View Full Version : call it what you want....but sign me up!

03-20-2004, 02:19 AM
okay okay, i've played a rogue before, and yeah....it was fun, but she was very cookie cutter, ohe, picker sorta thing, i'm looking to start completly from scratch here, after readin all the rogue forums, i'm just inspired to start my own secret lightening services :saint: but.....that being said, i'm looking for a bit of help with stat and skill placement. Looking for something, sylvan, ranged sniper, and the best pickpocket i can possibly get. Throw some plans at me, and yes Wezas, you are my new idol, i'm creating this character in honor of you....:D

03-20-2004, 02:20 AM
p.s. if picking and all is possible, hey thats a plus, if not :shrug: least i'll make money somehow :devil:

03-20-2004, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by Celexei
p.s. if picking and all is possible, hey thats a plus, if not :shrug: least i'll make money somehow :devil:

You fool! Picking is your best form of stealing!!!

03-20-2004, 03:01 AM
i'm talking about picking boxes, not pockets, pockets is obvious thats what i'm goin for....but picking boxes and disarming is a secondary behind pickpocketing and sniping for this idea.... :pretend smilie with my foot in your mouth:

03-20-2004, 05:00 AM
Sounds like a assasin is in our midsts, question is, can Celexi pull it off??? Lightening pockets is too damn easy with the skills, but to set your self up for trouble...? O me of little faith, sorry Celexi.


Miss X
03-20-2004, 08:22 AM
Wezas is your idol.... ok thats the first problem you need to work on!! ;)

j/k. <3 Wezas, hes kinda sexy for a giant. :heart:

03-20-2004, 11:53 AM
Just double in pick pocketing. Last I checked, that's the max, and it's only 3/0 a train.

If you can't fit in the other skills in no problem, there's something wrong.


03-20-2004, 12:01 PM
If it helps any, this is what I can fit in with Edaarin at lvl 70

70 ranks of armor
2x ranged
2x ambush
2x dodge
2x perception
2.5x pick
2.5x disarm
3x hide
2x PP
31 ranks of HP
1x PT
25 climb
25 swim
40 ranks of CM or 20 ranks of Arcane Symbols and 10 ranks MIU

03-20-2004, 12:05 PM
Why the 70, Edaarin? You only need 45 or so to be fully trained for brig, and soon everything above brig's going to seriously hurt your hiding.

03-20-2004, 12:06 PM
Meh, until they roll in the hiding mech changes, metal breastplate > brigandine.

03-20-2004, 12:33 PM
I'm saving my final fixstats for that day...

I currently enjoy wearing padded hauberk and ambushing. When the day comes where I can no longer do that efficiently, I'll drop to brig.

Personally, this would be my training path:

1x armor to brig
2x ranged
2x ambush
2x dodge
2x perception
2x pick
2x disarm
3x hide
2x PP
2x PT (Redux main stat)
.5 climb (to like 25 ranks)
.25 swim (to like 25 ranks)
4 spells to 404
As much CM as you can get (probably around 1.5 with this training plan by 50)

03-20-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Celexei
i'm talking about picking boxes, not pockets, pockets is obvious thats what i'm goin for....but picking boxes and disarming is a secondary behind pickpocketing and sniping for this idea.... :pretend smilie with my foot in your mouth:

No no..your still not understanding me. Lockpicking is by FAR the best way to steal.

You make your rogue how you want. I bet you $100 that when our rogues are both 50..I can steal 5x the total worth you do, and never get caught once. All, with 0 ranks in pick pockets. :)

03-20-2004, 12:49 PM
Here's my own personal training plan:

2x armor until 40 ranks.
2x ranged
2x ambush
1x physical fitness
2x dodging
1x Arcane symbols to 20
2.5x disarming
2.5x picking
2.5x hiding
2x perception
1x climbing to 20
1x swimming to 20
2x picking pockets
3 spells
Harness Power whenever possible until 10 ranks.

03-20-2004, 04:57 PM
Again, theres no other way to start, except from scratch. ;)


03-20-2004, 07:36 PM
okay so i have two idols, Wezas bein one, and a certain "Park Bandit" hehe i like your plans guys thanks for all the help, i think i have a pretty good base idea how i'm gonna work with this, and yes an assasin would be very likely....nothin like gettin it in the dark from a girl in the shadows. :lol2: and i just had to add that cause it made me laugh!

03-21-2004, 06:11 AM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
Sounds like a assasin is in our midsts, question is, can Celexi pull it off??? Lightening pockets is too damn easy with the skills, but to set your self up for trouble...? O me of little faith, sorry Celexi.


ye of little faith....tisk tisk...what-so-ever will i do when i see you in the park, and have my hands in your pockets, and it ain't gonna be the jewel's ya want me to be grabbin that i will be. You just wait o ye of little faith your day will come, and your name will be on my little Wezas program. MWAHAHA

03-21-2004, 02:17 PM
ooo, *if* ever I am in the park lil one, yer per lil rogue-ie will unfortunately die if her hands are in me pockets... I keep a rogue around Finis most times to watch fer snotty lil thieves, and have a script that says something along the lines of "Hey! Stuipid was jes lightening your load... KILL!"

Kidding o course, but it sounds good. If I am dumb enough to walk anywhere, where a thief can get me coins, gems, wands, whatever, then I deserve it. Tis why most times, I have 0 coins etc on me.


03-21-2004, 02:20 PM
Tis why most times, I have 0 coins etc on me.

It's people like you that make me go for gems ;)

03-21-2004, 02:21 PM
I like my plan of not getting stolen from.

Leave all containers open, put all stealables in containers that are stuck open, parade around town.

I've yet to be "lightened."

03-21-2004, 02:22 PM
Come stand in the park later today, Bob, and I'll clean you out.

Just make sure you have lots of nice gems or wands.

03-21-2004, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Artha

Tis why most times, I have 0 coins etc on me.

It's people like you that make me go for gems ;)

Please note the "etc", what gems I do carry are in my steal proof pouch, thats always closed..., ::raspberry::



03-22-2004, 08:31 AM
oh wow you have a neckpouch too :dismiss: bah what gets uglier than a neck pouch luggin yer shtuff!

03-22-2004, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
I like my plan of not getting stolen from.

Leave all containers open, put all stealables in containers that are stuck open, parade around town.

I've yet to be "lightened."

You amuze Falgrin.. nothing more. He thinks of you as his personal jester. Why would he steal from his personal entertainment?

Besides.. you sit in that damn pseudo-sanctuary known as TSC.

03-22-2004, 06:24 PM
I'm sure you've been lightened several times before, ya just didn't know it, post on here if you've personally contributed in lightening Bob, *anticipates soon raising her hand*