View Full Version : Locker cleaning auction

03-31-2010, 10:17 PM
All items will go once, twice, sold.
Mail bids to hailee@play.net or IM thiefwithheart
All winners have 1 week after SOLD to arrange for pick up.

Amulet Holders MB 100k
an ornate gold blazestar-inset crown

A few scripts:
>wave fan
You wave your silver-edged fan a few times, enjoying the cool breeze.
Open and close scripts
a palm frond fan with a jade inset handle
a palm frond fan with a jade inset handle
a palm frond fan with small lengths of hemp
a palm frond fan with a carved ivory handle
a palm frond fan trimmed with ivory tipped verdant ribbons

Holds VSA
a low-slung vivid bloodjewel belt
a low-slung deep carmine belt
a jewel studded sorrel belt
a low-slung thin golden chain-link belt

an eleven-star constellation pin: An obsidian disk has been scored with thin lines, and ruby dust has been worked into the markings. Chips of rubies mark eleven points of the ruby dusted markings clearly forming a wide feline paw. There appears to be something written on it.: Andelas's mark on the spring nights lasts from Olaesta 19th to Ivastaen 2nd.
MB 50k

an intricate silver waistchain hung with carved onyx cabochons MB 25k

a miniature black coffin MB 100k
>look in coffin
In the black coffin you see a dead opossum.
rub op
You pet your dead opossum. It doesn't seem very interested in your affection.
>tilt op
You slowly tilt your dead opossum from side to side, watching its head loll back and forth.
>pinch op
You give your dead opossum a pinch, but it doesn't even wince.
>poke op
You poke your dead opossum. It doesn't move.
push op
You roll your dead opossum over onto its back. This only makes it look even more dead, so you quickly right it again.
>press op
You roll your dead opossum over onto its back. This only makes it look even more dead, so you quickly right it again.
pull op
You arrange your dead opossum into a more lifelike position.
turn op
You turn your dead opossum around to face the other way.
hug op
You give your dead opossum a warm hug, politely ignoring the dark ooze that seeps onto your shoulder.
>kiss op
You give your dead opossum an affectionate kiss, hardly even noticing the smell.
wave op
You wave your dead opossum around exuberantly, letting it enjoy the fresh air.
>hold op
You relax your hold on the dead opossum in your hand.
>toss op
You set your dead opossum on the ground, but it does not seem interested in exercise. You pick it back up again.

a ruby-winged dark rhimar mockingbird
>wear mo
You place your dark rhimar mockingbird on your shoulder.
turn mockingbird
You slowly wind the dark rhimar mockingbird's crank, feeling the spring tighten and the clicking of tiny gears as the mockingbird's beak opens and closes.
>spin mockingbird
You enthusiastically turn the crank on your dark rhimar mockingbird, impatient to bring forth a beautiful song. The gears inside the dark rhimar mockingbird groan in protest and then.. Booooiiiinnnnggggg!!! Next time try to turn it a little more slowly.
push mockingbird
You push back the latch holding the crank in place on your dark rhimar mockingbird and the mechanical sound of clicking gears can be heard. Suddenly, the mockingbird seems to come to life as it flaps its wings in rhythmic motion and begins to sing a hauntingly beautiful melody.
As your dark rhimar mockingbird continues to sing, a beautiful and hypnotic melody lilts through the air as if the mockingbird is pouring out its mechanical heart for the world to hear.
AND MORE MB 500k mil

some violet knitting needles: Make mittens MB 10k

some leaf green knitting needles: Make a shawl MB 10k

an engraved steel music box
turn my box
You wind up an engraved steel music box and release the key. A few strains of aimless music grind from it, carried with a strong string theme that possesses only a bit of metallic resonance to reflect its clockwork nature.

sturdy leather weapons harness MB 50K cb 50K ORMR SOLD
You estimate that a sturdy leather weapons harness can store a large amount with enough space for several items.You determine that you could wear the harness, slinging it across your shoulders and back.
SHOW: Clearly crafted with dwarven expertise and precision, this harness is far lighter than it looks. There are several compartments within the container, each with more than enough room to hold gear or weapons. Tooled into the leather is the image of an overturned railcar.

a mistwood bow case carved with elven runes MB 100k
You estimate that a mistwood bow case carved with elven runes can store a large amount with enough space for any number of items of small size.
You determine that you could wear the case, slinging it across your shoulders and back. The case appears to serve some purpose.

a black silk climbing pack MB 100k
VLA, back worn, weighs 4 pounds

small wicker basket with green ribbon wrapped around the handle MB 25k
SA, not wearable
a black and tan sturdily woven hemp backpack
VLA, Back worn


Jastev's Crystal constellation clasp: Skillfully crafted from solid invar, the clasp is adorned with a series of tiny hooks with a delicate platinum star dangling from each one. Looking more closely, you see the stars form the pattern of the constellation commonly known as Jastev's Crystal.

You blow on your constellation clasp.
A faint foggy mist forms over the surface of the clasp then slowly fades away.
>tap clasp
You gently tap your clasp, causing the individual stars in the constellation to glimmer in the ambient light.
>pull clasp
You carefully adjust your clasp, making sure that all of the stars are properly aligned.
turn clasp
As you turn your clasp, the stars in the constellation gently chime together.

a Queen of Enlightenment constellation clasp: Skillfully crafted from solid invar, the clasp is adorned with a series of tiny hooks with a delicate platinum star dangling from each one. Looking more closely, you see the stars form the pattern of the constellation commonly known as The Queen of Enlightenment. SAME SCRIPTS AS ABOVE

a Huntress constellation clasp: Skillfully crafted from solid invar, the clasp is adorned with a series of tiny hooks with a delicate platinum star dangling from each one. Looking more closely, you see the stars form the pattern of the constellation commonly known as The Huntress. SAME SCRIPTS AS ABOVE.


03-31-2010, 10:26 PM
a gold-traced black diamond crown

100K on this

03-31-2010, 10:42 PM
a jade-inset silver armband 200k

04-01-2010, 07:17 AM

04-01-2010, 12:37 PM
Items added

04-02-2010, 08:23 AM

04-02-2010, 12:17 PM

04-02-2010, 02:08 PM
a silver-edged fan
please and thank you

04-02-2010, 02:54 PM

04-03-2010, 08:52 AM
updated and items added!

04-03-2010, 04:26 PM
Some frosted moonstone hairjewels- 10k

04-04-2010, 10:24 AM

04-05-2010, 09:11 PM

04-05-2010, 09:23 PM
supple sable backpack clasped by a veniom-on-pewter rose

100k please

04-05-2010, 10:00 PM
a lace-trimmed carved ivory fan 25k
a delicate watered silk fan 25k
an opal-inlaid ivory fan 25k
an embroidered leaf parchment fan 25k

Thank you!

04-05-2010, 10:17 PM
an ebon-banded brushed silver circlet
a silver-edged pale sapphire circlet
a silver-edged pure white jade circlet

mb on each of these, please

04-06-2010, 06:07 AM

04-07-2010, 05:56 AM

04-07-2010, 06:05 AM
ill put 50k on the sturdy leather weapon harness yeh.

04-07-2010, 06:11 AM

04-07-2010, 10:07 PM

04-09-2010, 06:22 AM

04-11-2010, 11:02 AM

04-14-2010, 06:25 AM

04-18-2010, 09:23 AM