View Full Version : Gemstone: Shattered - April Fool's Day joke or real?
Sylvan Dreams
04-01-2010, 03:05 PM
I logged on to the officials and saw a new board for "Gemstone: Shattered." Since it was posted today, I am assuming it's an April Fool's Day joke, but with Simu, who the hell knows.
04-01-2010, 03:17 PM
If it is real, it's likely like Dragonrealms: Fallen. Basically, no rules, no script checks, no GMs (except for major bugs)...etc
04-01-2010, 03:29 PM
I'm going with April Fools.
04-01-2010, 03:38 PM
If they're using the Gemstone: The Fallen instance some of us have been asking for as an April Fools joke, Bubba needs to DIAF.
04-01-2010, 03:41 PM
Gemstone: Shattered + Breakage = Higher population than Prime.
Some Rogue
04-01-2010, 03:51 PM
If they're using the Gemstone: The Fallen instance some of us have been asking for as an April Fools joke, Bubba needs to DIAF.
Heh, that was my thought too.
Monks are being released today!!!
(haha, jk we're assholes)
04-01-2010, 03:53 PM
Yeah, seriously. Any simu jokes about long delayed content being released should result in a death from smoke inhalation.
04-01-2010, 04:10 PM
Too bad it is just a joke. Gemstone: The Fallen would be a) a revenue boom, b) little effort since no GMs are needed to police it, and c) fun.
04-01-2010, 05:14 PM
Fun... until a 24/7 script-hunting MA crew of seven characters take out your level fourteen Ranger because he "stole kills" from said MA crew's enchant-whore-in-training.
Seriously. Stuff like this is busted when you consider how pointlessly moronic people around here can get. From what I understand, the DR population actually has the slightest degree of respect for one another, rather than being an endless stream of cock-faced assholes constantly tensing up for their next senseless, dramatic dispute-turned-"walk to the gate duelz" scenerio.
I sincerely thought about coming back to Gemstone over the last week, and I would most definately stick with the overpoliced Prime than ever jump into a glorified game of "whoever has less of a social life wins".
04-01-2010, 05:33 PM
If they're using the Gemstone: The Fallen instance some of us have been asking for as an April Fools joke, Bubba needs to DIAF.
04-01-2010, 05:41 PM
I would most definately stick with the overpoliced Prime than ever jump into a glorified game of "whoever has less of a social life wins".
Um... Prime is the game of 'whoever has the least social life wins'... In shattered you can have a social life... Shattered would be 'whoever has the best coding skills wins'.
I like that game; I'd be good at that game ^^
04-01-2010, 05:54 PM
Fun... until a 24/7 script-hunting MA crew of seven characters take out your level fourteen Ranger because he "stole kills" from said MA crew's enchant-whore-in-training.
Seriously. Stuff like this is busted when you consider how pointlessly moronic people around here can get. From what I understand, the DR population actually has the slightest degree of respect for one another, rather than being an endless stream of cock-faced assholes constantly tensing up for their next senseless, dramatic dispute-turned-"walk to the gate duelz" scenerio.
I sincerely thought about coming back to Gemstone over the last week, and I would most definately stick with the overpoliced Prime than ever jump into a glorified game of "whoever has less of a social life wins".
Stay in prime with the carebears then.*
* If Simu was ever smart enough to release Shattered, which they're not.
04-01-2010, 05:59 PM
I would not enjoy a Shattered version of GS, but it does seem to work for DR, without GM intervention, no reason why it couldn't work for GS
04-01-2010, 06:33 PM
What if GS: Shattered was GS3? (Uber Rogues, Super Sorcerers, Repelling Clerics?)
What if GS: Shattered was GS3? (Uber Rogues, Super Sorcerers, Repelling Clerics?)
If that happens, hopefully they would just unneuter anything they neutered while also keeping any good features they've added to GS4
04-01-2010, 07:16 PM
sorcerer + glass amulet = amazing PKer
don't forget:
04-01-2010, 09:44 PM
x-posting here since it will be promptly deleted.
It's pretty sad that this is just an april fools joke since its been requested countless times over the years. And it would probably get me interested in the game again.
But classic Simu, Just dangles exactly what players have been asking for as a joke.
Gotta love em.
Want to make a joke that Monks and Savants and Hero's Journey are coming out today too and just crush whats left of my respect for you?
x-posting here since it will be promptly deleted.
Yeah I don't get that backwards sense of humor either. They are the only ones who will find humor in being jackasses.
04-02-2010, 12:09 AM
Nub ignorance ftw.
What's 'Shattered'?
04-02-2010, 12:24 AM
Nub ignorance ftw.
What's 'Shattered'?
Nobody knows, that is the point of this thread.
04-02-2010, 12:33 AM
Nobody knows, that is the point of this thread.
Nice.I don't feel so fail anymore.
04-02-2010, 01:00 AM
You guys don't remember?
Like a year ago, SGE bugged out Gemstone: Shattered showed up, prompting speculation. Making a forum about it after that incident is further implication that it is real.
I'll try to find the post about it.
04-02-2010, 01:16 AM
I'm wondering if any of the downtime tomorrow has anything to do with this...
04-02-2010, 01:26 AM
I'm wondering if any of the downtime tomorrow has anything to do with this...
Maybe, given that there's an image on the Gemstone main page with artwork used for DR: The Fallen. Clicking on it gets you to the Gemstone Shattered least in theory. Looks like it was restricted to Simu employees for the moment and made invisible on the officials.
04-02-2010, 07:09 AM
more x-posts from Simu officials then I get ready for work. Already cutting into my workout time.
It's pretty sad that this is just an april fools joke since its been requested countless times over the years. And it would probably get me interested in the game again.
But classic Simu, Just dangles exactly what players have been asking for as a joke.
Gotta love em.
Want to make a joke that Monks and Savants and Hero's Journey are coming out today too and just crush whats left of my respect for you?
It's one thing to be disappointed and express that, but it's another thing entirely to express that in such a hateful and bitter manner like this.
Makes me sad.
Solomon, comon.
Why does it make you sad?
