View Full Version : Altering Nalea/scripted gowns.

04-02-2010, 12:19 AM
Is there some sort of special rule for this? Am I able to alter these using premium points?

04-02-2010, 02:03 AM
I'm not sure if this may have changed but a few years ago only Naela's GM and one other were allowed to adjust her gowns because of the heavy scripting. And I believe at the very least it has to retain the basic following of:

a color/fabric/gown type/embellishment

So it couldn't be changed into a layered gown of peach and blush silks. It would have to be a peach faille gown layered over blush satin skirts. At the very least you could try it using that formula. =) Good luck!

04-02-2010, 07:35 AM
As far as I'm aware Nalea and Yfane gowns still need a special merchant to alter them and cannot be done by Premium Points or at general altering sessions. I've asked from time to time but have only been successful at CCF which was was predominantly a service related event. I believe it was Thandiwe who was able to do it.

04-02-2010, 12:09 PM
Nalea/Yfane gowns · on 4/2/2010 8:21:40 AM 4361

This is a total aside, but I was reading somewhere...else...and saw a discussion of Nalea/Yfane gowns. I just wanted to let you fashionistas know that a number of us are now cleared to alter those gowns, including myself. I may run a session in Illistim within the next few weeks, if there's interest -- there won't be any new gowns for sale, however.


Team Plat
Forest Gnome Guru
Ta'Illistim Guru

Speaking to Cirath, Nixxi exclaims, "Pet her and say she's pretty! It is the only way we will survive the night!"

04-02-2010, 12:46 PM
Ooh!! That would be awesome if there were a Ta'Illistim event.

04-02-2010, 12:50 PM
Is this the first time a GM has mentioned on the officials something they read on PC?

It's... actually kind of amazing she read it here and then posted there. Cool stuff.

04-02-2010, 01:02 PM
I would love a Ta'Illistim event as well. I hope it's posted on the calendar so I can make sure to be there.

04-02-2010, 04:37 PM
Oh man, now I need a Nalea gown. >.>

04-03-2010, 09:19 PM
The Spring Social Season

On Niiman, the 22nd day of Olaesta, Lord Chalat Greyvael Illistim the First Couturier of the Argentate will be on hand in the Cobalt Salon to discuss the upcoming social season. At that time, he will also be available for design consultation on appropriate court clothing, including gowns of Nalea or Yfane make.


04-03-2010, 11:09 PM
See you ladies there, bring your tea and gossip!

04-03-2010, 11:21 PM
Amazing! Ask and you shall receive.

04-03-2010, 11:27 PM
Itzel's pretty awesome like that. Especially when it comes to elf/fashion stuff. <3

04-03-2010, 11:32 PM
Is the Cobalt Salon the place next to the bank on Erissian Var?