View Full Version : The Battlefield Thread

03-01-2010, 06:38 PM
OK, in honor of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 coming out tomorrow, and to stop me from continuing to hijack the ApocalyPS3 thread, this will be where we can discuss BBC2 and the upcoming BF3.

First, who else is going to be playing BBC3 on PC? I'll be on there hopefully later this week and I'm definitely up for squadding up.

Second, for those of you who have seen the ad, it looks just like the Machinima that my clanmates and I used to create. I finally uploaded a video from 2006 from BF2 that we did to You Tube. Check it out and you'll see how far we've come compared to what is coming from EA and DICE.


03-01-2010, 06:54 PM

03-01-2010, 07:17 PM
I really enjoyed the beta on PC off and on the whole month. Pretty good testament to the game since the beta was only one map/play-type. It'll be my first battlefield game, but I really enjoy the vehicles/destructible terrain/squad system far more than I enjoyed the MW2 kill-streak system.

I ordered it on Steam, but apparently they're not doing a preload and it's not unlocking until late in the day tomorrow. Kind of annoying since the leaked version has been on torrents for a day or two now.

03-01-2010, 07:25 PM
I'll be grabbing it on 360 :(

Also, coming up...FFXIII and GOW3! So, I think it's time to cave and buy a PS3.

03-01-2010, 07:28 PM
I'll be grabbing it on 360 :(

Also, coming up...FFXIII and GOW3! So, I think it's time to cave and buy a PS3.


I'm aware you probably can't get those titles on pc though :(

No love for the pc anymore.

03-01-2010, 07:48 PM

I'm aware you probably can't get those titles on pc though

No love for the pc anymore.

Too many pirates :( It's bad enough gamestop is destroying the industry with second hand sales for the console market. Then add in all the pirated games, and it gets to a point where development isn't profitable.

03-01-2010, 07:54 PM

Some background info of frostbite.

Its based on BC1 but, neat nonetheless.

Also neat.


Sean of the Thread
03-01-2010, 09:34 PM
OK, in honor of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 coming out tomorrow, and to stop me from continuing to hijack the ApocalyPS3 thread, this will be where we can discuss BBC2 and the upcoming BF3.

First, who else is going to be playing BBC3 on PC? I'll be on there hopefully later this week and I'm definitely up for squadding up.

Second, for those of you who have seen the ad, it looks just like the Machinima that my clanmates and I used to create. I finally uploaded a video from 2006 from BF2 that we did to You Tube. Check it out and you'll see how far we've come compared to what is coming from EA and DICE.


Inf only 4 life POSER!

** Also whatever clan you were playing were some serious tards. That guy seriously just hopped the bags RIGHT OVER the c4...

03-01-2010, 09:39 PM
Inf only 4 life POSER!

** Also whatever clan you were playing were some serious tards. That guy seriously just hopped the bags RIGHT OVER the c4...

Sure, they were tards, but it was still hilariously awesome. You didn't like my sneaky C4 placement? I tried to hide it pretty well by sticking it on stuff. Is it sad that I remember playing that actual match 4 years ago?

Inf only sucked my balls. The reason BF2 was so fun was the vehicles...except fucking attack helicopters and jets, those could all DIAF.

Sean of the Thread
03-01-2010, 09:47 PM
Sure, they were tards, but it was still hilariously awesome. You didn't like my sneaky C4 placement? I tried to hide it pretty well by sticking it on stuff. Is it sad that I remember playing that actual match 4 years ago?

Inf only sucked my balls. The reason BF2 was so fun was the vehicles...except fucking attack helicopters and jets, those could all DIAF.

I did chuckle when I saw that dipshit literally jump over the c4 and what looked like his medic friend go right after him. Obviously the fp was rigged.

Medic should have took cover and let him get blown to hell than revive.

Oh I'm not saying the vehicles aren't fun as hell for just bullshitting around. I just prefer squad level combat of inf only with ff on. I dig realism.

And yeah the AH's and Jets can all suck a dick in BF2. You want to try some for reals skills aerial combat then wwiiol is hands down the best.

That's why I play wwiiol.

03-01-2010, 10:02 PM
I did chuckle when I saw that dipshit literally jump over the c4 and what looked like his medic friend go right after him. Obviously the fp was rigged.

Medic should have took cover and let him get blown to hell than revive.

Oh I'm not saying the vehicles aren't fun as hell for just bullshitting around. I just prefer squad level combat of inf only with ff on. I dig realism.

And yeah the AH's and Jets can all suck a dick in BF2. You want to try some for reals skills aerial combat then wwiiol is hands down the best.

That's why I play wwiiol.

All I could figure is that since we had already taken the center flag they needed to grab our base really fast so they both wanted to be in the radius. And the guy did jump over the sandbags to try and avoid the first C4...only to eat the shit out of the one next to the fuel tank.

I dig realism to a degree (FF on always), but I got le tired of COD games fighting over the same areas of the 60 x 60 foot map area. You never knew what piece of terrain would be key in a BF2 match because you could drive or fly a transport helo anywhere.

The squadhopping shit that went on kind of pissed me off with helo drops though(you could spawn off of a squad leader as long as you controlled a flag, and you could create new squads on the fly so if your SL died, the next guy made a new squad and himself the leader so people could spawn on him). I hope they find a way for that to be more balanced in BBC2 and BF3.

