View Full Version : Gemstone: Shattered FAQ/Q&A
04-05-2010, 10:09 AM
Q: What is Gemstone Shattered?
A: Gemstone Shattered is a separate instance/server that is a copy of Gemstone prime. In Gemstone Shattered there will be no GM intervention regarding policy.
Q: How much is Gemstone Shattered going to cost?
A: Gemstone Shattered will cost $5 more on top of your prime subscription. For example if you have a premium account, you will be paying the $40 a month + the $5 for the shattered access. If you have a standard $15 account you will be paying $5 on top of that totaling $20. Players who have Platinum subscriptions can play Shattered with no extra charge.
Q: When is Gemstone Shattered being released?
A: It it slated to be released the end of April 2010. GM-Sleken stated that it has been in the works for a little while now.
Q: So I can kill whoever I want and get away with it?
A: Yes, you can get away with killing people without getting in "trouble."
Q: I heard that I can script hunt and not get any warnings?
A: Yes, you can script hunt, script forge all day, but be wary of other players who will want to kill you!
Q: Someone said that there won't be any merchants in Gemstone Shattered?!
A: Not totally true, while there will not be as many merchants as in Prime & Platinum they probably will show up every once in a while. Gemstone Shattered will only get attention after a GM spends his/her required time on Prime/Platinum. Anything for Shattered will be above and beyond and on each GM's "at will" basis.
Q: Will there still be events like EBON Gate?
A: Yes
Q: Will there be breakage in Shattered?
A: Unknown but suspected No.
Q: Will players be able to "Go demonic" in Shattered?
A: Has not been confirmed/denied. Suspected that mechanics will be the same as in Prime.
Q: Will droppage exist in Shattered like it does in Platinum?
A: Has not been confirmed/denied. Suspected that mechanics will be the same as in Prime.
Q: I heard there are no alteration restrictions like in Prime/Plat?
A: This is true, but remember it will be up to the particular GM doing the alterations.
Q: I want to transfer my level 100 character over and start pwning newbs! Will I be able to transfer GS Prime characters?
A: Sorry bub, when Gemstone Shattered opens everyone will start at level 0, No transfers allowed.
Q: I want to name my character Doucheromper Sniffycunt, can I?
A: Sure! Have fun!
Q: I heard that if you lose your weapon or something important in Gemstone Shattered the GM's can't help you!
A: You are on your own.
Q: Will I be able to access the Gemstone Prime and Gemstone Shattered servers at the same time?
A: No, not from the same account.
Q: Will there be a FWI in Gemstone: Shattered?
A: Confirmed as of 4/5 by SIMU-Sirina, Only accessible by Premium members.
Q: Will the Plat-Style portals exist in GS Shattered?
A: This hasn't been confirmed yet either, GM-Solomon has said that he wouldn't be opposed to these being in the game. He also mentioned portals like these exist in DR: Fallen, so the chances are good.
Q: Will town justice systems be in place?
A: Yes
Q: I'm in a CHE in Prime, will it exist in Shattered?
A: All of these will have to be started from the ground up, so no Paupers, Twilight Hall, Aspen, etc will exist in Shattered. SIMU-Sirina said MHO's may exist in the respect that there is no GM intervention whatsoever. (Do it yourself rental items and group pins). CHE's will never exist apparently.
Q: Will there be player shops in GS: Shattered?
A: According to SIMU-Sirina they most likely will exist but not for a while due to setup time. Meaning they will not exist at launch.
Q: Someone mentioned extreme shops? What is this?
A: This is something that hasn't been confirmed or denied - Solomon Post below regarding this.
---After a little coding and design, there's an "Extreme Shop" that contains auction-quality items at high, but not unreasonable, prices. If anyone finds the shop, they can go in and the door locks behind them, giving them an exclusive shopping experience. While inside they can only buy one thing (and they can't just hang out in there...there's a reasonable time limit). The money to pay for their purchase can be pulled from any bank of their choosing (assuming they can afford it). Once they buy their one item, they are ejected and the shop teleports to another random location in the game for someone else to find. At that point, the door will only work for anyone other than the last person who entered so you can't shop there twice in a row.---
Q: Will GM's have the ability to torture players?
A: Yes
If you guys have any questions that you can think of that need to be added I'll get it up there with an answer hopefully.
