View Full Version : Cleanout Auction

03-19-2010, 02:43 PM
Canceling out my alternate account. Selling off all their gear and the toons themselves will be put up afterward.

Account contains: 39/40 rogue like 15k till on lumins may get him 40
and a 37/38 sorc same close + lumins.

Normal auction guidelines I will be accepting buyouts.
Prices set for what I feel the items worth will be lowered one time on items with no bids. More stuff will be added as I get through all their mules lockers.
I will be selling items in game as well their bids will be added with their ingame names.
1m = $7.50


a rune belt - turns into a 4x ash wooden vultite capped runestaff
MB: 250k
CB: Sold on BO Aneilo (In game)
BO: 600k

a rune wristlet - turns into a 4x ash wooden vultite capped runestaff
MB: 250k
CB: Sold on BO Shaelthas

a serrated rolaren hunting knife 4x vibe flare
MB: 50k
CB: 60k Showal SOLD
BO: 200k

a lion head hilted troll sword 0x nothing special nice look old sword.
MB: 10k
BO: 50k

blued vultite wakizashi with an ivory serpent quillion block - 4x blessable shortsword base. (My greme sash weapons)
MB: 100k
BO: 300k

matte black wakizashi with a wickedly notched edge - 4x was sold to me as decent damage weighted, Mogonis could not get a read in 3 trys, is not blessable does not flare, will have bard sing when get home from work.
MB: 125k
BO: 350k

a mithril-edged vultite broadsword - 4x blessable *price drop to sell*
MB: 50k
CB: 0
BO: 150k

a razor sharp skinning dagger - 0x skinning knife
MB: 25k
CB: 25k Marl SOLD PM me for pickups
BO: 100k

a gleaming steel rapier - 4x blessable further enchantable *price drop to sell*
MB: 50k
CB: 0
BO: 150k

A black ora main gauche - 4x, weighs 2, good offhand weapon, true black ora
Is uncursed, never used it so no idea on flares and quality of black ora. Does inspect as black ora.
MB: 100k (may be worth some money cant find a singer to look) theres some info later in the posts.
CB: 100k Reneden TWICE
BO: 400k

razor-sharp rolaren broadsword - 4x sancted.
MB: 150k
CB: 0
BO: 350k


a slender locksmith's kit, you see a lump of squishy white putty with about 50 pinches left, 50 little balls of cotton, a set of narrow metal grips, a thin metal file, a thick steel needle
20 lockpicks: all rare/unique all never broken.
a silk-wrapped veniom lockpick
a celestial blue key -embedable keys.
A silver letter opener inset with a trio of moonstones (common quality)
A pale ivory toothpick (common quality, at least 2 zests)
A well-crafted ora-banded lockpick (good quality)
A bent brass-tipped lockpick (crude quality)
a sleek emerald lockpick
a sharp rune-etched lockpick x2
a sabre tooth tiger incisor
a milky-white hollow viper fang
a hooked panther fang
a black mithril grandmaster's lockpick
a glaes-plated mithril lockpick
a thin shard of rolaren
a petrified darkwoode root
a bit of sturdy kelyn wire.
a jet black mithglin-edged alum lockpick
a vultite lockpick inset with a spiked onyx scarab
a deep crimson glaes lockpick inset with a blood red teardrop-etched scarab
*added to sweeten the deal a lil*
a chain-link keyring Lockpick keyring stores your picks.
Keyring comes with a lockpick of each quality from the smith shop. All used prolly broken and fixed. Those picks kept the nice ones NEW!
MB: 1m
CB: 1m Rucca SOLD
BO: 3m

grey leather lockpick kit stamped with a scarlet-colored pentacle, altered lockpick case. *price drop to sell*
MB: 100k
CB: 100k SOLD Nichealas
BO: 700k

a dark spidersilk components pouch - hold small amounts
MB: 50k
CB: 0
BO: 200k

*Hot Item* some black linen casting gloves with silvery sigils - scripts based on attunment.
MB: 150k
CB: Sold on BO Dosselmyer
BO: 1m (buyout set lots of PM's on this one get it quick)

