View Full Version : River's Rest Ceded to the Faendryl Nation!

04-01-2010, 09:50 PM
River's Rest Ceded to the Faendryl Nation!

Breaking news has emerged from Fairport, the seat of power in the County Torre, that Count Claybourne, upon direction of Emperor Aurmont Chandrennin Anodheles, may he reign forever, to cede the small backwater town of River's Rest to the Faendryl Nation.

Since becoming emperor, our Emperor has made promises to establish safer borders and friendlier neighbors. The Court Herald, Sir Looksdoun Ose, reportedly told a gathered crowd that, "Sore feelings have existed ever since the last war with our southern neighbors, and our Majesty decided to make amends for the defeat we handily inflicted upon the Faendryl with the offer a gift to establish an embassy to our wonderful empire."

Critics to the plan have been few, while many others have lauded it greatly. A bystander was overheard saying, "River's what? It must be a dump if we're giving it to those dirty sylvans!" Others believe there's something more to the gift. Hans Onfirer, a local baker, claimed, "...at first, offerin' them sylvans a place in the center of the empire sounds like a joke, but ya know? They say keep your friends close, but your enemies closer!"

A visit to the docks found a member of the Red Hats, who claimed to have spent some time in River's Rest recently. The man refused to offer his name but boldly stated, "..S'finest plan yet ta deal with 'em Sylvans! Tha' town can't be tamed, not by the Empire, not by the Count, and certainly not by a bunch of high highfalutin' sylvans prancin' 'round in dresses with strange demons on their shoulders. I seen me one of 'em demons, looked jes like a parrot, but uglier!"

An attempt to speak with an envoy of the Faendryl failed, so no comment could be made from the other party in this transaction. Some disappointment was reported by a half-krolvin merchant who grouched, "...s'not fair, I tell you. You know how cold Krint is most of the time?! Those elves already have a warm place, they don't need another!" Reportedly, talks to give the island to the Half-Krolvin of Krint failed when during a diplomatic meeting, a member of the Royal Court asked the leader of the Half-Krolvin if he would like a "banana."

GM Scribes

Sylvan Dreams
04-01-2010, 10:37 PM
The announcement says Faendryl but the interviews with the local says Sylvans. Another April Fool's joke, maybe?

04-01-2010, 10:49 PM
It's an April Fool's joke, but that part is actually accurate. As I mentioned on the officials, a common Empire term when referring to an elf of any type, including dark elves, is 'sylvan devil.'


04-03-2010, 12:33 AM
A visit to the docks found a member of the Red Hats, who claimed to have spent some time in River's Rest recently. The man refused to offer his name but boldly stated, "..S'finest plan yet ta deal with 'em Sylvans! Tha' town can't be tamed, not by the Empire, not by the Count, and certainly not by a bunch of high highfalutin' sylvans prancin' 'round in dresses with strange demons on their shoulders. I seen me one of 'em demons, looked jes like a parrot, but uglier!"

The bots are roleplaying. Run for the hills.

04-03-2010, 09:31 AM
It's an April Fool's joke, but that part is actually accurate. As I mentioned on the officials, a common Empire term when referring to an elf of any type, including dark elves, is 'sylvan devil.'


Which is just wrong by the way.