View Full Version : Need help for a bane script

03-21-2004, 07:23 AM
I am working on a cleric hunting script. On occasions I get a crit kill. However, I cannot get my script to recognize the kill and I cast again. I am trying to stop the re-cast.

Here is the crit message

A triad of ebony orbs cojoined by crackling ribbons of violet energy suddenly appear out of nowhere. The pulsating orbs take up a position directly in front of the XXXX, and slowly begin to move apart, stopping when they form a triangular shape of equal height to the creature. Encasing the XXXX within this framework, the triangle begins to rotate with tremendous speed, binding the XXXX with a cocoon of energy ribbons. A blur of violet and black obscures a XXXXXXXX from view and as mysteriously as the orbs appeared, they fade away. All that remains of the XXXX is a charred ashen figure of its former self lying upon the ground.Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Here is my filter:

put prep 302
waitfor You
put cast at XXXX
match wait1 Roundtime
match wait You don't have a spell prepared!
match dead1 dies
match dead1 motionless
match dead1 A triad of ebony orbs cojoined
match dead1 A little bit late for that don't
match R%c Your spell misfires
match R%c Cast at what

Can anyone help me so that my script will recognize the kill?

03-21-2004, 09:42 AM
It should work. Just make sure you don't have a hanging space at the end or something of the match.


03-21-2004, 01:48 PM
Or you could just loot before every cast. Don't do that if you group hunt, though.

03-21-2004, 01:58 PM
In some cases, I have had to check the end of the messaging, opposed to the beggining...

match whatever ground.Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

( ^ match copied from what you posted ^ I would think either there is a new line between ground. <--> Cast..., but anyway...)



03-21-2004, 04:28 PM
Personally, I thought the messaging was "A trio of ebony orbs", not a triad.
