View Full Version : WTH Happened?
02-03-2010, 05:37 PM
I just reactivated after a three year hiatus, and Vaalor is a ghost town compared to what it was, and seems to be almost entirely populated by Windamere/Prudence/Mhirhaid's characters or wannabes.
WTH happened to that place?
02-03-2010, 05:40 PM
is that the chick that's always RP-ing pregnant?
it stopped being the only newbie drop point
02-03-2010, 05:46 PM
GS is a ghost town compared to what it was
02-03-2010, 05:49 PM
is that the chick that's always RP-ing pregnant?
lol no but I remember that chick.
I'm talking about the pompous ass woman who has hissy fits over nothing and is supremely concerned with her own importance.
edited cause I'm a dumbass who didn't read thoroughly.
02-03-2010, 05:59 PM
lol no but I remember that chick.
I'm talking about the pompous ass woman who has hissy fits over nothing and is supremely concerned with her own importance.
edited cause I'm a dumbass who didn't read thoroughly.
Who is she? Maybe I'll head over there and act more important than her. I bet that'll get her all nice and pissy.
To answer your original question, GS as a whole is a ghost town these days.
Warden ran everyone off, then Warden ran off.
02-03-2010, 06:05 PM
Who is she? Maybe I'll head over there and act more important than her. I bet that'll get her all nice and pissy.
To answer your original question, GS as a whole is a ghost town these days.
Warden ran everyone off, then Warden ran off.
Check this out, says it all:
Who is Warden?
02-03-2010, 06:53 PM
Wow, I want to go find this Mhiraid chick and mess with her now.
02-03-2010, 08:18 PM
Mhiraid has always been a cunt from what I remember, I never, ever, ever liked her. I don't understand why someone would "RP" being a bitch all the time unless she really is one. And a fat one at that too, I bet.
02-04-2010, 08:41 AM
She and her boy toy are probably the worst thing about Vaalor, she is a total cunthead and he just follows along agreeing with her. (Why do men do this anyway? A pussy isn't ever THAT good)
But Vaalor sucks ass, always has.
02-04-2010, 08:49 AM
(Why do men do this anyway? A pussy isn't ever THAT good)
Especially a textual one.
02-04-2010, 09:06 AM
Apart from Mhiraid (and her hoarde of many), since Ta'Vaalor's 'rebuilding' I have to say it's just not fun any more. Used to start all my noobs there, ran them through CoL or Voln, AG tasks, etc. But now with the need for 'official documents', everyone who IS there seems to be militia (which I guess would be normal for Vaalor), and the fact that most of the town is no longer mapped for Atlas..feh. I just bring them to Landing. I understand wanting to RP, but since the RP in Vaalor is inherently racist, and even citizens have to show papers, hardly worth it.
02-04-2010, 09:08 AM
pardon my ignorance, what do you mean by having to show papers? I haven't been to vaalor in about 4-5 years
02-04-2010, 09:20 AM
Papers are essentially your identification that you need to deal with the shops in town, though the shops in the Ravelin don't require them. You'll also hit a 15 second RT whenever you try to go through one of the gates to go into town if you don't have any papers.
To be honest, I don't understand the issue with papers. You go to the citizenship clerk, pay a small fee (unless you're a citizen and they're free), stuff the papers in your cloak and forget about it for a month. The system will automatically take your papers out for you whenever they're called for so long as you've got them. It's really not that much of a hassle.
As far as Atlas, well, I'll just point out that Lich not only has it mapped for go2, but it has an actual updated map. :D
02-04-2010, 09:24 AM
Wish I knew how to work Lich.
02-04-2010, 06:50 PM
Why do men do this anyway? A pussy isn't ever THAT good.
Especially a textual one.
Too funny and so true!
02-04-2010, 08:38 PM
Heh. For a moment I thought you people were referring to Vilo and company.
02-04-2010, 10:11 PM
Wow, I want to go find this Mhiraid chick and mess with her now.
Makes me want to take my little bard to Vaalor too.
02-04-2010, 10:28 PM
Seems the best way to bother her is to be a vulture empath. (And you don;t even really have to be one, she'll accuse you anyhow) Have at her!
02-04-2010, 10:36 PM
Meg has always been a bitch.
