View Full Version : Car selling, etc?

02-24-2010, 11:45 AM
Alright, I touched on this in a previous thread regarding refinancing the car to include the woman's name on it so she can then take ownership of it. However, as I'm unemployed/self employed making no money, as well as she is, the option to refinance is nil.

Owed on car: 10,811.03

Type of car: 2007 Toyota matrix/XR
Miles: 90k ish

The bank valued it at $12,525 over the phone (suckers!), but it has a scratch and a dent or two. Nothing mechanically wrong with it. Someone hit it in the wheel well and some stuff had to be replaced previously, but nothing major. Missing 3 hubcaps.

We have been using this in lieu of child support (I pay this and car insurance for her instead), but as we're doing the official business, the unofficial child support doesnt work. So we're trying to find a solution to the car.

Originally, we were just going to try and get the car in her name, have her take over payments, and I would then just pay her cash child support as per usual. But since we cant get the title in her name, she cant take over payments, and it's a mess.

Since the bank valued it at more than the outstanding balance is on the loan, one would think "just sell the fucker" and be done. Good idea, but I dont really know how to go about it to get the max amount of money... Cant give it to a dealer, because they wont offer 12k, or 10.. or even 8 probably. Don't know how I would sell it on say, craigslist, if there's still a large lien on it?

Never sold cars before, so looking for some advice.. from the pc..

I know this thread will be derailed, railroaded, and eventually be about titsorgtfo, which is fine.. but usually I get a few good replies!

02-24-2010, 11:49 AM
Selling a Toyota to your wife? How long do you think it will take the authorities to put THAT puzzle together?

02-24-2010, 11:50 AM
Selling a Toyota to your wife? How long do you think it will take the authorities to put THAT puzzle together?

Love it. Can't rep again though :(

02-24-2010, 11:51 AM
Take it to carmax and get an offer. You don't have to take it and it will give you an idea of what a dealer will pay. Doesn't cost you anything and it can't hurt.

02-24-2010, 11:52 AM
Selling a Toyota to your wife? How long do you think it will take the authorities to put THAT puzzle together? Subtle, very subtle.

02-24-2010, 11:52 AM
Selling a Toyota to your wife? How long do you think it will take the authorities to put THAT puzzle together?

Hah. Nice.

02-24-2010, 11:53 AM
Take it to carmax and get an offer. You don't have to take it and it will give you an idea of what a dealer will pay. Doesn't cost you anything and it can't hurt.

Yeah, I think she planned on doing that later this week. I dont think they'll give us more than 7k.. after all, they have to make money too.

Fuck the middle man.

02-24-2010, 11:54 AM
Isn't that what caused the divorce?


02-24-2010, 11:55 AM
The lein isn't much of an issue for a buyer. It's only an issue for you. Sell the car for 12k or so, pay off the lein, provide the buyer with a clean title, and you're done. Your buyer will have to be willing to wait a week or so for the paperwork to finish, however, and some people might get leery about that. You can also call your bank and ask them what they'd recommend for selling a vehicle with their lein on it.

Craigslist works pretty well. Both my gf and I bought cars off it. Remember that most people buy on appearance, though some people will request that a mechanic check the car out first (this should be at their cost unless you're feeling generous). If you want the best price, buy some new hubcaps (probably $75 for a new set of 4 online, or you can try salvage yards) and get that dent smoothed out, and get it detailed.

Edit: Or, you know, you can pray you get in an accident and your insurance totals it out.

02-24-2010, 11:56 AM
If you want the best price, buy some new hubcaps (probably $75 for a new set of 4 online, or you can try salvage yards) and get that dent smoothed out, and get it detailed. If you take nothing else from this thread. ^

Always detail your shit before attempting to sell it.

02-24-2010, 12:01 PM
yeah, I know about detailing it before selling it..

02-24-2010, 12:05 PM
Alright, just got off the phone with the dealer I bought it with..

GA is not a title holding state, so they dont release the title until it's paid off..

so I cant get the title until I pay it off... doh.

02-24-2010, 12:07 PM
So, write up a contract between you and the buyer. If you both sign it, it's legally enforceable, I'm pretty sure.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-24-2010, 01:21 PM
Can I have the phone number of your ex's boobs...?

02-24-2010, 01:25 PM
which boob, each one has its own number.

02-24-2010, 01:42 PM
Okay your best bet is to definitely take it to a PDR(paintless dent removal) and get the damage sorted out and have it professionally detailed to prep for sale(will probably run 50-250 for the dent and 100-200 for a good pre-sale inside and out). Have someone that is good with a camera(not just has a good camera but knows how to use it.) take a ton of pictures, make sure you clearly point out any visible issues. Also track down whatever maint history you can, if it was maintained by the dealer make sure you mention that and get the records. This will go a long way with the buyer and the small amount of time it takes will be paid back tenfold.

As far as the ad goes, like I said include anything that someone would notice during a walk-around inspection or test-drive. You don't need to tell them about the time you were three quarts of oil low, but do tell them about any damage.

