View Full Version : Role reversal? hah

03-18-2004, 10:19 AM
Thought this was kinda funny...

>steal foxs
You reach into Foxs's doeskin cloak and pull out some acantha leaf.
Nalfor just arrived.
Nalfor sits down.
Agonni just tiptoed in.
>put leaf in back
You put some acantha leaf in your black leather backsack.
Agonni just tiptoed north.
Lyia removes a scratched modwir chest from in her blue spidersilk cloak.
Lord Peritta just arrived.
Lord Peritta just went north.
Foxs put a double-edged elven short sword in her doeskin cloak.
Foxs put a dark bladed elven-crafted crescent axe with small diamond chips inlaid into the haft in her doeskin cloak.
Lyia pulls a translucent blue spidersilk cloak around herself tightly, obscuring most of her form.
>look in back
In the black leather backsack you see some acantha leaf, a gold-edged black vultite longsword, a copper lockpick, a green sapphire, a russet quiver, a pink rhodocrosite stone, a white flask, a blue spinel, a feras tiger-claw, a green garnet, a silver lockpick, a turquoise stone, a gold ring, a steel lockpick, a gold-capped black fel cane, an obscure scroll, a flagon of Guildmaster's special, some sovyn clove, a dagger, a silvery blue potion, a carved oak heavy crossbow, a tattered scroll, a faded scroll, a light scroll, a torn leather eye-patch, a stained witchwood talisman, a glittering topaz musical note, a dark scroll, an Edwina repair ticket, a handaxe, a light scroll, some acantha leaf, a torn red quiver, an almandine garnet and a steel lockpick.
Foxs removes a dark bladed elven-crafted crescent axe with small diamond chips inlaid into the haft from in her doeskin cloak.
Foxs put a dark bladed elven-crafted crescent axe with small diamond chips inlaid into the haft in her doeskin cloak.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
Foxs removes a double-edged elven short sword from in her doeskin cloak.
Lyia carefully examines her modwir chest.
Lord Peritta just arrived.
>remove shield
You sling an alabaster white shield off from over your shoulder.
Lord Peritta just went north.
>steal fox
You couldn't find anything worth taking. Maybe you should offer Foxs a donation instead.
Lady Lyia just went west.
Lady Lyia just arrived.
Lady Lyia just went south.
Lady Lyia just arrived.
Lady Lyia just went north.
Belymir grins at Foxs.
Belymir taps a painted silvery fox mask.
>steal fox cloak
You reach into Foxs's doeskin cloak and pull out some acantha leaf.
>put leaf in back
You put some acantha leaf in your black leather backsack.
Errigosh just arrived.
Errigosh just went north.
Foxs glances at Belymir.
Belymir seems a bit less imposing.
Belymir flashes a quick grin.
Foxs waves a hand at Belymir, dismissing him indifferently.
Belymir begins pouting.
>put leaf in back
I could not find what you were referring to.
>steal fox cloak
You reach into Foxs's doeskin cloak and pull out a white crystal.
Belymir slowly empties his lungs.
>put cry in my back
You put a white crystal in your black leather backsack.
>look in back
In the black leather backsack you see a white crystal, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, a gold-edged black vultite longsword, a copper lockpick, a green sapphire, a russet quiver, a pink rhodocrosite stone, a white flask, a blue spinel, a feras tiger-claw, a green garnet, a silver lockpick, a turquoise stone, a gold ring, a steel lockpick, a gold-capped black fel cane, an obscure scroll, a flagon of Guildmaster's special, some sovyn clove, a dagger, a silvery blue potion, a carved oak heavy crossbow, a tattered scroll, a faded scroll, a light scroll, a torn leather eye-patch, a stained witchwood talisman, a glittering topaz musical note, a dark scroll, an Edwina repair ticket, a handaxe, a light scroll, some acantha leaf, a torn red quiver, an almandine garnet and a steel lockpick.
Foxs leaps from hiding to attack!
Foxs swings a double-edged elven short sword at you!
AS: +204 vs DS: +205 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +63 = +95
A clean miss.
>get long
You remove a gold-edged black vultite longsword from in your black leather backsack.
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
Foxs softly says, "Don't do that again.."
>sweep fox
You crouch, sweep a leg at Foxs and connect!
MS: +171 - MD: +87 + MAvA: -2 + d100: +7 == +89
You whack Foxs's legs futilely! You stumble back on your feet.

