View Full Version : CalcFlares help (should be easy)

02-04-2010, 02:55 AM
Can anyone help me add my axe to calcflares so it tracks the frequency of flares? Looking at the code I can see the sonic flares code but I don't see where the rest is. Everytime my axe flares it gives this line:

Your mithglin battle axe suddenly lights up with hundreds of tiny blue sparks!

And here's the code for calcflares:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This script monitors for any flares it witnesses, and when it sees these, tells you both the percentage chance and average damage of your base flares and air lore-based flares (distinguishes between base sonic flares, air lore sonic flares, and any other miscellaneous flares). It automatically saves a history to disk, so that the average grows more accurate over time; uses the same principals as calcredux.lic, but applies them to both sonic and other flares, really.


sum_base = 0
sum_lore = 0
sum_misc = 0
count_base = 0
count_lore = 0
count_misc = 0
total = 0
filename = $script_dir + "calcflares-history-" + checkname + '.txt'
if File.exists?(filename)
history_data = File.open(filename) { |file| file.readlines.find_all { |line| line !~ /^#/ }.collect { |line| line.chomp } }
echo("Unknown error attempting to read history file: #{$!}")
history_data = ["0.0:0.0", "0.0:0.0", "0", "0.0:0.0:0.0"]; File.open(filename, 'w') { |file| file.puts(history_data) }
echo("Unknown error attempting to create your history file: #{$!}"); exit

count_base, sum_base = history_data[0].split(':').collect { |val| val.to_f }
count_lore, sum_lore = history_data[1].split(':').collect { |val| val.to_f }
total = history_data[2].to_i
count_misc, sum_misc, misc_total = history_data[3].split(':').collect { |val| val.to_f }

before_dying { File.open(filename, 'w') { |file| file.puts([[count_base.to_s,sum_base.to_s].join(':'),[count_lore.to_s,sum_lore.to_s].join(':'), total.to_s, [count_misc.to_s,sum_misc.to_s,misc_total.to_s].join(':')]) } }

flag = false
while string_in = waitfor('^calcflares average$|finally going still|one last time and dies|collapses and finally dies|You (?:thrust with|swing) (?:a|an) sonic|\*\* As you hit, your(?: sonic)? (?:[^\s]+ ){1,4}unleashes a blast of sonic energy|\*\* With a loud snap, a blast of energy bursts from your sonic|You (?:thrust with|swing) (?:a|an) .+ at |\s\*\*\sYour |\s\*\*\sAs you(?:r)? |^calcflares (?:reset|help)$')
if string_in =~ /You (?:thrust with|swing) (?:a|an) sonic/
sonic = true
if script.gets !~ /AS/
flag = true
total += 1
elsif string_in =~ /\*\* As you hit, your(?: sonic)? (?:[^\s]+ ){1,4}unleashes a blast of sonic energy/
string_in = script.gets
sum_base = (sum_base.to_f + string_in.slice(/[0-9]+/).to_f)
count_base += 1
average_base = (sum_base.to_f / count_base.to_f)
percent_base = ((count_base.to_f / total.to_f) * 100)
echo("#{percent_base.to_s[0..3]}% base flare chance. Avg dmg of #{average_base.to_s[0..3]}")
flag = false
elsif string_in =~ /\*\* With a loud snap, a blast of energy bursts from your sonic/
string_in = script.gets
sum_lore = (sum_lore.to_f + string_in.slice(/[0-9]+/).to_f)
count_lore += 1
average_lore = (sum_lore.to_f / count_lore.to_f)
percent_lore = ((count_lore.to_f / total.to_f) * 100)
echo("#{percent_lore.to_s[0..3]}% lore flare chance. Avg dmg of #{average_lore.to_s[0..3]}")
flag = false
elsif string_in =~ /You (?:thrust with|swing) (?:a|an) .+ at /
sonic = false
if script.gets !~ /AS/
flag = true
misc_total += 1
elsif string_in =~ /\s\*\*\sYour |\s\*\*\sAs you(?:r)? /
string_in = script.gets
sum_misc = (sum_misc.to_f + string_in.slice(/[0-9]+/).to_f)
count_misc += 1
average_misc = (sum_misc.to_f / count_misc.to_f)
percent_misc = ((count_misc.to_f / misc_total.to_f) * 100)
echo("#{percent_misc.to_s[0..3]}% chance of flares. Avg dmg of #{average_misc.to_s[0..3]}")
flag = false
elsif string_in =~ /finally going still|one last time and dies|collapses and finally dies/
if sonic == true
total -= 1 if flag == true
misc_total -= 1 if flag == true
flag = false
elsif string_in =~ /^calcflares average$/i
average_lore = (sum_lore.to_f / count_lore.to_f)
percent_lore = ((count_lore.to_f / total.to_f) * 100)
average_misc = (sum_misc.to_f / count_misc.to_f)
percent_misc = ((count_misc.to_f / misc_total.to_f) * 100)
average_base = (sum_base.to_f / count_base.to_f)
percent_base = ((count_base.to_f / total.to_f) * 100)
echo(" Averages:")
echo("#{percent_base.to_s[0..3]}% base sonic flare chance. Avg dmg of #{average_base.to_s[0..3]}") unless count_base < 1
echo("#{percent_lore.to_s[0..3]}% lore sonic flare chance. Avg dmg of #{average_lore.to_s[0..3]}") unless count_lore < 1
echo("#{percent_misc.to_s[0..3]}% miscellaneous chance of flares. Avg dmg of #{average_misc.to_s[0..3]}") unless count_misc < 1
elsif string_in =~ /calcflares (reset|help)/i
if $1 =~ /reset/i
average_misc = 0; sum_misc = 0; percent_misc = 0; count_misc = 0; sum_base = 0; sum_lore = 0; percent_lore = 0; count_lore = 0; count_base = 0; average_base = 0; sum_base = 0; percent_base = 0; total = 0; misc_total = 0
respond; respond("Your flare history has been reset."); respond
respond; respond(" This script will track and calculate the percent chance and average damage of your flares. It was written primarily for use with sonic flares, and tracks the base flares and air lore flares individually; it also tracks a third group individually, which all other flares witnessed are lumped into.\r\n\r\n To show your average, send 'calcflares average'\r\n To reset your average, simply send 'calcflares reset' (type ;send calcflares reset to do this)."); respond

02-04-2010, 05:16 PM