04-05-2010, 10:24 AM
wow, sniffycunt...
04-05-2010, 10:25 AM
That is a pretty dope name.
04-05-2010, 10:26 AM
Q: I want to name my character Doucheromper Sniffycunt, can I?
A: Sure! Have fun!
04-05-2010, 10:31 AM
I call Chuck Norris, if only so nobody else can have it when I cancel out of Shattered! Mwahaha.
04-05-2010, 10:39 AM
I call Chuck Norris, if only so nobody else can have it when I cancel out of Shattered! Mwahaha.
Thank you
04-05-2010, 10:57 AM
Good synthesis.
04-05-2010, 11:19 AM
So if your script hunting, your script now needs to deal with PvP.
Will these be released for free in the lich script repository, or will you need to pay a scripter for use of a top quality script?
04-05-2010, 11:22 AM
There is no question that script writers definitely will be utilized more with GS: Shattered. I suspect that you could make some nice cash on the side if you wanted to.
Whether they will be all released free into the Repository is up to each individual script writer.
Drunken Durfin
04-05-2010, 11:31 AM
Q: Will there still be events like Ebon's Gate?
A: Yes
GS pet peeve.
There is no such thing as Ebon's Gate. It is not a gate owned by a guy named Ebon. It is an EBON gate. The event is Ebon Gate.
04-05-2010, 11:35 AM
GS pet peeve.
There is no such thing as Ebon's Gate. It is not a gate owned by a guy named Ebon. It is an EBON gate. The event is Ebon Gate.
You're right. The only reason I know this is because it's on my messenger bag.
One thing is for sure. These boards will be infinitely more amusing.
04-05-2010, 11:40 AM
GS pet peeve.
There is no such thing as Ebon's Gate. It is not a gate owned by a guy named Ebon. It is an EBON gate. The event is Ebon Gate.
04-05-2010, 11:45 AM
I imagine silver selling will be a nice side deal in Shattered. Resurrections are not going to be the norm as corpse guarding will definitely be common, and Death Sting potions aren't cheap near cap. Combine that with gear stealing (disarm/curse/etc), and the inability to grind endlessly for silver because of PvPers, and a market should set itself up quite nicely. High end character sales will likely be profitable too. If you're one of the first to script some characters up to a high level, you should get a nice chunk of change for one of the first capped Wizards, or bards, etc.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-05-2010, 11:47 AM
Did we get any word on whether there will be droppage, breakage, or going demonic? Or will those aspects stay the same as in prime?
04-05-2010, 11:48 AM
Am I the only one who is totally uninterested in Shattered?
The only reason I wanted to be lvl 100 in the original was to pwn face whenever I needed and be super 1337.
Now a game comes along and you really need to be 100 and the thought of the 1- 100 grind I can't even bear to think about. Gah.
Am I the only one who is totally uninterested in Shattered?
No, I won't be switching. I blow at hunting. Blow hard. What would I do in Shattered?
04-05-2010, 11:50 AM
Did we get any word on whether there will be droppage, breakage, or going demonic? Or will those aspects stay the same as in prime?
These haven't been confirmed or denied yet. This being said I'm under the impression that the above mechanics will work the same way they currently do in Prime.
Am I the only one who is totally uninterested in Shattered?
It'll be fun for a few minutes to get rid of the urge to just whack anyone you like but after that it'll be just pointless and may as well not even be in the GS environment.
04-05-2010, 11:51 AM
Well I don't think it requires much skill to be good at PvP in GS. Considering people tend to MA or "Big Brother" a lot, the only bonus I see is the lack of Disney restrictions. But what the game will lose (the moderate RP atmosphere, years of character history and lore etc) just doesn't quantify it enough for me.
04-05-2010, 11:53 AM
Am I the only one who is totally uninterested in Shattered?
I find it interesting, but I wont be playing. I'm just glad they made it. I know a lot of people wanted it, so i'm glad they actually delivered. The boards should be absolutely hilarious too.
The boards should be absolutely hilarious too.
04-05-2010, 12:23 PM
The only reason I wanted to be lvl 100 in the original was to pwn face whenever I needed and be super 1337.
Now a game comes along and you really need to be 100 and the thought of the 1- 100 grind I can't even bear to think about. Gah.
Exactly ... they needed to have released Shattered like 10 years ago...