Roundtime: 5 sec.
Foxs looks tense and ready for action.
R>sweep fox
...wait 2 seconds.
R>sweep fox
...wait 1 seconds.
R>sweep fox
...wait 1 seconds.
R>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
You chuckle.
[Town Square, Small Park]
A small, shady park fills an old vacant lot behind a row of buildings, the bustling sounds of the square filtering through the passage to the north to animate the area despite its appearance of peace and serenity. A weatherworn grey marble statue of a stocky human in pioneer's clothing overlooks the park, his stone hat encrusted by the gifts of decades of passing birds and his right hand half-upraised as if it once held some now-missing object. You also see the Belymir disk, the Rivalyn disk, the Archales disk and a rolton pelt.
Also here: Nalfor who is sitting, Briah, Belymir, Lojack, Elrihir who is sitting, Tarbeze, Reilen who is sitting, Archales who is sitting, Terack, Timmie
Obvious paths: north, south, west
The voice of Foxs softly says, "Steal from me.."
You notice Foxs who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R>point fox
...wait 1 seconds.
You notice Foxs who is quite obviously attempting to remain hidden.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
The voice of Foxs softly says, "Hand back the crystal."
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
You notice Foxs slip out of hiding.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
You say, "Nah."
HR>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
Foxs searches around for a moment.
You do not believe anyone noticed you slip out of hiding.
Ravenst just arrived.
You chuckle.
Foxs searches around for a moment.
Ravenst asks, "Anyone spare me sone blues?"
You notice Foxs reach into your pockets and remove nothing.
Ravenst recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Ravenst gestures.
Glowing specks of deep blue energy begin to spin around Ravenst.
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
Ravenst recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Ravenst gestures.
Glowing specks of translucent white energy begin to spin around Ravenst.
Belymir says, "No honor amongst thieves..."
>sweep fox
You crouch, sweep a leg at Foxs and connect!
MS: +171 - MD: +113 + MAvA: -2 + d100: +61 == +117
Foxs falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.

Roundtime: 5 sec.
...wait 3 seconds.
...wait 2 seconds.
Ravenst traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Ravenst gestures.
Multicolored rays shoot out of Ravenst's body and flow into the shimmering sphere around him.
...wait 2 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Foxs softly says, "None.."
Ravenst traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Ravenst gestures.
Multicolored rays shoot out of Ravenst's body and flow into the shimmering sphere around him.
HR>amb fox left leg
...wait 1 seconds.
H>amb fox left leg
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a gold-edged black vultite longsword at Foxs!
AS: +237 vs DS: +115 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +29 = +192
... and hit for 44 points of damage!
Weak diagonal slash catches Foxs's left knee!
It is dislocated.
She is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
You chuckle.

A few minutes later...

You notice Foxs try to tiptoe silently by you.
>point fox
You point at Foxs, ruining her hiding place.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Foxs swings a double-edged elven short sword at you!
You evade the attack!
R>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
Foxs softly says, "Give me .."
>sweep fox
You crouch, sweep a leg at Foxs and connect!
MS: +171 - MD: +87 + MAvA: -2 + d100: +82 == +164
Foxs falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.

Roundtime: 5 sec.
...wait 4 seconds.
...wait 2 seconds.
...wait 2 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
Foxs softly says, "You stole from me.."
...wait 1 seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
HR>amb fox left leg
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a gold-edged black vultite longsword at Foxs!
AS: +237 vs DS: +63 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +81 = +296
... and hit for 81 points of damage!
Powerful slash!
Foxs's left leg is severed at the knee!
She is stunned!

