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02-16-2010, 12:40 AM
Anyone have experience with a ranged Cleric?

I'm getting a little bored doing the whole "hold/Fu" thing, and since I'm Smite and haven't seriously persued an expensive deity change, I'm toying with the idea of adding ranged to hunt the living (and finally be able to regularly use the AG bounty system).

At level 30, I see I can do the following once I cut out Spell Aim:

Armor Use - 8
Ranged - 31 (1x)
Brawling - 31 (1x)
Physical Fitness - 25
Climbing - 10
Perception - 31 (1x)
Arcane Symbols - 23 (.7x)
Magic Item Use - 23 (.7x)
HP - 30 (1x)
SMC - 30 (1x)
MjS - 20 (.6x)
MnS - 20 (.6x)
Cleric - 42 (1.4x)

I haven't really seen the need for lores yet, so I don't think I'll be missing too much with this change. Anyone have any thoughts on it?

I'm calculating AS to be about with self spells and Wiz strength to be 220 (5x bow); he's a Voln master so it would be higher with Sym of Courage as well.

Based off the Archery Guide, my DS should be 167 in offensive (187 with Blurs). It's a little less than what I'm used to, but I'm wondering if my brawling skill would add to it at all?

With 509 (+15) and a 28 str bonus he should be firing an aimed composite bow in 3 seconds; however I'm not sure how well he'll aim with only 1x perception.

This would be my first real attempt with non-spell ranged, so any and all advice is appreciated. I would also appreciate reading any experiences (if any) you all have had following this path with a cleric.


02-16-2010, 02:21 AM
No, brawling skill does NOT add to ranged DS.

02-16-2010, 02:26 AM
Yes, your brawling skill will add some DS but not a tremendous amount in offensive.

I'm pretty sure this got changed to not add any.

02-16-2010, 06:16 AM
you being you can only 1x in the ranged skill you will want to get as close to 2x in perception as you can. perception directly adds to you AS for archery.

02-16-2010, 07:33 AM
I know nothing about ranged weapons but I would recommend reading BriarFox (I think?)'s Ranged Weapons Guide, which he recently posted.

02-16-2010, 11:50 AM
I'm pretty sure this got changed to not add any.This is true. Now I can't remember if I tested it via an arrow/bolt in hand or an empty right hand. Most likely the latter and just didn't leave notes to indicate it.