View Full Version : Mass Effect 2
01-25-2010, 10:08 AM
Anyone else picking this up tomorrow? Some automated Gamestop thing called to inform me that they will be releasing the game at midnight. I guess I will pick it up then, as i've been waiting on the damn game since the end of the first one. Never been to a midnight game release. Should be weird, awkward, and embarassing. Probably smelly and cramped too.
ANYWHO, Bioshock 2 is out Feburary 9th. Good span of games out in the next few months, actually.
01-25-2010, 10:11 AM
Both versions have already been leaked, surprise surprise. I won't be buying it immediately though, probably sometime in February.
Also, am I the only one that didn't care for Bioshock? I thought it was incredibly boring, and not just the plot, but everything. Level design, weapons, monsters, ai, ect.
01-25-2010, 10:20 AM
Both versions have already been leaked, surprise surprise. I won't be buying it immediately though, probably sometime in February.
Also, am I the only one that didn't care for Bioshock? I thought it was incredibly boring, and not just the plot, but everything. Level design, weapons, monsters, ai, ect.
I really liked Bioshock. My only problem with the game was its difficulty. Even on the hardest mode I didn't die once, and I am no pro gamer. They fixed that later with hardcore difficulty modes, but by that point I was done with the game.
What FPS games do you like, Android?
01-25-2010, 10:37 AM
The more realistic types. I became a huge fan of Counter Strike when it was in early beta in 1999. Not to mention the games by Dice, BF1942 and BF2 mainly, can't wait for BF3 to come out.
01-25-2010, 10:55 AM
Definitely looking forward to Mass Effect 2. Loved the first one, even if combat was a bit repetitive, and you can only visit the same "palette swap" planet on the rover so many times.
Also, am I the only one that didn't care for Bioshock? I thought it was incredibly boring, and not just the plot, but everything. Level design, weapons, monsters, ai, ect.
I did not care really care for BioShock. It didn't help that people acted like the whole art deco, retro 50's style atmosphere was invented by BioShock and that "Fallout copied it," which was really annoying. Or that choosing whether to harvest the sisters was some "profound moral choice" unlike anything we've seen in any other game. Meh. :/
01-25-2010, 10:59 AM
I liked Bioshock because of the storyline, memorable characters, and the art style. Yes, Fallout (1 and 2) lead the way with that idea, but Bioshock certainly benefited from it as well. I honestly didn't see the twist coming at the end, and I was absolutely enamored with the character of Andrew Ryan. His voice overs were priceless...
Quote from: Andrew Ryan
* "No Gods, Or Kings. Only Man."
* "It is this great inversion, this ancient lie which has chained humanity to an endless cycle of guilt and failure. My journey to Rapture was my second exodus. In 1919 I fled a county that had been traded in despotism for insanity. The Marxist Revolution simply traded one lie for another. Instead of one man, the Czar, owning the work of all the people, all the people owned the work of all of the people. And so I came to America; where a man could own his own work. Where a man could benefit from the brilliance of his own mind, the strength of his own muscles, the might of his own will."
* "Whenever anyone wants others to do their work they call upon their Altruism. 'Never mind your own needs,' they say, 'Think of the needs of... of whoever. Of the state. Of the poor. Of the Army, of the King. Of God.' The list goes on and on. How many catastrophes were launched with the words 'Think of yourself?' It's the king and country crowd who light the torch of destruction."
* "I had thought I had left the Parasites of Moscow behind me. I thought I had left the Marxist Altruists to their collective farms and their 'Five Year Plans'. But as the German fools threw themselves on Hitler's sword for the good of the Reich, the Americans drank deeper and deeper of the Bolshevik poison, spoon fed to them by Roosevelt and his New Dealers. And so I asked myself, 'In what country was there a place for men like me? Men who refused to say yes to the parasites and the doubters? Men who believed that work was sacred and property rights inviolate?' And then one day the happy answer came to me, my friends. There was no country for people like me. And that was the moment I decided to build one!"
* "I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city, as well."
* "A man has a choice. I chose the impossible. I built a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the great would not be constrained by the small, where a scientist would not be bound by petty morality. I chose to build....Rapture. But my city was betrayed by the weak. So I ask you, my friend...if your life's price was to kill the innocent, would you sacrifice your humanity? We all make choices...but in the end, our choices make us."
* "In what country is there a place for people like me?"
* "All good things on this earth flow into the city."
* "Altruism is the root of all wickedness."
* "On my walk today I had my first encounter with a pair of them... he, a lumbering palooka in a foul smelling diving suit, and she, an unwashed moppet in a filthy pink smock. Her pallor was off, green and morbid, and there was a rather unpleasant aspect to her demeanor, as if she were in an altogether different place than the rest of us. ...I understand the need for such creatures, I just wish they could make them more presentable."
* "Could I have made mistakes? One does not build cities if one is guided by doubt. But can one govern in absolute certainty? I know that my beliefs have elevated me, just as I know that the things I have rejected would have destroyed me. But the city... it is collapsing before my... have I become so convinced by my own beliefs that I have stopped seeing the truth? Perhaps. But Atlas is out there, and he aims to destroy me, and destroy my city. To question is to surrender. I will not question."
* "So tell me, friend, which one of the bitches sent you? The KGB wolf? Or the CIA jackal? Here's the news: Rapture isn't some sunken ship for you to plunder, and Andrew Ryan isn't the giddy socialite who can be pushed around by government muscle."
