View Full Version : Altered Runestaff-displaying Sling

03-23-2010, 04:37 PM
a simple black suede staff sling

Show: Little more then a length of sueded leather lined with greyish-violet silk, the sling is strapped to fasten at the waist and shoulder with tiny dark vaalorn buckles. Fashioned to secure a tall staff at a diagonal angle across the back, the inner fabric is threaded with a motif of wispy silver flames.

Worn on the back. Holds one polearm or runestaff. Can be adjusted to display the weapon in 2 different ways.

The scripts below are an EXAMPLE. The item you will actually receive is listed above. They have the same scripts.

Your carefully slip your scythe inside the backhanger. Since it is not large enough to hold the scythe, the remaining part protrudes far over your shoulder.

You tap an iron-linked oversized backhanger with a gleaming tall black scythe poking high overhead that you are wearing.
(This shows in your description when you have a weapon in it)

You carefully unlimber your scythe from your backhanger.

You slap your backhanger and feel something has changed.

You slip the butt end of your scythe into the attached sock and wheel and strap the haft to the backhanger using a curious assortment of straps and buckles. The remainder protrudes overhead.

You tap an iron-linked oversized backhanger with a gleaming tall black scythe poking overhead with the butt dragging behind attached to a leather sock and wheel that you are wearing.

You reach behind you and pull your scythe up until you can remove the attached sock & wheel from your scythe and then pull it free from your backhanger. You then quickly stow the sock within the backhanger.

MB: 500k