View Full Version : Bonespear

03-25-2004, 07:22 PM
Anyone wanna post a script to get out of Bonespear back to North Market?

EDIT: Nevermind. Here it is if anyone else wants it.

[Edited on 3-26-2004 by Edaarin]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-25-2004, 07:28 PM
sign of darkness

oh wait, you are a shitty volner!

03-25-2004, 07:31 PM
prep 130 .. cast.

Oh wait you can't cast that.

03-25-2004, 07:33 PM
lol - Damn, just beatin on Edaarin there.


03-25-2004, 07:37 PM
prep 930?

03-25-2004, 09:41 PM
Voln fog doesn't work from Bonespear? I want to know, because Finis will be hunting there soon, I can see it in his future.


03-25-2004, 09:42 PM
It does,

03-25-2004, 10:10 PM

03-25-2004, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Reyek
VOLN SUCKS.. ;) What sucks is having a THREE YEAR LONG invasion of the ONLY PLACE worth going to IN THE WORLD where there's a CoL place. Nice work GM's. At least you're continuing the plotline... :grr:

03-25-2004, 10:20 PM
thats why i do COL for my characters in Vaalor.

03-25-2004, 10:42 PM
Voln sucks.

Vaalor sucks.

And if anyone can post North Market to Bonespear, that'd be great.

03-25-2004, 11:05 PM
the script is on the first post silly

03-25-2004, 11:12 PM
I'm at work so I can't DL it, but that looks like Bonespear to NM. I seek the opposite direction.

03-25-2004, 11:50 PM
Attachments don't seem to be working.

#north market to bonespear node

move n
move nw
move up
move nw
move nw
move nw
move nw
move ne
move n
move n
move ne
move up
move n
move go ramp
move go bridge
move w
move w
move n
move n
move go breach
move go door
move w
move w
move sw
move w
move sw
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move sw
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move sw
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move sw
move sw
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move go bridge
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move sw
move w
move sw
move w
move w
move w
move w
move sw
move sw
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move go path
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move go beach
move se
move se
move se
move se
move e
move e
move go path
move e
move e
move climb rockslide
move n
move climb tree
move se
move e
move e
move e
move se
move ne
move e
move se
move s
move climb hill
move se
move se
move se
move e
move e
move go path
move e
move e
move e
move se
move climb hillock
move nw
move ne
move go gate
move n
move n
put open door
move go door
move n
move n
move n
move up
move s
move s
move go carpet
move n
move n
move n

03-25-2004, 11:53 PM
Thanks much!

03-26-2004, 05:23 AM
This be great! Now I can even get there! Thank you.


06-14-2004, 01:40 PM
So, I was visiting bonespear after kadumi was kind enough to give me the directions.

Level: Deeds: 17
Experience: Deaths this level: 1
Exp. until next: Death Recovery: 0
Mental TPs: Fame:
Physical TPs: Mana:
(1216 Phy converted to Mnt)

Your mind is clear.

This once impressive dining hall is capped by a towering arched ceiling that rises a full twenty feet overhead. Attached to the ceiling by thin tendrils of rope are hundreds of assorted skulls that are surrounding a badly chipped crystal chandelier. A second chandelier has fallen and smashed into the huge banquet table in the center of this room. You also see a waern, an eidolon, a waern, a dybbuk, an eidolon, a waern, an eidolon, an eidolon, a dybbuk and a tall archway.
Obvious exits: south

>blink s

You close your eyes for a moment.

You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Implosion...
Your spell is ready.

You gesture.
You cast into the air above you and the sky rips open into a void! The fissure begins to feed on the air around you!
A waern is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes a waern to explode!
Tiny waern particles disperse rapidly through the area!
Quite severely dead.
An eidolon is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes an eidolon to explode!
Tiny eidolon particles disperse rapidly through the area!
Quite severely dead.
A waern is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes a waern to explode!
Tiny waern particles disperse rapidly through the area!
Quite severely dead.
A dybbuk is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes a dybbuk to explode!
Tiny dybbuk particles disperse rapidly through the area!
Quite severely dead.
An eidolon is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes an eidolon to explode!
Tiny eidolon particles disperse rapidly through the area!
Quite severely dead.
A waern is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes a waern to explode!
Tiny waern particles disperse rapidly through the area!
Quite severely dead.
An eidolon is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes an eidolon to explode!
Tiny eidolon particles disperse rapidly through the area!
Quite severely dead.
An eidolon is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes an eidolon to explode!
Tiny eidolon particles disperse rapidly through the area!
Quite severely dead.
A dybbuk is sucked into the void!
Rather abrupt decompression causes a dybbuk to explode!
Tiny dybbuk particles disperse rapidly through the area!
Quite severely dead.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 417
You trace a simple rune while intoning the mystical phrase for Elemental Dispel...
Your spell is ready.
>cast void
You gesture at a black void.
You use the flows of essence to seal the tear in space.
[Bonespear Tower, Dining Hall]
This once impressive dining hall is capped by a towering arched ceiling that rises a full twenty feet overhead. Attached to the ceiling by thin tendrils of rope are hundreds of assorted skulls that are surrounding a badly chipped crystal chandelier. A second chandelier has fallen and smashed into the huge banquet table in the center of this room. You also see a tall archway.
Obvious exits: south
Level: Deeds: 17
Experience: Deaths this level: 1
Exp. until next: Death Recovery: 0
Mental TPs: Fame:
Physical TPs: Mana:
(1216 Phy converted to Mnt)