* "It was not impossible to build Rapture at the bottom of the sea. It was impossible to build it anywhere else."
* "On the surface, I once bought a forest. The parasites claimed that the land belonged to God, and that I establish a public park there. Why? So that the rabble could stand slack-jawed under the canopy and pretend that it was paradise earned. When Congress moved to nationalize my forest, I burnt it to the ground. God did not plant the seeds of this Arcadia. I did."
* "What is the difference between a man and a parasite? A man builds, a parasite asks, 'Where's my share?' A man creates, a parasite says, 'What will the neighbors think?' A man invents, a parasite says, 'Watch out, or you might tread on the toes of God...'"
o Paraphrase of a quote from the Fountainhead. "And here man faces his basic alternative: he can survive in only one of two ways—by the independent work of his own mind or as a parasite fed by the minds of others. The creator originates. The parasite borrows. The creator faces nature alone. The parasite faces nature through an intermediary." (Howard Roark)
* "Even in a book of lies you sometimes find truth. There is indeed a season for all things, and now that I see you flesh to flesh, blood to blood, I know I cannot raise my hand against you. But know this, you are my greatest disappointment. Does your master hear me? Atlas! You can kill me, but you can never have my city! My strength is not in steel or fire, that is what the parasites will never understand. A season for all things, a time to live, and a time to die. A time to build, and a time to destroy! Come now my child, there is one last thing to discuss."
* "I believe in no God, no invisible man in the sky. But there is something more powerful in each of us, a combination of our efforts, a great chain of industry that unites us. But it is only when we struggle in our own interests that the chain pulls society in the right direction. The chain is too powerful and too mysterious for any government to guide. Any man who tells you differently either has his hand in your pocket or a pistol to your neck."
* "Is there blood in the streets? Of course. Have some chosen to destroy themselves with careless splicing? Undeniable. But I will make no proclamations, I will dictate no laws. The Great Chain moves slowly, but with wisdom. It is our impatience that invites in the Parasite of big government. And once you've invited it in, it will never stop feeding on the body of the city. "
* "What is the greatest lie ever created? What is the most vicious obscenity ever perpetrated on mankind? Slavery? The Holocaust? Dictatorship? No. It's the tool with which all that wickedness is built. Altruism."
* "Why are you so resistant to the traditional methods of separating a man from his soul?"
* "The assassin has overcome my final defense, and now he's come to murder me. In the end, what separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No, a man chooses, a slave obeys. You think you have memories. A farm, a family, an airplane, a crash, and then this place. Was there really a family? Did that plane crash, or was it hijacked, forced down, forced down by something less than a man? Something bred to sleepwalk through life, until they're activated by a simple phrase spoken by their kindly master? Was a man sent to kill? Or a slave? A man chooses, a slave obeys. Come here, stop, would you kindly? 'Would you kindly'. A powerful phrase, a familiar phrase. Sit, would you kindly? Stand, would you kindly? Run! Stop. Turn! A man chooses, a slave obeys."
* "KILL! A man chooses...a slave obeys...OBEY! "
* "On the surface, the Parasite expects the doctor to heal them for free, the farmer to feed them out of charity. How little they differ from the pervert, who prowls the streets, looking for a victim he can ravish for his grotesque amusement."
01-25-2010, 11:44 AM
I'm playing through Bioshock on ps3 before I get 2, which I pre-ordered. Mass Effect 2 will require a better PC but it looks glorious.
01-25-2010, 11:54 AM
I'm playing Mass Effect 1 right now. Literally. It's in a window on my other monitor. Just made Spectre.
01-25-2010, 11:58 AM
I saw a review of ME2 and I guess using a saved game from the first one can make a pretty big difference.
I don't have mine anymore :(
01-25-2010, 12:09 PM
I really want this game, but I'm still working through Bayonetta and Darksiders. Too many damn games. =(
01-25-2010, 01:58 PM
I haven't played ME1 yet but the people I know are having a great time with ME2. I've been told it's like "every good part of ME1 but a million times better."
01-25-2010, 03:18 PM
I'll definitely be picking it up. My first play through of ME ended with a corrupted save file, which led to a crash around three hours in.
I decided to pick it up again since ME2 is coming out, and I'm around 15 hours in, and really enjoying it.
Yes, it's very repetitive, but, that seems to be a common complaints that I'm having with game development lately. I had the same issue with Assassins Creed, but it was resolved in the sequel.
My guess is that they are simply attempting to make a decently fun game, and establish the framework for the sequel. Or, which is even more likely, they had more planned and it just got cut so they could meet their street date.
If only all companies had Blizzard's financial backing and could just release a game whenever the hell they feel it's ready.
01-25-2010, 05:53 PM
I'm trying to decide if I should get it for PC or 360. My save file is on my 360, but I don't like playing with the 360 controller -- I'd much rather use keyboard/mouse.
Does starting ME2 from scratch (not importing your save file) make a huge difference?
01-25-2010, 07:27 PM
Does starting ME2 from scratch (not importing your save file) make a huge difference?
Check out the IGN review.
01-26-2010, 02:16 PM
Got my copy. Can not WAIT to play it this evening. 97/100 on MetaCritic.
01-26-2010, 04:00 PM
Love it. Tired.
01-26-2010, 07:12 PM
Usually having tuesday's off sucks (thank you Blizzard), but not today. Logged about 6 hours today and having a blast. Imported my character from ME1 and am already impressed how many times past choices have helped (haunted) me.
