View Full Version : Blatant MAers should have signs on their necks.

03-22-2004, 09:40 AM
I'm sick of every time I try to rescue someone, their 'sister' or 'brother' suddenly appears and wants to raise. Now, I don 't do raising for experience, and I'm happy to help and not do the raise, but this is probably the most frustrating thing I have to deal with, other than incompetent/stupid clerics and vultures.

I have no problem with MAing, but if someone goes out of their way to help you, isn't it a little RUDE to login your other character to do the raise/heal/whatever?

[Edited on 3-22-2004 by Maimara]

03-22-2004, 09:45 AM
Dont help people then.

03-22-2004, 09:53 AM
Stop whining and lets go hunt then you can raise me!

03-22-2004, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
I'm sick of every time I try to rescue someone, their 'sister' or 'brother' suddenly appears and wants to raise. Now, I don 't do raising for experience, and I'm happy to help and not do the raise, but this is probably the most frustrating thing I have to deal with, other than incompetent/stupid clerics and vultures.

I have no problem with MAing, but if someone goes out of their way to help you, isn't it a little RUDE to login your other character to do the raise/heal/whatever?


03-22-2004, 09:55 AM
Act like you can't hear them, major sanct with them, and then go afk.

They'll eventually learn to log out and back in, but it's a good passive aggressive way of giving them the big "FU"

03-22-2004, 09:55 AM
Tag em and don't bother running to get them in the future.

03-22-2004, 10:03 AM
If you're truly evil and don't mind setting youself back do a sign of wracking then raise them. Should dust you both correct?

03-22-2004, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
If you're truly evil and don't mind setting youself back do a sign of wracking then raise them. Should dust you both correct?

Nah, just a spirit death for the cleric.

03-22-2004, 10:10 AM
I use 340, so no it wouldn't kill me. And I'm not about to kill myself just to piss someone else off. I"ll just never help them again.

Half the problem is people think if you fog to them you're going to automatically want to raise/gain EXP from it, which just isn't true in my case. If all they want is for me to fog them out, then that's fine, I'm more than willing to help. What I do n't like is them 'leading me on' and then all of a sudden in pops level 12 cleric sibling to help. That... is just... frustrating as hell.

03-22-2004, 12:37 PM
And you KNOW if no one rescues them they'll get all whiny about how the town sux and everyone sux and no one cares any more.

What should be done with fugging MAers is to be hung upside down from meat hooks, stripped naked and to clap bricks together with their danglys in the middle.

03-22-2004, 12:48 PM
I'm in the same boat, although when it comes to healing someone I tend to get pissed when I come dragging a corpse back to town, get halfway there, an empath runs up, heals the body, and then looks at me and goes "Oh you're a healer, sorry!".

I tend to shrug, say no problem, and leave then. Meanwhile the level 9 empath is stuck with a severed leg, wracked nerves, and a bleed head.

Have fun healing down and dragging the body the rest of the way.

03-22-2004, 12:55 PM
Scenario that I especially despise:

I rescue body.

Drag him/her to a cleric (usually one that I know), who tends and pour herbs or solicts an empath to come and heal.

Then dumbass cleric comes in and go "oh, there you are!" and boom raises while the original cleric is in tending RT or was preserving another body at the moment.

OR, dumbass cleric comes in, raises body without a word, and leaves right after or logs off right there.


Both instances, especially the second, smacks of MAing, where I usually whisper asking if cleric was "theirs".

If "yes", I cease all further rescue attempts with either body or cleric in question.

If "no, but a friend of mine", then I whisper saying that there was already a cleric helping him. If he/she doesn't seem apologetic about that, I cease recues with body. I then comment to dumbass cleric that there was already a cleric helping, and if said cleric isn't apologetic, he/she also goes on the cease assistance list.
I'm willing to be forgiving in this sort of situation because friends do have that comraderie thing going.

If "no" then body is not to blame, and dumbass cleric goes on my do not assist list. But if it happens more than once with same dumbass cleric, then I know that body was lying and is MA-ing, and thus goes on the do not assist list.

That's how I handle this sort of thing.

Usually my "do not assist list" is combined with my "people I despise list" or "enemy list" as some people put it.

03-22-2004, 01:56 PM

Reveyna is you Maimara, according to your own words. Were you just visiting the body here?

>[Wehnimer's, South Ring Rd.]
The quiet of the moonlit street is broken by the sound of metal bouncing against metal. A small group of rough-looking citizens gather in the shadow of the buildings, apparently busy at some gambling game. From one small storefront comes the sound of a lilting melody being picked out on a lute. You also see an ornate wrought iron gate.
Also here: the body of Raveyna who is lying down, Maimara, Eriyan
Obvious paths: north, east, northwest

03-22-2004, 02:03 PM
Had another Cleric beat her to her body, I'm sure she would have let them raise. I know that's what I do when I MA. Your point is moot.