YOU GUYS made us like this. I didn't do it. I've been a Simu customer for 15 years. And I've been in some form of customer service for my entire adult life. If I were you, I'd be asking myself, and my employers, some very simple questions right now:
What has my company done to make this long-term customer so bitter and disenchanted?
What can we possibly do to raise the bar?
What about this in particular is so poignant in the minds of the disenchanted?
Why does the PC forums have so many members and a high volume of posts? Even from people that left the game years ago?
Now i have a question for you; Why is it always the customers fault for being hateful and bitter toward a company and game they love?
Somewhere between AOL and announcing Hero's Journey (the first time, guys, the first time) Simu lost my respect completely. Why?
I understand there's fanboys out there. But I'd submit something fairly crucial.
It's easy to appease the Grendegs in the world. They'll follow you through everything. They'll always have your back. (He specifically is your ACLU; More of a QA than your own QA department a lot of the time. but I digress)
But It's something else to polish your reputation up to the poor souls who have, despite being completely disenchanted with your company, your games, your attitude and complete lack of customer understanding have continued to pay for a game they (used to) love just in the futile dream that one day Simu will 'get it'.
04-02-2010, 07:27 AM
Wow, I just thought it was funny. I guess some people really take their gemstone seriously.
04-02-2010, 07:44 AM
It's pretty sad that this is just an april fools joke since its been requested countless times over the years. And it would probably get me interested in the game again.
But classic Simu, Just dangles exactly what players have been asking for as a joke.
Gotta love em.
Want to make a joke that Monks and Savants and Hero's Journey are coming out today too and just crush whats left of my respect for you?
04-02-2010, 09:09 AM
W/E, maybe I am being a bit too serious, but this wasn't funny last year and it's not funny this year. It's about understanding and respecting your customers while being funny.
An April fools joke is something unexpected and fairly silly but almost believable.
Making fun of something for which customers have been pleading just for a dumb April fools day joke just isn't very respectful of your customer base and is indicative of why Simu has very few customers left.
And in that sense, Solomon is correct. It is very sad.
04-02-2010, 09:40 AM
Just cross posting my thoughts from the officials as well:
>>I laughed when I saw GS Shattered.
I didn't. They totally got me. Haha. For a glorious 5 minutes I was really excited about something coming out for Gemstone. Then someone reminded me what day it was. Major let down.
Personally I don't appreciate Simu taking this kind of liberty with it's customers. The rest of us only get one April Fools day a year. Simu staff apparently feels they're entitled to two. You guys already had your traditional early April Fools, it falls on the day the new goals list is released every year. Though I suppose to be fair most of us stopped falling for that joke years ago.
04-02-2010, 09:51 AM
The fact of the matter is that as long as there are players, dangling the point of "I've here for X number of years" doesn't speak anything to them, unfortunately. You ARE paying and playing, and that's all they care about.
As long as they do have the Grendegs who will continue to play despite the problems, they could care less what the long term players think. Getting upset at them for their usual behavior is not worth the effort anymore.
So instead of threats, accept that they will NEVER change and either continue to play with that in mind, or talk with your wallet and quit.
04-02-2010, 02:04 PM
I find it amusing that they haven't pulled the whole forum down yet. It seems like a joke that has completely backfired on them. They can be pretty ignorant and it wouldn't surprise me if they were thinking, "Well we didn't expect this reaction."
04-02-2010, 02:51 PM
Shattered is the only reason I'd ever play Gemstone again.
04-02-2010, 03:03 PM
Post if you can, just curious to see how many people will say yes.
04-02-2010, 03:25 PM
I'm more insulted by how Solomon is pretending to be surprised by this.
04-02-2010, 03:55 PM
My X-Post
>Monks are probably the best Year Round Fools joke ever.
>Naos, loving it
My thoughts are pretty much along the lines of the other responses, but instead of going on a rant, I'm going to try and shift the direction of this thread and ask you guys why, with so many people (both current and former players) wanting GS: Shattered to be a reality, is Simu so against releasing it?
Is it due to a lack of resources? If so, what exactly is lacking? I would imagine that with today's technology, making a separate instance of a text based MMO wouldn't be very resource intensive, but I don't work there so I don't know. I also wouldn't think that a lack of GM resources would be an issue, since Shattered is supposed to be a free for all where the only times GMs got involved in anything would be for things like bug fixes.
Is it due to a lack of demand? If so, I'd love to hear how you guys came to that conclusion.
Is it due to a lack of motivation on Simu's part? If so, then all I can say is /facepalm.
A lot of us would just really like to know why you guys are so against releasing GS: Shattered. Releasing Shattered would mean obvious things, such as:
- More revenue coming in for you guys, both from people upgrading their subscriptions to Shattered, and from long gone players returning just for Shattered, some of which would probably return to Prime/Premium/Plat too, which they otherwise wouldn't have done if they weren't lured back by Shattered.
- It would probably filter out a lot of problem players from Prime, which would not only increase the amount they're paying per month, but it could create an overall better playing environment for Prime, as a lot of problem players will have probably switched to Shattered where they're free to be l33t. This could also result in more ex-players coming back to Prime, as there have been plenty of people who quit the game over the years due to such problem players ruining their gaming experience.
- Some people like GS just to see how far they can push their scripting skills. Shattered's lack of scripting rules would be a paradise for these players, as they'd be free to create and use scripts that would otherwise get someone banned from Prime.
- The free for all environment would create a different type of community and atmosphere than what is possible in Prime and Plat. On the surface, a lot of people would probably think Shattered would just be nonstop griefing everywhere all the time by everybody. While there most likely would be a lot of griefing, the community would also end up policing itself. Player run "factions" (for lack of a better term) would probably be formed, rivalry between said factions would probably take place, etc., none of which is possible at all in Prime since we're always told to just REPORT/ASSIST and let staff deal with it.
Things like that are the obvious benefits of releasing Shattered, most/all of which I assume you guys have already considered.
So with that in mind, I ask you...with all the benefits of releasing Shattered, what is it we are apparently missing that you guys see as reasons to not release Shattered?
The pros to Shattered are painfully obvious. The cons, not so much. Please enlighten us.
04-02-2010, 04:01 PM
My X-Post
Nice. xpost the response when you get it.