01-26-2010, 09:54 PM
After playing ME2 for a few hours now, I'm really regretting not finishing my renegade playthrough of ME1 since it always seems like the renegade interrupt actions would be more entertaining. Looking forward to having more time to play this weekend.
Stanley Burrell
01-30-2010, 10:33 PM
So I'd been checking the front porch in the freezing weather every single day, like every 5 minutes, since the 26th, when ME2 was scheduled to arrive (1-day delivery.)
So today, my dad gets back from visiting one of my grandmother's (his mom) in FL, where it's supposed to be 85 fucking degrees tomorrow, but anyhow:
So my dad comes down with a package from ebgames and is like, "Mom thought this was for me and was holding onto it, but ... No."
I am so fucking pissed off right now, I could've been fucking playing during the intro not-actually-having-to-study-basically-anything week at my university, but instead; now I have only until probably mid-day tomorrow until I have to start buckling down with class reading/studying.
I will stab you until my arm gets tired.
Peace and :love: y'all.
01-31-2010, 03:46 PM
I've learned that lesson. I get my pre-orders from the store itself.
01-31-2010, 04:01 PM
So I'd been checking the front porch in the freezing weather every single day, like every 5 minutes, since the 26th, when ME2 was scheduled to arrive (1-day delivery.)
So today, my dad gets back from visiting one of my grandmother's (his mom) in FL, where it's supposed to be 85 fucking degrees tomorrow, but anyhow:
So my dad comes down with a package from ebgames and is like, "Mom thought this was for me and was holding onto it, but ... No."
I am so fucking pissed off right now, I could've been fucking playing during the intro not-actually-having-to-study-basically-anything week at my university, but instead; now I have only until probably mid-day tomorrow until I have to start buckling down with class reading/studying.
I will stab you until my arm gets tired.
Peace and :love: y'all.
That's what flamethrowers were invented for.
That and passive-agressive rename-the-important-looking-dll-files-on-their-computer-until-shit-doesn't-work-then-you-can-hold-ransoms-instead-of-apologies.
Whatever, I downloaded it. 14gb... took a day or two.
02-01-2010, 11:51 AM
Anyone complete the game as of yet? I figure i'm a little over half way, but I intend to complete everything possible on this playthrough. I've over 200k elements for everything but eezo, which i've over 50k, and think that's good enough. Took a long while to gather all of that, though.
I've managed to recruit all characters possible, but it looks like there is one vacant slot, which I assume is for another DLC character to be released somewhere down the line. I've run loyalty missions on Jacob, Miranda, Jack, and Zhead(sp), and have everyone else's unlocked. Right now, all I have left are 2 or 3 systems I bought via the store on Illium to explore, and 2 quest related solar systems which I have to check for secondary missions. After that, it will be loyalty missions, and completing the game.
I'm roughly level 20, and I have to say that even without the bullshit drive around each planet looking for minerals missions that this game is longer than the first. I like the game better than the first, but I actually prefered the combat in the first game. It was clunkier, but less a clone of Gears and every other cover-based shooter.
Where is everyone else?
02-01-2010, 12:18 PM
So last night I watched a movie while my roommate was playing mass effect, I think the only thing he did pretty much the whole time was move a tiny slow reticle around a planet and fire probes. It looked boring as shit.
02-01-2010, 12:19 PM
I just wrapped ME1, and I'm around level 10 in ME2 now. At first, I really felt that I disliked the duck and cover approach to ME2, but after a few hours, I'm really enjoying it. I wanted to unlock all the characters before getting into the side missions, and I think I have 2-3 left, but I've been trying to complete each system when I have quests in it. So I'm around 100 to 150k for all elements, except eezo.
The bioware team actually addressed almost every single issue I had with the first game, so I'm really enjoying the sequel.
Has anyone tried installing it to their HD? The load times seem a bit long at times, and I'm curious how this works with a 2 game disk.
02-01-2010, 12:22 PM
So last night I watched a movie while my roommate was playing mass effect, I think the only thing he did pretty much the whole time was move a tiny slow reticle around a planet and fire probes. It looked boring as shit.
Yeah. Actually driving around on the planet in the Mako was boring, but spending hour after hour doing what you described IMO is worse. I like that the side missions actually have a strong plot, whereas you just sort of stumbled upon them as an afterthought in the first one, but honestly, they need to change this up for the next one. What would be cool is if every now and then you would detect a Thrasher Maw, or a randomly generated Pirate/Merc outpost to go shoot up.
I just wrapped ME1, and I'm around level 10 in ME2 now. At first, I really felt that I disliked the duck and cover approach to ME2, but after a few hours, I'm really enjoying it. I wanted to unlock all the characters before getting into the side missions, and I think I have 2-3 left, but I've been trying to complete each system when I have quests in it. So I'm around 100 to 150k for all elements, except eezo.
The bioware team actually addressed almost every single issue I had with the first game, so I'm really enjoying the sequel.
Has anyone tried installing it to their HD? The load times seem a bit long at times, and I'm curious how this works with a 2 game disk.
I have it for the PC, so I can't rightly say. Load times are pretty decent for the PC, about 3-5 seconds for on-ship stuff, and about 15-20 seconds for on-world stuff. I'll see if I can ask one of my friends who has the game for the console.
02-01-2010, 12:26 PM
It's not like I haven't played games with tedious grinds, but I think a single player RPG/Shooter should be just a tad past the whole make you grind for no reason. The whole scanning and getting to a higher deposit location required no skill, just time, I didn't exactly bother figuring out the entire mechanics of it, but it also looked like he had enough probes (30 for each?) to get everything from a planet, so it's not like he had to make a tough choice or anything either.
