters make me smile.

Wasn't really hating, its just what happened. I would have done it too.

04-27-2010, 04:36 PM
I'd be down with this. Not sure if I'd go warrior or sorcerer though.

04-27-2010, 06:18 PM
any word when this is coming out yet?

Drunken Durfin
04-27-2010, 09:20 PM
No change. They still hope to release by "the end of the month." As was pointed out from the start, they did not say which month. With three days ago and Solomon still posting about issues with getting the billing database changed for Shattered, I seriously doubt it will be anytime soon.

05-05-2010, 01:37 PM
I might come back for Shattered. If I do I expect I'll be MA'ing an empath and something else; perhaps a rogue since it appears the there might be a need for one. Just found out about Shattered two days ago thanks to an irritating friend who gave me GS4 news.


05-05-2010, 09:27 PM
I'll be playing.

Either bard or paladin.

05-05-2010, 11:08 PM
I'll be playing, for a little while. Probably rogue.

05-06-2010, 10:33 AM
I think I'm gonna be a warrior. I'm not sure what race though.

05-26-2010, 01:55 AM
Ericos will be there.. woohoo..

I will claim Ghengis Khan- The Dwarf Warlord.