04-02-2010, 04:04 PM
The reason they don't want shattered?
They don't want us to realize that we don't need GM's to police us.
04-02-2010, 04:06 PM
Nice. xpost the response when you get it.
I'll probably forget to check on it, so if someone else sees it first, go ahead and post it here.
04-02-2010, 04:10 PM
From GS-Naos
>> Methais's Post
Oh, thanks for fixing my typo. Those keys are like right next to each other.
04-02-2010, 04:15 PM
>Oh, thanks for fixing my typo. Those keys are like right next to each other. -Naos
I know, I do it all the time too, so I understand how it could happen.
Now that we've cleared that up, perhaps we can move on to addressing the rest of my post.
04-02-2010, 04:15 PM
I'll probably forget to check on it, so if someone else sees it first, go ahead and post it here.
Have you actually ever seen a GM answer that type of a question before? I've never seen a single straight-forward answer to a straight-forward question from Simu EVER.
04-02-2010, 04:15 PM
Post if you can, just curious to see how many people will say yes.
Insufficient Access
You do not have sufficient access or subscription levels to complete your action.
MOONGODDESS: (3, 3, 1, 1)
Is this supposed to be the "Shattered" forum, or somewhere on the main forums?
04-02-2010, 04:17 PM
Insufficient Access
You do not have sufficient access or subscription levels to complete your action.
MOONGODDESS: (3, 3, 1, 1)
Is this supposed to be the "Shattered" forum, or somewhere on the main forums?
It's cause you have a trial account, I believe.
04-02-2010, 04:18 PM
Have you actually ever seen a GM answer that type of a question before?
I've never seen a single straight-forward answer to a straight-forward question from Simu EVER.
Me either, unless you count Ophion saying "No."
04-02-2010, 04:18 PM
My responses in the thread so far:
Oh, come on, Solomon. A player expresses disappointment fairly civilly and you play Simu's tradition trump card, "Oh, you players are so crazy. Stop overreacting." The disappointment there is legitimate; you shouldn't joke around with something people very much want. It's like teasing the unemployed with the offer of employment, then saying, "Oh, April Fool's!" It's just cruel.
There's often been too much juvenilia and unprofessionalism in Simu's responses and handling of its customers and this joke is another example. It seems like Simu and most of the GMs have the attitude that it's their sandbox, and the players should be grateful for being allowed a corner.
And then in response to Naos's dickishness:
>Naos's post.
That was incredibly rude, dismissive, and generally disrespectful. Shame on you.
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
04-02-2010, 04:20 PM
It's cause you have a trial account, I believe.
Meh. I was hoping it wouldn't be because of that. *mumble* (Thanks.)
04-02-2010, 04:23 PM
Naos's post.
That was incredibly rude, dismissive, and generally disrespectful. Shame on you.
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
See I sorta thought his post was kinda funny.
04-02-2010, 04:23 PM
See I sorta thought his post was kinda funny.
They're not mutually exclusive.
04-02-2010, 04:28 PM
Sirina posted. Not a joke. By end of the month.
04-02-2010, 04:30 PM
Sirina posted. Not a joke. By end of the month.
By golly...
Today not being a ridiculous holiday where people play stupid pranks on each other, I will confirm - it's not a prank.
We'll be opening GemStone: Shattered very soon - my hope is before the month is out.
In general terms, for those unfamiliar with the concept, Shattered will be an instance of the game where there are few rules and little GM monitoring. PvP is allowed. AFK scripting is allowed. ASSIST and REFER will be disabled. GMs will monitor for major bugs, and not much else.
The cost to access Shattered will be $5/month on top of your prime subscription. If you have a platinum subscription, Shattered access will be included at no additional charge.
More info to come as we get closer.
~Sirina (hates April Fool's!)
Clearly it was because of my post.
04-02-2010, 04:32 PM
Sirina posted. Not a joke. By end of the month.
So... sometime early 2013 I'll guess.
04-02-2010, 04:33 PM
Holy flaming shitsticks. THAT'S AWESOME.
04-02-2010, 04:38 PM
$5 more? *sigh*
04-02-2010, 04:47 PM
$5 more? *sigh*
Surely you're fucking kidding.
Put down the supersized cheeseburger combo meal ONE day out of the fucking month. Jesus Christ.
04-02-2010, 04:51 PM
Yeah, $5 is really reasonable IMO, especially for SIMUlated rape.
04-02-2010, 04:53 PM
Apparently they were considering charging $5-10 on top of a Premium subscription at first, according to my super secret secret source that has their own super secret secret source.
04-02-2010, 04:59 PM
No reason why it would be priced any different from DR:Fallen.
04-02-2010, 05:05 PM
I love this idea. It really opens up new venues of roleplay for violent, insane, or generally destructive characters, as well as for assassins and real bounty hunters and so forth.
Edit: Evarin, I expect to see you in The Shattered. :)
Some Rogue
04-02-2010, 05:08 PM
lol rp, like there will be rp on a realm full of scripters and pk'ers
04-02-2010, 05:10 PM
lol rp, like there will be rp on a realm full of scripters and pk'ers
We'll see. It's not just scripting that'll attract people to The Shattered. It's the lack of infantalization.
04-02-2010, 05:11 PM
Best suggestion, before you say there is no RP, or everyone is a pk'er, is to find out what the environment in DR:The Fallen is. From what I understand (not having played it, but spoken with some folks who do) is that the rp is minimal, and the equivalent of the amunet is full of completely OOC discussions, somewhat similar to what lnet is like, but that the PK'ing is not at all a problem, or at most a minimal problem, and that everyone is able to get along, for the most part.
04-02-2010, 05:13 PM
I'm bummed that its going to fragment the already tiny player base ever further.
04-02-2010, 05:13 PM
Holy crap, that's actually awesome... not that I'm going to have the money or time to play it, but I'd totally roll up a character in the Shattered instance if I do ever come back. :D
(Though, that raises the question: will the a Prime account with Shattered access have one character slot for each server, or one total character slot?)
Drunken Durfin
04-02-2010, 05:16 PM
No Ass-monkey* GMs.
No CHALLENGE verb requirement before you up and kill a douche bag in town.