(Wow @ how long I have not played Gemstone now)
04-05-2010, 12:28 PM
I'm excited at a "fresh" Elanthia with fewer rules. We'll see how long that excitement lasts, but for now, I think it'll be fun. I'm debating what profession I'd play. Ranger is very tempting, but I'm leaning a bit toward bard or wizard. Bard mostly because a high-level bard doesn't need to worry about gear; wizards have a similar benefit and are ludicrously powerful nearing cap, and ranger because a sniper ranger is a PvP beast when it comes down to it.
Might do bard just for the novelty, though. I've been a ranger for a loooong time.
04-05-2010, 12:32 PM
I want to just play Shattered. It's pretty bullshit that it has to piggyback on an account because it is not worth $20/mo just for that.
04-05-2010, 12:35 PM
I'm excited at a "fresh" Elanthia with fewer rules. We'll see how long that excitement lasts, but for now, I think it'll be fun. I'm debating what profession I'd play. Ranger is very tempting, but I'm leaning a bit toward bard or wizard. Bard mostly because a high-level bard doesn't need to worry about gear; wizards have a similar benefit and are ludicrously powerful nearing cap, and ranger because a sniper ranger is a PvP beast when it comes down to it.
Might do bard just for the novelty, though. I've been a ranger for a loooong time.
If i played, and i haven't given it a ton of thought, I'd run either a wizard/bard team or a empath/cleric or some variation therin.
I see most people playing wizards, clerics, empaths and bards, with rogues being the 5th, useful for opening boxes but not the only way.
Warriors and sorcerers, not a chance, maybe a few paladins.
04-05-2010, 12:40 PM
I'm gonna play warrior.
04-05-2010, 12:44 PM
Suggest Shattered-Exclusive accounts, and I'm sure Simu will work out something for you. Seven or ten dollars as opposed to fifteen, but I doubt they would take long to implement it if there was a market.
Drunken Durfin
04-05-2010, 12:44 PM
The boards should be absolutely hilarious too.
Speaking of you who has more time than I should write a spider to archive Shattered forums from the officials and archive them somewhere that they can be searched.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-05-2010, 12:45 PM
IMO, I think it's a waste of resources to add yet another instance. I personally believe they should collapse down to just one Gemstone, and get rid of the premium/platinum/basic segments. Then loosen up on pvp, or make specific areas of the game pvp friendly, and other parts pve.
Cool they are doing it, but am I the only one who thinks it's just being done to placate the bitchy from April Fools? I'd rather those resources got spent doing some of their big projects than yet another copy of Gemstone.
Drunken Durfin
04-05-2010, 12:45 PM
I'm gonna play warrior.
I was going to have two just for partner reps because I figured there would be no one else that would do it.
04-05-2010, 12:47 PM
Warriors and sorcerers, not a chance
I dunno, a sorcerer with unrestricted implosions might be kinda fun.
04-05-2010, 12:49 PM
I'm gonna play warrior.
I probably won't play at all, but I was thinking about this. Considering that you can script 24/7, you could create an extremely defensive post cap warrior. It would still take a lot of time, but it's at least more feasible than in prime. 3x dodge, 3x shield, 3x PT, etc. Mmmn...
If i played, and i haven't given it a ton of thought, I'd run either a wizard/bard team or a empath/cleric or some variation therin.
I see most people playing wizards, clerics, empaths and bards, with rogues being the 5th, useful for opening boxes but not the only way.
Warriors and sorcerers, not a chance, maybe a few paladins.
It's too bad it takes so much post cap to pull off a spikesorc like Droit. I don't think there is much that you can do against something like that.
Drunken Durfin
04-05-2010, 12:54 PM
It's too bad it takes so much post cap to pull off a spikesorc like Droit. I don't think there is much that you can do against something like that.
Durfin survived it with incredible puncture resistance...once.
04-05-2010, 01:00 PM
I wonder what the steady population of Shattered will be after 6 months - I'm guessing it'd be somewhere around 100-150.
04-05-2010, 01:03 PM
I wonder what the steady population of Shattered will be after 6 months - I'm guessing it'd be somewhere around 100-150.
Anyone have the numbers on DR: Fallen? For some reason I'm remembering last I saw that they were quite a bit below this, something like 40-60 and that's with DR Prime running at about 100-150 above GS. Of course this was all when Simu used to have the "xxxx adventurers in..." on their front pages.
