View Full Version : Ulaahn's Weaponry

03-26-2010, 01:17 PM
Ulaahn's Weaponry

the gilt-trimmed haon boutique

Teras Isle
Lich ID: 1975
Map ID: 3




Free delivery to Wehnimer's Landing, Solhaven, and Icemule Trace -- just find Ulaahn or Cuttak. AIM: LizardClan1

on the carved haon counter

a dragonfly etched vultite no-dachi - 100,000, PRICE SLASHED! 4x blessable greatsword
some scuffed brown leather boots - 500,000, PRICE SLASHED IN HALF! scripted, rub and tap to change description
a gleaming chain hauberk with a snarling bear emblazoned on the chest - 200,000, PRICE SLASHED IN HALF! 4x hauberk
a bright silver vultite chain hauberk - 120,000, PRICE SLASHED! 4x hauberk
a razern twohanded sword - 50,000, PRICE SLASHED IN HALF! 2x lightly crit weighted greatsword
a silver-hilted imflass bastard sword - 100,000, +12 with earth flares
a jagged black vultite espadon - 800,000, PRICE SLASHED! 4x somewhat damage weighted bastard sword
a dragonfly etched vultite no-dachi - 100,000, PRICE SLASHED! 4x blessable greatsword
a massive blue glaes zweihander - 200,000, PRICE SLASHED IN HALF! 3x greatsword with lightning flares
a stout black ora-headed maul - 125,000, PRICE SLASHED IN HALF! 2x somewhat damage weighted maul
an elegant vultite mattock - 400,000, PRICE SLASHED! +26 blessable bane weapon, show and lightly scripted
a well-made vultite greatsword - 400,000, PRICE SLASHED! +26 blessable bane weapon, show and lightly scripted
a well-balanced mithglin backsword - 75,000, PRICE SLASHED! +16 backsword with ice flares
a dull black steel claidhmore - 5,000,000, PRICE SLASHED! 1x claidhmore with show
a pearlescent grey silk cloak - 20,000,000, the prophesy cloak
a furry squirrel-hide vest - 750,000, PRICE SLASHED!, pin-worn with a secret pocket and a show
a wide steel cuff etched with a pair of crossed claidhmores - 500,000, PRICE SLASHED IN HALF!

on the carved haon table

a sleek wolf hide ankle-sheath - 500,000, PRICE SLASHED IN HALF! wolves howl in the distance when you pull out your skinning knife or dagger
a viciously spiked vultite yierka-spur - 1,000,000, 4x somewhat damage weighted yierka-spur
a stout razern warsword - 500,000, PRICE SLASHED IN HALF! 2x lightly crit weighted bastard sword with show and inscription
a blackened ruby-inset claidhmore - 100,000, has a show
a dark invar dwarven-forged claidhmore - 400,000, +2 invar claidhmore
a leather claidhmore harness - 500,000, PRICE SLASHED IN HALF!, has a show
a tanned leather knife belt - 250,000, PRICE SLASHED IN HALF! scripted
a saw-toothed steel claidhmore - 100,000

Thanks for looking,
-The Management
AIM: LizardClan1

04-15-2010, 12:35 AM
bump! warsword and vest sold. added new items -- check playershops for latest inventory.

04-15-2010, 05:14 PM
bump! boots and harness sold (harness pending delivery -- remember: free delivery to Wehnimer's, Icemule and Solhaven!).

new items added to shop. check your favorite playershops for updated inventory, but i'll post again in a day or two.

AIM: LizardClan1

04-15-2010, 05:30 PM
what is the prophecy cloak?

04-15-2010, 10:53 PM
bump! harness sold and delivered.

for those of you who might have an interest in what a "prophesy cloak" might be, please contact me by pm with an email address. i'll have something prepared in a few days.

thanks, all
AIM: LizardClan1

04-16-2010, 09:58 AM
bump! ankle-sheath sold! more items added to shop. use your favorite playershops for latest inventory.

all the best,
AIM: LizardClan1

04-19-2010, 09:45 AM
bump! invar claidhmore sold.

04-22-2010, 07:18 AM
bump! some 4x studded leather i snuck into my shop without advertising has sold! returning to Teras now to update my shop and shop sign.

AIM: LizardClan1