No script checks in the forge.
Play an evil mass-murdering character with no fear of being locked out.
Yeah, I'll pay $5 for that without blinking. I just hope I can transfer Durfin over.
*Not all GMs I have encountered are ass-monkies. There are a couple that I rather like.
04-02-2010, 05:18 PM
Can we finally say words like 'fuck' and 'shit' in game?
Sign me the fuck up.
04-02-2010, 05:21 PM
No Ass-monkey* GMs.
No CHALLENGE verb requirement before you up and kill a douche bag in town.
No script checks in the forge.
Play an evil mass-murdering character with no fear of being locked out.
Yeah, I'll pay $5 for that without blinking. I just hope I can transfer Durfin over.
*Not all GMs I have encountered are ass-monkies. There are a couple that I rather like.
Sure, these are all pros. But you failed to list the cons.
Dumb fuck names like Dickholesorc etcetera.
Leet speak outloud.
Cybering in public.
Killing someone only to have their corpse sit wherever to script FUCK YOU FUCK YOU 1000X.
Amongst other problems.. sure players might be able to police these issues. MIGHT.
04-02-2010, 05:22 PM
Holy crap, that's actually awesome... not that I'm going to have the money or time to play it, but I'd totally roll up a character in the Shattered instance if I do ever come back. :D
(Though, that raises the question: will the a Prime account with Shattered access have one character slot for each server, or one total character slot?)
A shattered account will include premium. This makes 4 teirs
Prime < Premium < Shattered < Platinum
Just as Plat accounts include premium, as will shattered include premium.
04-02-2010, 05:24 PM
I just hope I can transfer Durfin over.
Fuck that. It better start at 0 for everybody.
Drunken Durfin
04-02-2010, 05:24 PM
Sure, these are all pros. But you failed to list the cons.
Dumb fuck names like Dickholesorc etcetera.
Leet speak outloud.
Cybering in public.
Killing someone only to have their corpse sit wherever to script FUCK YOU FUCK YOU 1000X.
Amongst other problems.. sure players might be able to police these issues. MIGHT.
For items 1 - 3, kill them.
For item 4, leave the room.
04-02-2010, 05:26 PM
In addendum,
No interesting items since there will be little to no GM involvement. Lots of bland items, though in some respects thats kind of nice.
Forgers and wizards are going to be really sought after.. or not at all, since you could get disarmed repeatedly for your 7x perfect maul.
04-02-2010, 05:27 PM
It could go 2 ways, really. It could start mostly RP because that's what people are used to, then degenerate into a WoW-like environment. Alternatively, it could start out with all sorts of idiocy "because we can," then settle into mostly-RP as people get bored and a core group develops. Personally, I vote for the second option. People will go nuts in the beginning, but very few of us ever played GS without enjoying the RP at one point or another. I think it'll settle down to a more-RP-than-not environment (but never the type you see in the real game), in time.
04-02-2010, 05:30 PM
Imagine the group dynamics as people team up for safety. Kill a guy in such and such group, have them list you as KOS. Etc.
Drunken Durfin
04-02-2010, 05:31 PM
I really see this as having a lot of potential for people to come together in groups. All this talk of "it will be nothing but scripters with no interaction" just does not fit with how I see things happening. If we all start from scratch on this, I really do see a lot of interaction and alliances forming.
Yeah, I'll be scripting the hell out of stuff, but at the same time I am going to want to have friends, who are doing the same.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-02-2010, 05:32 PM
If it's anything like DR: The Fallen, my brother plays DR and Fallen and he says Fallen is very self-policing, that for the most part people get along and there is RP, it's just that OOCness isn't smacked down so it's not as RP-heavy as the main game.
04-02-2010, 05:32 PM
Yeah, if everyone started at lvl 0 again, I would probably sign up.
04-02-2010, 05:37 PM
Imagine the group dynamics as people team up for safety. Kill a guy in such and such group, have them list you as KOS. Etc.
Yeah.. this has all been done before.. a million times over in a million other muds. Before you say, but there is no greater mud than gemstone!!
You're wrong. Gemstone is good hack and slash, other than that.. its dreadful. If they would just introduce city/rts/competitive play mechanics into prime, there would be no need for shattered.
Oh as well as a pk system. One system I like is a challenge verb, where if both accept there is no negative karma assigned to the killer. The loser still loses exp. If they DO NOT accept the challenge, you can still kill them but you generate negative karma. If you die to another player before that negative karma wears off, you get hit with an exp loss proportinal to the amount you've got built up.
This way sure, you can be a homicidal maniac, but if you die, you pay for it.
If we had this in prime we wouldnt need shattered or gm intervention when it comes to PK.
Secondly all of this was superceded by a cities ability to declare war on another city. If both parties war status were set to war the players fighting would see a decreased amount of exp loss and karma would be disabled.
Again, make a sandbox, but police through mechanics. Its not that hard a concept.
No CHALLENGE verb requirement before you up and kill a douche bag in town.
Not that that stops people in Prime anyway.
Also I doubt the justice system will be suspended in Shattered.
04-02-2010, 05:41 PM
>>I may have missed it while skimming over all the hate, but any word on whether we'll be able to port characters from other instances?
No, everyone will start from scratch. (Except me.)
Drunken Durfin
04-02-2010, 05:42 PM
02-2010 04:19 PM waaaaaaaaah gm got mad at me for PvP so I want my own box to play by myself but I don't want to go there unless I can bring my already capped character because I don't want the chance of someone else being able to compete with my bullying
Wow, you might want to think through your neg rep next time before you post it. If I wanted a box to play in by myself, who would I be bullying?
Besides, I don't want my own box to play in by myself. If that is what I was looking for I'd get a Xbox or something. Idiot. As for a GM getting mad at me, I could give a shit. I just don't have time for pussies who REPORT when they get killed instead of just dealing with it themselves. If your only recourse is to go crying to momma I don't have time for you.
Drunken Durfin
04-02-2010, 05:46 PM
Not that that stops people in Prime anyway.
Also I doubt the justice system will be suspended in Shattered.
Going to jail does not bother me. Having to script through POLICY and then listen wait through a GM pontificating while they masturbate does.