Pretty terrible they'd introduce a grind like that.
02-01-2010, 12:30 PM
Yeah. Actually driving around on the planet in the Mako was boring, but spending hour after hour doing what you described IMO is worse. I like that the side missions actually have a strong plot, whereas you just sort of stumbled upon them as an afterthought in the first one, but honestly, they need to change this up for the next one. What would be cool is if every now and then you would detect a Thrasher Maw, or a randomly generated Pirate/Merc outpost to go shoot up.
I keep on hoping that I would run into this, but, if you're almost done, and haven't seen it yet, I guess the chances are slim. It would provide all of the fun of the 'random events' of ME1, without all the lame driving around on the Mako.
I didn't mind the planet scanning, I actually just put on some music, bs'ed on AIM and it was actually pretty fun. Especially knowing that there are so many upgrades out there.
02-01-2010, 12:39 PM
I've managed to recruit all characters possible, but it looks like there is one vacant slot, which I assume is for another DLC character to be released somewhere down the line. I've run loyalty missions on Jacob, Miranda, Jack, and Zhead(sp), and have everyone else's unlocked. Right now, all I have left are 2 or 3 systems I bought via the store on Illium to explore, and 2 quest related solar systems which I have to check for secondary missions. After that, it will be loyalty missions, and completing the game.
Where is everyone else?
I'm set to go through the omega4 relay which leads to end game. You'll pick up that last character slot soonish and it's pretty badass.
02-01-2010, 12:43 PM
It's not like I haven't played games with tedious grinds, but I think a single player RPG/Shooter should be just a tad past the whole make you grind for no reason. The whole scanning and getting to a higher deposit location required no skill, just time, I didn't exactly bother figuring out the entire mechanics of it, but it also looked like he had enough probes (30 for each?) to get everything from a planet, so it's not like he had to make a tough choice or anything either.
Pretty terrible they'd introduce a grind like that.
Keep in mind, Cel, that this part of the game is COMPLETELY optional. Aside from dropping a single probe to find the source of transmissions on planets, you DO NOT need to hunt down elements to beat the game. Hell, even the side missions alert you immediately when they are available on the planet, so you don't need to waste time guessing which planet has one.
You find caches of elements scattered throughout the missions. While you wont be able to get every upgrade in the game, you would have more than enough to get you through the game without serious difficulty. Hell, I would say if you spent maybe 20 minutes gathering elements from a few planets you would have enough to cover 75% of the upgrades in the game, let alone plot-specific stuff.
I really wouldn't let this stop you from giving the game a try.
think I am gonna go buy it, since my options are go to gamespot and buy it or sit at my desk doing nothing for 5 more hours.
02-01-2010, 12:52 PM
think I am gonna go buy it, since my options are go to gamespot and buy it or sit at my desk doing nothing for 5 more hours.
Gotta love showing up for no reason.
02-01-2010, 01:05 PM
Keep in mind, Cel, that this part of the game is COMPLETELY optional. Aside from dropping a single probe to find the source of transmissions on planets, you DO NOT need to hunt down elements to beat the game. Hell, even the side missions alert you immediately when they are available on the planet, so you don't need to waste time guessing which planet has one.
You find caches of elements scattered throughout the missions. While you wont be able to get every upgrade in the game, you would have more than enough to get you through the game without serious difficulty. Hell, I would say if you spent maybe 20 minutes gathering elements from a few planets you would have enough to cover 75% of the upgrades in the game, let alone plot-specific stuff.
I really wouldn't let this stop you from giving the game a try.
I have trouble not completing something if it's right there infront of me in a video game, it would bother me, but yeah after watching it I'd just let that part of the game go. Either way I probably won't be playing it, mostly because, even as an "rpg shooter" i can't stand shooters on a console, and I've got enough other games on my plate and not enough time to play them.
02-01-2010, 01:07 PM
Keep in mind, Cel, that this part of the game is COMPLETELY optional. Aside from dropping a single probe to find the source of transmissions on planets, you DO NOT need to hunt down elements to beat the game. Hell, even the side missions alert you immediately when they are available on the planet, so you don't need to waste time guessing which planet has one.
You find caches of elements scattered throughout the missions. While you wont be able to get every upgrade in the game, you would have more than enough to get you through the game without serious difficulty. Hell, I would say if you spent maybe 20 minutes gathering elements from a few planets you would have enough to cover 75% of the upgrades in the game, let alone plot-specific stuff.
I really wouldn't let this stop you from giving the game a try.
I've actually had more trouble getting the cash together to buy the upgrades from shops than using the minerals to research them. As to the console loading time if you install it on the 360 it's about the same as the pc and it's a bit longer if you just run it off the disc.
02-01-2010, 01:10 PM
I have trouble not completing something if it's right there infront of me in a video game, it would bother me, but yeah after watching it I'd just let that part of the game go. Either way I probably won't be playing it, mostly because, even as an "rpg shooter" i can't stand shooters on a console, and I've got enough other games on my plate and not enough time to play them.
Due to my setup, my keyboard/mouse situation is a bit uncomfortable, but i've gotten used to playing shooters on my PC, and you're right, they're definitely better. It is out for the PC, though, as that's the platform I chose to play the game.
