View Full Version : Animal Companion Affinity/Tangleweed Bug and Bonus

03-20-2004, 09:12 AM
Animal Companion Affinity/Tangleweed Bug and Bonus · on 3/19/2004 3:47:36 PM 569

A bug was discovered recently that was negatively impacting animal companion affinity whenever a ranger used the spell Tangleweed when their companion was in attack mode. The result was an unexplained drop in affinity and much confusion. This bug was fixed a week ago, so no further affinity loss has occured due to it.

Due to the nature of this bug, each ranger who currently knows the Animal Companion spell will receive a one-time affinity bonus roughly equivalent to the affinity needed for one mid-range "step" as indicated when using GAZE on the companion. Note that those already at the higher affinity levels may not notice a messaging change when gazing after the bonus is awarded. Rangers who do not know the spell as of March 19th are not eligible for this bonus.

The eligible ranger will automatically receive the bonus when first casting the spell to summon their companion after logging in, and will be notified that the bonus was applied. For those already playing when the bonus goes into effect, the bonus will be given the next time they log in and summon their companion.

Thank you to everyone who posted their observations regarding the unexplained affinity losses. It was very valuable in helping track down this elusive bug.


This message was originally posted in Rangers, Animal Companions. To discuss the above follow the link below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=25&topic=6&message =602

03-20-2004, 11:20 AM
That should stop them moaning about it on the official boards.