I wonder what the steady population of Shattered will be after 6 months - I'm guessing it'd be somewhere around 100-150.
You have to consider that most players will be logged on 24/7 or at least when they aren't playing another instance. Given that I think 100 is a decent guess.
04-05-2010, 01:06 PM
Not sure if I am gonna play it. I can see myself hunting and then instant death from someone higher than me, and then walk off, then an hour later the same thing, over and over again... Even a level 10 going around rats killing everyone (at the start).
I think I would have to be a class with a high DS/TD & maneuver def, or a class with stalking and hiding.
04-05-2010, 01:07 PM
The actual population, sure. Triple digits, maybe five or ten under that.
The active population that's actually around, talking, doing anything other than scripting? Maybe ten or twenty, not counting multiple instances of the same person.
04-05-2010, 01:11 PM
You have to remember that people who just go around and kill and grief in the beginning or whenever are going to eventually have to answer for that behavior in the long run. It's not going to be in your best interest to kill everyone you see on sight. Payback is a bitch.
04-05-2010, 01:48 PM
Yeah, I can see the gang mentality happening. You form protective groups. The biggest thing I'm wondering about is casual players. Sure, I can script hunt to gain some levels..but I don't know how long that will last, and without protection whose going to stop someone from coming in and tripping you/killing you.
I can't see this instance being fun to someone playing sub 10 hours a week.. What do y'all think?
04-05-2010, 01:53 PM
You have to remember that people who just go around and kill and grief in the beginning or whenever are going to eventually have to answer for that behavior in the long run. It's not going to be in your best interest to kill everyone you see on sight. Payback is a bitch.
...considering whether or not to put italics on this one.
Yeah man, because that 8 man scripting squad will definately pay four years down the road. How -dare- the player get a wild hair and kill you with his favorite character down in the catacombs. HOW DARE HE!
Seriously, you actually think people will police themselves like they do in Plat? Outside of Survivor-like alliances and mutually beneficial arrangements (you get silvers, I get cyber sex), nobody gives two shits about anyone else in Gemstone.
04-05-2010, 01:55 PM
They should remove the level cap.
04-05-2010, 01:56 PM
...considering whether or not to put italics on this one.
Yeah man, because that 8 man scripting squad will definately pay four years down the road. How -dare- the player get a wild hair and kill you with his favorite character down in the catacombs. HOW DARE HE!
Seriously, you actually think people will police themselves like they do in Plat? Outside of Survivor-like alliances and mutually beneficial arrangements (you get silvers, I get cyber sex), nobody gives two shits about anyone else in Gemstone.
I don't think anyone knows how this is going to play out. It'll be interesting to see.
04-05-2010, 01:56 PM
They should remove the level cap.
You should remove your keyboard.
04-05-2010, 02:00 PM
You should remove your keyboard.
Ah nice! Do you want a cookie now?
But seriously.
Why couldn't they remove the level 100 cap? I am sure if it was uncapped like the GS3 days more folks might be interested.
04-05-2010, 02:02 PM
Wish they'd get rid of locate or let us turn off location... gunna suck getting griefed by 225 and 116. I have a feeling unpresense spellups will be pretty popular.
04-05-2010, 02:09 PM
Yeah, I can see the gang mentality happening. You form protective groups.
Heck warring cities. Kill those pointy ear elf bastards.
04-05-2010, 02:10 PM
The first spell knowledge or self-mana version will be obscenely expensive.
Fog in kneeling with spirit strike, full signs, and a heavy crossbow AIMing at the eye, begin your Lols.
04-05-2010, 02:45 PM
No, I won't be switching. I blow at hunting. Blow hard. What would I do in Shattered?Offer cutting evaluations of the prowess and/or parentage of various other players, made no less incisive by their delivery from a perpetual corpse.
You have to remember that people who just go around and kill and grief in the beginning or whenever are going to eventually have to answer for that behavior in the long run. It's not going to be in your best interest to kill everyone you see on sight. Payback is a bitch.Yahweh invented RSN.
