View Full Version : 4x HCW morphing star

03-23-2010, 11:08 AM
4x HCW 4-form morphing morning star. Weighs 7. Inspects as vultite. 75/185 breakage. MB 10m.

Form 1: a triple-headed massive morning star - show: The essence of brutal functionality, the ancient morning star and its three vicious glaes-spiked heads would be unwieldy in any but the strongest giantman's hands. Matte black invar wound about vultite forms the chains and haft of this immense weapon, imbedded with tiny red flecks that resemble dried blood. The only nod to adornment is an inscription in Common just above the blackened leather grip which reads, "For our worthy adversaries, may this weapon last as long as our new alliance. - Sunfist, 3945

Form 2: an emerald-set black morning star - show: Dark shards of emerald ring the ironwood haft of the morning star just above and below the braided leather grip. Green-tinted barbs project from the short chain, and more emeralds stud the morning star's heavy vultite head between the green-dyed spines scattered over its surface.

Form 3: a red-veined vultite morning star - show: Strips of crimson thrak hide have been braided around the morning star's thick oak haft to create a better grip for its wielder. The vultite composing its head is fashioned from silvery-grey vultite with blood red veins wending over and through its surface.

Form 4: a double-headed sable morning star - show: From its fel haft to its twin invar chains to both of its spiked vultite heads, the morning star is unrepentantly black. The haft is covered with lightly etched images of half-clothed forms that seem to share elven and serpentine ancestry. Sinuous flames have been engraved swirling around those half-reptilian forms.

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