As for being a completionist, I am as well. Even so, i've started skipping over a lot of planets because I believe I have WAY more elements than I will ever need. What I would suggest doing if you ever get the game is wait until you NEED the elements to harvest them. That way, you don't spend an extra 2-3 hours dragging a mouse over a stupid planet while listening for bleeps and bloops.
02-01-2010, 01:11 PM
I've actually had more trouble getting the cash together to buy the upgrades from shops than using the minerals to research them. As to the console loading time if you install it on the 360 it's about the same as the pc and it's a bit longer if you just run it off the disc.
I hear you. Credits are TIGHT in this game. It almost makes you want to go renegade so you can extort/bribe people for extra money. I keep waiting for an opportunity to trade in minerals for credits, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. How many hours are you into the game? It sounds like you've done a hell of a lot more than I have. You must not be getting much sleep. I know i'm not.
02-01-2010, 01:38 PM
I hear you. Credits are TIGHT in this game. It almost makes you want to go renegade so you can extort/bribe people for extra money. I keep waiting for an opportunity to trade in minerals for credits, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. How many hours are you into the game? It sounds like you've done a hell of a lot more than I have. You must not be getting much sleep. I know i'm not.
Yeah, I've been hoping there is some alternative method of earning credits. Selling/trading minerals would have been great. Or, bounties.
I haven't been able to extort many people for more credits in game yet, however, every vendor can be convinced to reduce their prices. Although, I think there is a paragon option for that as well.
Gotta love showing up for no reason.
Yah I genuinely cant tell if they just expect me to fuck around and leave constantly or want me to sit there.
Well home now and found the xbox that had my insanity completed save so should be interesting apparently I beat the game on all difficulties and have a renegade and good guy save :). Thanks me 2 years ago!
Credits are tight? Is that a joke? Most of the upgrades you can "buy" using the ore you mined... I find myself with 200,000+ credits and nothing to buy.
ALSO I am incredibly disappointed with the "romance" scenes. I was expecting something on par with the scenes from Dragon Age. Something along the lines of Miranda's bouncing titties (like Morrigan's in DA). No such luck.
however, every vendor can be convinced to reduce their prices. Although, I think there is a paragon option for that as well.
Yeah, there's a paragon option for this. Most of the time it's just a dialogue choice, sometimes you have to complete a short "assignment" or whatever.
My favorite is doing it on the Citadel... you endorse a bunch of different stores and give them all the same voice recording. "I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the Citadel." Pretty funny to run around and hear it at four+ different stores, haha.
02-01-2010, 03:06 PM
My favorite is doing it on the Citadel... you endorse a bunch of different stores and give them all the same voice recording. "I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the Citadel." Pretty funny to run around and hear it at four+ different stores, haha.
The ol' George Foreman approach, eh?
02-01-2010, 03:07 PM
Credits are tight? Is that a joke? Most of the upgrades you can "buy" using the ore you mined... I find myself with 200,000+ credits and nothing to buy.
ALSO I am incredibly disappointed with the "romance" scenes. I was expecting something on par with the scenes from Dragon Age. Something along the lines of Miranda's bouncing titties (like Morrigan's in DA). No such luck.
I started with an extra 150k from completing MA 1 at level 50. Were you coming in with a level 60 character? Also, are you sure you're buying all the upgrades? They can be found on Omega, Illium, and the Citadel that I have seen so far. I'm playing on hard if that makes any difference, and some upgrades can be as much as 75k-90k a pop. I build up about 200k credits, but that only gets you a few upgrades before you're broke again.
Did you spend a lot of money on probes/Fuel? I've pretty much depleted every planet i've come across, and i've only two or three galaxies left to complete. The probes/fuel aren't TOO expensive, but it adds up.
I also think it is how far along you are in the game. Once you buy EVERY upgrade you can get your hands will run out of things to spend credits on. Therefore, you should end the game with a glut of credits if you run every single mission possible. I finished MA1 with 999,999,999 credits, but there WERE times in the game where I couldn't buy everything possible. I think MA2 will likely be the same way.
I started with an extra 150k from completing MA 1 at level 50. Were you coming in with a level 60 character? Also, are you sure you're buying all the upgrades? They can be found on Omega, Illium, and the Citadel that I have seen so far. I'm playing on hard if that makes any difference, and some upgrades can be as much as 75k-90k a pop. I build up about 200k credits, but that only gets you a few upgrades before you're broke again.
Did you spend a lot of money on probes/Fuel? I've pretty much depleted every planet i've come across, and i've only two or three galaxies left to complete. The probes/fuel aren't TOO expensive, but it adds up.
Started with a new character (somehow had deleted the save from ME1, argh), played through and beat it on normal. I got all the upgrades except a few sniper rifle ones (although I did build Legion his special gun) and I only had to actually buy a few things vs. research them.
The probes and fuel aren't all that expensive, especially if you research stuff instead of actually buying it... since you have a surplus of credits if you research instead of buy.
I bought all the star maps, explored all the systems, and pretty much depleted EVERY planet. So being OCD about that and enjoying it as a "mini-game" helps. Ended up with a lot of ore that I had no use for, in the end. :(
Edit: It COULD be how far you are along in the game, I'll give you that. Although the only place I really didn't have enough credits for everything I wanted to buy was Omega, and that was the first place I went. After that I did a few plot missions, racked up credits from Cerberus, and mined the shit out of planets to research everything.
I like how you guys talk about depleting every planet...honestly whos the real reaper in this game.
I like how you guys talk about depleting every planet...honestly whos the real reaper in this game.
