View Full Version : What gives?

04-02-2010, 02:19 AM
Can't connect to psinet for several days now, and the site is down.

What gives? I guess we all just use lich now? :wtf:

04-02-2010, 02:23 AM
I guess we all just use lich now? :wtf:
Welcome to months ago.

04-02-2010, 05:10 AM
Welcome to months ago.

months ago, psinet still worked

04-02-2010, 01:10 PM
months ago, psinet still worked
Months ago Lich was still better.

04-02-2010, 02:09 PM
Just get Lich already. There's no reason to use psinet.

Drunken Durfin
04-02-2010, 02:19 PM
Everyone I have talked into crossing over from psinet to Lich has said the same thing to me:

"I should have listened to you and done this a lot sooner."

04-02-2010, 02:23 PM
one thing I live for in psinet is the abbreviations. is it easy to transfer in Lich?

04-02-2010, 02:31 PM
one thing I live for in psinet is the abbreviations. is it easy to transfer in Lich?

Yeah, almost identical ALIAS system.

My last two issues with lich: baggage sorting... none of the scripts have worked for me. And there's no script that does AWAY functionality like psinet.

04-02-2010, 02:34 PM
And you assume Lich will never have that functionality?

Lich has potential. PsiNet is dying.

04-02-2010, 02:38 PM
And you assume Lich will never have that functionality?

Lich has potential. PsiNet is dying.

I use lich. I just threw that out there in case someone knows of a script that does those things and works.

04-02-2010, 02:40 PM
And there's no script that does AWAY functionality like psinet.

Explain this functionality to me, long time lich user, never used PsiNet.

04-02-2010, 02:50 PM
What gives? 04-02-2010 02:34 PM I wish you'd go back to Psinet.
You mean the five minutes that I used it like seven years ago? Sign your rep, coward.

04-02-2010, 03:12 PM
Explain this functionality to me, long time lich user, never used PsiNet.

Well--truthfully this functionality does exist in scripts like sloot and whoever else wants to write it in. It generally just has a GUI where you set up all of your different containers (like lich ;settings) and it's just always-running functinality where you type one verb (AWAY, or whatever alias you use) and it automatically sticks them in the appropriate container (depending on the noun of what you're stowing). ;sloot does the same thing I guess, but ;sloot also casts 604 and tries to skin unskinnable things so I don't use it.

04-02-2010, 03:19 PM
Well--truthfully this functionality does exist in scripts like sloot and whoever else wants to write it in. It generally just has a GUI where you set up all of your different containers (like lich ;settings) and it's just always-running functinality where you type one verb (AWAY, or whatever alias you use) and it automatically sticks them in the appropriate container (depending on the noun of what you're stowing). ;sloot does the same thing I guess, but ;sloot also casts 604 and tries to skin unskinnable things so I don't use it.

I got you. I'll see what I can do this weekend, that wouldn't be difficult.

04-02-2010, 08:16 PM
I have tried several times to use sloot/slib now, and even after switching to the sloot3/slib3 and renaming them... it still does some retarded fucking shit.

I tell it to only pick up gems skins and boxes- and it picks up every single thing a critter drops anyways- so here I am with a 40lb club and 35lb breastplate in my cloak. hurf durf

I also have a seperate skinning weapon- and despite telling it where to put it away, it puts it away then gets it back out in my left hand (i'm 2h user). wtf?

I found i'm just better off using my SF scripts until sloot is a bit more finished.

04-02-2010, 08:36 PM
I can't even get lich to start.

04-02-2010, 08:39 PM
I can't even get lich to start.

Feel free to send me a message on AIM. I'll help you out.

04-03-2010, 06:13 PM
What gives? 04-02-2010 02:31 PM if you can't figure out that lich also has an alias system, then you are too retarded and should probably stick with PsiNet. It's soooooooooooooooooo hard to transfer. Honest.

I asked if it was easy to transfer the abbreviations. wtf is wrong w/ ppl that there are pro-lich or psinet camps? they're programs, not sports teams. omg nerd rage

04-03-2010, 09:18 PM
What gives? 04-02-2010 02:31 PM if you can't figure out that lich also has an alias system, then you are too retarded and should probably stick with PsiNet. It's soooooooooooooooooo hard to transfer. Honest.

I asked if it was easy to transfer the abbreviations. wtf is wrong w/ ppl that there are pro-lich or psinet camps? they're programs, not sports teams. omg nerd rage

Yeah? We'll see what happens in the playoffs.

04-08-2010, 09:23 AM
I have tried several times to use sloot/slib now, and even after switching to the sloot3/slib3 and renaming them... it still does some retarded fucking shit.

I tell it to only pick up gems skins and boxes- and it picks up every single thing a critter drops anyways- so here I am with a 40lb club and 35lb breastplate in my cloak. hurf durf

I also have a seperate skinning weapon- and despite telling it where to put it away, it puts it away then gets it back out in my left hand (i'm 2h user). wtf?

I found i'm just better off using my SF scripts until sloot is a bit more finished.

Pay for my subscription and I'll finish it for you. :)

On a sidenote, all those negative reps I got for saying Lich is better sure feel justified now. Go e-peen!