Drunken Durfin
04-02-2010, 05:48 PM
>>I may have missed it while skimming over all the hate, but any word on whether we'll be able to port characters from other instances?
No, everyone will start from scratch. (Except me.)
Well, looks like we need to start deciding who and what. I think I might go Bard this time.
04-02-2010, 05:59 PM
Juvenilia is a sweet word.
Would it have been so hard to just say it was real in the beginning of this CS fiasco? Is that so hard a concept? Jesus.
I wonder which rules specifically will be among the "few". Criminal behavior?
04-02-2010, 06:00 PM
Shattered will be fun and all, but aren't they just a touch worried about splitting an already meager population further? Hopefully this will prompt them (after the population dips) to add the plat portals to prime.
04-02-2010, 06:05 PM
Juvenilia is a sweet word.
Would it have been so hard to just say it was real in the beginning of this CS fiasco? Is that so hard a concept? Jesus.
I wonder which rules specifically will be among the "few". Criminal behavior?
I assume they are similar to these:
Please read this completely! Any time you play DragonRealms: The Fallen you are designating that you agree to these rules!
You understand that the additional rules and relaxation of rules detailed here only apply to DragonRealms: The Fallen and not to any other version of DragonRealms! You are responsible for knowing which version of DragonRealms you are playing. Normal game policies still apply in DragonRealms and DragonRealms Platinum.
You understand that in DragonRealms: The Fallen, there are no rules of any kind against vulgar language, harassment, or adult content! If you are offended or find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, you understand that you may leave the area at any time, either by walking away or by logging out of the game. A GameMaster cannot help you.
You understand that in DragonRealms: The Fallen, there is no chance for item replacement of any kind! If your character loses an item or even his or her entire inventory for any reason, there is no recourse for getting it back. A GameMaster cannot help you.
You understand that in DragonRealms: The Fallen, your character is subject to attack from any other player's character at any time for any reason! This is an open Player vs. Player environment. If your character is killed, even permanently, there is no recourse for getting it back. A GameMaster cannot help you.
You understand that in DragonRealms: The Fallen, there is no way to receive help regarding technical problems (such as by using ASSIST, REPORT, or writing Customer Service)! This is an un-monitored environment. If your character encounters a bug or other technical problem, even one that renders your character "unplayable", there is no recourse for recovery or reimbursement of any kind, either in-game or out. A GameMaster cannot help you.
You understand that in DragonRealms: The Fallen, there are no rules against "scripting" or any other methods allowing for gain of experience, money, or any in-game advantage while away from the keyboard! You also understand that if you choose to leave your character unattended, you are accepting full responsibility for whatever happens to your character during that time. If your character is killed, stolen from, altered in any fashion, or negatively impacted in any way (up to and including permanent death), there is no recourse. A GameMaster cannot help you.
You understand that in DragonRealms: The Fallen, you can be locked out if you violate those Simutronics' policies that prohibit unauthorized or malicious access of another customer's account, those that prohibit the abuse of major "bugs", or for any reason if it is determined to be in Simutronics' best interests to remove you from the playing environment! If you observe someone else abusing a serious bug, or discussing a plan to abuse one, and fail to report it, you are subject to the same penalties as they are. Serious bugs should be reported by using the BUG verb as well as by using REPORT. Benefits obtained from bug abuse may be confiscated, at Simutronics' sole discretion. Even in DragonRealms: The Fallen, Simutronics reserves the right to make special-case adjustments to its policies and the steps it takes concerning violation of these policies.
04-02-2010, 06:07 PM
The cost to access Shattered will be $5/month on top of your prime subscription.
A shattered account will include premium. This makes 4 teirs
Prime < Premium < Shattered < Platinum
Just as Plat accounts include premium, as will shattered include premium.
You got it backwards... it should read Prime < Shattered < Premium < Platinum. $5/month on top of whatever subscription you have, so a Prime account holder would pay $20/month for it, a Premium account holder would pay $45 for it... and it is included with Plat subscriptions.
So, I ask again... will it be one character slot per server, or one character slot total (assuming you don't have a Premium/Plat subscription)?
04-02-2010, 06:21 PM
There would be some upsides and downsides. The main downside, like has been mentioned, is splitting the playerbase even more. It would be fun as hell to play again and start our own town or race wars. I bet at first it's just going to be a scripting fest to see who can level the fastest and all that. But I know a bunch of people in game could come up with their own story-lines/government/etc..
04-02-2010, 06:23 PM
Shattered will be fun and all, but aren't they just a touch worried about splitting an already meager population further? Hopefully this will prompt them (after the population dips) to add the plat portals to prime.Haven't you heard? Making a Shattered server will bring back everyone who has ever left GemStone, and according to very reliable eyewitness testimony there were at least 4000 people on at all hours back in the day.
Mighty Nikkisaurus
04-02-2010, 06:24 PM
God I can't wait for this to be released.
Sylvan Dreams
04-02-2010, 06:26 PM Gemstone: Shattered -... ( 04-02-2010 12:19 AM of course it's a joke you retard Gemstone: Shattered -... ( 04-01-2010 03:40 PM is u b retarted o wat
We'll be opening GemStone: Shattered very soon - my hope is before the month is out.
Guess I'm not all that retarded after all.
04-02-2010, 06:31 PM
I don't think this is a good idea. It's just going to split the populace even more. Currently there's less than 350 playing. On a friday evening. Imagine than halved. Hurrah for ghost towns!
04-02-2010, 06:35 PM
I don't think this is a good idea. It's just going to split the populace even more. Currently there's less than 350 playing. On a friday evening. Imagine than halved. Hurrah for ghost towns!
I agree to an extent. Part of the problem is you can only have 1 instance of GS running per account. This means people in Shattered are only in shattered unless they have multiple accounts. I really wish they would allow you to play in Shattered and Prime/Plat at the same time. Shattered will be all about AFK scripting anyway.
04-02-2010, 06:44 PM
As Droit said, I'm bummed it might fragment the already small population. The number of players has increase probably by 50% just because of the giftbox and trial accounts; it's been fun to seem more than 1 or 2 people at major congregating areas.