[b]Your mind can't take much more of this! You must rest!

You strut about.

[Edited on 6-14-2004 by Lady Shalla]

06-14-2004, 01:43 PM

Don't ever implode in Bonespear. They disarm, and stupid sorcs imploding tend to suck up dropped weapons, or, conversely, critters which've happened to pick 'em up.


06-14-2004, 01:43 PM
Heh, that's sick. Why do you cut out your charcater info anyway?

EDIT: Agreed with TheE, though really if you're stupid enough to bring a weapon you can't afford to lose into an area where you can be disarmed you deserve to lose your weapon.

[Edited on 6-14-2004 by Edaarin]

06-14-2004, 01:44 PM
General rule is don't implode.. People don't like gettin hit with those.

06-14-2004, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
Don't ever implode in Bonespear. They disarm, and stupid sorcs imploding tend to suck up dropped weapons, or, conversely, critters which've happened to pick 'em up.

I focus implode the eidelons usually, but I was surrounded by undead.. what is a girl to do? Implode of course.. it's crude.. but effective.

Anywayze, Edaarin.. I don't know why I did it like that.. just to be safe I guess.

06-14-2004, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
General rule is don't implode.. People don't like gettin hit with those.

I have the spell. I mean to use it to my advantage. I imploded, and closed it right after.. Someone who is not considerate of other people would leave it open. but then again, my character roleplaying wise isn't very considerate.. but I did close it.

I only did it once anyway. Don't be too upset. :P

[Edited on 6-14-2004 by Lady Shalla]

06-14-2004, 01:52 PM
Hunting that way is an invitation to be warned/reported.

06-14-2004, 01:55 PM
I don't hunt that way.. All the times I have done things like that.. I have never hurt anybody... all the years I've been playing gemstone.. i have no ooc enemies.. even though this character is supposedly evil. I have pretend enemies though.

but I assure you, if someone was caught in the void.. i would most definitely take responsibility and pay for items lost.

06-14-2004, 01:55 PM
If you warn or report someone for hunting with an open void you suck at Gemstone. People who use open implode are (usually) ready to deal with consequences. See my thread on Drabbo.

06-14-2004, 01:56 PM
I wouldn't put a report on someone just because of an open void.. might have been a one time thing. But I do know I would confront the person about it.

Of course, if one hunts like that regularly, then yes, a warning would probably come around.

06-14-2004, 01:58 PM
Focused implode picks up items also, as well as vaping targets which have picked up other peoples gear that waerns shook loose or eidols cursed out.

06-14-2004, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
Focused implode picks up items also, as well as vaping targets which have picked up other peoples gear that waerns shook loose or eidols cursed out.

I didn't see anything there lying around, but I would keep a watchful eye.. if ever. But you said focused implosion.. I guess, it will all come down to facing the consequences of one's actions.. and someone who would not take responsibility should be reported then.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
06-14-2004, 02:11 PM
I wish they'd just neuter implode.

06-14-2004, 03:02 PM
Bonespear has a lot of little side doors that lead to one-room areas that creatures tend to get stuck in. It's not uncommon to walk into the area and get greeted by ten or so various mobs. In a case like that, I'd think that open implode would be acceptable, as you could close the door to the room (not all of the doors are closeable, however,) and just vape away.

The implosion done by Shalla was extremely dangerous, however, as it was done in an open room in the middle of a common throughway.

As for sucking up weapons? Anyone who hunts an area where TWO of the creatures can force you to drop your weapon, and brings their most valuable weapon with them, should know to accept the loss if they should lose that weapon.

06-14-2004, 03:26 PM
I've killed 3 characters that hunted with open implode. 1 I had to kill 3 different times to get the hint that hunting with open implode is dangerous.

Hunting with open implode is like a wizard hunting with the old firestorm spell. Stupid on both counts.

06-14-2004, 03:37 PM
If people use open implode carelessly, they deserve to be killed to be taught a lesson.