Why couldn't they remove the level 100 cap? I am sure if it was uncapped like the GS3 days more folks might be interested.Currently character advancement (of a kind) can continue for at least a decade. Without a level cap characters will hunt themselves out of every hunting ground within a year. This puts us back into the GS3 situation where the highest levels were dominated by healers, clerics, and locksmiths. The only mitigating factor would be the bounty system, and I am sure folks aren't interested in foraging 20 acantha leaves from Southern Lower Dragonsclaw East Side forever.
Drunken Durfin
04-05-2010, 02:45 PM
Outside of Survivor-like alliances and mutually beneficial arrangements (you get silvers, I get cyber sex), nobody gives two shits about anyone else in Gemstone.
In your experience, sure. Mine is quite different.
04-05-2010, 02:47 PM
In your experience, sure. Mine is quite different.
My experience has been more akin to Durfin's.
04-05-2010, 02:48 PM
In your experience, sure. Mine is quite different.
I was mostly overcharacterizing that statement, but you have to admit there is a decent bit of truth there.
I'll take my Colbert hat off and italicize from now on.
Drunken Durfin
04-05-2010, 02:59 PM
No, I don't.
04-05-2010, 03:13 PM
No, I don't.
04-05-2010, 03:55 PM
Speaking of clerics..
What stops someone from having a char simply to die repeatedly while the cleric auto raises it...?
04-05-2010, 03:57 PM
What stops someone from having a char simply to die repeatedly while the cleric auto raises it...?
Durfin survived it with incredible puncture resistance...once.
Survived it, as in you were able to retaliate? Or survived it, only to be destroyed by subsequent casts?
I know you're not really trying to argue my point, only showing an extreme case where it wasn't fatal in one cast. Clearly you were trying to survive it with very specific defense against it.
My only real point is that maneuver based spells like spikethorn are epic due to the extreme difficulty in improving one's ability to defend against it. More DS doesn't help, more TD doesn't help, heavier armor isn't an option for many classes, etc.
This, in conjunction with (in my experience) a good self-cast defense and the second (maybe first?) best class at hiding puts rangers at the top of my list. Throw in a pocket wizard and you're golden. It just takes a little bit to get there.
If I do play shattered, it would be with the above combo.
TLDR: spikesorc ftw
04-05-2010, 03:58 PM
Well nothing except for the fact that you'd have to contend with the death timer for post-raise punishment, spirit regen rates, exp gain is based on level of person being raised, etc.
You'd want someone capped to die to be raised to maximize exp. Then you'd need to find someone else to kill/raise to avoid being punished for letting your newly raised deader croak too soon. If you have that many cappers sitting around, you may as well hunt them all together for actual loot than trying to farm exp.
04-05-2010, 04:00 PM
Don't they still have that post-rez delay thing where you can't wol anyone and therefore can't raise? Yeah you could still script it but it wouldn't be continuous.
It would be easier for an empath and an ambusher or sorcerer.
04-05-2010, 04:05 PM
Ah. I was just curios. I've never played a cleric and thats the reason I asked.
04-05-2010, 04:09 PM
The cooldown is only 5 minutes, isn't it?
04-05-2010, 04:10 PM
Speaking of clerics..
What stops someone from having a char simply to die repeatedly while the cleric auto raises it...?
A cleric is prevented from raising for 30 minutes or some such if a PC dies while still soul-linked.
04-05-2010, 04:13 PM
NEG Gemstone: Shattered... 04-05-2010 03:05 PM Lrn2spell
I'm on my blackberry at work, buttfuck. Ohnoes i missed a fucking u. Get a life.
04-05-2010, 04:15 PM
NEG Gemstone: Shattered... 04-05-2010 03:05 PM Lrn2spell
I'm on my blackberry at work, buttfuck. Ohnoes i missed a fucking u. Get a life.
Yeah... take THAT, intercourse of the anal variety!
Stonefisted in the bowels!!!
04-05-2010, 04:20 PM
I'm on my blackberry at work, buttfuck. Ohnoes i missed a fucking u. Get a life.
I really don't care one way or another but I've seen others use this as justification for poor spelling or punctuation in posts and I just have to wonder how is this an excuse for failing to proofread a bit of text before hitting the publish button. Is it hard to back up and fix errors? Really not being judgemental here, just curious.