On the other hand, the prospect of being a complete shitfarmer shockfuck and basically forming gangs of roaming fuckheads seems pretty fun.
04-02-2010, 06:51 PM
One of the things that initially drew me to GS, and still draws me to this day, is the roleplaying aspect that just isn't present elsewhere. Other games I'm not interested in rping in, so I almost exclusively play on pvp servers. I think that removing that rp aspect would essentially make Shattered a WoW-lite clone.
On the other hand, it would be nice to be able to handle your problems on your own and not get banned for scripting.
I don't know. I might try it out if the price is included in a premium membership, which I have a hard enough time trying to justify already (still in the free month for a reactivated account currently).
04-02-2010, 06:53 PM
I hope they bring back dropage and let people go demonic again.
04-02-2010, 07:01 PM
<<So... was Shattered a joke that was made real from all the hate that it might be a joke or was it always real?>>
It's been in the works for quite some time.
SGM Sleken
04-02-2010, 07:04 PM
The question I'm debating with myself is whether to reuse the same name. Even if I do, the character will have some significant differences. On the one hand, I like the recognition reusing "Nuadjha" would bring from other players, if not their characters, but on the other, starting with a blank slate is attractive.
04-02-2010, 07:05 PM
The question I'm debating with myself is whether to reuse the same name. Even if I do, the character will have some significant differences. On the one hand, I like the recognition reusing "Nuadjha" would bring from other players, if not their characters, but on the other, starting with a blank slate is attractive.
Use it, then roll up a different character.
04-02-2010, 07:08 PM
Use someone elses name just for giggles...
Who wants to race me to Evarin!? ;)
My Starsnuffer will be a halfling empath.
04-02-2010, 07:12 PM
I hate you all with a fiery passion that shall burn throughout eternity.
Drunken Durfin
04-02-2010, 07:12 PM
Shattered will be all about AFK scripting anyway.
For the first couple of months I totally agree with you. After people get to a good mid-range level I expect it will start to taper off.
As for myself, I rarely interact with anyone in-game these days. I am looking forward to starting fresh with a bunch of folks and building a community from the ground up.
04-02-2010, 07:13 PM
Would you really use Evarin again?
I'd be Danical probably.
Firstname Lastname always gets his.
04-02-2010, 07:15 PM
For the first couple of months I totally agree with you. After people get to a good mid-range level I expect it will start to taper off.
As for myself, I rarely interact with anyone in-game these days. I am looking forward to starting fresh with a bunch of folks and building a community from the ground up.
I disagree entirely. I think this is actually what some people thought would happen in DR's version too. People for a time attempted to play it, and RP by Prime standards. They eventually petered out, and the scripting bunch remained. People will cap within ..6 months? That's being generous. I am not hating on the concept of the game. I am very happy they are doing it. I just feel bad for those who are going to really try to RP amongst others being obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious.
04-02-2010, 07:16 PM
Would you really use Evarin again?
I'd be Danical probably.
If I WERE to play? Absolutely. Will I? Doubtful. Same reason I wont go to plat. Too much time/money invested in prime.
04-02-2010, 07:16 PM
I agree. I think RPing will be minimal.
04-02-2010, 07:18 PM
I agree. I think RPing will be minimal.
So it will be the same as Prime then? :)
04-02-2010, 07:23 PM
What about this "minimal GM involvement?" Does that mean no alterers, merchants, storylines, invasions? Or if Shattered does get those things, does that mean the already pitiful prime/platinum calendar gets even fewer GM-run events?
The more I think about it, the more I think this is going to suck for prime.
Drunken Durfin
04-02-2010, 07:23 PM
So it will be the same as Prime then? :)
04-02-2010, 07:27 PM
What about this "minimal GM involvement?" Does that mean no alterers, merchants, storylines, invasions? Or if Shattered does get those things, does that mean the already pitiful prime/platinum calendar gets even fewer GM-run events?
The more I think about it, the more I think this is going to suck for prime.
I don't think they'll have the same kind GM "enhancement" as Prime. By enhancement, I mean merchants, storylines, etc. Maybe invasions? Unfortunately, it doesn't take a skilled GM to run a shitty invasion but it takes an exceptionally acute GM to run a great one. I think we've all experienced the former.
Basically, I think they will balance the lack of GM enhancement by the lack of GM policing. Give and take, I suppose.
04-02-2010, 07:35 PM
We'll see. Having no access to alterers puts a pretty heavy damper on RP potential, especially since Shattered doesn't have 15 years worth of accumulated gear, alterations and festival items. It will be interesting to watch how this plays out.
04-02-2010, 07:37 PM
I wonder why its been in development for so long. If it were a direct port with no gms, psh, couldnt you do that in a day?
Makes you wonder exactly what they have planned and how its going to differ.
04-02-2010, 07:50 PM
Gemstone: Shattered -... 04-02-2010 07:10 PM I want you to use the same name so I can hunt you down like dog
I think I should pat myself on the back for inspiring fanatical hate from weirdos.
04-02-2010, 07:53 PM
We'll see. Having no access to alterers puts a pretty heavy damper on RP potential, especially since Shattered doesn't have 15 years worth of accumulated gear, alterations and festival items. It will be interesting to watch how this plays out.
I see Shattered as having little to no RP, so I don't see getting alters as a problem. However, high-end gear for more gear dependent professions may end up being a problem. Yet pvp in the end game, or certainly long before that, it's whoever hits the macro/key/script first.
I see Shattered as evolving quickly into a gang mentality. I actually think that's pretty rad. Sponsorship, acquisitions, ganking, regulated distribution of wealth within the gang for increased global protection, etc. Essentially, it will be organized crime at it's best, insofar as a game context is concerned. I love it.
I wonder why its been in development for so long. If it were a direct port with no gms, psh, couldnt you do that in a day?
Makes you wonder exactly what they have planned and how its going to differ.
I've been told BY MY SUPER SECRET GMs FRIENDS (or guessing), that perhaps the move had something to do with it coupled with the dwindling population and this is simply an attempt to generate more income which didn't require many resources. Perhaps it's a weird analogy but I see it as a car recall. SIMU didn't implement Shattered until they thought they could generate a positive revenue from both Prime and Shattered without much resource drain and without splitting the population too much. Although, I think they probably could have done it at least 3 years ago as a stop-loss strategy.
