View Full Version : a gem-encrusted glaes hammer - gem-eating hammer

03-16-2010, 05:10 PM
a gem-encrusted glaes hammer - SOLD on buyout.

4x gem-eating hammer. Weighs 6. Highly variable abilities, dependent on the currently socketed gem, including VHCW, VHDW, blessing, fire flares, acid flares, cold flares, lightning flares, and vibe flares.

Weapon does not flare on every hit, but seems to flare more often than standard. I have registered up to 8 consecutive flares so far. Weapon is capable of delivering dual flares on a hit.

Weapon is PP enchantable. This is how I took it to 4x.

Show (which varies depending on the currently socketed gem): Odd pieces of various gemstones encrust the pommel of the hammer, with an especially fine uncut diamond mounted at the base of the pommel.

Analyze results (to be taken with a grain of salt):
>analyze hammer
You analyze your glaes hammer and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the glaes hammer for you.

The first thing that strikes you about the hammer is the weight, which is about 6 pounds. You feel it's quite valuable.

The aura of magic surrounds the hammer as if it was a weapon of great power. You also sense that it has more than one ability and that its power originates from the pommel.

A strong aura of magic radiates from the the pommel of the hammer. An especially fine an uncut diamond glows as you sing to it as if it is the source of power for the weapon.

A vision slowly forms before your eyes...
Smoke slowly wafts skyward from the forge as a burly, black-haired weaponsmith carefully places the hammer on a golden anvil and starts to inset the last gem onto the pommel of the hammer. Kneeling in a circle around the smith, nine brown robed monks chant continuously in prayer. The weaponsmith slowly lifts his head and gives a slight smile as he gazes upon the gem encrusted weapon. A young acolyte carrying a brown velvet pillow runs up to the smith and kneels before him. Reaching over to the pillow the burly man takes hold of a gem and holds it skyward. The chanting grows in strength as he takes hold of the weapon and presses the gem into its pommel. The vision slowly starts to fade...

PM, IM, or post with questions, bids, etc.

03-16-2010, 06:17 PM
Some of the gem eaters had a haste effect in gs3, I know I seen one that had haste2 back then, may have been a glitch, but I've never owned one.

If this has haste, it will help drive out your price.

03-16-2010, 06:22 PM
No longer have haste affect, was a glitch when ambushing.
Neat weapons though, use to have one of the morning stars and they're nifty.

03-16-2010, 06:27 PM
What gems make the blessing and VHCW, and how many swings can you get out of each gem?

Grim Reaper
03-16-2010, 07:53 PM
I'll meet the minimum of 20mil on the gem-encrusted glaes hammer.

03-16-2010, 08:11 PM
Fire flares in a troll warcamp are amazing with these weapons. I think they flare on every swing.

03-16-2010, 10:19 PM
Pearls are blessing.

Uncut diamonds make it VHCW.

I will add a more comprehensive gem list soon.

Grim Reaper
03-16-2010, 10:27 PM
Gem list with their respective abilities:

diamond: crit weighting
rubies, bloodstones: damage weighting
sapphires: fire flares
stones: earth flares
opals: lightning flares
emerald: acid flares
gem: cold flares
pearls: blessed weapon

03-17-2010, 12:19 AM

03-17-2010, 12:28 AM
Sunstones are plasma flares

03-17-2010, 01:19 AM
can you have multiple gem settings going at once? for instance have it blessed and VHCW? also, is this OHB?

03-17-2010, 01:24 AM
It is an OHB weapon.

Only one gem can be slotted at a given time.

03-17-2010, 01:43 AM
It is an OHB weapon.

Only one gem can be slotted at a given time.

I've had three people ask me if this was an OHB since I was bidding. Heh. I created confusion getting away from THW.

03-17-2010, 01:55 AM
I've had three people ask me if this was an OHB since I was bidding. Heh. I created confusion getting away from THW.

Yeah, that's why I asked. I know you like your THW's, I thought this was OHB

Grim Reaper
03-17-2010, 06:27 AM
30m on the hammer

03-17-2010, 07:38 AM
Does a socketed gem last for a set amount of swings/flares?

Where's the gem eating SLEDGEhammer?

03-17-2010, 08:11 AM
I think it depends on gem value.

03-17-2010, 10:23 AM
I think it depends on gem value.

^ This

I believe it's 1 swing per 25 silver value of the gem. Thus if you have a gem worth 2,500 silvers in there, it's 100 swings.

03-17-2010, 10:30 AM
Not sure how the gem-eating wand compares in terms of gem use, but I had pretty consistent results with it while I owned the "staff". Out of curiosity though, can you remove the gems at all? With the staff, I just kept bolting until the emerald/assorted gem crumbled (at which point my script replaced it).

If you can switch them out with no roundtime, it could get pretty insane.

03-17-2010, 10:33 AM
Unfortunately, you can't swap gems out. Once you socket one in, you're using it until you crumble it out for the next.

>pull hammer
You can't seem to pry the diamond out from the pommel of the glaes hammer.
>pull diamond
I'm afraid that you can't pull that.
>get diamond from hammer
You can't pick that up.

03-17-2010, 10:39 AM
Eh... figures. Still a great weapon either way. Probably one of the better blunts around, period.