Yeeeaaah, I turned to my fiance and said something along the lines of "shouldn't depleting every single planet, every unexplored galaxy, turn you renegade or something?"
And he just shrugged.
02-01-2010, 05:03 PM
Finished it up last night on my Paragon playthrough and I ended up replaying the last mission a few times, just to see what would happen if I picked different people to go different directions. I'll give it a day or two and then try it out again fem-Renegade style, mostly just because I wanted to shoot some of the NPCs mid-conversation when the interrupt button popped up.
I'm a little afraid of the female Shepard romance options, given the cast of characters, though.
I'm a little afraid of the female Shepard romance options, given the cast of characters, though.
Yeeeaaaah... Garrus and Thane? No thanks.
02-01-2010, 05:18 PM
Yeeeaaaah... Garrus and Thane? No thanks.
Better Garrus than Mordin.
I was a little sad that I fucked up Thane's loyalty mission. He was one of my prime party members until I lost access to his bonus power. After that, it was Mordin and Miranda for some Heavy Overload and Incineration Blast combo power.
Better Garrus than Mordin.
I was a little sad that I fucked up Thane's loyalty mission. He was one of my prime party members until I lost access to his bonus power. After that, it was Mordin and Miranda for some Heavy Overload and Incineration Blast combo power.
Mordin isn't an option. Females get to pick from Jacob, Garrus, Thane, or Kelly. Laaaaame.
02-01-2010, 08:15 PM
Started with a new character (somehow had deleted the save from ME1, argh), played through and beat it on normal. I got all the upgrades except a few sniper rifle ones (although I did build Legion his special gun) and I only had to actually buy a few things vs. research them.
The probes and fuel aren't all that expensive, especially if you research stuff instead of actually buying it... since you have a surplus of credits if you research instead of buy.
I bought all the star maps, explored all the systems, and pretty much depleted EVERY planet. So being OCD about that and enjoying it as a "mini-game" helps. Ended up with a lot of ore that I had no use for, in the end. :(
Edit: It COULD be how far you are along in the game, I'll give you that. Although the only place I really didn't have enough credits for everything I wanted to buy was Omega, and that was the first place I went. After that I did a few plot missions, racked up credits from Cerberus, and mined the shit out of planets to research everything.
I'm pretty sure to get the full damage bonus to each weapon and tech/biotic you have to buy the upgrades for them too just researching alone won't do it. Omega, Citadel, Illium and the Krogan homeworld all have shops on them.
02-01-2010, 08:17 PM
Finished it up last night on my Paragon playthrough and I ended up replaying the last mission a few times, just to see what would happen if I picked different people to go different directions. I'll give it a day or two and then try it out again fem-Renegade style, mostly just because I wanted to shoot some of the NPCs mid-conversation when the interrupt button popped up.
I'm a little afraid of the female Shepard romance options, given the cast of characters, though.
Some of the paragon/renegade action choices are kinda messed up. Take when you're rescuing Garrus for example, how is shooting an advancing mech in the head with a sniper rifle a renegade action? They're enemies coming for you not to mention it's a damn robot.
I'm pretty sure to get the full damage bonus to each weapon and tech/biotic you have to buy the upgrades for them too just researching alone won't do it. Omega, Citadel, Illium and the Krogan homeworld all have shops on them.
You'll note I said I bought a few. The rest were upgrades.
02-01-2010, 08:24 PM
You'll note I said I bought a few. The rest were upgrades.
Yeah I got that but can you get the 5/5 damage upgrades without having to buy them? I thought it was a combination of buying some of them at the stations and finding them in the field and researching.
Yeah I got that but can you get the 5/5 damage upgrades without having to buy them? I thought it was a combination of buying some of them at the stations and finding them in the field and researching.
I *think* 2 of 5 are bought, and 3 of 5 can be researched for each upgrade type.
02-07-2010, 02:18 PM
I beat this Thursday. I've been sick on and off so I didn't play much until that day. Still, loved the game, though it does have its flaws. Mordin dying for NO FUCKING REASON at the end pissed me off, as I had to go through and beat it again to get that achievement and not have him killed off for MA3.
I'm playing through the game again on insanity, and like a lot of you, am going to have my female character be my renegade. It's tough, but not that bad. There are a few other glitches with the game i'm noticing too.
02-07-2010, 02:36 PM
One thing I didn't like about ME1 was when you played on the hardest difficulty the loot didn't scale with it.
02-10-2010, 10:05 AM
I beat this last night (lost Legion for some reason). Really didn't feel it was worth playing over again just to save him (I thought he kinda sucked anyway). I really didn't enjoy the final level that much.
Other than that, and the crash I hit when I created a new character, I really enjoyed the game. Finished it just in time for Dante's Inferno :)
Stanley Burrell
02-10-2010, 10:12 AM
Jack was eaten by a seeker swarm and Miranda was dead for no reason. I don't even know if loyalty had anything to do with who lived/died in the end.
like a lot of you, am going to have my female character be my renegade.
You psychological genius bastard.
02-10-2010, 10:23 AM
I lost Tali because she got shot in the head by a rocket, for some reason Zaeed got shot in the chest, and Jack was just laying on the ground dead at the end. I heard it has to do with not having their special power researched.
Stanley Burrell
02-10-2010, 10:27 AM
Dude, it's telling me Grunt is loyal, but I can't research his special ability.
Now I have to get BioShock 2. Because of this.