04-02-2010, 08:00 PM
God I can't wait for this to be released.
I hope you plan on incorporating your boobs into the ACT verb whenever you attack something.
04-02-2010, 08:03 PM
Use someone elses name just for giggles...
Who wants to race me to Evarin!? ;)
Hopefully Ardwen will play and name himself Warclaidhm. And/or vice versa.
04-02-2010, 08:04 PM
You guys remember when they announced the change to GSIV, and then they opened up alpha testing, and you logged in your character from prime, and there was like, this table where you could just pick up all this killer gear (like "an uber 10x falchion" sort of thing), and they didn't care what you did, and there were these people standing outside of the North Gate all day long meteor swarming and open imploding WASN'T THAT AWESOME?!
I would be enticed if there were no additional charge on top of a premium subscription, because it would be free. When you take "it's free" out of the equation, I'm not sure I'm interested here. Way too little faith in my fellow man to believe the pros can come anywhere near outweighing the cons. Sure wish they would make prime as attractive to former players as Gemstone: SMASHED TO BITS apparently is.
04-02-2010, 08:07 PM
You guys remember when they announced the change to GSIV, and then they opened up alpha testing, and you logged in your character from prime, and there was like, this table where you could just pick up all this killer gear (like "an uber 10x falchion" sort of thing), and they didn't care what you did, and there were these people standing outside of the North Gate all day long meteor swarming and open imploding WASN'T THAT AWESOME?!
Somehow I don't see Shattered being like that, mainly because the HEALME verb won't be active like in GS4 alpha, the little tidbit you forgot to mention.
04-02-2010, 08:09 PM
Somehow I don't see Shattered being like that, mainly because the HEALME verb won't be active like in GS4 alpha, the little tidbit you forgot to mention.
REZME was also pretty sweet.
EDIT: Anyway, I don't think it'll be exactly like that, but I think there are enough douchebags among EVEN THOSE OF US HERE to put as at risk of entering a douchebag zone. Something like a one-month trial of the new instance might tickle my fancy, but the first month isn't going to be at all representative of what future months will be like.
04-02-2010, 08:21 PM
REZME was also pretty sweet.
EDIT: Anyway, I don't think it'll be exactly like that, but I think there are enough douchebags among EVEN THOSE OF US HERE to put as at risk of entering a douchebag zone. Something like a one-month trial of the new instance might tickle my fancy, but the first month isn't going to be at all representative of what future months will be like.
It's quite possible that the first few months will have none of that, as people will be too busy afk scripting their way up the ladder to stop and pwn faces.
Plus once a people get a reputation of being a massive griefing douchebag, lynch mobs and blacklisting will form and turn the tables, and/or the constant griefing of people 40 levels under you will get boring after a while and the griefing will die down a lot.
Comparing the Prime and Shattered communities once Shattered has been out for a good while would make an interesting essay for someone's psychology class too.
04-02-2010, 08:24 PM
You guys remember when they announced the change to GSIV, and then they opened up alpha testing, and you logged in your character from prime, and there was like, this table where you could just pick up all this killer gear (like "an uber 10x falchion" sort of thing), and they didn't care what you did, and there were these people standing outside of the North Gate all day long meteor swarming and open imploding WASN'T THAT AWESOME?!
Actually, it was. The first thing I did was send an alt demonic. Then I stood outside North Gate with my rogue, playing Dodge the Meteor for a bit. HEALME kicked ass, as did the Uber 10x (items) of DOOM on the shelves. Being an asshole can be a lot of fun. That's why I love the PC (oh sorry, PCs).
04-02-2010, 08:25 PM
I wonder how Shattered will affect the price of silvers in Prime.
I plan to cyber with Tisket all day in TSC. Even if she doesn't play.
04-02-2010, 08:47 PM
One thing to remember is there is nothing to stop someone from silencing/binding your character into oblivion. You can log out, and he can promptly set up a script to keep refreshing these spells, and let himself go AFK. If someone acts like a big enough asshole, i'm sure someone will take the time to do it.
04-02-2010, 08:49 PM
I wonder why its been in development for so long. If it were a direct port with no gms, psh, couldnt you do that in a day?
Makes you wonder exactly what they have planned and how its going to differ.
I think Shattered is going to be an excuse Simu uses when monks get brought up. 'Sorry guys, we were too busy in dev with Shattered to work on them.'
04-02-2010, 08:50 PM
One thing to remember is there is nothing to stop someone from silencing/binding your character into oblivion. You can log out, and he can promptly set up a script to keep refreshing these spells, and let himself go AFK. If someone acts like a big enough asshole, i'm sure someone will take the time to do it.
If the binder and his victim were the only people in the game, then yeah.
Otherwise, have your friend show up to kill the binder (or stack 3 hours of bind on him), and then chop your head off to free you from the bind if you don't feel like waiting it out.
Whatever you do to someone else to grief them, another person can also do the same to you. I think things will be fine in the longrun, and a massive pwnfest for the first few months.
04-02-2010, 08:53 PM
If the binder and his victim were the only people in the game, then yeah.
Otherwise, have your friend show up to kill the binder (or stack 3 hours of bind on him), and then chop your head off to free you from the bind if you don't feel like waiting it out.
Whatever you do to someone else to grief them, another person can also do the same to you. I think things will be fine in the longrun, and a massive pwnfest for the first few months.
Yeah - I think things will find a balance eventually.
04-02-2010, 10:03 PM
And it'll make an excellent test instance for new shit for prime and plat, if they wanna go that route.
I'd be pro start over from level 0.
04-02-2010, 10:06 PM
And it'll make an excellent test instance for new shit for prime and plat, if they wanna go that route.
I'd support that idea.
Liberi Fatali
04-02-2010, 10:28 PM
I'd support that idea.
Rhett, or someone else -- can you post on the officials and see if we will be able to at least transfer our names over? I don't want some thundering fuck stealing my character(s) names, etc.