02-04-2010, 11:01 PM
To be honest, I don't understand the issue with papers. You go to the citizenship clerk, pay a small fee (unless you're a citizen and they're free), stuff the papers in your cloak and forget about it for a month.First they came for the ordlyn, and you didn't speak up, eh Nilandia?
(In retrospect, why did they come up with pretend words for the Human Empire's classification scheme but not the Elves'? That doesn't make any sense.)
To be honest, I don't understand the issue with papers. You go to the citizenship clerk, pay a small fee
The clerk lets the wax dry a moment before passing it to you and saying, "Your identification papers for one month, Kanyda." As she passes the document over, she collects a fee of 5200 from you.
For a young character that's actually a lot of money. I've only made about 30k so far since he was rolled up.
Meg has always been a bitch.
My memory is probably at fault but... SKATEMOM on the officials?
SKATEMOM on the officials?
She's still recruiting people in T'V. And guess what? One of her little clan is RP preggo!
02-05-2010, 01:19 AM
The clerk lets the wax dry a moment before passing it to you and saying, "Your identification papers for one month, Kanyda." As she passes the document over, she collects a fee of 5200 from you.
For a young character that's actually a lot of money. I've only made about 30k so far since he was rolled up.
And you leave boxes lying around that you don't think there's a locksmith to pick...
Shame, sir, shame!
And you leave boxes lying around that you don't think there's a locksmith to pick...
Shame, sir, shame!
There's one 1/5 times at best. Just not worth it to pick them up, deal with them, worry about RT, etc. If T'V pickers want more boxes they need to be on duty more often.
She's still recruiting people in T'V. And guess what? One of her little clan is RP preggo!
I don't think I ever interacted with her in-game, probably because I was no great fan of Ta'Vaalor. But I recall her annoying the piss out of me on the officials.
02-05-2010, 11:56 AM
I don't think I ever interacted with her in-game, probably because I was no great fan of Ta'Vaalor. But I recall her annoying the piss out of me on the officials.
I deliberately skim read all her and Welcha's posts because they're usually snide, arrogant and negative. I also avoid all her characters for the same reasons.
02-05-2010, 12:14 PM
SKATEMOM = Simu's idea of a GM-CE candidate
02-05-2010, 01:18 PM
How many times I gotta say it...Ta'Vaalor SUCKS!
end thread/
02-05-2010, 03:04 PM
She's still recruiting people in T'V. And guess what? One of her little clan is RP preggo!
02-05-2010, 05:19 PM
I don't think I ever interacted with her in-game, probably because I was no great fan of Ta'Vaalor. But I recall her annoying the piss out of me on the officials.
I logged in with my cleric while I was drunk once a long, long time ago, read about 6 lines of her bitching herself blue in the face about something stupid and just said, "Shut up you fat cow."
I was both proud (of the reaction) and ashamed (for doing that with my sweet little cleric).
02-05-2010, 07:48 PM
Name: Vulturempath Race: Elf Profession: Empath (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 0 Expr: 10 Level: 0
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 60 (5) ... 60 (5)
Constitution (CON): 70 (10) ... 70 (10)
Dexterity (DEX): 50 (5) ... 50 (5)
Agility (AGI): 60 (20) ... 60 (20)
Discipline (DIS): 60 (-10) ... 60 (-10)
Aura (AUR): 70 (15) ... 70 (15)
Logic (LOG): 60 (5) ... 60 (5)
Intuition (INT): 50 (0) ... 50 (0)
Wisdom (WIS): 90 (20) ... 90 (20)
Influence (INF): 90 (30) ... 90 (30)
Mana: 0 Silver: 904
Rolled up for Vaalor!
02-05-2010, 07:53 PM
************************************************** *******************
A title in GemStone III is a privilege that must be earned rather than chosen while creating a character. Please avoid using Sir, Lord, Lady, Mr, Dr, Jr, or other titles in your name.
************************************************** *******************
Vulturempath, you have been moved to another room so that you can pick an appropriate name for your character. Your character information and inventory has been saved. Once you have renamed your character to a more appropriate name, you will be returned to the game with your character and inventory intact. To proceed, type RENAME and follow the instructions you are given.
************************************************** *******************
You are healed.
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Talisker is standing in its place.
Talisker says, "Hello."
Talisker smiles.
You must change your name to something appropriate to the medieval fantasy setting of GemStone III, before you can do anything else. To change your name, click rename and follow the instructions you are given.