02-10-2010, 10:34 AM
If you got him through the Rite should be good.
02-10-2010, 11:43 AM
I lost Tali because she got shot in the head by a rocket, for some reason Zaeed got shot in the chest, and Jack was just laying on the ground dead at the end. I heard it has to do with not having their special power researched.
That's how I lost legion.
It could be if you have their 'class' ability maxed. I think Legion was the only character I didn't have that maxed out for. Perhaps its a combination of them being loyal and their class ability? Or it could just be having any power maxed out.
EDIT: The other factor that goes into this is whether you were able to break up the 'fights' on the normandy using paragon/renegade options. The only one I couldn't break up was the Tali/Legion fight, and I sided with Tali during that. I imagine that is really what caused Legion to take the head shot. I'm not sure why I wasn't able to break up that fight, but I suspect it's because I chose the class option that provides more damage, and less impact to Paragon/Renegade options.
02-10-2010, 12:18 PM
Only person I lost was Zaeed on my paragon play through. Everyone was at full loyalty.
02-10-2010, 02:48 PM
There is a random factor involved too I've read on a couple message boards now about how people had all the upgrades done and full loyalty and still managed to have people die on them.
02-13-2010, 01:17 AM
I've nearly completed a playthrough on insanity, though the last guy is kicking my ass. A bunch of people died on this playthrough, even though everyone is loyal. I guess being a renagade bitch has its disadvantages. I had everyone survive on the first playthrough, but I think waiting so long to go through the omega relay is bad juju.
Anyone beat the game on insanity yet? I would recommend against being an adept.
Stanley Burrell
02-13-2010, 03:42 AM
I'm playing it on Veteran right now and having enough trouble with that.
AKA: Where's the ammo?
02-13-2010, 12:30 PM
I didn't bother trying to collect ammo. If you don't have a sniper rifle you're pretty much boned. Did you select assault rifle?
Stanley Burrell
02-13-2010, 05:15 PM
I didn't bother trying to collect ammo. If you don't have a sniper rifle you're pretty much boned. Did you select assault rifle?
I'm playing as a Soldier, it's imported from my last game, so I already have the third assault rifle. This time I'll pick up the better sniper rifle. I have Miranda's slam ability as my extra power. Seriously though, I don't know how I'm going to beat the human Reaper.
BTW, is there a third pistol? Besides the hand-cannon and the other one?
02-13-2010, 06:11 PM
I'm playing as a Soldier, it's imported from my last game, so I already have the third assault rifle. This time I'll pick up the better sniper rifle. I have Miranda's slam ability as my extra power. Seriously though, I don't know how I'm going to beat the human Reaper.
BTW, is there a third pistol? Besides the hand-cannon and the other one?
Ah, I meant if you selected another weapon specialization on the Reaper IFF mission. If you're not a Soldier, you get to choose a new weapon type to go with. Sniper Rifle training is by far the best choice, though some argue for Assault rifle. ANYWAY
I would highly suggest going with a power like Fortification. Being able to instantly repair your shields is a life saver, especially at the higher difficulty levels. I would also suggest taking people who can give you a group ammo bonus that burns through armor like Incinerate ammo from Jacob. You equip him with the new DLC eviserator shotgun and he becomes an excellent addition. I chose Morinth as my other character, as she has a "Dominate" ability that is awesome. It is basically like AI hacking for organics. I would suggest Miranda for her group health/weapon damage, or Grunt for overall toughness.
As for tactics, the first time the guy pops up, I spend my time getting into position (as far away from the drone spawnpoint as possible), and perhaps use a bit of assault rifle fire to do some damage. The second time he pops up he summons drones, so this is when I fire that 1 shot from the Cain heavy weapon right at his chest. You only get one blast, so it is good to use it when other creatures can be hit by it too. It should drop his shields by roughly 20%. After that, switch to that viper sniper rifle, or if you get the upgrade as a soldier, the Mantis/widow (though viper might be better as it has a TON more ammo...whichever has the rapid fire), if you manage to hit the reaper in the eye with the majority of shots he will be almost dead. I've found that the best weapon after that is the handgun. It strips a surprising amount of health/armor off of creatures. You can use the Adrenalin Burst power to get quality shots on his eyes without taking too much damage.
Doing this should score you a victory. It is a tough fight, no doubt. He will start taking out platforms via a fist attack that will warp you often right into a group of swarms. It is at that time that the Fortification power really shines. You start that up and run for cover. With any luck you will buy yourself enough time to finish him off with the pistol, but it will be a close call.
02-21-2010, 05:27 AM
Beat this game again to ensure a perfect paragon playthrough. In a bit I will beat it with Shepard dying, but not for a few months.
The best way to beat the final boss is to get all 6 (yes, 6) heavy weapon ammo upgrades, then equip the 10% extra heavy weapon ammo leg accessory. This gives you exactly enough ammo for 2 Cain weapon shots, which drops the main guy to 50% health on insanity. On lesser difficulties it might kill him outright.
After that, equip the mantis sniper rifle and preferably inferno rounds. If you work fast enough the bad guys won't even get a shot off at you.