04-05-2010, 04:23 PM
I really don't care one way or another but I've seen others use this as justification for poor spelling or punctuation in posts and I just have to wonder how is this an excuse for failing to proofread a bit of text before hitting the publish button. Is it hard to back up and fix errors? Really not being judgemental here, just curious.
Yus. Especially when trying to do it on the sly..
04-05-2010, 04:27 PM
Q: I heard there are no alteration restrictions like in Prime/Plat?
A: This is true, but remember it will be up to the particular GM doing the alterations.
I can't wait to get my goatse alters.
I'd run either a wizard/bard team or a empath/cleric or some variation therin.
I wonder how many empath/cleric teams will be running around killing people just so they can heal and rez them.
Or do you not get exp from those from a pvp death?
Gemstone: Shattered... 04-05-2010 02:23 PM cyber with me in public all day of course -Meth
04-05-2010, 04:34 PM
I really don't care one way or another but I've seen others use this as justification for poor spelling or punctuation in posts and I just have to wonder how is this an excuse for failing to proofread a bit of text before hitting the publish button. Is it hard to back up and fix errors? Really not being judgemental here, just curious.
For me it's one or more of the following:
- I'm too lazy.
- My screen gets retarded when typing out a post on my phone, making it a royal pain in the goatsehole to get back to the part with the typo.
Really not being judgemental here, just curious.
04-05-2010, 04:34 PM
Somebody have a guild polishing cloth altered into a ShamWOW!
Drunken Durfin
04-05-2010, 04:45 PM
Survived it, as in you were able to retaliate? Or survived it, only to be destroyed by subsequent casts?
I know you're not really trying to argue my point, only showing an extreme case where it wasn't fatal in one cast. Clearly you were trying to survive it with very specific defense against it.
No, not trying to argue. We were testing the new ARMOR puncture resistance when I made level 5. If memory serves I lost a leg. He only did the one cast, it was enough.
Drunken Durfin
04-05-2010, 04:51 PM
Somebody have a guild polishing cloth altered into a ShamWOW!
04-05-2010, 05:04 PM
The difference being that I'm not trying to cover up my bad spelling by blaming it on a blackberry keyboard. I'm simply a bad speller.
04-05-2010, 05:13 PM
I'm actually extremely good at spelling. When I want to be. Everyone in my office usually asks me how to spell stuff, including my boss.
And they're no slouches. Most being an engineer of some sort. Anyways, blackberry's keyboard is tiny and yes, its easy to mis-type.
04-05-2010, 05:14 PM
Engineers as a whole are shitty spellers.
04-05-2010, 05:18 PM
Engineers as a whole are shitty spellers.
Oh. Fine I am mediocre of spelling. From now on I'm not going to capitalize or spell anything correctly. I promise.
And I am good at an grammar.
Your welcome.
04-05-2010, 05:19 PM
Are you an engineer of some kind? Quit taking things personally.
04-05-2010, 05:23 PM
Are you an engineer of some kind? Quit taking things personally.
stop harasmenting mE
04-05-2010, 05:23 PM
I was actually commiserating with you...
04-05-2010, 05:53 PM
Thread derailed!!! Nooooooooooooo!
04-05-2010, 05:55 PM
Somebody have a guild polishing cloth altered into a ShamWOW!
And name your character Vince Offer and do slap chop commercials while pounding onions in the rogue guild.
04-05-2010, 05:55 PM
Are you an engineer of some kind? Quit taking things personally.
Your predujiced
04-05-2010, 05:56 PM
Oh. Fine I am mediocre of spelling. From now on I'm not going to capitalize or spell anything correctly. I promise.
And I am good at an grammar.
Your welcome.
You forgot to mention how humble and modest you are too.
04-05-2010, 05:56 PM
And I am good at an grammar.
Your welcome.
04-05-2010, 05:57 PM
no u
04-05-2010, 05:58 PM
no u
No, what I meant was did you forget the italics? Or did you eat your foot?
04-05-2010, 06:01 PM
No, what I meant was did you forget the italics? Or did you eat your foot?
04-05-2010, 06:03 PM
04-05-2010, 06:03 PM
Great success!
04-05-2010, 06:04 PM
Great success!
04-05-2010, 07:14 PM
I don't have an active account so has someone told them to make the game its own subscription yet?
Stanley Burrell
04-05-2010, 07:18 PM
Q: I want to name my character Doucheromper Sniffycunt, can I?