Talisker says, "I'm afraid we have to ask you to pick a different name."
Talisker grins.
[Rename Pavilion]
You are here to rename your character. Type RENAME and follow the instructions given to change your name.
Also here: GameMaster Talisker
Obvious exits: none
There is a sprite sitting on your shoulder.
You say, "Ok ok."
Talisker says, "And I guess you know wy."
You must change your name to something appropriate to the medieval fantasy setting of GemStone III, before you can do anything else. To change your name, click rename and follow the instructions you are given.
Talisker coughs.
Talisker says, "Why."
Talisker grins.
You say, "Yes yes I do."
Talisker grins at you.
Talisker says, "Nice try, but it just won't fly."
Talisker winks.
Talisker grins.
You say, "It's a little funny at least."
You say, "You can admit that."
Talisker says, "Yes, it is. We joked about how it was almost IC."
Talisker grins.
Talisker chuckles.
You say, "Alright, well, looks like I'll be building a new character."
Talisker says, "Anyway, if you need help choosing a new name, let me know."
Talisker grins.
Talisker waves.
Talisker gestures and a shaft of scintillating light from somewhere above pierces the ceiling and engulfs him. When the light recedes Talisker is no longer there.
02-05-2010, 08:40 PM
02-05-2010, 09:35 PM
Way to push monks back by the 45 seconds it took a GM to respond to that. DICK.
There's one 1/5 times at best. Just not worth it to pick them up, deal with them, worry about RT, etc. If T'V pickers want more boxes they need to be on duty more often.Please tell me you aren't playing a gnome.
02-06-2010, 12:15 AM
************************************************** *******************
A title in GemStone III is a privilege that must be earned rather than chosen while creating a character. Please avoid using Sir, Lord, Lady, Mr, Dr, Jr, or other titles in your name.
************************************************** *******************
Does it really still say Gemstone III when you need to re-name your character?
02-06-2010, 12:10 PM
Way to push monks back by the 45 seconds it took a GM to respond to that. DICK.
Sorry ... I didn't think about the pressing timeline for the release of monks and how hard it's being worked on. It probably pushed it back more than 45 seconds.
Does it really still say Gemstone III when you need to re-name your character?
haha yeah it does. I didn't notice that!
02-06-2010, 01:59 PM
You see Goldamere.
He appears to be a Giantman of the Grot'karesh Clan.
He is tall and appears to be of full age. He has piercing jade green eyes and copper skin. He has shoulder length, shiny coal black hair with lighter streaks. He has a square-jawed face, a classical nose and deep laugh lines.
He has some minor cuts and bruises on his left leg.
He is holding a plain fel chest in his right hand.
He is wearing a quilled deerskin backpack, a grey wolf hide cloak, a crystal amulet, a small bone-beaded pouch, some laced wolfskin boots, a pair of elk hide breeches, a bone-fringed headband, and a small shield emblazoned with a golden key.
Tee he!
Please tell me you aren't playing a gnome.
No, half elf tehir.
I don't think I ever interacted with her in-game, probably because I was no great fan of Ta'Vaalor. But I recall her annoying the piss out of me on the officials.
It just seems universal that the dumbest "roleplayers" are the hardest recruiters. Witness Svardin et al.
02-06-2010, 03:04 PM
To be honest, I don't understand the issue with papers. You go to the citizenship clerk, pay a small fee (unless you're a citizen and they're free), stuff the papers in your cloak and forget about it for a month. The system will automatically take your papers out for you whenever they're called for so long as you've got them. It's really not that much of a hassle.
It's random at the gates. Sometimes the system automatically waves your papers around for the guards to see, sometimes they stop you, you get RT, and they holler at you for not having them out.
Same thing with every merchant and shop in town, except player shops. You might be able to make one or two purchases without having them in your hand, after that they start to get snarky with you and you have to take them out. Selling, you can forget unless you already have them out.
Really it is kind of a pain in the backside.
02-16-2010, 08:28 PM
I've dropped by Ta'Vaalor. If you need a cleric just shout on the amunet.
02-17-2010, 10:22 AM
<< You see Goldamere. >>
Heh, I remember when Bestatte reported me for Oyvey Gevalt. He was decked out in yew items - he was Yewish.
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