*new info* a sturdy dark leather gem pouch stitched with a pair of slender vaalin lockpicks - Held 190 gems + just checked belt worn.
MB: 75k
CB: 75k Nichelas SOLD PM me for pickups good deal!
BO: 400k

a sturdy dark leather gem pouch worked with a pair of blood red scarabs. Held 190 gems + just checked belt worn.
same as other.
MB: 75k
CB: Sold on BO Aneilo (in game)
BO: 400k

some deerskin archery gloves - basic small amount open/close.
MB: 25k
CB: Sold on buyout to Hecates

*Old* a faded veniom-stitched harness - show: The harness is made of pure veniom, spun into miniscule threads. A bit faded from use, it appears to be very well crafted. Embossed in silver is the ancient symbol of the Pathfinder's guild.
ancient item from ranger guild before they were called rangers.
shoulder worn holds large amount
MB: 500k
CB: 500k Jr1515 SOLD PM me for pickups
BO: 1.5m

A veniom-stiched harness - no show same as above large amount shoulder worn.
MB: 100k
CB: SOLD on buyout to Jesteen

*Unique* a black leather thief's toolkit woven with glowing golvern threads and etched in flawless veniom with the words "pocket lightener" - Holds VLA backworn
160lbs (i hate to rid myself of this one)
MB: 5m
CB: 5m Jr1515 SOLD PM me for pickups great item!
BO: 10m

a veniom-tooled spidersilk sack, scripted - medium amount. belt worn
MB: 100k
CB: 175k Wyrmx SOLD PM me for pickups
BO: 350k

A red-trimmed black silk harness
LOOK: A red-trimmed black silk harness made of fine silk and tied into elaborate knotwork is designed to be worn on the left hip and is easily able to be attached to armor or a belt. Secured by the elaborate knotwork are two scabbards. The first, a ruby-inlaid polished ivory scabbard, is set for a quick draw, and the other, a silver-capped bleached bone scabbard, is positioned slightly behind and at a slight angle down.
Holds two small weapons. Must be wakizashi, katana, or tanto.
Belt worn. Very zesty. "Greame sash"
Has at least seven ways to play. You can look, rub, push, pull, tilt, tap, turn.
MB: 200k
CB: SOLD on BO Dosselmyer
BO: 500k

a hammered brass bracer - spring loaded bracer, locks scripted and readies a dagger.(close to what mogonis was selling) this one tap readies weapon not open/close.
MB: 250k
CB: 400k Nihilis SOLD
BO: 750k

*New* black rolaren mesh sack auto closer holds medium amount mines currently holding 181 gems and not full.
MB: 300k
CB: Sold on BO Talsh
BO: 700k

*New* a shimmering black stalking cloak clasped with silver chains - LA holds a bit over 100.
MB: 200k
CB: 0
BO: 600k

*New* some simple black stalking boots - hold small amount open/close
MB: 50k
BO: 200k

*New* a scorched alchemy supply bag. - hold medium shoulder worn held 196 gems and wasn't full
MB: 100k
CB: 0
BO: 250k

*New* an enruned dark mithril scroll case, - open close scripted hold small amounts
MB: 100k
CB: SOLD on BUYOUT to Rolfard(in game)
BO: 300k

*New* sea blue leather swordbelt trimmed with gold - show
You see a sea blue leather swordbelt trimmed with gold, which was made with the utmost skill and care. The outer rim of the swordbelt is trimmed with gold. You see Plur's initials stamped upon it.
MB: 25k
CB: 0
BO: 75k


*hot item* Some spiked imflass leg greaves
+12, weighs three pounds, worn on the legs
Temporarily slightly resistant to disintegrating attacks
The greaves's enhancement will degrade when the wearer is struck in combat.
It should be able to withstand an incredible amount of uses before its enhancement has completely degraded away.
When its enhancement has degraded away, the item will lose its special ability.
Also, is spiked. Which means sweeping and such becomes very fun
MB: 100k
CB: Sold on BO Aielwyn(In game)
BO: 600k

burnished cuirbouilli leather - 5x somewhat damage padded.
MB: 1m
CB: 0

spiked vultite buckler - 5x adds +3 to td is spiked *Price drop to sell*
MB: 300k
CB: 300k SOLD Nichealas
BO: 1.3m

*New* a curved-edge vultite war buckler. 4x scripted
MB: 100k
CB: 0
BO: 400k

*New* some fitted midnight black casting leathers - 4x full leathers, very nice look
MB: 200k
BO: 1.5m