I really enjoyed the air combat in both BF1942 and BFV (because the VC had a god damn SA7 to cut the napalm bullshit out...why did the MEC not have an SA7 in frigging BF2?) and I'm sure WWIIOnline has good stuff, but modern day air forces really don't have a good reason to fight each other...so they really shouldn't have them in an arguably ground centric game.

Sean of the Thread
03-01-2010, 11:39 PM
I really enjoyed the air combat in both BF1942 and BFV (because the VC had a god damn SA7 to cut the napalm bullshit out...why did the MEC not have an SA7 in frigging BF2?) and I'm sure WWIIOnline has good stuff, but modern day air forces really don't have a good reason to fight each other...so they really shouldn't have them in an arguably ground centric game.

Haha I was always a VC asshole that would make a tunnel in the phantom hangar than run around setting the good guys on fire for 15 minutes.

I may need to install BFV again. Even the Huey vs Hind combat is fun although it makes for some serious base raping.

I was pretty untouchable in a mig as well.

Good ole days.

03-05-2010, 02:24 AM
OK, first impressions with BBC2.

Single Player - Amusing, but fairly pointless. Pretty much on par with storylines that aren't MW1. Has a UAV section but nowhere near as fun as the AC130 section. If you have played just about any other shooter, there is little need to concern yourself with finishing the campaign.

Multiplayer - Wow. Totally different experience than what I was expecting. They really have figured out a new paradigm here. I really really like rush mode and that is actually all I've played so far. Basically it is like Headquarters from MW, but with maps that are muuuuuch bigger. The assaulting team has to take and hold the two sites without running out of soldiers (the defending team has unlimited guys) and if you do, the map moves forwards and opens up a completely different terrain. Sometimes the defender loses access to heavy tanks, but may gain access to choppers.

It really has a good flow but sure there is a ton of camping as with all BF games, but I found that I can still sneak up on the campers and knife them all over and over again because they have target fixation.

I really can see me playing this quite a bit. I played for about 3 hours tonight and only made 3 promotions. I've unlocked quite a bit of gear but haven't figured out how to use most of it yet. Oh, you actually have to unlock shock paddles, med kits, and ammo crates...you don't get them to start with.

Only issue I have is that EA has reverted back to squadhopping being standard practice. Instead of squads having leaders, every single squad member is a spawn point. I may get used to it though...it seems more fluid than in BF2.

The choppers are still overpowered in the right hands, but now the Tanks are too. Thankfully they've gotten rid of engineers in tanks automatically healing other tanks nearby, but as it stands, an engineer repairing a tank under fire is almost always going to survive if the driver isn't stupid.

Now, I was able to do the epic thing of knifing a guy who was repairing his own tank and steal it which I loved to do in BF2 and wooooo boooooy that is awesome now. They don't get a replacement as long as you are alive, and on some maps (the arctic one specifically) you can basically never die unless the enemy makes a concentrated effort to kill you specifically since they only get one tank and an APC.

So anyway, first impressions on the PC is that this will be a MW2 killer for sure for vehicle whores like myself, and probably people who like actual strategy instead of twitchfire in MW2.

03-24-2010, 11:19 PM
Alright, second impressions of BFBC2 - Still awesome, but burned out my $450 video card. Here's Yahtzee's Zero Punctuation review for an alternate viewpoint - http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/1546-Battlefield-Bad-Company-2

I'm completely immersed in the Multiplayer and I am really loving the kit customization that is pretty ridiculously free form. Want to be a shotgun toting, gillysuit wearing, mortar strike calling, uparmored tank driver? You can do that. Want to be a smoke grenade firing, XM8 toting, double grenade wearing, UAV pilot who can have the UAV fire 50cal rounds and hellfires? You got it.

Definitely needs more maps. I've pretty much figured out all the sniping spots and just mosey on over and knife all the noobs there at the start of every rush map. Why do most game developers not realize that if they released a $1.99 map every week they would make umpteen billion dollars with a successful game? Why do they wait three months and release 5 maps for $9.99?

Hardcore mode actually feels more "arcadey" than classic mode. In hardcore a sniper bullet to any part of your body is instant death. This makes the already heavily prevalent snipasaurous rex class even more ridiclous. At least it takes a headshot to get an instant kill in classic mode.

I've decided that choppers are really not overpowered, but UAVs with the right upgrade (specifically the zoom capability) can be. If I have a UAV out of the visual range of the enemy but with my upgrade I can see them clear as day, I can routinely rain hellfires on tanks, infantry, m-com objectives, and never suffer a single death all round unless someone comes up and knifes me.

Other complaints is that some of the maps are...dare I say it...too big for 20-25 players. They were really designed for 32 players minimum and could probably do with another 16 more to make it more interesting. Crashing helicopters sometimes just kind of bounce around instead of just exploding like you'd expect, that is also weird and annoying. The art of "noobtubing" is back again with instantly arming rifle grenades being the most common death I've received, especially on FF OFF servers. They need to go back to the BF2 way of having the grenades arm after traveling a few feet.

Big patch is supposed to be coming out next weekend, should be interesting to see if they make any balance changes.

04-05-2010, 07:20 PM
I just picked up this game for PS3. Started in Single Player since I haven't touched a first person shooter since Socom 2 on PS2. Seems pretty good. Couple days and i'll probably be ready to start on multiplayer.