A: Sure! Have fun!
Wait. Seriously?
I still want to name my characters after old GMs and players, but. Hehe. Hahahaha.
04-07-2010, 12:06 PM
I nearly cried the first time my character was murdered by a much higher level for no reason. I'm 100% positive that I'll leave Shattered alone.
04-07-2010, 12:07 PM
I nearly cried the first time my character was murdered by a much higher level for no reason. I'm 100% positive that I'll leave Shattered alone.
Step one: Buy infinite number of Inviso Amulets.
Step two: ????
Step Three: You win Gemstone Shattered.
04-07-2010, 12:08 PM
I nearly cried the first time my character was murdered by a much higher level for no reason. I'm 100% positive that I'll leave Shattered alone.
I hope you are kidding about almost crying.
04-07-2010, 12:27 PM
I hope you are kidding about almost crying.
He is kidding about almost crying. He did cry.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-07-2010, 12:38 PM
So it will be like normal GS in this regard, then?
Without the rules that must be adhered to in prime, I imagine they will find even more fun and creative ways of tormenting the shattered population.
04-07-2010, 12:39 PM
I hope you are kidding about almost crying.
Well of course I wasn't bawling over my keyboard. It's just not fun to get killed by someone 40 trains over you. It seems like that's the biggest selling point to Shattered. And it's she by the way.
04-07-2010, 01:00 PM
A cleric is prevented from raising for 30 minutes or some such if a PC dies while still soul-linked.The soul link doesn't last all that long.
It would be fairly easy to script a cleric to 100 via raising. It'd just be a lot slower than an empath.
04-07-2010, 01:59 PM
The soul link doesn't last all that long.
It would be fairly easy to script a cleric to 100 via raising. It'd just be a lot slower than an empath.
He wasn't saying the soul link is that long, he is saying that if the person that was just raised is killed while still linked then you have the penalty before the cleric can raise again.
04-07-2010, 03:37 PM
Without the rules that must be adhered to in prime, I imagine they will find even more fun and creative ways of tormenting the shattered population.
I wonder how long before some of the well known long time hated GMs start griefing players in ways that would have gotten them fired in Prime.
I hope they put at least some restrictions on them, so some butthurt GM can't just log in and empty your bank account or something.
04-07-2010, 03:44 PM
I wonder how long before some of the well known long time hated GMs start griefing players in ways that would have gotten them fired in Prime.
I hope they put at least some restrictions on them, so some butthurt GM can't just log in and empty your bank account or something.
I highly doubt they would let that happen. We ARE customers after all...
04-07-2010, 03:45 PM
I highly doubt they would let that happen. We ARE customers after all...
True, but when have customers mattered in the past with Simu?
It would actually be funny, just as long as it didn't happen to me.
04-07-2010, 11:26 PM
I'm having a really hard time playing GS knowing shattered is right around the corner... I just want to get the fuck in already and start killing BAD ASS rats.. and relearn scripting again
Drunken Durfin
04-07-2010, 11:28 PM
Same here. This was the final nail in my GS Prime coffin.
04-07-2010, 11:57 PM
Really wishing I had taken the time to learn Ruby, now. Not that I'm a great programmer or anything. I do enjoy it, though. Kinda scared that not having a decent hunting script will leave me too far behind to keep up with everyone :-(.
And I see what you mean. The anticipation of Shattered is making prime seem a little... dull. Especially since on a trial account, you can't cast at anyone.
04-08-2010, 12:20 AM
Really wishing I had taken the time to learn Ruby, now. Not that I'm a great programmer or anything. I do enjoy it, though. Kinda scared that not having a decent hunting script will leave me too far behind to keep up with everyone :-(.
And I see what you mean. The anticipation of Shattered is making prime seem a little... dull. Especially since on a trial account, you can't cast at anyone.
Consider most of the heavy scripters will be scripting for the first 6 months rather than actually playing. That will leave the mostly unautomated players to fend for themselves ... aside from the random ganking by some level 80 character who stopped in to check on their little robot.
04-08-2010, 07:12 AM
I'm having a really hard time playing GS knowing shattered is right around the corner... I just want to get the fuck in already and start killing BAD ASS rats.. and relearn scripting again
In the last 2 weeks I've spent maybe 1 hour in game, I do not care about prime at all anymore.
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