**Random Stuff**

a pair of white sharply creased trousers worked with a row of onyx scarabs down the legs - altered pants
MB: 150k
CB: 0
BO: 600k

a slatted hard leather case - fortune telling case, dont ask how it works.
MB: 50k
CB: 100k Queleri SOLD PM me for pickups
BO: 350k

*New* lustrous white diamond bracelet (amulet holder)
MB: 50k

a sigil-incised crimson ruby crown - amulet holder(dark scripts)
MB: 50k
CB: Sold on BO Kanarlistt
BO: 200k

*New*an acid-pitted black vaalorn chain etched with tiny arcane runes, - gold ring holder, altered
MB: 1m
CB: 0
BO: 3m (I really like this one sorry for price)

*New* a gnarled willow walking stick - Hey we all feel old sometimes!
MB: 25k
CB: 0
BO: 100k

*New* length of black steel wire studded with shards of glass(nice one), a barbed wire and a slim vaalin handfasting cord
all garrote cords
MB: 50k
CB: 0
BO: 200k
**Mage Rechargable/Enhancive**

a dragon-etched silver armband - rechargeable 503, non crumbly
MB: 100k
CB: 0
BO: 250k

*New*delicate chrysoberyl necklace +6 to swimming bonus, must be train 7. crumbly on enhancive and imbed. huge charges
MB: 25k
CB: 25k SOLD
BO: 100k

*New* a two-headed dog talisman of smoky quartz with brilliant emerald eyes - nice looking item no info on it.
MB: 25k
CB: 0
BO: 100k

Happy bidding there may be one more round of adding items.

03-19-2010, 02:56 PM
some black linen casting gloves with silvery sigils - 150k
deerskin archery gloves- 25k

03-19-2010, 03:40 PM
a veniom-tooled spidersilk sack, scripted - medium amount. belt worn
Bid - 100K

03-19-2010, 03:56 PM
some black linen casting gloves with silvery sigils - scripts based on attunment.
MB: 150k

150K on this

A red-trimmed black silk harness
LOOK: A red-trimmed black silk harness made of fine silk and tied into elaborate knotwork is designed to be worn on the left hip and is easily able to be attached to armor or a belt. Secured by the elaborate knotwork are two scabbards. The first, a ruby-inlaid polished ivory scabbard, is set for a quick draw, and the other, a silver-capped bleached bone scabbard, is positioned slightly behind and at a slight angle down.
Holds two small weapons. Must be wakizashi, katana, or tanto.
Belt worn. Very zesty. "Greame sash"
Has at least seven ways to play. You can look, rub, push, pull, tilt, tap, turn.
MB: 200k
CB: 0

200K on this

03-19-2010, 04:08 PM
a hammered brass bracer - spring loaded bracer, locks scripted and readies a dagger.(close to what mogonis was selling) this one tap readies weapon not open/close.

I'll also meet the MB's on both of the Wakizachi's

03-19-2010, 04:41 PM
some black linen casting gloves with silvery sigils - 250k

03-19-2010, 05:14 PM
some black linen casting gloves with silvery sigils - 350k

03-19-2010, 05:32 PM
a sturdy dark leather gem pouch stitched with a pair of slender vaalin lockpicks - MB please

03-19-2010, 05:38 PM
a slatted hard leather case - fortune telling case, dont ask how it works.

03-19-2010, 06:08 PM
200k on spikes imflass leg greaves

03-19-2010, 06:22 PM
If the gauche is "true black ora", shouldn't you be asking a solid 8-10m for it?

Pretty sure the new feeder junk is just, well, junk, and should not be referred to as "true" anything.

Anyway, it's worth testing! Gogogo.

03-19-2010, 06:30 PM
a black leather thief's toolkit

MB please

03-19-2010, 06:43 PM
If the gauche is "true black ora", shouldn't you be asking a solid 8-10m for it?

Pretty sure the new feeder junk is just, well, junk, and should not be referred to as "true" anything.