** Your black vultite longsword flares with a burst of flame! **
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right hand fries palm. Ouch!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
* Jankor was just incinerated!
R>stance def
...wait 2 seconds.
* Jankor just bit the dust!
R>stance def
...wait 1 seconds.
R>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
The powerful look leaves Terack.
>chuckle fox
You chuckle at Foxs.

Thought this was kinda funny.


03-18-2004, 10:41 AM
Heh legging her a second time probably wasn't necessary, but that's still funny.

03-18-2004, 11:00 AM
She tried to attack me again.

Weedmage Princess
03-18-2004, 11:02 AM
Well she did swing at him so..yeah that makes her open game.

03-18-2004, 11:35 AM
Shoulda planted the edge of that blade between her eyes for the longer stun and then proceeded to clean her out.

03-19-2004, 03:33 AM
Man, I really should make a rogue...

100% Wool
03-19-2004, 03:35 AM
Rogue's are fun! I made one as well

03-19-2004, 03:38 AM
You should have asked her who she stole it from in the first place.

03-19-2004, 03:40 AM
My bets on bob.

03-19-2004, 03:42 AM
You reach into Tijay's cloak and pull out an uncut diamond.

03-19-2004, 03:46 AM
I don't wear a cloak ;)

03-19-2004, 03:47 AM
Originally posted by Tijay
I don't wear a cloak ;)



03-20-2004, 12:40 AM
wow anything involved in humiliating or pissing Foxs off is good readin to me

03-20-2004, 10:12 AM
Today in the park....

You notice Foxs try to tiptoe silently by you.
You sling an alabaster white shield over your shoulder.

Taveren asks, "Anyone spare a shot of strength?"
>remove shield
You sling an alabaster white shield off from over your shoulder.
Kiplinger removes a glass of cowslip flower wine from in his golden yellow pack.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.

Foxs leaps from hiding to attack!
Foxs swings a dark bladed crescent axe at you!
AS: +298 vs DS: +275 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +51 = +103
... and hits for 1 point of damage!
Love tap upside your head!
Foxs swings a double-edged elven short sword at you!
You evade the attack!
Korlos says, "Surely."
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
>sweep foxc
A gypsy fortuneteller arrives.
What were you referring to?
>sweep fox
You crouch, sweep a leg at Foxs and connect!
MS: +171 - MD: +87 + MAvA: -2 + d100: +63 == +145
Foxs falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.

Roundtime: 5 sec.
Kiplinger gags.

Korlos glances at Foxs.
R>stance off
...wait 2 seconds.
R>stance off
...wait 1 seconds.
R>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
Taveren slides a gold ring off his finger.
Your injuries hinder your attempt to hide.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
Korlos says, "Odd."
Foxs softly says, "Don't touch me.."
HR>amb fox left leg
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a gold-edged black vultite longsword at Foxs!
AS: +252 vs DS: +89 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +89 = +293
... and hit for 66 points of damage!
Weak diagonal slash catches Foxs's left knee!
It is dislocated.
She is stunned!
Roundtime: 6 sec.

Stupid girl.


03-20-2004, 10:34 AM
Just go for the neck next time.

03-20-2004, 10:35 AM
Be sure to loot her while she's down.

03-20-2004, 11:50 AM
I wouldnt mind killing her, but I cant afford the fine, I got 60k in my bank account. And good point on the looting. I'll remember to do that the next time she's stupid enough to attack me.


03-20-2004, 11:53 AM
Hmm...not enough for a fine...

Take off the hands, next time.

03-20-2004, 12:34 PM
Artha is correct.. take off the right hand and she will be incapable of attacking you. The stun will probably last a good 5 rounds there.. so that's plenty of dip opportunities.

03-20-2004, 07:31 PM
hehe you guys are so evil, its funny, but can one be evil when dealing with Foxs? i call that more justice :lol: