View Full Version : help?
03-20-2010, 07:35 PM
could someone explain to me the process of having my cloak altered? and how much its gonna run me? im in the landing. so what do i have to do?
03-20-2010, 07:45 PM
Step 1 If you only wish to change the color find the dyer tent
Step 2 Use the alter verb to familiarize yourself with the process
Step 3 Find a working merchant at the festival grounds off of North
Ring Road
Step 4 Catch a little luck and be choosen by spinner for services
Step 5 Be prepared for angry looks should you be spun when you hold
up the line
Step 6 Should this process prove to difficult PM me and I will give you
an altered cloak that I have gathering dust in my locker
Stanley Burrell
03-20-2010, 07:47 PM
There's an ALTER verb in-game that can help you better understand the concept of altering various things.
If this is a merchant, they usually put a sign/board/etc. in the room that tells you the price of having an alteration done. You could probably whisper to someone who's in the room and ask them what the price for having an alter done by that particular merchant is.
03-20-2010, 07:48 PM
I want altered cloak gather dust in your locker. I just came back to GS and my characters are wearing next to nothing.
03-20-2010, 08:27 PM
Yes I've seen the rags they wear you truly do need help.
03-20-2010, 09:40 PM
As far as the process, the ALTER verb in-game has almost everything you'll need. Park at a table and go through it.
Now, as for the design... If you're not used to this sort of thing, start looking at alterations and determine what you like. Look at what others are wearing, go through the thread here showing GOOD alters, get folks to show off for you. Once you've got that, start working on ideas to have at the ready (at least 1 clothing item, 1 jewelry item, 1 armor item, 1 weapon item, 1 container item, and, if you're interested, 1 feature) and save them someplace you can easily access. Don't forget to ANALYZE the item you're thinking of altering to be sure it can be altered! That way, you won't be that person (taking up all the merchant's time) during a session and pissing everyone else off. . . . Did I mention the ANALYZE verb?
If you need help working out your ideas, feel free to IM or PM me, and I know there are others who also help folks with alterations.
03-20-2010, 09:46 PM
If all else fails you can get help from whichever merchant is there. Sometimes you get lucky with one who can do amazing work and other times it goes straight into my locker never to see the light of day again.
Oh, and if it turns out reeeeally bad you can laugh about it in ten years just like everyone else does/did.
03-20-2010, 10:00 PM
Basic Mechanics of Alters
Base Item
The basic item works on a 15/15/15 system. That means 15 characters, including spaces for each section, which cannot be divided and the last word must typically resolve to be the noun or name of the actual item.
a thin/gold /ring = 6/6/6
The above would be a simple formula of something that would work. However below is something that would not function:
a dark gold and/ brown zircon shard / ring = 15/20/5
The easiest way to start making your item is to come up with the base noun. Is this a barrette? Is it a longbow? Make sure that you are changing one item into something that it could feasibly be. Merchants will not change your cloak into a pair of boots and they won’t change your dagger into a greatsword. Once you have the noun ready to go, try to identify the two most obvious things about that item, which is usually something about its appearance. Color and material are a good place to start; also shape helps a lot too.
“Tap” or “Long” Description
A tap or long description will allow you to ignore somewhat of the 15/15/15 in that you can manipulate so long as the base description falls in the 15/15/15 marker. You may notice this when these items are in your bag. The limit for most tap/long alters should be around 12 words which I believe is what the cap is.
a thin gold ring fits into the 15/15/15
Though it may have “tap” or “long” description of:
a thin gold ring inset with brown zircon shards
In a bag it would appear just as “a thin gold ring”.
a thin brown zircon shard-inset ring of dark gold
This item demonstrates a situation where other words can be added to ignore the 15/15/15 rule of the base. In a bag you would see the base as “a thin brown zircon ring” but the tap reveals an extra description inserted. Not all merchants/GMs will be able or willing to adjust items in this way so be aware of that when constructing your design.
Show Description
A show description takes a base description and adds detail to it that can be seen by LOOKing at it, SHOWing the item to someone or having them INSPECT it on you. The hard cap for this is 512 characters which includes spaces. This alter allows you to go into great detail but be careful that you are double checking for spelling and grammar, grab a couple friends and ask them to read it and make sure they can get a clear picture about the image you’re trying to convey.
a thin gold ring: This is the base of the item.
The following would be how you would put a show on the item: The ring is crafted from pristine gold formed into a thin band. A trio of tiny brown zircon silvers are inset into the ring, each erratically spaced from the others.
If all else fails, I'm sure if you stated what you wanted people would be more than happy to help you out with your ideas as previously mentioned. =) As far as actually getting it altered as was mentioned you can try to find an NPC merchant, or attempt to purchase an Alter Scroll (omg do these still exist?) via someone who has the premium points.
03-20-2010, 10:10 PM
Just pick out all your words from this thread:
Guaranteed great success.
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