03-17-2010, 11:07 AM
Correcting an earlier misconception here. If you set the weapon for flares, it will not flare every swing, though it does still have a pretty decent flare rate. Each swing counts towards the gem shattering, whether a flare is generated or not.

03-17-2010, 11:12 AM
Also, going to put a rough chart here since I am testing this thing out anyway. Gems marked as non-working shatter immediately when attempting to socket them.

From Krakiipedia
rubies, bloodstones: damage weighting
sapphires: fire flares
emerald: acid flares
gem: cold flares
pearls: blessed weapon

Working gem types
Agate, mottled --- vibe flares
Diamond (faceted black, uncut) --- VHCW
Opal, fire --- fire flares
Sapphire, clear --- worked, but broke after one swing.
Stone (morganite, sardonyx) --- vibe flares

Non-working gem types
Coral, polished black
Diopside, star
Jasper (piece of black, piece of red)
Quartz (piece of cat's eye, piece of rose)
Spinel (blue, pink, red, violet)
Topaz, clear
Tourmaline (black, clear)
Zircon (clear, green, yellow)

03-17-2010, 12:50 PM
Don't waste the jaspers. Those are for makin pimp disks.

03-17-2010, 01:18 PM
Okay, I'd never really paid attention with flares before.

Sometimes you get a standard flare. Other times the gem glows and invokes a flare. It turns out these are not mutually exclusive.

>att mer
You swing a gem-encrusted glaes hammer at a krolvin mercenary!
AS: +303 vs DS: +224 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +12 = +119
... and hit for 5 points of damage!
Thrust glances off the krolvin mercenary's knee without a lot of effect.
The gem in the pommel of a gem-encrusted glaes hammer glows brightly.
... 30 points of damage!
Flames cook a krolvin mercenary's back. Looks about medium well.
The krolvin mercenary is stunned!

** Your glaes hammer flares with a burst of flame! **

... 20 points of damage!
Nasty burns to abdomen, a krolvin mercenary shrieks in pain!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

This is a rarer ocurrence, but the weapon actually delivered a double fire flare on this hit.

Added a couple more.

>att mer
You swing a gem-encrusted glaes hammer at a krolvin mercenary!
AS: +303 vs DS: +101 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +15 = +245
... and hit for 61 points of damage!
Knocked back several feet by blow to abdomen.
The krolvin mercenary is stunned!
The gem in the pommel of a gem-encrusted glaes hammer glows brightly.
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow to chest!

** Your glaes hammer releases a blast of vibrating energy! **

... 15 points of damage!
Nice blow to left arm!
The krolvin mercenary hits the floor with a less than elegant thud.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.

>att mer
You swing a gem-encrusted glaes hammer at a krolvin mercenary!
AS: +303 vs DS: +194 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +15 = +152
... and hit for 16 points of damage!
Strike through the palm!
The gem in the pommel of a gem-encrusted glaes hammer glows brightly.
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow to left hand!
The krolvin mercenary is stunned!

** Your glaes hammer releases a blast of vibrating energy! **

... 20 points of damage!
Good blow to back!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.

03-17-2010, 02:34 PM
From what I learned when I owned one, the flares are very powerful when you first put them in the weapon, like 80's+. They go down from there over the life of the gem. Not sure if it is the same with the weighting.

03-17-2010, 08:56 PM
These are great weapons. Against trolls they are really amazing if your using a fire flare. This is what mine looks like

You thrust with a bejeweled heavy mithglin sai at a tomb troll!
AS: +300 vs DS: +157 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +25 = +187
... and hit for 15 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the right leg.
The gem in the pommel of a bejeweled heavy mithglin sai glows brightly.
... 35 points of damage!
Flames incinerate scalp completely and blacken skullcap. Not very fashionable.
The tomb troll is stunned!
The tomb troll howls in agony as the flames dance over her body!
... 50 points of damage!
A large patch of flesh is seared off a tomb troll's back.
The webbing around a tomb troll catches fire!
... 25 points of damage!
Burst of flames char abdomen a crispy black.

** Your heavy mithglin sai flares with a burst of flame! **

... 25 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left hand fries palm. Ouch!
The tomb troll moans in pain as the flames singe her skin!
... 30 points of damage!
Flames incinerate muscle tissue in neck exposing the trachea. More than you ever wanted to see.

Can't beat the flares in my opinion. I use it over weighting 100%

Dr Kevorkian
03-29-2010, 12:51 PM
damn, I missed this? I'm jealous!

04-09-2010, 05:35 PM
Correcting an earlier misconception here. If you set the weapon for flares, it will not flare every swing, though it does still have a pretty decent flare rate. Each swing counts towards the gem shattering, whether a flare is generated or not.

Just what to update the info here.

First I love this weapon, lots of fun so far.

The Weapon has flared every single hit so far for me (using a saphhire for fire flares). Once every 4 to 6 swings it does a double flare, and the double flare has ranged upwards of 70 points. Haven't noticed a huge fallout in damage as sapphire is spent, but really haven't looked at it mathematically yet.

Thanks Tolwynn for letting me buy it!

04-09-2010, 07:02 PM
That's pretty ridiculous! Nice buy.