When you list the car, start on craigslist, cars.com and autotrader. They are inexpensive and will definitely help you move it. Get a solid number in your head of what you are willing to accept, list at 13k and be willing to go to 11.5 for example. If the car doesn't sell in a 2-3 weeks, consider lowering your price and/or tossing it up on ebay.

Good luck:)

02-24-2010, 01:51 PM
the paint is actually missing from the dent.. whatever hit our car did a good job, it's smaller than a golf ball, so the dent removal thing would work, but would need a bit of paint to fix it.

Strange because it's on the drivers side, 2nd door back, and no one was on the road at the time other than us.

I'm blaming stray bullets in the ghettos of ATL.

02-24-2010, 01:55 PM
If it's that small, get the dent removed and then get some touch-up paint from the dealer. You might be able to do it yourself.

02-24-2010, 01:56 PM
If it's that small, get the dent removed and then get some touch-up paint from the dealer. You might be able to do it yourself.

I can promise that if I did that, it would be a bag of fail.

Kuyuk + DIY = Bad.

Related story, I visited my brother ~ 4 years ago here in ATL when he moved in.. his kitchen sink leaked from the bottom a little, so when he was at work I tried to repair it. When I was trying to remove nut from the pipe, the pipe that went into the wall disintegrated into my hands. A $5 project turned into ~$75, and took me from the time he left to the time he walked in the door to fix it. I was just cleaning up when he arrived home. "Hey! I tried to fix your sink, but ended up breaking it totally.. and then fixed it!!"

Sylvan Dreams
02-24-2010, 01:59 PM
Alright, I touched on this in a previous thread regarding refinancing the car to include the woman's name on it so she can then take ownership of it. However, as I'm unemployed/self employed making no money, as well as she is, the option to refinance is nil.

Owed on car: 10,811.03

Type of car: 2007 Toyota matrix/XR
Miles: 90k ish

The bank valued it at $12,525 over the phone (suckers!), but it has a scratch and a dent or two. Nothing mechanically wrong with it. Someone hit it in the wheel well and some stuff had to be replaced previously, but nothing major. Missing 3 hubcaps.

We have been using this in lieu of child support (I pay this and car insurance for her instead), but as we're doing the official business, the unofficial child support doesnt work. So we're trying to find a solution to the car.

Originally, we were just going to try and get the car in her name, have her take over payments, and I would then just pay her cash child support as per usual. But since we cant get the title in her name, she cant take over payments, and it's a mess.

Since the bank valued it at more than the outstanding balance is on the loan, one would think "just sell the fucker" and be done. Good idea, but I dont really know how to go about it to get the max amount of money... Cant give it to a dealer, because they wont offer 12k, or 10.. or even 8 probably. Don't know how I would sell it on say, craigslist, if there's still a large lien on it?

Never sold cars before, so looking for some advice.. from the pc..

I know this thread will be derailed, railroaded, and eventually be about titsorgtfo, which is fine.. but usually I get a few good replies!

If she's without a job and has no income, how can she possibly make the payments even if she could refinance it?

I don't know the details of your relationship with her, but if she is reliable and trustworthy, you could just let her 'have' (that is, drive) the car and she can pay you the car payment and the insurance, until she is able to get refinancing in her own name. It's risky, but it is an option. Be sure to keep immaculate records.

02-24-2010, 02:03 PM
If she's without a job and has no income, how can she possibly make the payments even if she could refinance it?

I don't know the details of your relationship with her, but if she is reliable and trustworthy, you could just let her 'have' (that is, drive) the car and she can pay you the car payment and the insurance, until she is able to get refinancing in her own name. It's risky, but it is an option. Be sure to keep immaculate records.

She would pay for it with the child support money I gave her..

We could do that, but one point of contention we came into, is after the car was paid off, whose car would it be? The person whose name is on the title and lien (mine), and paid for it, or the person who drove it and maintained it(hers)?

We couldn't agree on it, so we're finding alternative solutions to the problem.

02-24-2010, 02:10 PM

If that's the issue, write up an agreement where you pay for the car, but agree to transfer it to her once it's paid off or whatnot. Sign it. Have it notarized. Done.

02-24-2010, 02:15 PM
The problem is that legally I have to pay her cash for child support. I can no longer pay for the car as child support.

If we write up an agreement saying I will pay her cash, and of that cash, she needs to pay for the car/insurance, and after time runs out, it's hers.. if she misses three payments, it will come back and hit me, not her. Thats where the problem is as well. Protecting myself from stupid shit.

02-24-2010, 02:29 PM
Hrm. That's a tangle.

1) You can't add her name to the title or loan
2) You can't refinance it in both of your names or in hers alone
3) You don't trust her to make the payments if you sign a contract giving her possession another way
4) You have to pay her in cash in the future.

I don't really see any other option than selling it, yeah. Private party with the above advice is probably the best way to go.

02-24-2010, 02:42 PM
Hrm. That's a tangle.

1) You can't add her name to the title or loan
2) You can't refinance it in both of your names or in hers alone
3) You don't trust her to make the payments if you sign a contract giving her possession another way
4) You have to pay her in cash in the future.

I don't really see any other option than selling it, yeah. Private party with the above advice is probably the best way to go.

Pretty much sums it up.