A note on keeping everyone alive:
I've managed to keep everyone alive by doing the following things. First, have everyone at full loyalty. Second, break up any fights (Jack and Miranda, Tali and Legion) by using Paragon/Renegade options. Failing to do so will result in a loss of loyalty status. Next, complete EVERY mission possible before going on the mission to retrieve Legion. Also, you MUST have everyone's upgrade that effect the ship's offense and defense (Garrus's guns, Tali's armor, etc) Then, immediately after retrieving Legion, activate him, and depart for his loyalty mission. Immediately after that you will need to go through the Omega relay, or lose the cerberus crew if you delay to do more side missions. Also, you need to ensure you have key personel assigned to the proper tasks. Legion should hack the door, and Garrus should lead the second team at both instances. Samara should provide your biotic shield against the seeker swarms. Finally, send Mordin back with the crew that you rescue. For some odd reason he can end up dead on the final battle, loyal or not.
You most likely CAN have everyone survive by mixing up the people in the steps above, but I know for a fact that those actions all done together will have a 100% survival rate. Other than those obvious steps, I would suggest maxing out all equipment and upgrades. I can't say if this is a factor, but I imagine it couldn't hurt.
If anyone has any questions regarding the game, and you don't feel like wading through gamefaqs, shoot me a PM and I will see if I can help.
02-21-2010, 09:18 PM
I had Samara escort people back and Jack provide the biotic shield. I had Garrus lead the first team, the merc lead the second (can't remember his name). Talli hacked the door. The only person that I had die on my paragon playthrough was the merc.
02-21-2010, 09:47 PM
Yeah. Don't let Miranda provide the biotic shield. Bitch got one of my guy's killed. I think Jack/Samara/Morinth are all capable of doing it. Not sure on Jacob and Miranda, i'm thinking they blow. I think the merc leading the team was your reason for failing. Garrus is a lock for both team lead jobs. Tali or Legion are the obvious choices for the hack mission.
Going to play through again, Drinin? What difficulty?
02-21-2010, 11:14 PM
Yeah, bumped it up a notch on my renegade playthrough, on hard now.
02-26-2010, 02:07 PM
New Mass Effect 2 DLC has been announced for late March, which will include a new vehicle that will presumably be used in one or all of the 5 new missions. It will be free to those in the Cerberus Network (As in, everyone who didn't steal the game).
Stanley Burrell
02-26-2010, 02:12 PM
Beat it on Insanity and I don't have Live. Had a vanguard with maxed tech armor and just his behind that one metal barricade that doesn't get knocked down by the human reaper. Popped the Harbingers with Garrus' tungsten ammo squad-equipped and the Geth assault rifle -- And they dropped heavy weapon ammo. Then it was Cain to the rescue (after several harbs.)
Edit: And Tali still fucking died.
02-26-2010, 04:06 PM
Love this game, finally finished it last night as a renegade infiltrator. Gotta love headshots!
My only problem with the game is being forced to go through the intro EVERY time you decide to make a new toon. Even if you have already beaten the game and import your character for another play through. I understand why they did it for the first time you play, but after that I really wish they would give you the option to tab through all the cutscenes. I swear if I have to rescue that stupid moron Joker one more time I am leaving him to burn if I have to hack the friggin' game. Or at least give us an option to just play around with the character creator or something. But waiting 15 minutes for cutscenes to play is a bit much.
Anyway.... /rant
If anyone is interested there is a great sight for stuff to DL for the game, mainly faces and saved ME1 game files, and stuff like that here
was a great help, seems I suck at making faces.
02-26-2010, 06:16 PM
Beat it on Insanity and I don't have Live. Had a vanguard with maxed tech armor and just his behind that one metal barricade that doesn't get knocked down by the human reaper. Popped the Harbingers with Garrus' tungsten ammo squad-equipped and the Geth assault rifle -- And they dropped heavy weapon ammo. Then it was Cain to the rescue (after several harbs.)
Edit: And Tali still fucking died.
Who did you put on which positions? Full loyalty?
Stanley Burrell
02-26-2010, 10:43 PM
Who did you put on which positions? Full loyalty?
I used Tali as the tech specialist, Miranda for both second teams, Thane to escort Chakwas and everyone. Samara for the barrier.
I sold Legion and never opened Grunt's pod -- And set up the radiation pulse for the Illusive Man.
Tali was face down on the ground for no reason at the end. Everyone was at full loyalty.
Edit: Oh. I was a Sentinel, not a Vanguard, my b. The most difficult battle for me on Insanity, actually, was on Horizon, fighting one of those metal fuckers that shoot the dual lasers as the final boss. You actually have to move around because it can hover over the tire barricade and I only had the Collector particle beam and no special ammo. That sucked.
02-27-2010, 12:51 AM
That is weird. No idea why she died. Mordin once died randomly on me, so I just sent him with Chakwa.
03-14-2010, 10:06 PM
I used Tali as the tech specialist, Miranda for both second teams, Thane to escort Chakwas and everyone. Samara for the barrier.
I sold Legion and never opened Grunt's pod -- And set up the radiation pulse for the Illusive Man.
Tali was face down on the ground for no reason at the end. Everyone was at full loyalty.
Edit: Oh. I was a Sentinel, not a Vanguard, my b. The most difficult battle for me on Insanity, actually, was on Horizon, fighting one of those metal fuckers that shoot the dual lasers as the final boss. You actually have to move around because it can hover over the tire barricade and I only had the Collector particle beam and no special ammo. That sucked.
I had the same problem with Tali when I used her as a tech specialist, she would randomly die during the cutscene escape despite having full loyalty and upgrades. So, I replaced her with Legion for tech, and used Miranda for leading the extra team twice, Mordin to lead people back to the ship, and psychotic biotic girl for the barrier. No one died that time. I think there's a certain element of random failure in there.
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