Anyway, it's worth testing! Gogogo.

please any info will be nice to have i will take this off market for now
has sat in my locker for 5 years + may be good

03-19-2010, 06:53 PM
A veniom-stiched harness

MB please

03-19-2010, 06:54 PM
a faded veniom-stitched harness

MB please

03-19-2010, 08:47 PM
a slatted hard leather case - fortune telling case - 100k

03-19-2010, 10:07 PM
a razor sharp skinning dagger - 0x skinning knife

some black linen casting gloves with silvery sigils - scripts based on attunment.

a veniom-tooled spidersilk sack, scripted - medium amount. belt worn

03-20-2010, 12:02 AM
please any info will be nice to have i will take this off market for now
has sat in my locker for 5 years + may be good

It isn't the major version of auction black ora (+3 WIS, Teleporty, 5-6x+, etc), but it might be the more common version of auction-quality. Pull it out. If it digs into your hand after fifteen seconds or so, has ethereal wispy junk on it, has passive zests, and flares similar to mana disruption, it's worth a solid 8-15m depending on the market for off-hand sexiness.

If it's just 4x, doesn't curse, and inspects as black ora, there are a couple other possibilities. It could be crit weighted, as a number of old(ish) black ora weaponry was, though being a gauche I sort of doubt that. Other than that, it's possible that it was simply purchased from the armory as black-colored ora, which (before the fix) made the item inspect as being made of black ora.

Your original MB is fine if it's just your run of the mill 4x gauche, but throwing it out on the auction block without taking even ten minutes to test it out seems a bit careless.

03-20-2010, 12:34 AM
Thanks for info AestheticLife

03-20-2010, 03:22 AM
Late night bump will be going first round about noon Saturday
Added new items! Happy Bidding

03-20-2010, 01:49 PM
some black linen casting gloves with silvery sigils - scripts based on attunment.
MB: 150k


03-20-2010, 04:34 PM
Added buyouts to all the items was getting alot of PM's about many of them. Sorry if there kinda high I like the bidding process and Buyouts are exactly that to avoid possibly spending more. Happy Bidding PM me for any info, bids, etc.

03-20-2010, 06:03 PM
300k on imflass greaves

03-20-2010, 09:38 PM
a rune wristlet - turns into a 4x ash wooden vultite capped runestaff

03-20-2010, 11:24 PM
was a good first round round 2 update sunday about noon! Happy Bidding

03-21-2010, 06:08 AM
2nd round done early items will be sold monday pending bidders

03-21-2010, 01:51 PM
all items to be sold monday with no new bids

03-21-2010, 03:44 PM
a slender locksmith's kit - I'll go 1 mil on this.


03-21-2010, 08:26 PM
a serrated rolaren hunting knife 4x vibe flare


03-21-2010, 09:43 PM
BO on both wakizashi's

03-22-2010, 01:25 AM
last bidding call on everything with twice bids. will be sold when I get off work pending new bidders. Happy Bidding

03-22-2010, 02:30 AM
What the hell, I'll take the MB on the black ora main gauche

03-22-2010, 02:39 PM
last day for most stuff bump items sold at 5pm(ish) when i get home from work, pending new bidders

03-23-2010, 07:47 AM
>*New*delicate chrysoberyl necklace +6 to swimming bonus, must be train 7. crumbly on enhancive and imbed. huge charges
>MB: 25k
>CB: 0
>BO: 100k


AIM: LizardClan1

03-23-2010, 08:08 AM
put me down for mb on both these :

grey leather lockpick kit stamped with a scarlet-colored pentacle, altered lockpick case. *price drop to sell*
MB: 100k

spiked vultite buckler - 5x adds +3 to td is spiked *Price drop to sell*
MB: 300k

03-23-2010, 01:04 PM
auction over everything left will sell at its MB price so if your interested get it now

03-23-2010, 01:06 PM
please pickup items soon contact today if possible the account everything is stored on deactivates on thursday

03-24-2010, 10:39 PM
Haven't seen you in game to pickup items, but i'll take the MB on the casting leathers, and i've got the coin for the bracer when you can get in touch. If i'm not on as Nihilis i'm on as Vladerak

03-25-2010, 12:37 PM
*New* some simple black stalking boots - hold small amount open/close

mb on these if someone hasn't already.

03-25-2010, 09:52 PM
anything left sold flat price. updated info

03-26-2010, 04:19 PM
length of black steel wire studded with shards of glass(nice one

take it for 50k