View Full Version : Siegery pieces

02-14-2010, 03:54 PM
Looking to buy your pieces collecting dust in you lockers, as long as I don't already have one like it. Send me a PM with what ya got and what price your looking for and I'm sure we can work something out.

02-14-2010, 04:12 PM
I have a bunch of these already altered. I'll look for 'em and PM you the info.

03-02-2010, 05:45 PM
Finally had time to look for them. This is what I have:

a perplexed mage miniature holding a leaky diminutive water cannon
a one-armed gnome miniature wielding a faceted orb
a peg-legged pirate miniature wielding a mutilated dead parrot
a hairless siamese cat miniature with large hollow eyes
a wild-eyed sorcerer miniature with tiny crimson-stained nails
a wild-eyed crimson wizard miniature

03-02-2010, 05:57 PM
You can't just post the long desc! Post the attack and miss messaging too at least!

03-02-2010, 06:55 PM
just curious in the last week or two i have found 3 or 4 miniatures in boxes i have gotten are these usable for siegery?

03-02-2010, 07:11 PM
Typically not. Try raising it to see if it attuned and icurs rt.

03-03-2010, 05:10 PM
You can't just post the long desc! Post the attack and miss messaging too at least!

Been traveling for the last week and didn't see that anyone had responded to this. I'll post the messaging for each of them as soon as I can.

03-03-2010, 11:00 PM
a perplexed mage miniature holding a leaky diminutive water cannon

Miss- The mage miniature fumbles helplessly with the cannon, until it backfires, causing what hair he has left to stand on end.

Strike - A steamy crimson tendril spews from the cannon and strikes a hairless siamese cat miniature with large hollow eyes immolating it with white hot fire.

Death Knell - With an evil glint in his eye, the gnome miniature suddenly leaps forward and pounds a perplexed mage miniature holding a leaky diminutive water cannon mercilessly with his orb!
The mage miniature gasps in disbelief at his malfunctioning cannon before impaling himself on it in disgrace.

a hairless siamese cat miniature with large hollow eyes

Miss - You press a small button on the back of the cat miniature.
The cat miniature sweeps its razor thin claws towards its opponent, but misses!

Strike - The cat miniature opens its skeletal jaws and spews a large, sticky hairball at a perplexed mage miniature holding a leaky diminutive water cannon!

Death Knell - The cat miniature lets out a long, loud caterwall and falls into a bony, skeletal heap!

a wild-eyed sorcerer miniature with tiny crimson-stained nails

Strike - The sorcerer miniature glares malevolently and raises her hand, then loudly proclaims, "I shall never be defeated!" Almost immediately, flames of pure essence engulf a wild-eyed crimson wizard miniature and immolate it horribly!

Miss - The sorcerer miniature glares malevolently and raises her hand, then loudly proclaims, "I shall never be defeated!" A tiny spark shoots from her fingers, but nothing much else happens.

Death Knell -
The sorcerer miniature spits out a buzzing, mechanical curse before it falls to the ground and ceases movement!

a wild-eyed crimson wizard miniature

Strike - The crimson wizard miniature gestures swiftly and conjures a spark of lightning from its fingers and explodes across the sorcerer miniature!

Miss - The crimson wizard miniature gestures swiftly and conjures a spark of lightning from its fingers, but the bolt flies wide and hits nothing!

Death Knell - The crimson wizard miniature whirls about then falls over and stops moving!

a peg-legged pirate miniature wielding a mutilated dead parrot

Miss - The pirate miniature spins around and disappears!
The pirate miniature leaps from hiding to attack, but his swing goes a bit too wide and all he does is fumble around as the parrot's feathers fall out!

Strike - The pirate miniature spins around and disappears!
The pirate miniature leaps from hiding to attack, clutching the legs of the dead parrot as he mercilessly pecks away at a one-armed gnome miniature wielding a faceted orb, denting it in several places!

Death Knell - With an evil glint in his eye, the gnome miniature suddenly leaps forward and pounds a peg-legged pirate miniature wielding a mutilated dead parrot mercilessly with his orb!
The pirate miniature swings about wildly then falls to the ground!

a one-armed gnome miniature wielding a faceted orb

Strike - With an evil glint in his eye, the gnome miniature suddenly leaps forward and pounds a perplexed mage miniature holding a leaky diminutive water cannon mercilessly with his orb!

Miss - You press a small button on the back of the gnome miniature.
The gnome miniature glowers darkly and tosses his orb to the ground in a fit of rage, hissing, "One more orb for stupid!"

Death Knell - The gnome miniature crashes to the ground, its orb shattering on impact! It lets loose an agonized wail, "My oooooooorbs!" before succumbing to death.

03-04-2010, 05:47 PM
Haven't heard from Lashmilla and I've gotten a few people who are interested in one more more of these pieces. I'll post them in a separate folder and start taking bids. Though I'm not in a hurry to sell so anyone who is interested will have to pay well if they want 'em:)

I'll start another thread this evening. I've got one more I found that I need to add and I can't get the actions until tonight.

03-05-2010, 07:37 AM
I've got a priest EG seigery piece I don't want. 2m