There are ways to use it safely, however, such as knowing when and where to use it. For example, open areas where people can just pass through are not a good place to use it. Closed areas where you can close off the only entrance (of which there are several in Bonespear, like I said,) are generally safe.

Either way, I've never ever harmed somebody in all the times I've used open implode while hunting (which, in all honesty, has probably only been about two dozen times in many years of playing.) I have, however, been harmed by careless twits who plop an implosion any old place. In those cases I start with a lecture and try to at least teach them a lesson. If it happens again, I'll actively hunt down and kill them.

In any case, in my time spent in Bonespear, I frequently used Focused Implosion, as it was frequently the most effective way to get rid of the eidolons, who are non-corporeal, have high TD's, and don't crit that well. I never (knowingly) sucked up somebody's weapon, and even if I did, I wouldn't be too apologetic. Like I said, anybody who uses a valuable weapon in an area where 2/3's of the creatures can force you to drop it must understand there's a high risk of losing said weapon.

06-14-2004, 03:55 PM
Most valuable and valuable are two different things. You basically said you use open implode because its easier. Well then by the logic if its easier for someone to hunt with a 5x blessable than a 4x they are taking the same route you are. A 5x blessable weapon is still a decent amount of money. A lot? No. But enough for me to be peeved if someone implodes it away carelessly.

06-14-2004, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by 3704558
If people use open implode carelessly, they deserve to be killed to be taught a lesson.

There are ways to use it safely, however, such as knowing when and where to use it. For example, open areas where people can just pass through are not a good place to use it. Closed areas where you can close off the only entrance (of which there are several in Bonespear, like I said,) are generally safe.

There is no safe way to use open implosion. My character, if he walks in a room with an unfocused implosion will move as quick as he can.. wait.. hide.. sneak back.. ambush said sorcerer's head off. Open implosion is an automatic invitation to engage in character vs. character combat.

No matter how safe you THINK it is.. someone could easily walk into the room you are casting it in and get killed due to it.

06-14-2004, 04:32 PM
Most valuable and valuable are two different things. You basically said you use open implode because its easier. Well then by the logic if its easier for someone to hunt with a 5x blessable than a 4x they are taking the same route you are.

Please keep in mind that we're talking about a hunting area where two out of three creatures can force you to drop your weapon. I used Focused (not open) Implode on the eidolons, because it wasn't mana efficient to use anything else except maybe Focused Maelstrom, which would take up to a minute or more to kill the eidolon off. Now, a person can hunt with a 5x blessable if it's easier for them, sure, even though they know the risk of losing it. By the same token, I wasn't about to use a quarter of my mana supply to kill a single eidolon when I could just pop it with an FI.

Additionally, the chances that somebody would drop a valuable weapon and just walk away without warning anybody are rather slim. They'd either pick it up before a critter did, use a secondary weapon to kill whatever creature did pick it up, or run to the node inside Bonespear and ask for help.

Bonespear is a special case, though. There were rarely more than three or four people ever hunting there at one time, and in my time there, as far as I know, not a single person lost their weapon. And the creatures in there aren't overly dangerous that you couldn't survive without a weapon in your hand.

In an area like the bog in Ta'Vaalor, however, where the shades used the guild skill, I never used focused implode. If you got disarmed there, chances were good that you'd die soon afterwards by the shades halberd multi-strike. Weapons were dropped there frequently.

There is no safe way to use open implosion.

True, but the same can be said for many, many things. If you got caught in the explosion of a trap set off by a lockpicker who fumbled their disarm attempt (which is always a possibility,) would you kill the picker? If a wizard used Tremors and you got knocked over a room away, would you kill the wizard?

06-14-2004, 04:40 PM
If a wizard used Tremors and you got knocked over a room away, would you kill the wizard?

Yes. Area effect spells + other people in the area = easy way to get yourself killed.


06-14-2004, 11:32 PM
I've hunted from 9 to 61 with tremor. Every damn level. Never anyone was killed, though. And never someone complained that much.

Tremor won't kill you.

720, will, though.

I agree that 720 should be nerfed, as 525 (damn stupid useless spell)

06-22-2004, 06:46 PM
Ok.. this post is not about implosion blah blah.. but I don't want to make a thread that is related to bonespear anyway..

so that being said..

Is this part of the environ effects from bonespear?

Everything in view jerks and twitches as a peculiar sensation fills your head. The feeling is light, but not without force and impact -- it is almost like a moth battering its wings against the inside of your skull, and tiny flashes of light sparkle through your vision with every blow.

After a few seconds, the strange sensation fades.

Is that a natural occurance in bonespear? :?:

[Edited on 6-22-2004 by Lady Shalla]

06-22-2004, 09:14 PM
No, that has to do with some ongoing Solhaven event.

06-22-2004, 09:56 PM
Is it relating to the griffin sword saga?