Also, I end up binding/killing empaths/clerics that get clumsy and pushy. They never do it around me again.

03-22-2004, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
Had another Cleric beat her to her body, I'm sure she would have let them raise. I know that's what I do when I MA. Your point is moot.

My POINT was that she has made it a point of bashing MA'ers on a regular basis. MA means multi account. Thus SHE is an MA'er. My point is valid. She is a hypocrite.

03-22-2004, 02:09 PM
I don't believe she bashes MAers. She bashes those that abuse MAing. I've seen her interact with herself. It's not like she involves one in the other's conflicts nor does she act the same in both bodies.

Please stop trying. You won't win this one.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-22-2004, 02:14 PM
Hey Flypaper

Originally posted by MaimaraI have no problem with MAing, but if someone goes out of their way to help you, isn't it a little RUDE to login your other character to do the raise/heal/whatever?

PS - I Multi account. So does like 70% the game that I can tell.

03-22-2004, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
I don't believe she bashes MAers. She bashes those that abuse MAing. I've seen her interact with herself. It's not like she involves one in the other's conflicts nor does she act the same in both bodies.

Please stop trying. You won't win this one.

I am not trying to 'win' anything. Simply wanted to point out that she DOES indeed use one account to aid and abet another. I am sure she has all sorts of arguments and am sure we shall be treated to them however, the fact remains SHE IS AN MA'er. That does not mean she is a bad RP'er however. That is not what my point was originally.

03-22-2004, 02:18 PM
She never said she didn't help her second account with her first or vice versa. What she said is "if someone goes out of their way to help you, isn't it a little RUDE to login your other character to do the raise/heal/whatever?" Do us all a favor, put the keyboard down, read what she said, comprehend it, then read it again just to make sure you understand before you start an invalid argument.

[Edited on 3-22-2004 by Ambrosia]

Miss X
03-22-2004, 02:20 PM
So she's an MA'er? Read her post again, she said she has no problem with MAing.
You posted a tiny bit of a log which really has no point what so ever because there was no evidence of her logging in specifically to raise her other charecter and no evidence of her taking the body from another cleric, which was the point of her argument.
Please make sure your arguments actually have a point in future to prevent you looking like an idiot. Thanks.

[Edited on 22-3-04 by Miss X]

03-22-2004, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Ambrosia
She never said she didn't help her second account with her first or vice versa. What she said is "if someone goes out of their way to help you, isn't it a little RUDE to login your other character to do the raise/heal/whatever?" Do us all a favor, put the keyboard down, read what she said, comprehend it, then read it again just to make sure you understand before you start an invalid arguement.

Perhaps you should do some research on some of the statements she has made on these boards regarding MA'ers. They even provide a handy 'search' feature to aid you. And once again, my observation was not intended as a critisicm of her RP ability so please perhaps you should learn to read.

Miss X
03-22-2004, 02:23 PM
Not all of us have the time or the inclination to search through everyones past posts just to prove a point. Most of us arn't that petty.

03-22-2004, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by FlypaperforFreaks
Perhaps you should do some research on some of the statements she has made on these boards regarding MA'ers. They even provide a handy 'search' feature to aid you. And once again, my observation was not intended as a critisicm of her RP ability so please perhaps you should learn to read.

She talks about blantant MA'ers who act like jackasses. AKA logging in to heal/raise when the other character already had an empath or cleric that was helping or MA'ers that log their 2nd account to get involved in a fight that their 1st account couldn't handle, and the like. She's never talked shit about people who MA and keep it strictly RP without acting like an asshole.

I never said anything about you speaking of her RP. I quoted what she said involving logging in a second account to raise.

Your argument is still invalid. Go back to reading and comprehension class. You must have failed it the first time.

[Edited on 3-22-2004 by Ambrosia]

03-22-2004, 02:31 PM
I think "FlypaperforFreaks" just simply dislikes Maimara and/or her player...

... and is just trying to Flame. :thumbsdown:

03-22-2004, 02:32 PM
This argument is amusing, in light of Maimara's second paragraph:

I have no problem with MAing, but if someone goes out of their way to help you, isn't it a little RUDE to login your other character to do the raise/heal/whatever?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-22-2004, 02:36 PM
I have a problem with MAing.

It costs too much.

03-22-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I have a problem with MAing.

It costs too much.

I'm thinking of cancelling 2 of mine as well, since I haven't been playing them much. I was wondering though.. if I cancel them, will I still be able to get them back in the future?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-22-2004, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Atlanteax
I think "FlypaperforFreaks" just simply dislikes Maimara and/or her player...

