View Full Version : Hoe Fund

01-29-2010, 06:25 PM
Since I know I'm going to need more coins to get my hands on that last point block to take the hoe to 10x, here's some things I'm taking offers on. Most likely I'll add more things as I dig more.

a satin-finish silver zelnorn breastplate
Superb craftsmanship is evident in every detail of the silver zelnorn breastplate, from its gently wire brushed matte satin finish and padded black silk lining to the sturdy leather straps that adjust its fit. Bold scrollwork complements the sculpturing of the muscular metal torso, while blackened veniom inlay highlights the edges and contours. A final coating of coal dust, meticulously rubbed into the metal with oil, gives the armor a dull sheen. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
It imparts a bonus of +15 more than usual.
It helps to increase the efficiency of attacks made by the wearer. (+15 to all weapon AS)

a set of gold dwarven coinmail lined with thick fur
It imparts a bonus of +40 more than usual.
It is padded against critical blows. (DCP)
18lbs, brigandine

some thick imflass studded leather
It imparts a bonus of +12 more than usual.
It is padded to lessen the damage the wearer takes.
It provides a bonus of 10 to Two Weapon Combat Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 33 times.
It provides a bonus of 9 to Intuition.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 18 times.
It provides a bonus of 10 to Edged Weapons Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 33 times.
The leather looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
It has been temporarily enhanced.
It's enhancement will degrade when the wearer is struck in combat.
It should have an incredible amount of uses left before the enhancement degrades away completely.
When it's enhancement has degraded away, the item will lose its special ability.

01-29-2010, 09:42 PM
For all the time and money you're spending on that hoe I hope she puts out.

01-29-2010, 11:14 PM
For all the time and money you're spending on that hoe I hope she puts out.

Yeah I read this all wrong.


no price on the brig and i cant afford it but.....one day i would like to....30-40 million is what your looking for?

01-31-2010, 03:24 PM
How much for this?

a set of gold dwarven coinmail lined with thick fur
It imparts a bonus of +40 more than usual.
It is padded against critical blows. (DCP)
18lbs, brigandine

01-31-2010, 03:30 PM

01-31-2010, 03:54 PM
Is the MBP enchantable?

01-31-2010, 04:03 PM
I bought and sold a set of 8x dcp brig for 35 a couple of years ago. I think Farmer was originally asking 40 for that set. Somewhere in the range of 35-40 would be a reasonable offer.

01-31-2010, 04:04 PM
Is the MBP enchantable?

With PPs. They'll spread the enchant out to the AS/DS bonuses, so it'll end up +18/+17, for instance.

01-31-2010, 04:06 PM
so the MBP is +15 to DS and AS? that's pretty slick.. Are there other armors around like this?

01-31-2010, 04:10 PM
there are a few sets of Zelhorn. Hauberk and MBP are the only sets I know about.

01-31-2010, 04:49 PM
And there's a level requirement right? 65 or something..

01-31-2010, 05:30 PM
How much for this?

Briar had it right. 35-40 seems a fair price.

there are a few sets of Zelhorn. Hauberk and MBP are the only sets I know about.

There are two sets of each that I know of. The first came from the Dragonfly festival, the other was released in a similiar event.

And there's a level requirement right? 65 or something..

65-67, I get confused between the zelnorn and adamantine.

01-31-2010, 07:16 PM
Zelnorn..It is just insanely awesome armor....How much you seeking for that set of armor?

01-31-2010, 07:39 PM
With PPs. They'll spread the enchant out to the AS/DS bonuses, so it'll end up +18/+17, for instance.

What would be the maximum DS/AS bonus then?

01-31-2010, 07:41 PM
What would be the maximum DS/AS bonus then?

I don't think anyone's ever tried it, but my guess would be +25/+25, for a 10x total bonus. However, they announced (in an utter reversal of previous policy) that you could do +50 DS / +50 TD on a shield/armor, so who the fuck knows.

01-31-2010, 07:49 PM
I don't think anyone's ever tried it, but my guess would be +25/+25, for a 10x total bonus. However, they announced (in an utter reversal of previous policy) that you could do +50 DS / +50 TD on a shield/armor, so who the fuck knows.

+50 TD via PP's? How? That would be an insane shield.

01-31-2010, 07:50 PM
I don't think anyone's ever tried it, but my guess would be +25/+25, for a 10x total bonus. However, they announced (in an utter reversal of previous policy) that you could do +50 DS / +50 TD on a shield/armor, so who the fuck knows.

so in theory you could have +100AS +100DS just from items using this type armor fully enchanted, a 10x shield and a 10x weapon?


01-31-2010, 07:55 PM
No, I've spoken to a GM or three a few times about this. Basic answers were 'These types of items are not to exceed +50 total between all enchantment variations'

That means you could have +75/+75 along each guideline, max.

That is, however, minus enhancives.

That Zelnorn MBP 5x/5x
A's Illthorn Greatshield 10x'ed with +10 shield use is +60
A random 10x weapon

So nice...

01-31-2010, 08:07 PM
+50 TD via PP's? How? That would be an insane shield.

Not via PPs, unfortunately. It was in reference to the TD raffle.

01-31-2010, 08:38 PM
Zelnorn..It is just insanely awesome armor....How much you seeking for that set of armor?

Welcome to make an offer.

01-31-2010, 09:13 PM
Can you pad the zelnorn mbp?

01-31-2010, 09:15 PM
Unless I recall wrong, you can.

However, you have to charge the padding at the full enchant. Like this Zelnorn item is 15/15, it's enchant starts at 6x. So you'd be padding a 6x MBP, if it is in fact possible.

01-31-2010, 09:23 PM
It's not, though I wish it was. The AS boost falls into the same category as TD or defender items, making it unable to add padding (or flares).

It can have spikes though!

01-31-2010, 09:47 PM
Can you pad the zelnorn mbp?

With sunfist you can.

01-31-2010, 10:18 PM
With sunfist you can.

Good point.

I never thought about the Sunfist angle. Grab some resistant head/arm/leg armor pieces, throw up sunfist padding and you have a very nice combo.

02-04-2010, 02:03 PM

02-04-2010, 02:39 PM
Having owned the zelnorn in the past, I can attest that it's a fun set of armor.