View Full Version : Cleric Guild in Ta'Illistim

03-26-2010, 05:04 AM
Where is it?

03-26-2010, 08:55 AM
I don't recall exactly where, but it's on the southern end of Sylvarraend Road, near the dock.


03-26-2010, 01:19 PM
My thought is that it's right outside the sapphire gate a few rooms.

03-26-2010, 01:52 PM
The cleric guild in Illistim is off the Gyldemar road. You can use the room descriptions below for ;go2

>g path[Gyldemar Green, Forest]
Ferns receive dappled sunlight for short periods during the day. Even under the thickest canopy, in the deepest shade, a surprising number of plants make up the undergrowth. In places where the soil is poor, or the forest litter is especially thick, very few plants are growing. You also see a well-trodden path.
Obvious paths: north
>n[Gyldemar Green, Forest]
The foliage above is so thick that only a few rays of sunlight can filter through to the ground. There also seem to be several different levels of growth. The tallest trees form the canopy and younger trees are pushing up into the spaces below the canopy. Near the ground are the plants that form the undergrowth. You also see a stone path.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest
>g path[Cleric Guild, Stone Path]
Irregularly shaped stones pave the short road that leads to an expansive bronze gate. Delicate tendrils of ivy caress the metal, winding through the pattern of interlocking squares. Just beyond the gate, a glimpse of tall alabaster columns can be seen through the greenery. You also see a robed guard and a stone path leading away from the gate.
Obvious paths: none
> * Plundo joins the adventure.
You feel more refreshed.
>g gateThe guard gives you a nod of recognition and waves you in.

[Cleric Guild, Courtyard]
A bower of trees looms high overhead, the verdant canopy contrasting sharply with the pale alabaster columns that reach up into their leafy depths. Carved stone benches rest in between the circle of pillars and are all angled to provide an ample view of the fountain that dominates this courtyard. At one end of the court sits a large marble building, its wide porch and ornamental carvings standing out in stark relief from the lush backdrop. You also see a white marble archway, a black marble archway and a massive bronze gate.
Obvious paths: none
>You feel your weakness and enfeeblement abate.
>g b[Cleric Guild, Foyer]
Vaulted ceilings frame this wide gallery, set with skylights of polished glass. An intricately woven carpet covers the white stone floor, a brilliantly plumed peacock staring up imperiously from the woven silk. The foyer narrows on either side, bearing torch-lit hallways that lead further into the guild. You also see some wide descending stairs.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, out

03-26-2010, 03:30 PM
For those not using lich/go2 (and I can't see why not, it owns) it's in the area with mastadonic leopards and dreadnought raptors, leading to the trali area. The southern room of what appears to be a diamond on the maps.

03-26-2010, 05:12 PM
Thanks Guys!!!