... and is just trying to Flame. :thumbsdown:

I'm with you on this.

03-22-2004, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla

Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I have a problem with MAing.

It costs too much.

I'm thinking of cancelling 2 of mine as well, since I haven't been playing them much. I was wondering though.. if I cancel them, will I still be able to get them back in the future?

Put them on hold, that way you can take them off whenever you want.

03-22-2004, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Ambrosia
Put them on hold, that way you can take them off whenever you want.

Was just wondering with the whole name purging thing, but will do thanks. :heart:

03-22-2004, 02:55 PM
So what constitutes bad MA'ing anyway? If I open another account and use one character to help another character hunt this is considered bad? Confused here.

Oh and Flypaper is an idiot.

03-22-2004, 02:58 PM
I'm that petty, Chica :(


I think it was funny.

03-22-2004, 03:01 PM
Examples of bad MA'ing:

Example 1: Character A gets into a fight with random asshole. Character B, which is played by the same person as Character A, logs in and goes after random asshole and kills him without ever being involed in the situation.

Example 2: Character A gets hurt, rings in and Character B heals down Character A without a word. Character A rings out and Character B goes back to being a zombie in a very public place.

Example 3: Character A dies, cleric comes to rescue and fogs Character A in. Cleric begins tending or calling for an empath. Character B walks in, raises and then *poofs* walks out without a word leaving helpful cleric confused and/or pissed.

I could probably go on and on, but you get the idea.

03-22-2004, 03:01 PM
That just takes me to the fast reply screen Edaarin...

03-22-2004, 03:26 PM
Name purge is a joke. They're cancelling 0th and 1st level characters that haven't been played since before Simu went to the Web.

Bugger that, they ought to cancel 0th and 1st level characters beyond 3 years and 5th or less before the Web. If you didn't bring your character better than 5th level and you haven't played in 7 years, you must not care much.

03-22-2004, 03:29 PM
Then scroll up the page to my post Mint...:stupid:

03-22-2004, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Then scroll up the page to my post Mint...:stupid:

I figured it out. I chose in my profile to show more than the default number of pages so there is no page two for me. Did that make sense? Anyway yeah you have too much time on your hands. :grin:

03-22-2004, 04:19 PM
<<I chose in my profile to show more than the default number of pages so there is no page two for me.>>

I think you mean posts, not pages.

And I use 100, so I know exactly what you're saying.

03-22-2004, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by FlypaperforFreaks
My POINT was that she has made it a point of bashing MA'ers on a regular basis. MA means multi account. Thus SHE is an MA'er. My point is valid. She is a hypocrite.


1. I don't bash them on a regular basis.

2. Multi accounting is different than being an MA fuckhead.

03-22-2004, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage

Originally posted by Atlanteax
I think "FlypaperforFreaks" just simply dislikes Maimara and/or her player...

... and is just trying to Flame. :thumbsdown:

I'm with you on this.

So am I.

03-22-2004, 06:21 PM
Sounds like a bitter ex-roomate who has no life and is mad that Beth totally rox0rs.

Oh and Beth is totally hotter too.

[Edited on 3-22-2004 by Tayre]

03-22-2004, 06:35 PM
Beth is hot? Why did I not know this? Besides the fact that I registered in January.


03-22-2004, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
Beth is hot? Why did I not know this? Besides the fact that I registered in January.


I think she had to remove all/most of her pictures because they were being photo-shopped by an extremely overweight, insecure administrator of another message board.

03-22-2004, 10:32 PM
Indeed I did, Snapp. I think there's still some Simucon pictures up.

03-23-2004, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla

Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I have a problem with MAing.

It costs too much.

I'm thinking of cancelling 2 of mine as well, since I haven't been playing them much. I was wondering though.. if I cancel them, will I still be able to get them back in the future? Yeah you will.. i just opened my second account that I started back in 96. Hadnt played the characters in 5 years... so they hold onto them. Even the level 1 I had on there.

03-23-2004, 12:33 PM
So, now I'm deprived because of Klaive? I've never interacted with that cat, but now, I dislike him.


03-23-2004, 12:36 PM
I would hardly say you're deprived.

03-23-2004, 12:41 PM
Probably true. But I feel inadequate in my hatred for Klaive, as it has lagged behind everyone else on this board. So this will be good fuel.


03-23-2004, 12:44 PM
Be careful, he'll photoshop your face into porno and take your friends' pictures and do the same thing.

He'll also call you every name he can possibly think of to try and mobilize you to post on his boards, and he doesn't give up, even if you don't do a damn thing.