I'd ask myself, but even though I paid for the next month of my account, it's still got me on the "free trial" and won't let me post on the officials (or even cast at anyone else -- what the mother truck).
04-02-2010, 10:39 PM
Rhett, or someone else -- can you post on the officials and see if we will be able to at least transfer our names over? I don't want some thundering fuck stealing my character(s) names, etc.
I'd ask myself, but even though I paid for the next month of my account, it's still got me on the "free trial" and won't let me post on the officials (or even cast at anyone else -- what the mother truck).
I couldn't save some poor picker from a scarab cause I couldn't blow his limb off. It was a shame, really. He needn't have died.
I wonder how Shattered will affect the price of silvers in Prime.
I plan to cyber with Tisket all day in TSC. Even if she doesn't play.
Good idea, I will too. I am one of those who signed up for the free enhansive/month of free play, and typed giftbox or w/e it was and then logged off. But the cyber tisket thing is a good idea, it will probably lead to her hooking us up with one of her friends! YES
04-02-2010, 11:14 PM
Good idea, I will too. I am one of those who signed up for the free enhansive/month of free play, and typed giftbox or w/e it was and then logged off. But the cyber tisket thing is a good idea, it will probably lead to her hooking us up with one of her friends! YES
I have it on good authority that you will never have sex, ever.
04-02-2010, 11:16 PM
We'll see. Having no access to alterers puts a pretty heavy damper on RP potential, especially since Shattered doesn't have 15 years worth of accumulated gear, alterations and festival items. It will be interesting to watch how this plays out.
Fallen has gotten bunches of alterers and items.
04-02-2010, 11:22 PM
I have it on good authority that you will never have sex, ever.
You couldn't gather that by the avatar? Actually, he has lots of sex [with dudes]. Who are you to judge his sexual interests?
04-03-2010, 04:33 PM
So what's the big deal anyway? Shattered sounds just like GS circa 1994 + some shit that will not be fun.
There will be zero RP factor when someone can go off about a NCAA playoff game for an hour in TSC without consequence. It's just not quite as enjoyable when there is no RP context.
> wizard says, "WHAT???? You faggots don't like W. Virginia???"
> wizard casts meteor swarm
1. GM enforcement of RP is a good thing
2. PvP policy from GS3 was better
3. Breakage & Droppage is how it used to be
Total from lines 1 thru 3: GSIII 1994
Bottomline, I'm all for it but the 'anything goes clause' is going to kill it for me when I have to listen to real world ooc crap.
04-03-2010, 04:39 PM
On the other hand, players could enforce RPing on the black net or something. If you talk about OOG/OOC crap, you get killed.
04-03-2010, 05:35 PM
Imagine how much of a goat rodeo the catacombs are going to be for the first day or so.
04-03-2010, 05:44 PM
There will be zero RP factor when someone can go off about a NCAA playoff game for an hour in TSC without consequence. It's just not quite as enjoyable when there is no RP context.
For you, maybe not. For others, sure. It's a good thing you'll still have Prime, where you can enjoy the impeccable RP skills of roleplaying scholars like Vif.
04-03-2010, 05:59 PM
For you, maybe not. For others, sure. It's a good thing you'll still have Prime, where you can enjoy the impeccable RP skills of roleplaying scholars like Vif.
Jesus I hate that cunt nug. That's a player I would love to meet up with in Shattered.
04-03-2010, 06:01 PM
Jesus I hate that cunt nug. That's a player I would love to meet up with in Shattered.
Hopefully she'll stay in Prime, to help preserve its RP heavy atmosphere.
04-03-2010, 07:25 PM
One thing I'm relieved about is not having to ridiculously justify some types of out of game things in game. I get that it's not hard to mask these things but ffs, sometimes I don't want to dick around with the injection of bullshit justification to find ask/know some things. I admit, I haven't RP'd since the GSS. 4 years now? 5?
"Spare any spiritual magic?"
"I have 23478 more pages before achieving the next chapter" (or some other fucking retarded equivalent)
"my mind is full"
"Give me 101/107 dickhat."
"23478 more exp til I can pwn your face better"
"I'm fried like a chicken leg in the south"
04-03-2010, 08:26 PM
"Give me 101/107 dickhat."
04-03-2010, 09:59 PM
I approve this as an standard head-worn item for my half-korl war wizard, Vulvamancer.
Liberi Fatali
04-03-2010, 10:11 PM
It's going to be pretty hilarious if there's no name reservations.
I'm going to create Methais and have him walk normal!
Yeah, where's the wissy-tailed wig-wog that was supposed to relay my question on to the officials about name transfers?!
04-04-2010, 07:26 PM
Yeah, where's the wissy-tailed wig-wog that was supposed to relay my question on to the officials about name transfers?!
Posted. No response.
Liberi Fatali
04-04-2010, 08:13 PM
Posted. No response.
Oh. Okay. Stupid.
Gemstone: Shattered -... 04-04-2010 11:33 PM I can't wait to steal your name and act like a douche. More like a douche.
I've got a big FAT fucking bone to pick with you my darling.
Liberi Fatali
04-04-2010, 08:39 PM
Gemstone: Shattered -... 04-05-2010 12:22 AM Don't you make like 100k/year or someshit? And you need someone to post for you? Really?
True or false: Your reading comprehension is atrocious.
04-04-2010, 08:49 PM
Gemstone: Shattered -... 04-04-2010 06:34 PM fuck off
Liberi Fatali
04-04-2010, 09:06 PM
Gemstone: Shattered -... 04-05-2010 12:40 AM True or false: he was saying you should man up and pay 15 bucks so you can post, faggot. And I'm sure your wife tells your your "FAT" bone is the reason why she can't have sex with you.
You are a disgrace to fat, gelatinous, out of shape little kids the world over.
04-09-2010, 10:01 AM
One thing to remember is there is nothing to stop someone from silencing/binding your character into oblivion. You can log out, and he can promptly set up a script to keep refreshing these spells, and let himself go AFK. If someone acts like a big enough asshole, i'm sure someone will take the time to do it.
I already have the script. I used to use it in prime before the GMS got all frowny face on me about it and said 'that script is seriously endangering your longevity as a player'.
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